Gully Washer

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by Kimbra Swain

  Gully Washer

  Fairy Tales of a Trailer Park Queen, Book 5

  Kimbra Swain

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

  Kimbra Swain

  Gully Washer, Fairy Tales of a Trailer Park Queen, Book 5

  ©2018, Kimbra Swain / Crimson Sun Press, LLC

  [email protected]

  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. This book contains material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from the author / publisher.

  Book Cover by:

  Formatting by Serendipity Formats:

  Editing by Carol Tietsworth:


  A Note From The Author

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  A Message From The Author


  About the Author

  Moonshine in a Mason Jar Sneak Peek

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  A Note From The Author

  When I first started writing Gully Washer, I knew that it would be a long book if I covered all the bases that I wanted to with regards to the story. It’s a big story to tell, so the story arc in Gully Washer is continued in Moonshine in a Mason Jar which will be released June 2nd, then finished in Hotter than Blue Blazes on July 6th (maybe earlier depending on my free time). I hope that you will bear with me through this part of the story.

  On my website, you will find a list of the Fairy Tales of a Trailer Park Queen book titles. There will be 15 books and a few short stories. I know the series is lengthy, but I promise to make them all fantastic reads for those of you who love these books.

  Thank you so much for your continued support and outpouring of love.


  The stream rushed lazily over the stones creating a calming gurgle as Dylan and I sat on a blanket under the canopy of trees. He had packed a picnic lunch for us since it was his day off from the sheriff's department. It was official. He was the Sheriff of Lowden County again. Thankfully, today he wore torn jeans and a blue t-shirt with a Pepsi logo on the front, instead of the tans and browns of his uniform. We snacked on cheese, crackers, and wine.

  “Beautiful,” he said, taking in the scenery.

  “Dylan, if you are about to drop a lame come-on line, let me attest, I’m a sure thing,” I said.

  “It’s a nice day. Why must you ruin it?” he asked, laughing at me anyway.

  I winked at him. “I’m sorry. What were you saying?”

  “You are beautiful,” he continued.

  “Why thank you, Sheriff Riggs. You want to wade out into the water with me?” I asked.

  “No, I’d rather take you home and bed you,” he said.

  “You remember the last time we were here?” I asked.

  “I do,” he said. “You stood out there in the water, splashing me. You had on a white skirt tied up at your hip. I kept hoping you would bust your ass so it would get wet and I could see through it.”

  “Well, I never,” I scoffed.

  “You never what?” he asked, rolling up on his elbows to look at me.

  “Very crude, Sheriff,” I replied.

  He shrugged, “I come by it honestly. Now, why don’t you go wade on out there and fall down for me,” he said. “I’ll rescue you.”

  I laughed, and it echoed through the trees. On my knees, I crossed over to where he was lounging. Planting myself between the food and his warm body, I said, “There is no one out here. How about a little outdoor fun?” I ran my hand up under his shirt. He laid back on his back, groaning as I raked my fingernails down his chest.

  Then, we realized that we weren’t as alone as we thought.

  “Hey Grace!” a voice called out from the water.

  Dylan raised up to look at Cletus and Tater on some kind of contraption in the creek.

  “What the hell?” Dylan muttered.

  They each balanced on their own raft made entirely of plastic two-liter bottles. They held poles to push themselves along made of PVC pipe.

  “I thought y’all gave up on that foolish boat idea,” I said to them. After the tornado in the trailer park, their supply of plastic bottles had been scattered across half the county. We had to have a clean-up day just to try to minimize the damage.

  “Well, we did. It was a bit ambitious,” Cletus said.

  “Yeah, so we made rafts,” Tater added.

  “It’s Huck Finn and Tom Sawyer,” I said.

  “No, Grace, it’s me, Cletus. I don’t look like my cousin Tom,” he said.

  “Your last name is Sawyer?” I asked.

  “Yeah, ‘tis,” he replied.

  “Mine is too,” Tater added.

  “Y’all are kin?” I asked.

  “Naw. But we have the same last name. Cletus and Tater Sawyer,” Cletus explained.

  “You have to be related,” Dylan said.

  “Nah, but he’s like a brother to me, so we might as well be,” Cletus said.

  I sat with my mouth open, astonished at the absurdity of it. Looking at Dylan, he smirked, because I was so dumbfounded. I shook my head in disbelief.

  “You guys have fun, but don’t make me send out a search party because you got lost on your bottle rafts,” Dylan said.

  “We made one for you too, Sheriff,” Tater said. “It’s back at the trailer.”

  “That’s mighty kind of you,” Dylan said.

  “Grace, you can go back to seducing Dylan now,” Cletus said. Dylan coughed uncomfortably.

  “Move along, boys,” I called out to them. They pushed off down the creek, and I looked back at Dylan. “Those two crack me up.”

