Dreams and Desires

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Dreams and Desires Page 11

by Paul Blades

  Kelly's mind revolted when the man took his position in front of her. She knew what he was going to do. He was going to control her. She tried to back away, but a feeling of ease and peace quickly flooded her brain through his large, strong hands. She felt his mind entering hers and was surprised when she detected his remorse at what he had done to her. She was stunned he would reveal himself so. It was his first, direct, specific psychic contact with her. The authenticity of his emotion overwhelmed her. No one had ever cared for her like this. She was ashamed at her rebellion against him. Even as his lips pressed against hers and his tongue entered her mouth, she began to cry again, this time not in pain, but in sorrow. She felt responsible for his outburst of anger and bitterly regretted causing it. She wanted to put her arms around him, to hold him, to express her devotion to him.

  The dream man sensed the strong, vital need of the woman for emotional release. He reached down behind her back and freed the cords that bound her hands. He felt her gratitude at his concession to her needs. She placed her head on his shoulder and her arms around him and began to sob heavily. Her chest heaved with the strength of her unhappiness. He could feel her mind reaching out to him, straining to make him believe her earnest sorrow at her wrongs. His hand stroked her long, silky, auburn hair. He felt her tears flowing down his shoulder. He had become acquainted with the word ‘heartbreaking’ in the process of learning the woman's language, but he had not understood what it meant. He understood it now. The woman's sorrow was heartbreaking to him, to the human part of him. The same part of him that had produced his unfortunate anger filled him now with a profound ache.

  Slowly, the woman's sorrow began to turn into an intense need to express her union with him. She lifted her head from his shoulder and placed her hands on his face. She seized his lips and probed his mouth hungrily with her tongue. He let his energy flow into the woman through his mouth. She began to kiss him fervently, stroking his body with her hands. She placed them on his chest and gently urged him down to the floor on his back. Her need for union had turned to lust and she flung her bare leg over his and straddled him, her knees on the floor to each side of his hips. She took hold of his stiffened manhood and guided it eagerly to her hungry, lustful envelope. It slid over him easily and she moaned into his mouth as his rigid prick scoured the walls of her hot, moist crevasse and filled her.

  Kelly was beside herself with desire. Her whole body burned with the need to have the man within her, to feel his heat, to have him come inside her. She rocked her hips up and down, riding him like she would a stallion. His cock sent wave after wave of concentrated pleasure through her. She rubbed her hard bud against its length. “Oh god! Oh god!” she thought. “I need him! I need him!” She could feel his lust flowing back at her through his thick meat. Her whole being centered round it. When she came, she gave a loud cry. She could feel his mind wrapping around hers, rewarding her for her lust, heightening her pleasure. When her spasms ebbed, she didn't stop. More! She wanted more!

  Raijamoon lay still underneath the woman, letting her bring them both exquisite physical and mental delight. His eyes rolled back as his cock took in her heat, her desire. Their separateness as individual beings ceased to be a barrier to the exchange of their emotions, their thoughts. All at once he understood the reason for the woman's rebellion. It was love, love for her friend. And it was her love for him she was expressing now. The emotion was foreign to him, he did not possess it. But he sensed the strength of it in the woman's soul. She wanted to protect her loved one from him and had been willing to sacrifice herself for that goal. He sent to her, amidst their passion, his forgiveness and his acceptance of her devotion towards him. He would use her friend, yes. He needed to. Nothing was more important than his mission, not even her, his familiar. But he would do all in his power to protect her friend and all others he would use from harm. He promised her that.

  When the man came inside her, Kelly felt a rush of exhilaration. His seed spread throughout her womb like a soothing salve. Her hot cleft expressed its welcome to his orgasm by delivering a series of hard, tight contractions sending sharp signals of pleasure through her body and causing her to jerk and moan.

