Dreams and Desires

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Dreams and Desires Page 42

by Paul Blades

  It was after nine and everyone was lying sprawled around the room either asleep or nearly so, languidly caressing whatever soft flesh was within their reach. When the sound of a car coming up the driveway entered the room, Natalie looked out the window and cried out, “Fuck! It's my father!"

  The women tore through the pile of discarded clothes frantically trying to match garments to females. Ramón scurried into the bedroom, a nearly comatose Kelly in tow, and pulled on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt. He slipped on his sneakers without bothering for socks. Leaving Kelly lying on the bed, he came back to the living room. The women were in various stages of dressing, giggling and laughing at their haste and confusion.

  Natalie and Cindy ran into the bathroom to brush their hair and wash their cum covered faces while Ramón answered the door. Hardings had knocked several times and he had a bewildered look on his face when the door finally opened. Hannah was with him and she was smirking conspiratorially. Natalie and Cindy kissed everyone goodbye and pushed him out of the house.

  Felicity and Melissa left soon thereafter, taking Chandra and a very happy Lucy with them. The three residents of the house took a shower together in the large shower stall. Although they had just recently fucked themselves to exhaustion, the experience of washing Ramón's body was so sensual, Adele and Kelly sank to their knees and took turns sucking the dream man's cock while stroking each other's pussies to pleasure. It was Kelly who received his discharge, both women shuddering to climax when he came. She shared his essence with her loving friend as she gave her a deep, passionate kiss.

  Kelly's comforter was too covered with the remnants of countless discharges for use and so Adele took the one off of her bed and the three lovers slept together. Kelly fell asleep sandwiched between the man and her friend, her bindings and gag restored, blissfully looking forward to her dreams.

  The day after Christmas, it was back to work. Ramón met with Hardings and provided him with a list of supplies he needed. Adele had set up an interview with a well experienced female engineer, an Asian American woman named Nancy Lee. She had been laid off a few weeks before the Holidays and was eager to find a new job. Bright, in her mid thirties, she had a nice, if somewhat mature, figure, and an intelligent face. Ramón recruited her immediately and Hardings put her on his payroll.

  It was on Friday, three days after Christmas that Shabazz showed up. Hardings had alerted his cousin, the Sheriff, to look out for him. The car with the easily identifiable license plates had been spotted in the parking lot of a local diner. He had brought two muscle boys with him. One was a dark, foreboding looking black man with a shaved head and a golden earring. The other man was white and he had a heavy, black beard. Both men were well over six feet tall and well muscled.

  The Sheriff waited until they left the diner and had driven a few miles out Route 73 en route to Hardings’ house when he pulled them over. He had called for two back up patrol cars and the desperados were confronted by six Caleb County officers. All of the men were relieved of their sidearms and other weapons. They had brought four sets of handcuffs and two gags and these were confiscated. They protested at the illegal roust while they were cuffed and placed in the patrol cars and driven away. The cars turned off the highway onto a little traveled, dirt road, one of the cops driving Shabazz's Caddy behind them. When they pulled to a stop far from the main highway, Hardings and several members of the company softball team were waiting there with baseball bats.

  While Shabazz and his compadres watched, the men did a thorough job of destruction of Shabazz's car. They pounded out the headlights, broke the rear and all of the side windows and produced a series of impressive dents all over its shiny, new body. By the time they were done, the formerly clean lines of the luxury car were so distorted, it looked like it had the mumps.

  When the ballplayers finally put their bats to rest, Hardings retrieved his double barreled shotgun from the rack in the rear window of his pick up. He walked over to Shabazz, who was standing there handcuffed, screaming and yelling and promising all kinds of retribution to the men. Hardings shoved the shotgun up against his chest and, after pausing to look into the frightened pimp's eyes, pulled the trigger. The force of the gun's discharge blew the black man off of his feet.

  When the Sheriff's deputies pulled him back to a standing position, there were two large burn marks on the front of his luxurious fur coat and the man was blubbering and crying. Hardings had loaded the shotgun with blanks. Deep down, he would have preferred using live rounds. Discretion had got the better of him. But he definitely wanted to put the fear of God into the despicable man.

