The Infected 1: Proxy

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The Infected 1: Proxy Page 41

by P. S. Power

  "Um, sorry Marcia, but what? I thought we were the useless ones they couldn't figure out what to do anything with?" Her voice sounded... wry, Brian thought.

  Marcia laughed out loud. "That's true too. You're a pain in the ass to work with Penny, but only because it's been so hard to communicate with you. Now that you've got a voice we can all hear... Well, that it took this long to figure out, and Brian to get it done, just shows how powerful you are. One knife and enough time and you could take out whole battalions by yourself. I've seen your file you know. There's a reason you're here, even though you refuse to go on spy missions anymore. It's way cheaper to pay you to stay put than to let you run around getting into trouble. I mean, shoot, you're a class six in your file. Mark too. Same deal. No one could really stop you two in a fight."

  She took a few bites of her dinner, macaroni and cheese as a side, a roasted chicken breast and green beans along with it. She ate, Brian knew, without really tasting anything, which made it hard for her to get enough each day. Worse, she didn't feel hungry either she'd said. So no reason to eat at all, except that she needed fuel. Brushing her curly brown hair out of her eyes she continued breaking down her assessment of the team.

  "Christian's a class five at least. Really, no one even knows how to categorize her. My guess is that she's a lot closer to a six than not. Yeah, not a lot of use in a fist fight, but her ability to get data is unparalleled. With enough prep she can basically download the mind of anyone on the planet. World leaders, spies, whoever. It's why she's almost never with us at meals, you know, the government has her working full time on data collection. But... I don't think they realize what a concentration camp would do to her. Even the threat of one. All those desperate people that close? She'd fight just to not be there. Plus, think about it, do you want to fight someone that literally knows everything you're going to do? That she normally blocks things out doesn't mean she won't do a heck of a lot more if backed into a corner."

  That made sense to Brian. He nodded, looking at Marcia, eating his mac and cheese, the real kind, not boxed, made from scratch. Then after thinking for a moment he spoke trying to finish what she started.

  "So, you Marcia, you're a class four, "in your file" as you keep saying, as if we aren't supposed to pick up on that bit... but that doesn't really give the whole picture... because your actual ability isn't your strength and speed at all, or even your virtual invulnerability, all of which is handy, but your first mode... your suspicion of everyone means that you make plans to stop them if you have to. You can't really help it, can you? So by the time you fight most people, they might as well be fighting a class five... or..." Brian spoke hesitantly, but relaxed when Marcia nodded.

  "Something like that." She grinned and winked at Brian. "Which leaves the new guy..."

  Everyone laughed, including Brian.

  "Yeah, I don't really belong here given all that. But if things do come down, know that I'll be right behind you all - hiding - but still..." He chuckled.

  Everyone sobered, Marcia shaking her head with a sad smile. Mark looked worried suddenly but shook his head too. Penny snorted loudly enough to be heard over the intercom.

  "Right Brian." She said with an exaggerated tone. Sobering she added, "You're the one guy that Hooper and his people know and talk about in low whispers on television and the internet. Like the boogie-man or something. The guy who can go anywhere and can't be beaten. Worse it's this weird love/hate thing. You keep saving the bigots along with everyone else, meaning you're a good guy, and they have to admit it, but they fear you too..."

  Marcia looked at Mark and nodded slightly as if considering whether to say something or not. Finally she started, leaning in and whispering.

  "Brian... how many class two's in the world do you think there are that could have done the things you just did this last week? Or class fives for that manner? And that's only about ten percent trained. Give us a few years and... Well, I don't think that Hooper and his staff have really considered everything at all. If I ever have to fight you for real, I plan on offering myself for sex instead. Think that would work?" She giggled when she said it, but Mark nodded sagely.

  "Me too. Makes me glad I'm a pacifist by nature." The man shrugged and gave his normal half grin. "No offense Brian, but I'd rather avoid having to get busy with you."