  “I had no idea what their last name was either,” Dylan said. “But, I’m sure there was some talk about seducing.” Dylan grabbed my wrist, pulling my body back to his.

  “Cletus said something about it. Want me to call him back?” I asked.

  “No. Come here,” he said, rolling me over on top of him. My brown hair cascaded down around our faces. He pushed it back, grinning up at me. “Like I said, beautiful.”

  “The blue eyes don’t bother you?” I asked because I had never been successful at restoring my brown-eyed glamour for any long period. At least, my hair was brown.

  “No, Grace. I love every part of you. The fake parts as well as the real parts,” he said.

  I laid down with my head on his chest. Taking deep breaths, I tried to calm my inner self. It had almost been a full cycle since the last full moon, and I wasn’t pregnant. I was convinced that there was something wrong with me. I’d consulted several seers and mystics, but all of them assured me that I wasn’t barren. Physically, I could produce a child
. I just hadn’t yet.

  “Talk to me,” he urged.

  “I’m not pregnant,” I said.

  “I know that,” he said.

  “I feel like I’m failing you,” I muttered. He rolled me over on my back, hovering above me.

  “Grace, if we never have a child together, I will love you until the day that I draw my last breath. If I don’t have an heir, so be it. I wouldn’t want to be anywhere or with anyone except with you,” he said.

  A tear trickled down my cheek because it was almost sweet. Okay. It was sweet. Way too sweet. Sappy, lovey-dovey sweet. Damn. I loved this man. Every single part of him. I wanted to give him a child so badly. I had even asked my father’s ghost about it. He assured me that it would happen when the fates deemed it to be. The fates needed to hurry the fuck up.

  “Besides if it weren’t for you, I wouldn’t have Winnie. I get to have a little girl which is more than I ever expected,” he said.

  “What do you mean?” I asked.

  “If you get pregnant, it will be a boy. The Phoenix heir is always male. One Phoenix. One heir,” he said.

  “You can only produce male offspring?” I asked.

  “Only male, and only one,” he said.

  “You can’t have more than one child?!” I exclaimed.

  “Just one,” he said. “So, if that means that I get a regular gravy swappin’ date with my beautiful Grace every full moon until it happens, then sign me up. I’m all for that!” He smiled, quite satisfied with himself. And me, I supposed.

  “You know we do it more often than that,” I said.

  “Like right now?” he asked, as he shifted his hips between my legs.

  I whimpered, “What about public indecency, Officer?”

  “Screw the law,” he said.

  “I’d rather you screw me,” I said.

  “I’m gonna do that too,” he laughed.

  “Then you will wade in the water with me,” I said.

  “Then I will do whatever you want,” he muttered as he peppered kisses down my neck.

  I made sure to tuck that one away for later use. He did say whatever I wanted.

  Vaguely I remember Dylan kissing me goodbye before he left for work. I awoke the second time to someone banging with a hammer outside. I threw on a robe and rushed out the front door.

  “What on the mother’s green earth is going on out here?” I yelled.

  Levi, already pouring sweat, looked up at me with two nails in his mouth, a hammer in his hand and an unrighteous grin on his face. “Morning, Grace. Nice robe,” he said.

  “Dublin, what are you doing?” I said looking around at the pile of wood outside the trailer.

  “Building you a porch,” he said.

  “But…” I started.

  “You said you wanted a porch. I’m building you a porch,” he explained. He already had posts placed and had poured concrete around them. He was working on a frame.

  “Where did you learn to build porches?” I asked.

  “Texas,” he drawled.

  “Did you learn to do everything in Texas?” I asked.

  He looked up at me with a grin. “There are a few things I learned in Alabama,” he said.

  “Like what?”

  “I’ll tell ya later. When I know Dylan won’t kill me,” he said.

  I rolled my eyes. I was pretty sure I knew every trick in his book and then some. He didn’t impress me. In fact, I’d been meaning to have a talk with my bard. I’d heard reports through town that he was on quite the bender. A Sexual bender.

  It wasn’t so long ago I warned Ella Jenkins to calm herself during a binge, and here was my own bard fucking every female in town. It wouldn’t be long, and he would be out of candidates. I felt responsible. I knew why he was doing it, and it made it that much tougher to tell him to stop. I could order him to stop. He was still my servant, but he also held a piece of my heart which I hated.

  “Why don’t you go fix me something cold to drink?” he said.

  “Damn, Dublin. I ain’t your maid,” I said, stomping back into the trailer.

  Winnie was spending the night with Nestor and Mable, so I didn’t have to worry about getting her ready for school. I looked at the clock on the stove. It was almost noon. I picked up my cell phone where I found several messages from Dylan. Most of them were just sweet, but the last one caught my attention.

