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Small Town Daddy: A Dark Romance

Page 23

by B. B. Hamel

  “How’s the knee?” she asked.

  “I think it’s fine.”

  “You had me worried.”

  “I had me worried, too.

  I was the one with the injury.”

  “Your injuries are my responsibility.”

  I grinned at her. “But if I get injured, you’ll get to spend plenty of time with me.”

  “I already spend too much with you.”

  “We both know that’s not true.”

  “Twice a day? That’s plenty.”

  “Please. You go home and think about me. You haven’t stopped thinking about that night at the club.”

  “Yeah. I keep worrying I’ll turn up in some sports gossip blog and get fired.”

  “You’re here because you want to find out what was going to happen between us.”

  “I’m here because you said you wanted another workout.”

  “Bullshit.” I moved closer to her and reached up, taking her hair in my hand. She gasped, her lips parted. She didn’t move an inch. “You knew what this was. You can lie and pretend all you want, but we both know the truth. We both know what you want.”

  “What do I want, Owen?”

  “You want me to take that nice, tight little pussy of yours and fuck you until you can’t breathe.”


  I stopped whatever she was going to say next by kissing her.

  She instantly kissed me back, just like I knew she would. She wrapped her arms around me as I pulled her tight against me, our nearly naked, soaking bodies pressed up against each other.

  I loved the way she tasted. I loved the small noises she made as she kissed me. I grabbed her hips and pulled her on top of me. She straddled me easily, and I felt her little cunt against my hard cock under the water as she continued kissing me, arching her back and moaning softly.

  I began to roll her hips along my length, rubbing her spot against me. She moaned, and I kissed her neck. “This is what you wanted,” I said. “You wanted my cock nice and hard against you.”

  “This is a bad idea,” she said.

  “Maybe. But it feels fucking good, doesn’t it?”

  “Yes,” she admitted, gasping.

  “It feels good because you fucking want it.” I reached down under the water with one hand, tipping her head back by pulling her hair with the other. I found her pussy and slipped my hand beneath her panties. Her pussy was soaking wet, not from the hot tub, but from her own desire for me.

  I began to rub her clit, and she moaned low. I kissed her lips against, hard, and pulled her against me. I pressed my fingers deep inside her and felt her fingers dig into my shoulders.

  “Fuck,” she gasped. “Owen.”

  “I love it when you pretend like you’re not thinking about me fucking you rough, breaking your little body with my big strong cock.”

  “I don’t think about that.”

  “Yes, you do. You want to know if I can take you and keep you, break you and make you mine. That’s exactly what gets you soaking fucking wet.”

  “You asshole.”

  “Maybe, but your pussy says I’m telling the truth.”

  She bit her lip as I slowly pressed my fingers inside her again.

  “Owen,” she gasped.

  And then there was a noise from the other room.

  We both paused, sitting completely still. I slowly moved my fingers out from her panties.

  “What was that?” she asked, genuine fear in her voice.

  “Stay,” I said, gently moving her aside. I took a deep breath, trying to calm my fucking raging hard on as I climbed out of the tub.

  There were more noises. My heart was hammering in my chest. I grabbed a towel from the stack beside the door and wrapped it around my waist before stepping back out into the main training room.

  A janitor was emptying trashcans. He looked up, surprised to see me.

  “Sorry,” he said. “Thought everyone was gone.”

  “You scared me shitless,” I said.

  “Sorry,” he repeated. “I’ll come back.”


  He nodded and quickly left the room.

  I smiled to myself and laughed softly. I went back into the hot tub room.

  “It’s okay,” I said. “Just the janitor. He’s gone.”

  But Taylor was already out and toweling off.

  “I should go,” she said.

  “No. You should stay.”

  “I really can’t.”

  I sighed. “You don’t have to run away from this.”

  She looked at me for a second. “You’re dangerous, Owen Rack. I should stay far, far away.”

  “Maybe,” I admitted. “Probably more dangerous than you realize. But you should stay, and you should let me finish what I started.”

  She shook her head and got dressed. “Can you call me that car?”

  “Sure,” I said, giving in. I got my phone and called them as she finished getting ready, wringing her hair out and tying it back into a bun.

  I walked with her to the front of the facility. The car pulled up maybe five minutes later.

  “See you tomorrow,” she said.

  “I’ll be thinking about you when I get home,” I answered, “just like I know you’ll be thinking about me.”

  She gave me one last look and then got into the car and was gone.

  “Damn,” I said softly to myself, unable to stop smiling.

  I headed back to my apartment, grinning the whole way.



  I nearly did exactly what I had told myself I wasn’t going to do.

  And it had felt incredible.

  Owen was amazing. His body was rough and ripped, and his cock had been thick against me as he rocked my hips along his length. I couldn’t believe how good it felt to kiss him, especially after wanting it for so long.

  He simply took me, just like I knew he would. When he pulled me against him, I knew I was lost, knew I was going to do whatever he wanted me to do. Because the truth was, I wanted it all as much as he did.