  Laughing the whole room went silent for a while, no one saying much. It was funny, but Brian felt like they actually meant it on some level, which was creepy. After all, they were his friends and he was incredibly sweet. Everyone should be able to see that right?

  They shifted the conversation to who's birthday was next, which turned out to be a guy named Dave from team two. Brian didn't know who that was, not even after Penny described him. She knew who everyone was it seemed, including the cooks and janitors.

  "I've had time to learn who's here," was all she'd say on the matter.

  After dinner Brian had to go and fight again, this time an Infected with hyper reflexes, and massive strength, but that was physically no faster than Brian for all that. Normally great strength on a small frame translated to fast too, but the way this guy moved it seemed almost like he used hydraulics for power, not muscle tissue. Brian got to use his new knife, which ended things fast. So fast that he had to clap the blade to his stomach with both hands so he wouldn't lose it as he shifted back to the base. After he calmed down for a bit, he fell into bed and closed his eyes.

  The next moment he was woken up by an insistent knocking on his door, at about six-thirty in the morning. For a minute he thought that Karen had come to get him for his work out, until he remembered he still had the day off to recover. Brian opened the door a little warily, and found Director Moore standing there with Charlot Chambers. He blinked into the bright light of the hall.

  "Um, hi?" He said, feeling clever for having remembered to speak at all. He felt tired still, having stumbled a little on his way to the door.

  Charlot spoke first, pushing in front of the Director, her face edgy and a half snarl to her mouth.

  "We need you to come and talk Karen out of her room again. She keeps saying something about ruining your life? We'd leave her alone, but we kind of need her to bring her "A" game today. So if you could go and do whatever it is you need to? Get her back on her feet long enough for us to parade her around for the day?"

  He held up his right hand.

  "Give me... Ten minutes? Shower, clean up..." Brian muttered, walking away suddenly.

  He shut the door in their faces without saying anything else, expecting them to leave and let him handle things on his own. When he came out of his room, not too far past the ten minutes he'd projected, they still stood waiting, causing him to raise his eyebrows. They always seemed too busy to stand around waiting for anyone, much less him. As he walked out Charlot gave him a hug. She still looked pissed, but it didn't feel directed at him this time.

  So that was good.

  "Thanks Brian. We know things are confused right now." She took his hand on the way to the elevator. It took him a bit to figure things out still feeling groggy and slow.

  "Oh, right, the whole "prop Brian up" program." He raised her hand, held in his own, indicating what he was talking about with a glance. Brian didn't let go though. If it didn't bug Prime, he wasn't going to complain. Charlot was hot.

  Moore glanced at him sharply. "Know about that already?" He asked, his voice oddly jovial.

  Since they had a few minutes, he filled them in on what he knew, how Lancaster had shown him his file a while back and what was going on with Karen, Becky and all that. Since it may be important to them Brian added in the parts about how he felt too.

  "So, you know, it makes everything extra screwed up. But... really, I do like her a lot, but her power didn't make that happen. I don't think so at least. I guess it could have, but even if it did, she's worth liking, you know? She hasn't messed my life up. Yeah, I want to sleep with her and don't get to, but... look, that's most women anyway, right? She needs to kn
ow that this isn't really her fault..."

  When they got to Karen's door he had to knock for about ten minutes to get her attention. She finally pulled the door open, back in her bath robe and looking a bit of a mess.

  "Good morning!" He said before she could speak at all and walked in far enough to give her a hug. Something about her first mode seemed to make her feel a lot better with physical contact, he knew. It made sense in a way, the contact triggering compassionate feelings in her, which made her happier. In general at least.


  He gave her a kiss on the cheek. And kicked the door shut behind him gently with a heel, in the face of the director. He heard chuckling from the other side of the door, Charlot, and pulled Karen in to the room a little, walking while still holding her, trying to get far enough from the door that they wouldn't overhear every word he said. If they wanted to do that they could watch the tapes later. They always swore they didn't, unless something strange or bad happened, but how likely was that really? It made him glad he wasn't a chronic masturbator. Then again, anyone watching him get off had enough problems that they probably shouldn't be passing judgment on him for it, right?

