Dreams and Desires

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Dreams and Desires Page 33

by Paul Blades

  Ramón was concerned at the physical and mental reaction his familiar was undergoing. His mind probed hers and found it full of concepts like absurdity, irony, humor, that he could not comprehend. He was about to send her a strong, calming wave from his psyche when he sensed the flow of comfort, pleasure and well being her brain was sending to itself. He felt something strange inside him as his mind received her messages of glee. Suddenly, he was effused with merriment. Her laughter was contagious. A strange sound came from his throat, and then another. And then he started to laugh too. He felt his brain flood with happiness and he found he could not control the outpouring of its effects.

  Adele was stunned by the sudden outbreak of hilarity. She got up from her chair and, starting to chuckle herself, knelt down by Kelly and the man and asked “What's so funny?” Kelly looked at her and her laughing became louder and more raucous. The man's laughter accelerated too, as if the fact that they were laughing was the funniest thing in the world. Finally, Adele began to join in the fun. She laughed and lay down and hugged the merry couple.

  Their laughter continued for about ten minutes. It would wind down slowly until there was silence between them and then one or the other would give out a little titter and then they would be off to the races again. When they were finally able to calm themselves, the dream man, overcome by the delightful emotions, rolled off of his familiar and was lying on his back beside her, trying to catch his breath. Adele put her hand to Kelly's cheek, her own face aglow and gave her a brief, affectionate kiss on the lips. Their eyes met. A powerful blast of emotion passed between the two women. Adele leaned over and kissed her friend again, this time parting her lips and inhaling her sweet breath. Kelly looped her bound arms around her blond friend's neck and pulled her down to her. The two women pressed their lips together passionately. Kelly rose to her knees, pushing the younger, blond woman back, their lips and tongues united.

  Both women were seized with a frantic passion. Kelly began to fumble at the buttons to Adele's blouse. Something had come over her and she wanted desperately to taste of her friend's flesh. When she had the third button free, Adele put her own hands on the two sides of the blouse and tore it open, sending the remaining buttons flying. Kelly's bound hands seized her right breast, pulling the delicate bra that held it in place up over it. Adele struggled to get her blouse the rest of the way off of her body, but was satisfied to have it dangling at the end of one arm as she reached behind her back and freed her bra's clasp.

  Adele moaned as Kelly placed her lips on her teat and began to suck at it fervently. The mop haired blonde freed her bra straps from her arms and tore her bra away from her chest, throwing it aside. Kelly pushed her back to the floor and lay atop her, kissing and licking at her large, heavy breasts. Adele was frantic for her lover's touch and took Kelly's bound hands and freed them She drew the beige shirt up over her head and down her arms and then flung it across the small room. As soon as her hands were liberated, the auburn haired older woman seized both of Adele's breasts, squeezing them harshly while moving her mouth from teat to teat, sucking and biting on her nipples.

  Desperate for full body contact with the moaning, blond girl, Kelly grabbed the waist of her Adele's miniskirt and began tugging it down. Adele's hands moved to assist her and within a few moments, Kelly had drawn the skirt and her matching thong over her friend's knees and ankles and then removed her own. She pressed her body forward until she felt their bellies match, their breasts intermingle and she found the writhing blond woman's lips again.

  Ramón was taken aback by the women's sudden outbreak of lust. He could feel their burning passion for each other's flesh flowing from them like a stream. It excited him to watch them meld their bodies together. He approved of his familiar's outpouring of uncontrollable desire. His cock was hard and he began to stroke it almost unconsciously.