  When Shabazz was finally able to calm himself, he and his companions were freed from their handcuffs and made to strip to their skivvies. Once they were back in the car, the Sheriff leaned into Shabazz's window and gave him a short, but firm speech. “Let me just tell you this, sonny,” the heavyset, fiftyish man said in a low, firm voice. “I wouldn't come back here if I were you. But if you do, you'd better bring a lot more guys. Cause if I catch you anywhere in this county, I'm going to shoot first and ask questions later."

  One of the deputies had retrieved Shabazz's broad brimmed pimp hat and threw it into the car.

  "It's going to be a long, cold drive home,” the Sheriff continued. “If I were you, I'd try to get there before the sun goes down."

  Shabazz was still too freaked out to drive and it was the other black man who pulled the battered Caddy back onto the main road. One of the patrol cars followed them until they hit the county line.

  The work was finished on the new space the week after New Years. Ramón now had his own work area, complete with a lab table, a computer and space for the additional equipment he was designing and which Hardings’ people would help build. Hardings had arranged for the expedited installation of the additional 220 volt power lines he needed, although his work would, hopefully, soon make those power sources obsolete. A drafting desk for the engineer he had recruited was also installed. She would be working closely with him on developing the specifications for and installing the other equipment he would need. Her work was the most confidential in the lab and so it made sense to have him work with him, even though it made the other girls jealous. The plain, conservative business suit she had worn in the interview had given way to more stylish and revealing outfits and she had already lost a few of the excess pounds she had brought with her to the job. Her work was efficient and neat and she did not question the strangeness of some of the designs she was working on. The only real problem was, since he liked working in the nude and they spent their days in such close proximity, he had to stop several times a day to grant her sexual release.

  One of the new rooms had been specially designed for Kelly, although she didn't know it. Since Christmas, the man's use of her seemed to intensify, although she could not have thought that possible. Her periods of lucidity in the mornings had become briefer and briefer. When Ramón was busy, one of the girls, or Adele, would relieve her of her sexual tensions.

  It was her loss of her hold on reality Kelly minded most. Sitting dazed and sexually sated at her desk, her pussy still burning from its latest assault, she sometimes found it hard to recall what day it was, what she had done in the morning, who she had spoken to. For there were still the occasional phone call she had to handle, carefully scripted and made in the presence of her master and his acolyte. Afterwards, blindfolded, gagged and bound, the man's soothing cum seeping into her cells, she would have a hard time remembering who she had talked to and about what.

  From time to time, she would recall her project and her research, and protest mentally at the loss of her purpose in life. She was a highly trained scientist, with years of education, and all she did all day was answer a few emails, sign some letters or purchase orders and fuck. But her concern for her work quickly faded each time her captor passed his hand over her head, emitting a warmth and affection that made her pussy burn with lust for him.

  New Years, like Christmas Day had been pass
ed in a fog of sexual bliss as all of the women, this time with the lovely Nancy Lee included, came to the house to celebrate the advent of the New Year. The party had actually started the night before and continued, intermittently, until the early evening of the next day. The surprise of the day had been the arrival of Hannah. Ramón was surprised to see her and was somewhat wary of her presence there since she and Hardings had formed a couple. But he could sense her need for him and acceded to her request to pleasure him. He sat in one of the easy chairs in the living room while she knelt between his knees, naked, mouthing him to climax.

  Kelly had been just as surprised to see the black woman there. But she was more surprised when she found herself being led by her into the bedroom. They spent about an hour together. The woman's soft body and heartfelt gentleness was soothing to the captured young woman. Her broad, dark lips brought fire to her loins and her breasts while they coupled, and Kelly felt overwhelmed with lust as she lapped her tongue along the older woman's cleft, nestled between her widespread, black thighs. But it was the languid, satisfying periods between their frenetic lovemaking Kelly appreciated best. Suckling leisurely at her plump, mature breasts, Kelly felt almost child like, loved and protected, the black woman's soothing, deep voice giving her motherly encouragement, her strong hands stroking her.