  His fingers felt incredible inside me. I was seconds away from begging him to fuck me, seconds away from losing myself completely.

  But then the janitor showed up and brought me back to reality.

  I couldn’t do what I really wanted to do. Technically, I worked for Owen. He wasn’t my boss, exactly, but he was my client. There were rules about this sort of thing, and if I wanted to keep my job, I had to follow them.

  One of the biggest rules was no sleeping with the players.

  Besides, Owen Rack wasn’t my type of man. He was rough and rude, a total prick and a cocky asshole. He had secrets. I’d seen him on his phone after practice, talking softly like he was having an important conversation, but as soon as he noticed me, he pretended like nothing was happening.

  Owen was definitely hiding something, but that wasn’t any of my business. Only his physical therapy was my business, and I needed to focus on that.

  He had been right, though, when he said that I’d think about him when I got home. As soon as I did, I got into bed, slipped my hands down my panties, and finished what he had started.

  The whole time I touched myself, working my still-soaking pussy, I thought about him. I pictured his thick cock fucking me from behind, his strong hands grasping my hips and slapping my ass. He could break me just like he had said he could, and I wanted him to. I wanted to see exactly how strong he was, and how far I was willing to go for him.

  I came and fell asleep still thinking about him, afraid of what that meant.

  I woke up early the next morning to a text from him. “Sweet dreams? Maybe you finished what we started last night?”

  I smiled to myself and texted back without thinking. “Wouldn’t you like to know.”

  “I would. Send me a picture of what you’re wearing right now.”

  “See you later.”

  I got out of bed, groggy but feeling good. I knew I shouldn’t encourage his fl
irting, but I couldn’t help myself.

  I got dressed, brushed my teeth, and made my coffee. I had a half hour before I needed to be at the facilities, so I got out my laptop and drank my coffee while doing a little search.

  I wanted to know more about Owen Rack. I knew about his football career, but I didn’t know much about the man. He had social media profiles, but I was pretty sure they were run by the team’s PR firm. I skipped those and looked for something more substantial.

  I didn’t find a damn thing. I wanted to know him, but there were only the general interviews he’d given while in college. They had the usual information: parents died while he was young, his grandmother took him in, and he worked hard to excel in college. He was the classic underdog story, bad boy from the bad part of town.

  But there was nothing particularly bad about him, or at least from what I could see. There were no mentions of arrests or any trouble with the law, which I found hard to believe, at least based on how he talked.

  Maybe that was unfair. But he had mentioned his rough childhood, and he had talked about hanging out with rough people sometimes. When we got to chatting while I worked him, he liked to talk about his hometown when he wasn’t busy flirting with me.

  But there was nothing on the internet, which I found strange. He never mentioned it in interviews, either. Sure, he was the guy from the wrong side of the tracks, but he wasn’t a criminal.

  Maybe I was wasting my time. Maybe Owen had nothing to hide. I finished my coffee and headed into work.

  The commute was easy, and I got to the office early as usual. I unpacked my stuff and sat down at my desk, relaxing into my chair.

  Just as I started to click through my usual morning routine of news blogs, an email popped up. It was from the director, Jeff Waters. He wanted me to come meet with him in his office as soon as I got in, before the players arrived.

  Frowning, I got up and headed over. I didn’t know what he wanted, and I wasn’t going to speculate. It could be pretty much anything.

  His secretary smiled as I approached and waved me right in. I knocked once on his door and stepped inside.

  “Good morning,” he said.

  “Good morning, Mister Waters.”

  “Please, Jeff.”

  “Okay, Jeff.” I sat down in front of him.

  “Taylor, how are things going?”

  “Good. I can’t complain. I’m still really thankful that you gave me this chance.”

  “Now that the first game is over, I thought I’d check in with you.” He smiled at me. “Anything to report?”

  “Nothing. Owen seems to be doing well. He’s taking to the regimen I have him on really well.”

  “Good. That’s really good. Owen spoke very highly of you.”

  “Oh. That’s great.”

  “I wanted to check in on you, since you’re so new. Owen sang your praise.” He laughed. “Never heard someone so excited to work with a physical therapist before.”

  “He just wants to make sure he stays healthy.”

  “Well, now that he’s the starter, we all do.” He frowned. “That’s actually why you’re here.”

  I felt my stomach sink. This was the conversation I’d been dreading. He was going to pull me off Owen because he was suddenly too important.

  It made no sense that they’d keep me with him. I had no experience after all.

  The strange thing was, I couldn’t tell if I was upset because I wasn’t going to be working on a high-profile player anymore, or if it was because I wasn’t going to be working on Owen.

  I didn’t want to be pulled from Owen. Something was happening between the two of us, and I didn’t exactly know what it was yet. Maybe it was just a horny asshole trying to get in my pants, or maybe it was something more. I genuinely couldn’t tell, and that scared me.

  It scared me just as much that I was afraid to be pulled off him. If he was such a dick, like I thought he was, then I should want to get reassigned. He was bad news after all.