  Kelly insinuated her legs between Adele's and pushed her thighs apart until their pelvises were married. Her bare pussy rubbed up against Adele's golden haired one and she pressed down against it, rubbing their labial lips together. The urge to pleasure her friend as she had pleasured her now twice overcame her. She was energized with love for her, thankful for her affectionate role in making her suitable for the desires of the star man. She shifted her body down Adele's thin, curvaceous torso, stopping to lap at her stiffened nipples, running her tongue down her taut belly, kissing her skin, her hands stroking her sides. She brought herself to her knees and slid her energized hands over the soft, pale insides of Adele's widespread thighs and, after hesitating for a moment to take in the view of the moist, engorged object of her lust, delved her head downwards and ran her tongue deeply inside Adele's crevasse. She licked slowly upwards until she reached its apex and then, seizing the hardened bud atop it between her lips, sucked gently but firmly on it, making the blond haired woman writhe and moan with pleasure.

  The sensation of supping at her friend's sex was intoxicating. Kelly had smelled her own discharge on her fingers before, sniffing lazily at them after a session of self administered pleasure. But she had not been prepared for the overwhelming sensation of breathing in the pungent, musky aroma directly from its source. And the taste was strange but delicious. Her lips and tongue lapped up her friend's juices hungrily.

  The dream man's lusts began to overpower him. He rose to his knees and took a position behind the pale, round rear haunches of his familiar. He placed his hands on her hips, sending a wave of intense passion through her. When she moaned and spread her thighs, offering herself to his penetration, he placed his hot cock between her hairless, blood filled love lips and pushed himself between them.

  Kelly groaned when she felt the man's cock sink home in her womb. She could feel the radiance of his cock effuse through her body. Suddenly, she felt as if it was passing through her, enflaming every cell of her body on the way, until it emerged from her mouth and tongue and was transmitted to her friend's fevered cunt.

  Sensing his passion traveling through the intermediary of Kelly's writhing flesh to the blond woman's, Ramón increased its flow. It had been his plan for the two women to become enraptured with each other's flesh and he wanted to stoke his familiar's compulsion. He leaned over and gently took her arms in his hands and connected her wrists behind her back, so that her sole contact with her friend's flesh was between her mouth and Adele's flowered, juicing pussy.

  Kelly felt the surge of her captor's lust pass through her. When he bound her arms, her mind burst with ecstasy at the confirmation of her submission to him and his approval of her desire for her friend's flesh. She ground her lips and mouth on Adele's gash, making the woman moan loudly and twist her hips beneath her. Adele's body tensed as her climax began. She seized Kelly's head with her hands and pressed it hard into her loins. “Oh god!” she yelled. “Oh god! Oh god!"

  The blond woman's screams of passion set Kelly's crises in motion. When she felt the relentless, driving cock in her womb begin to throb, her pussy sent a hard, wrenching pulse of pleasure through her. She moaned into her lover's flooded gash, lapping her tongue deep inside it and then seized the pleasure bud at its apex, sucking at it feverishly.

  When their orgasms subsided, the trio of lovers lay for a long time, intertwined and relishing the aftershocks of their exertions. Adele recovered first. Kelly's head had come to rest on her belly and she lifted it gently and wriggled out from under her. “Whew!” she said in her pleasing, Southern drawl. “What was that?"

  She lifted Kelly's chin and gave her a peck on the lips. “That was great, baby. I love you.” She gave her another buss and went to look for her clothes. Kelly's dream lover slowly extricated his softened manhood from her glowing cleft and did the same.

  * * * *

  Ramón puzzled over his outbreak of human emotion all the way home. What had come over him? He had let the exquisite sensual experiences of this world distract him before, but he had never lost control over himself. It was a strange, experience. But his mind felt warm and contented when he th
ought of the epidemic of mirth that had struck the three. He feared, though, that he was being seduced from his true nature, that the human side of him was beginning to predominate. He could not let that happen. It was the way of the renegade. Although he was possessed of warm, affectionate feelings for his female wards, especially his familiar, he had a mission to perform and the female beings he had enthralled were but a means to that end, even expendable if need be. The renegade must be brought in at all costs.