  Dylan: Finely is coming by after lunch. He says it’s ready.

  I responded to that one.

  Me: The vault?

  Dylan: *wink*

  “Woot!” I exclaimed as Rufus ran around my feet. I snuggled him for a minute then poured him some dog food. Jumping in the shower, I realized that I never brought Levi a glass of water. Oops!

  When I walked into my bedroom naked as a jaybird, I looked to see him standing with his shirt off in the living room bent over in front of the window air conditioner unit.

  “Fuck!” I said, rushing to the door. I slammed it before he could turn around.

  “I saw enough,” he teased.

  “Shut up, Levi,” I yelled at him through the door.

  “Where you going?” he asked.

  “Finley is coming,” I said.

  “Oh, yeah. Seems I remember him telling me about something today,” he said as he dug through the refrigerator.

  I slipped into a pair of shorts and a t-shirt. When I went into the kitchen, Levi leaned on the counter drinking a cold soda. He watched me take an orange one out of the fridge. I popped the top and turned to him. His eyes were on my ass.

  “Levi! You and I are going to have a talk,” I said.

  “I know what you are going to say, and I don’t care,” he said.

  “You’ve got to stop this,” I said.

  “Why? I’m not forcing anyone to sleep with me. I’m just having a good time. Sowing my wild oats,” he said.

  “Your wild oats are going to sprout stalks all over this town,” I said.

  “Nah. I always pull out,” he said. My jaw dropped open. He laughed at me. “Come on, Grace. You aren’t a prude.”

  I sat down in my recliner on the edge. Taking a deep breath, I looked at him. His face changed from cocky manwhore to my sweet bard. “Levi, please just calm it down a little. I’m afraid you are going to get entangled with the wrong fairy.”

  He put his hands on his hips, and a growl escaped his lips. “I’ve already done that!” he shouted. At first, I thought he meant Riley, but it was clear he meant me. Our connection wasn’t as strong as it used to be after he moved out of the trailer, but in moments like that, I had no doubt of what he meant.

  “Right,” I said, standing up to go let Rufus out.

  “Grace,” Levi said trying to get my attention. He regretted it, but the damage was done.

  “Your wild oats are waiting, Levi,” I replied heading into the front yard with Rufus.

  Levi rushed out the door behind me. Instead of talking to me, he spoke to our newest neighbor, Jenny. “Oh, hello Jenny.” Jenny stood at the end of the drive. No doubt she had heard us arguing in the trailer. The walls were paper thin. I had reinforced them with a spell after the sylph incident, but I needed to soundproof them.

  “Hey, Levi. I’ve come to talk to Grace,” she said. Jenny moved into the park in the next to the last spot we had available. Shortly after, another trailer moved in, but we had never seen the occupant. I didn’t mind people who kept to themselves. I was once the same way.

  “What’s going on?” I asked.

  “Walk with me down to my trailer,” she said with a smile. Jenny was a grindylow. She had seen our fight with the sylph. She had also seen my royal crown. After talking to her, I decided that I liked her. Grindies were generally mean. Scary even. In fact, there were rumors that Jenny had green teeth, but contrary to that belief, her teeth were white, except the front two which were 24 karat gold caps.

  I walked with her down to the trailer. “How’s Levi?” she asked.

  “Bingeing,” I replied.

/>   “That sucks. He will grow out of it,” she said.

  “I never did,” I replied. She laughed.

  “Neither did I, but I promise not to touch your bard,” she said.

  “I can’t keep him from doing what he wants to do,” I replied.

  “Of course, you can. You are the queen.”

  “True, but I hate ordering him. Somehow, I think this is something he needs to learn on his own,” I said as we approached the end of the drive. Looking past her trailer I could see that there was standing water in the forest beyond the trailer. “The swamp coming to you?”

  “I didn’t summon it if that’s what you are implying,” she said defensively.

  I waved her off. “Wonder if that’s left from all that rain we got,” I replied.

  “Perhaps, but occasionally it smells,” she said crinkling her nose. She had a spattering of brown freckles across it. She actually looked rather plain for a fairy girl, but cute in her own way. She didn’t wear a glamour, but she did have an animal shift. I’d never seen one, but I heard that it was like a cross between an octopus and an iguana. I took a deep breath. It smelled like rot. I turned to the quiet trailer across from hers.

  “Smell is coming from that,” I said. I looked over the trailer in question. It was surrounded by a green glowing ward. Summer fairy.

  “Summer,” she said.

  “You can see the ward?” I asked.

  “Yep. It’s a mean one too,” she said.

  “Yes, it is,” I replied, as Levi joined us.

  “Grace, Finley is here,” he said.

  “Thanks, Levi. I’ll check on the water, Jenny. Perhaps, folks that have lived here longer than I might know why it’s gathering behind the park,” I said.


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