  Her frantic exertions finished, the female laid her head on his chest, her hair spreading over him, and surrounded his strong, thick neck with her arms, clutching him tightly. He could feel her heart beating wildly within her chest as it echoed on his. He caressed her, granting her waves of soft, gentle pleasure as her reward for giving in to her passions. Her mind was finally at rest, savoring their sweet afterglow.

  Raijamoon took a few moments to savor the aftermath of the woman's lust and then looked at the clock. Twenty five minutes had passed. He would have to hurry to be ready for Adele.

  The woman was still dazed from the effects of her emotionally wrenching experiences, the lows of her intense, dreadful punishment and the exhilarating high of their bout of passion. His cum was assimilating inside her, increasing her sensations of estrangement from her former self. He would need to bring the woman deeper into her bindings to him so she would passively accept what next had to be done.

  He drew her to her knees and kissed her, sending strong signals of his will into her. She was limp and docile as he handled her, but responded acceptingly to his kiss. The cord which he had released from around her hands was on the floor next to them and he picked it up and showed it to her. A quick look of sorrow crossed her face and then, resignedly, she smiled at him accepting his will. Without instruction, she crossed her hands behind her. He leaned his bare chest against her torso, crushing her naked breasts, and circled his arms behind her. He was far taller than she was, even kneeling, and he was able to watch his hands as they worked the soft cord around her compliant wrists.

  When the woman was bound, he led her into the bedroom and placed her onto the bed on her side. He lay down next to her, facing her and maneuvered his body so his loins were opposite her face. He presented his tumescent manhood to her lips, sending to her mind her a message of invitation. He placed his hand lightly on her head, transmitting feelings of peace and contentment. The woman shuddered with longing and took his cock between her lips.

  He lay there side by side with the woman for about forty minutes. She sucked lazily on his meat, her legs drawn up, her head lying on a pillow he had brought her. Her long, wavy, reddish brown hair flowed down her back. Her naked breasts were pressed against his thighs. The vision of her soft, rounded figure, her lightly pinkish skin, her bound hands resting peaceably behind her was stirring to the man. She had closed her eyes and her face was a visage of serene satisfaction as her pursed lips surrounded the source of her pleasure and the subtle movements of her jaw recorded her gentle suckling at his pole.

  It was not passion he sought from her. He wanted her to lose herself in the radiant energy of his sex, to absorb slowly but steadily his psychic essence until her whole body was intoxicated with feelings of happiness and pleasure. He could sense her muted, almost slothful joy as she ran her tongue lazily around it, slid her lips slowly up and down the thick shaft. After about twenty minutes, he allowed himself to come, a low, lazy, throbbing ejaculation that sent a steady stream of his viscous fluids into her mouth. She moaned as she received it, her closed eyes fluttering, her breasts pressing harder against him. Her throat pulsed as she consumed it. When his pleasurable spasms were done, he placed his hand on the woman's head, urging her to remain at her task and sending a pulse of his approval of her as a reward for her compliance and affectionate, loving attentions to his sex.

  To Kelly, nothing had ever seemed so right as the sensation of the man's soft, pleasantly textured, hard meat in her mouth. The taste was luxuriant and she could feel rays of his power seeping through its pores. As she sucked at him, she realized the man could not only control her, he could regulate her, either keeping her lusts on a slow, steady, languorous boil as he was now, or compel her to a frantic, mind blowing need for completion, for union with him. She had put all thoughts of Adele
behind her. Something would work out, she thought. He wouldn't harm her. What could she do anyway? How could she resist the man's allure? How could she suppress her need to bend to his will? When he came, she drank at his essence, relishing the warm effusions of his seed as it flowed into her. When he allowed her to continue, she blessed his munificence.

  After he had come for the second time in the woman's adoring mouth, Raijamoon drew her up from the bed. She was in a kind of stupefied state. He guided her out to the hallway outside the bedroom and eased her to her knees. He left her there for a moment while he retrieved the cord he had been using on her ankles. He came back to her and tied her ankles to each other after crossing them. He then tied the woman's wrists to her ankles. This time, he tied them together tightly, causing the woman to arch backwards and spread her knees. There was a pipe ascending the wall behind her and he affixed her bindings to the pipe, locking the naked young woman in place.