  The technicians of the Whole were unable to make much sense of the millions of signals that came through the barrier from this dimension every day. Their essence was of emotion, not information. So they could not ‘view’ the events here as they unfolded, not even to identify with any certainty the identity of the being whose emotional trail they ultimately selected to use for the jump. They had identified it as female, as the females of this species tended, by far, to be the more emotional of the sexes. The source was young, at least relatively, at a part of her life where emotional issues still predominated. But she had to be old enough to have developed a strong, disciplined intellect. For it was the combination of strength of emotion and intellect that made the ephemeral strand identifiable and pure.

  The strand emanating from the renegade's familiar had been, like his female's, particularly strong. They were able to continue to trace it after the renegade's jump, although they could not specify its location. What they had found was not pretty. The signals of passion and desire that crossed the divide were mixed with equally strong messages of fear and pain. It was a sign that the renegade was violating the laws of the Whole, bringing psychic torment to his familiar for the purposes of making stronger her ability to draw essence from the other side. And if the renegade had cast away his ethical responsibilities to his familiar, it was a logical assumption that he was doing the same to other sentient creatures as well. He had probably interfered with the lives of hundreds, if not thousands, of sentient females over the last five years, making their lives living hells. To the Whole, this damage to sentient beings, no matter how low along the scale of intelligence that they were, was more than unacceptable. It caused a great disturbance to the Whole's sense of being, of purpose. For its intrusions into other universes were benignly conceived.

  Ramón could see how the temptation to devote one's considerable, almost god-like, powers to the aggrandizement of one's senses would be hard to resist. When he had gone to visit Hardings, he had been tempted by the sinewy, enticing body of the young woman who had led him to his office. She had short, brown hair and delicious eyes. She had flitted them at him invitingly, no doubt affected by the glow of sexual power he emitted and the comely form his familiar's dreams had given him. But that would have served no purpose legitimate to his mission and so he had subdued the emanations from his psyche and let her go.

  The good looking, black skinned secretary outside of Hardings’ office was another story. He would have a use for her. And so he claimed her, passing his control to her lightly but firmly through the contact of their skin when they shook hands.

  Ramón turned in his seat and looked at his familiar. It was dark inside the automobile, but he could see her face clearly each time a vehicle passed them going the other way, their headlights illuminating it briefly. She was smiling contentedly. Her eyes seemed to be looking deeply into the ether, not focused on anything in the car. He could feel the flow of happiness as it leaked from her. Whatever had happened this afternoon, he decided, was good. She had been tense and fraught with conflict all day. The epic episode of hilarity and the madly impassioned attack she had mounted on the other female had drawn all of that out of her.

  There would be harder times ahead for the pretty, auburn haired woman. It was good to see her resiliency. She would need it.

  Kelly had been lost in a trance like state the whole ride home. The only time she had been conscious of the world around her was when Adele had stopped for Mexican take out. She had phoned ahead and was in and out of the little store in the Hadley strip mall in a minute. Kelly watched the other people entering and exiting, going about their business. “Earthlings,” she thought lazily. They talked and laughed and argued with each other, oblivious to the danger in their midst. But what did she care? She had cast her lot with the invader.

  When the car pulled to a stop at her homestead, Kelly had a pang of disquietude. The house was the crucible of the man's control over her, a hothouse of passion. She had had moments of relative freedom and clearness of mind during the day. But here, the man would be again unrestricted in his control over her. She would again become the helpless, obsessed prisoner upon whom everything was imposed and nothing was asked. She had had several chances to escape today. She had taken none of them. Now, as she was confronted with the prospect of the renewal of her continuous state of sexual stimulation, driving out all rational thought, she was not so sure she had made the right decision.

  Ramón took her by the arm and led her from the car to the porch. They both waited while Adele unlocked the door. Ramón entered first, followed by Kelly and then Adele. Ramón turned to Kelly once they had crossed the threshold and, holding her cheeks in his hands, gave her a long, comforting kiss, sending a wave or reassurance and caring into her. Kelly's mind fogged at the reception of his message. She stood there listlessly, at the entrance to her home, while Adele unfastened her wrists and helped her take off her coat. Kelly stood and watched as she put it into the closet, unsure of what she should do. When Adele returned, she gave her confused friend a kiss and proceeded to undress her completely, including her stockings and shoes. She locked her hands behind her back and readorned her with her ankle bracelets, and gag. She had left the leash by the door and she clipped it onto Kelly's collar. As Adele was reestablishing her status as a totally controlled being, Kelly looked dolefully at her friend. She was so affectionate and concerned over her it was easy to forget, as she had at the lab before they left, that she was first and foremost the servant of her captor.