  "All right Karen, cut the crap and get ready for the day already. Yeah, I can't sleep with you right now. Not that big of a thing. The fact that you're willing to makes a big difference to me, you know? I'm not going to lose you over something that trivial. Now, are you going to climb in the shower by yourself or do I have to drag you in clothed?"

  She laughed, a sad sounding chuckle that hurt Brian to hear. "You don't hate me?"

  "Why would I hate you? Nothing's changed for me in the last, god... month? I don't even know what day it is now! Yeah, I felt pretty bummed yesterday, but only because I thought you'd hate me for rejecting you, but... I'm not! I do love you. I want to be with you. If that means we have to just be friends because of other things right now, then so be it. I'm here for you."

  Karen smiled and put her head against his chest. "Thanks. That makes me feel better... but you need sex too."

  That caught him off guard, after all, what girl says that kind of thing to a guy? It was her own innate compassion of course.

  Brian laughed. "Sooo badly. But it's been long enough that I can wait. And your sister already told me she'd put up with other women, just not you. So weird relationship maybe, but sex isn't out of the picture, you just can't do it with me. Of course way easier for you to get some than me... But you don't have to be celibate either."

  Brian sent her off to shower, telling her he was going to let the others in. Then he explained what he'd said to Karen. Charlot pulled out a small pad and took notes. Brian didn't ask why, but figured it would have something to do with reporters. He wondered if his lack of a love life would make the national news in the next few days. Nobody would care about that, he figured. Brian Yi not getting any never made the national news before at least. The idea made him chuckle softly, which made the others look at him oddly, but Charlot actually smiled at him and winked when he explained. That wink left Brian feeling a little worried about what the woman might have planned, but he didn't ask. Really, ignorance may just be bliss in this case and he didn't want to ruin it if it was.

  He got Karen off with the other two after that. So... at least he didn't have to worry about Karen hating him or feeling too bad now. Dharma was standing in the elevator when it opened. Next to Bridget, who once again was dressed to the nines and looked really cute in a dark green dress and her emerald tennis bracelet. Today she wore running shoes with the outfit, but it looked cute on her, instead of wrong. She jumped out of the elevator and hugged him, calling his name happily. She stopped trying to kiss him when he pushed her back gently. He didn't care about the contact so much as not wanting to ruin her make-up. He reminded her of it and she stepped back laughing.

  "Yeah, I only recently started to bother with it. Clarice, the make-up lady? She showed me how to do it. I'm meeting my dad for breakfast. He likes it when I look good." She shrugged. "Not a big thing for me, now that I know how. Anyway, I need to get going or I'll be late... See you later today maybe? We should hang, if you have time." She touched his arm, but kept it friendly, so he nodded.

  "Free all day."

  Becky suggested he stop on five on his way down and see if anyone wanted to hang out. Her voice seemed plaintive and a lot younger than it normally did. Brian felt strange doing it, but got that these people were Dharma's old team, her friends. Of course she'd want to be around them. So he hit the button for her and walked out of the elevator cautiously. The emo-goth sported a red skirt and black vest today, buttoned up, but without anything underneath it seemed. She led him down a hall to team two's rec room, something else that team three didn't rate it seemed, where he found Lauren watching television with a man he didn't know.

  He looked ordinary enough, a bit blue in color, light blue skin, dark blue hair and eyes of solid blue, if three shades mixed all together like paint swirls. No pupils that Brian could see. Becky pointed to the man and told Brian that was Dave.

  Standing in the door, not wanting to interrupt the game show they watched, he waited for a commercial break to go in. Lauren looked up, her armored face blank, of course, and body language virtually not there, but her voice sounded surprised and happy to see him.

  "Brian! Is everything all right?" Lauren's voice also sounded concerned, but sweet, reminding him that she used to be an elementary school teacher before she changed.