  The dimensional traveler did not want any interference with his dealings with Kelly's friend and employee. This would be his first effort at total control of a human being and although he had great confidence he would have no problems, he didn't want to take the chance his familiar's love for her friend would cause her to distract him or his quarry at a crucial moment.

  Kelly knelt where she had been positioned, dazed and confused. The man's semen was seeping through her. The long period of contact between the man's cock and the nerve endings in her mouth and tongue had made her drunk with his psychic essence. She had felt his will stroking her mind, settling her into a comfortable, listless place.

  From her position in the hallway, Kelly could see the door to the outside of her house directly opposite her. The hallway was the meeting place for the four main rooms of the house, the bedroom, the living room, the kitchen and the bathroom. There was a spare room off of the kitchen she had intended to equip as a guest bedroom but had never gotten around to it other than buying a small single bed. From her perch, the bound woman could see into all four of the principal rooms. She could see the entire living room and kitchen, a small sliver of the bathroom and about a third of her bedroom. The long mirror on the bedroom wall that backed up to the wall of the living room gave her a clear view of her bed and almost all of the rest of the room.

  The man made sure the outside door was unlocked and then retreated into the kitchen. He took a seat at the table and proceeded to leisurely peel and consume the last orange in the now empty fruit bowl.

  The house remained utterly quiet while the couple awaited the arrival of their guest. It was ten minutes to twelve. Twice, the refrigerator turned itself on, its compressor whirring for about thirty seconds or so and then shutting down. The gas heater kicked in, sending warm air through the house's ductwork. It had dropped to 45 degrees over night. Once or twice, Kelly issued a low moan of recalled pleasure as the almost hour long, continuous contact of her mouth with the man's loins reverberated through her. She had risen to semi-consciousness once or twice, and dulsatorily struggled at the bonds that held her so tightly to the pipe behind her. But her mind quickly sank back into her reverie of devotion and love for her dream man.

  Raijamoon was sitting about ten feet away from her in one of the strait backed chairs. His elbows were on the table and his shoulders slouched as he nonchalantly stripped the orange and plunged little wedges into his mouth. He loved the taste of fresh oranges. They had finished the orange juice this morning, but the “freshly squeezed” promise of the carton did not compare to the juice fresh from the fruit's pulp. He spit out the little seeds, plucking them from his lips, and placed them on a small plate on the table.

  The quietude of the residence was intruded upon by the sound of a small engine car climbing the slight hill to the house. Kelly, startled for a moment into semi-awareness, felt a twinge of unhappiness as she realized her friend was here. Her mind was so hazy with satisfaction and desire for her controlling lover, that it barely reached the surface of her consciousness. But it was there.

  The visitor sensed her feeling of fear for her friend right away. He put the last wedge of orange in his mouth and stood from the table. He had placed the role of silvery duct tape and a pair of scissors on the table next to him and picked it up and carried it over to his bound thrall.

  The woman was startled by his sudden, quick movement. She looked at him dolefully. He detected her fear he had arisen so he could punish her for her wayward thought of concern for her friend, but he had no such intention. He could not punish the woman for her love for her friend nor her fear for her friend's fate.

  In fact the emotional bond between the two women would prove useful. And he did not want to make an automaton of his familiar. He could squeeze all concepts out of her mind except for her need to obey him. But he didn't want that. In fact, he couldn't have that if she was to maintain her mind in the proper state to receive the transmissions of his energy from across the dimensional divide. An automaton could not express devotion and desire, the key to his binding of her to him, the same way a free mind could. The female's mind was free. That's what made his management of her somewhat problematical. She chose to adore him, chose to give in to her desires, chose to surrender to his will. The fact that he stoked her emotions to impel her in those directions, rewarded right thinking and behavior with delirious, addictive, virtually irresistible pleasure, didn't change the fact that she had made a conscious decision to surrender to him. The workings of his seed in her, of which he had now supplied her with copious amounts, and which was now integrated with her every cell, opened her receptors to his energy, accentuated her physical need for it. If her will was strong enough, if she could muster supreme inner strength, she could oppose him, for a while at least, but he did not intend to give her any immediate, direct reason to do so. His subversion of her personality would be gradual, almost imperceptible, until she would hardly remember anything else more important in her life than him.