  "Come on, honey, it's time for your surprise,” she said.

  Kelly had forgotten about Adele's promise of a surprise this morning when they left. Her heart darkened as to what it might be. Her gifts to her to date had not been of a nature to reassure her.

  She followed, with trepidation, the blond woman's lead into the bedroom and lay down on the bed obediently. Adele scurried from the room and returned in a moment with the plastic shopping bag from the adult store. She pulled from it a bright pink, translucent vibrator molded in the form of a penis and a tube of lubrication. The vibrator was attached to a belt that went around the waist and thighs. Kelly looked at it unhappily. She had never used a vibrator and considered them a weird fetishism. She was chagrined at the new indignity her friend was imposing on her. She knew its purpose. While she had been a prisoner here over the weekend, she had existed in an almost constant sate of sexual arousal and bliss. Her day at the lab had broken that spell. The purpose of the sex toy was to reestablish it. And she could writhe and twist in pleasure while her tormentors went about their other business. She was going to be put on automatic.

  When Adele presented the lubed device to her, Kelly shook her head and closed her legs. She didn't want that thing inside her. “Come on, Kelly,” Adele said. “It'll only be for a little while, until I get dinner ready. It's what Ramón wants."

  As if on signal, the dream man appeared in the doorway. He had stripped down and his physical presence sent a wave of lust through her. She saw him frown and she knew he was upset at her reluctance to comply with Adele's demand. With a tear in her eye, she spread her legs, exposing her hairless mons to the man and his acolyte. Her hips were raised by her bound hands underneath her and Adele had no trouble gaining access to her sex. She felt the tip of the device probe at her slit. Adele began to stroke her pleasure bud gently. That and the wave of passion the man sent her caused her gash quickly to moisten with desire.

  The plastic penis split her labia and entered her. Adele pushed it in slowly until i
t was fully lodged in her crevasse. It was cool and hard, but it filled her exquisitely. Adele wrapped the straps around her and then, after connecting her ankles directly to each other, wrapped a black belt around her thighs, forcing them together. The belt fastened with Velcro and Adele was able to pull it very tight. She then urged her gently to her side. She connected her ankles to her wrists with the chain that had previously connected her ankles together. And there was one last thing. Adele retrieved from the bag a black mask that fitted over the eyes. The sockets were rounded and when she put it around Kelly's head, it shut out all light.

  "That'll help you concentrate better, honey,” Adele said. “Just relax and enjoy it. Dinner'll be ready in a little while. I want to make some veggies and change my clothes. I'll set the control to medium."

  The beast within Kelly's loins sprang to life. The end of it had a little attachment that sat directly over her hooded clit and Kelly began to experience a steady vibration that flowed through the walls of her pussy and sent a strange tingle across her love button. She felt the bed move as her friend got up to leave. She whined a protest from her darkness. And then she felt the man's hand run over her hip and down her naked thigh. He sent her an intense signal of passion and warmth. Her nervousness and mental discomfort at being filled with the sex toy passed away. By the time the delicious hand left her, her filled tunnel had begun to burn with lust.

  Ramón left the female to enjoy her passions. He and Adele had an assignation tonight and it was important she be fully mesmerized with sexual bliss before they left. She would not like being left alone, but there was nothing he could do. It was bad enough to have to transport her daily back and forth from the lab, but to have her out in the world more than necessary was a hazard. Although leaving her alone in the house was also dangerous, it was the lesser of two evils. He went back to the living room and booted up Kelly's laptop. There were some formulas he had been going over at the lab before they left and he wanted to finish working on them while they were still on his mind.


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