  "Yeah, just visiting, seeing if anyone wanted to hang out, since I actually have a day off. I know, hard to believe. I think it might be a paperwork error myself, but I'm not going to complain, you know?"

  The blue man looked at him carefully, almost as if an apparition had walked into the room, which one had, but the guy definitely stared at Brian, not Becky who stood smiling off to the side. He put his hand out and approached the man.

  "Hi, I'm Brian... You're Dave right?"

  The other man's eyes went huge. "You know who I am?" He sounded amazed by this. That kind of made sense, Brian realized, since he spent a lot of time training and hadn't met a lot of people yet. He'd have remembered if he'd met Dave, the man's voice was amazing, it sounded like a robot speaking with three part harmony on each word.

  "Oh, sure! Team three was talking about you last night after dinner. Penny, the invisible one? She mentioned that you have a birthday coming up, next week I think?"

  That got them started talking about Penny and the intercoms, which made Lauren wonder if she could hook one up between floor's five and nine. Brian smiled and told her he thought it sounded like a great idea himself. Dharma liked it too.

  "Right... Well, all the higher ups know already, and I've been judged, well, at least not too crazy, if not sane, so I guess you guys should know too, since Becky used to be on team two..."

  He filled them in on the whole Dharma situation.

  "I know it's weird and freaky and all, but it seems to be real and she thinks of a lot of you as her best friends, but needs me to bring her by in order to visit..."

  Lauren accepted it pretty easily, just waving to the air and saying "Hi Becky!" but Dave needed a lot of convincing. He finally believed it when Dharma had Brian relate a story about the time she'd found him masturbating to an adult channel in the very room they sat in. He turned a deeper shade of blue, blushing Brian guessed, but did accept the ghost girl idea then. That or maybe he just thought Brian was the biggest jerk telepath in the world?

  They went to floor four together and spent most of the afternoon wiring up an intercom between the two floors for Penny, so she could chat with them too, since Brian figured she might actually spend time watching television with them fairly often. Team three didn't have a TV room and Penny, while she got paid like everyone else, found it almost impossible to spend her money. No one even knew she was trying to. She'd confided in him that she had to steal her toiletries from the shop. At least her clothes were supplied automatically like his were.

turned out to be a genius with electronics and had the new intercom hooked up between floors within an hour after he bought it, running a cable through the walls down four stories without even blinking. Dave helped them do it, claiming to not have anything better to do. He found Penny sitting in her room. It was dark, except the single small light being used to illuminate the book in her hand, a paperback.

  "Penny! Come see..." He said, trying to draw her out. She came with him easily enough and squealed happily when he explained what Lauren and Dave had rigged up for her. She ran out of the room, but a few seconds later her voice came over the intercom on the table of the common room, where the second intercom had been hooked up as well.

  "Guys!" Penny's voice sounded wildly happy. "This is so cool! Now I can actually talk to you all too. Thank you so much. I don't think you can know how much this means to me. It's like getting Christmas for two days in a row or something, only better."

  They talked for a long time, Brian going in to the dining room after a bit, so that Penny wouldn't have to sit alone. Brian hugged her with a single arm as she talked, sounding more alive than he'd ever heard her before. He had to relay what Becky wanted to say for her, but they all seemed to be having a good time at least. Penny even made plans to get together with everyone for team two's weekly movie night. Brian couldn't make it, since he'd be back to regular training then, but it made him happy that Penny could.

  After diner Karen came to find him and spent a few hours just chatting about the day and talking about the government officials she'd shown around earlier. She held his hand while they sat in his room, on the bed, since he didn't have a sofa or anything else they could both sit on.

  "Oh! That reminds me," She told him when she mentioned that Senator Roberts had called earlier in the day. "Word seems to have gotten around about what happened the other day, with the Liberian ambassador? Well, in two weeks the ambassador from Zimbabwe's going to be here and he's specifically asked to meet you."


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