  The dream man gave Kelly a caress of her face to calm her and to reassure her he meant no harm to her. He would tolerate her affection for others. In fact, her emotional needs were to be left untrammeled. The more she depended on her emotional side, the easier it would be to maintain and strengthen their psychic bond.

  Raijamoon cut a six inch long strip of duct tape from the roll and, placing the roll and scissors on the floor, presented the strip of silvery material to the woman's lips. He did not want her to be tempted to cry out any warning to her friend, although he doubted she was capable of doing so in her current state. More importantly, he wanted her to be totally immersed in her role as an observer of events. That was why he had positioned her so she could witness her friend's subjugation. She needed to know the extent of his powers, what he could do. She needed to see the contrast between her relationship with him, how he dominated and controlled her, with how he would assume control of her pretty, blond haired friend.

  After silencing the still woozy woman, Raijamoon returned the tape and the scissors to their storage places. He took up a position in the living room out of the direct vision of anyone coming in the door. Adele would see her bound and gagged friend first, and then him.

  A car door slammed outside, and a few seconds later Kelly heard the thud of heavy soled shoes striking the wooden steps and then the porch. Adele never used the door bell. She usually knocked on the door as a courtesy and then walked right in. Kelly never kept her door locked in the daytime. There was no reason to.

  Three sharp reports of a small fist striking the door echoed through the house. “Kelllllleeeee!” a pleasant, lyrical, woman's voice called out. Kelly saw the handle to the door turn and then it opened.

  "Ke-el.... “the voice began to yell as a woman's body came through the door frame. Adele was dressed in tight, navy blue, denim jeans, high, sparkly sandals that tied over her feet in large, sky blue bows, a baby blue, cashmere sweater that had a deep ‘V’ neck which left exposed the inner sides of her large, round breasts and their serious cleavage, and a pea green, fall jacket,
left open, with a brass zipper and yellow piping around the collar and over the pockets. Her hair was loose and short, a blond shag. Her face was, as usual, perfectly made up, with dark lines over her eyes, mascaraed eyelashes, a medium blue eye shadow and bright red lips. She wore large, bright diamond post earrings, a present from an executive over at Delran Corporation. The torrid romance had ended after about six weeks when the man had returned to his wife, but Adele had been happy to keep the diamonds. “They're a girl's best friend,” she had told Kelly jokingly. She wore them almost all the time now as a sort of trophy.

  Adele had a large, flat, round object in her left hand inside a bakery bag and a plastic grocery style bag dangling over her wrist of the same arm. In her other hand, she carried a long necked bottle of a golden hued wine. The bottle had little drops of condensation on it, indicating it had been chilled. Adele's large red and gold pocketbook, without which she went nowhere, was dangling on her right wrist.

  Adele had halted in the middle of her usual ceremonial announcement of her presence. What she saw before her eyes she could barely credence. Her friend was kneeling naked on the floor. She had a broad strip of silver tape across her mouth. Her knees were spread wide and her arms were pulled behind her back. Although Adele's mind screamed, “Danger! Danger! Danger!” she could not resist the impulse to come all the way into the house and take a closer look at her friend's predicament. “Oh, god, Kelly!” she exclaimed. “What's happened to you? Are you okay? What's going on?"

  The pretty woman was acting oblivious of the fact that the woman was gagged and only half realized her questions would have to remain, at least temporarily, rhetorical.


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