  I didn’t want that. I wanted Owen, bad news and all.

  “I understand,” I said. “I’m just an apprentice. He’s an important player.”

  Jeff made a confused face. “What do you mean?”

  “Well, of course you’ll reassign me.”

  He laughed. “Oh, Taylor. I’m sorry. That’s not what this is.”

  I paused. “Really?”

  “Really. What I wanted to say was, you’re doing a great job. If you need more resources, they’re at your disposal. If you want more time with him, just ask. Please consider yourself a full member of the staff, because I’m making you one.”

  That surprised me. “Really?”

  “Really. On a trial basis for now. No pay raise, not yet. Not until the end of the season when we make you permanent. But this means you’ll have full access to the facilities, day and night. You can schedule him for extra sessions or whatever he needs.”

  “Wow. That’s amazing. Thank you so much for trusting me.”

  “Of course. The training wheels are off, Taylor.” He smiled. “With that comes more responsibility, though. His health reflects on you.”

  “I understand.”

  “Good. You’ll get all the info you need in your email.” He smiled again. “Good luck.”

  “Thanks, Jeff.” I stood up and quickly left his office before he changed his mind.

  I could hardly believe this. I was a full staff member, although they weren’t raising my pay. That annoyed me, but the opportunity was too important to pass up. I knew they were hard up on cash at the moment anyway, so pushing back wasn’t going to help.

  But now this was serious if it hadn’t been before. They were watching and evaluating me. Any wrong moves and I was done.

  Owen wasn’t going to make this easy. I knew he wasn’t going to. But I had to just stick to my regimen, remain professional, and not let myself get sucked into his orbit the way I wanted to.

  As I headed off to see Owen, I could feel the full gravity of the situation settle into my stomach.



  I could still hear the roar of the crowd in my ears and feel the soft leather ball on my fingertips. I looked down at my knee and felt a jolt of pain as I flexed it outward.

  “Good fuckin’ game, man.”

  I looked up from the bench. Raylon grinned at me.

  “Thanks,” I said.

  “Good shit. When you hit that gap in the third quarter? You fucking steamrolled their linebacker.”

  I grinned back. “Hit him like a fucking truck.”

  “Hell yeah. Knocked that asshole out.”

  We shook hands and he walked off.

  The second game of the season had gone really, really well for me. We’d won, though just barely. I scored the winning touchdown in the fourth quarter by bursting through the line and breaking out a big run for the score.

  It was right after that play that I noticed my knee. Sharp pain and swelling had begun tearing me up, but I’d kept that to myself. I’d noticed Taylor watching me, but I didn’t let myself look back at her. I didn’t want her to see the pain I was hiding, because I knew she would.

  I didn’t want to get taken out of that game. I was playing too well. It was too early in my season to be pulled because of an injury, and I couldn’t give up the opportunity to prove myself.

  The next time I was on the field, though, I could tell that I was moving slower. I was hitting a little softer, and I was a little more tentative when I burst into open field. I was a step slower, but I wasn’t sure if anyone else noticed.

  We still won. It didn’t matter. And as I sat there on the bench after Raylon walked off to congratulate the other guys, I flexed my leg again, wincing at the pain.

  The locker room after a big win was always a shit show of reporters and excited people. I wasn’t all into the show. I just wanted to shower off and relive those moments on the field when I really felt alive, when I felt like nothing could bring me down, nothing could stop me
. I was perfect on the football field.

  Even though my body was betraying me.

  I got up and walked to the showers, keeping the pain off my face. I rinsed off, taking my sweet time. I waited for the sound of excited people to slowly fade away before I finally came out, wrapped in a towel.

  Taylor was waiting for me near my locker.

  “Owen,” she said.

  “Taylor. Are you supposed to be in here?”

  She shrugged. “Nobody cares. Got something you want to tell me?”

  “Nope,” I said. “But I do have something I want to show you.”

  I went to take off my towel. She just sighed and shook her head.

  “I’m serious. You’re really going to pretend like nothing happened?”

  I shook my head. “Not sure what you mean.”

  “I saw your knee bend on that score. You planted weird just as you hit the open field, right after you ran over that big linebacker. I saw your face, and I saw how you were after. It hurt, Owen.”

  I shook my head and couldn’t help but grin. The damn girl was fucking observant. Nobody else had seen that, or at least nobody else had said anything about it. Of course it was only Taylor who would come right out and call me on it.

  That was something I liked about her. She was no-bullshit, up-front and straightforward. Sure, she played like she didn’t want me, but that was different. She was trying to protect both of us.

  “All right,” I said. “It hurts.”

  “Let me see.”

  I sat down on the bench and showed her. She took my leg, bending it slightly. “Does that hurt?”

  “Yeah,” I grunted.



  She shook her head, bending my leg some more. I clenched my jaw, trying to keep the pain from my face.

  “This might be bad, Owen.”

  “It’s fine.”

  “Owen, I’m serious.”

  “I know you are.”

  “You should have stepped out.”

  “I couldn’t leave that game. You know that.”


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