  Chandra, who had received holy hell from her parents for staying out all night, moved in with them the next day. Adele welcomed her into her bed and now the beauteous Indian princess assisted her in her management of Kelly's care. The first time Chandra came home from work with them, Kelly had been disconcerted as Adele taught her how to prepare Kelly for the insertion of her vibrator. It thereafter became her daily task. Her love for Kelly was so clearly evident and her handling of her so gentle and respectful, Kelly soon gave up her unhappiness at it. Not that she had lost her dismay each time her passions were placed on automatic and she was left for what seemed to be longer and longer periods to languish blindfolded, gagged and bound in the trembling device's lustful effects.

  Each morning, the dark skinned girl also took over the job of preparing Kelly's pussy for the day. Kelly would lie back on the edge of the bed, her thighs split widely, while Chandra happily shaved her pudenda clean and then coaxed her to climax with her tongue and lips. In the evenings, while Kelly knelt naked and bound in the living room at her lord's feet, eagerly waiting for him to break from his work on her laptop to satisfy her lust, Adele would help Chandra with her homework in the kitchen.

  On the second Wednesday after New Years, right at lunch time, Kelly's new space was unveiled to her. She was been sitting in one of the visitor's chairs in her office when Adele came in. Ramón had been in his new work room all morning and sweet little Melissa had a short while before stroked her to orgasm. She was lost in a dazed reverie, the afterglow of her climax still upon her. Adele freed her hands from behind the chair and, after helping her to her feet, pulled her knit blouse back down over her breasts and lowered her skirt from around her hips.

  "Ramón has a surprise for you today, Kelly,” Adele told her as she led her from the sequestered office. She had fastened her hands back behind her and had reinstalled her gag. Kelly, even in her confused, post orgasmic state, balked at being led through the lab by her leash, but Adele was insistent.

  To her surprise, the lab was empty. Kelly had expected to see the girls busy at their posts, but instead, she saw their lab coats draped over their stools and their workplaces abandoned.

  The new space Ramón had leased from Hardings was separated from the rest of the lab by a strong, steel door. It was secured by heavy, iron hinges and a combination lock. Adele quickly fingered the buttons and the lock snapped open. She pulled the door towards her and led Kelly through. The door led to a small, whitewashed, cinderblock hallway with one door on each side. The door on the left, closest to the wall that separated the space from Hardings’ shop was Ramón's new office and workplace. The door on the right led to Kelly's surprise.

  The door had another combination lock on it and Kelly stood behind her blond friend as she keyed it in. Kelly was amazed at the work that had been done and its very existence reminded her of the fact that she had lost all control of her laboratory. What was her life becoming, she thought unhappily. She wondered what terrible new development awaited her beyond the imposing steel door. Each time Adele had previously promised her a “surprise” or a “treat” it had turned out to be yet another step in her reduction to a purely sexual being. Kelly felt like her humanity was slipping away. She hated the turmoil it caused her. Why couldn't she just serve the dream man like the others did, happy and unquestioning? If she was to be some kind of community whore, why couldn't he just make her forget everything else?

  Adele opened the door and led Kelly through it. The first thing she saw was the bed. It was a wide, king sized mattress without a box spring sitting on a foot high wooden platform. It was positioned with its head to the right as you entered the door and was covered by a taut, smooth aqua sheet. Kelly stared at it long and hard. There was a short, thin chain connected to the headboard. Her heart sank as she realized its purpose. The bed was for her and the chain was for her too. There would be no need to confine her in her office now. The dream man, and anyone else who wanted to, could fuck her right here.

  Kelly was so startled by the presence of the bed that, at first, she failed to remark the rest of the room. It was a large room, perhaps 20’ x 30'. Its cinderblock walls were painted a light, pastel green, just like her office. Whoever had decorated it had taken a good deal of care and time since there were pretty prints mounted along the walls, a Degas ballet scene, not the same as in her office, but similar, a Van Gogh, the one with the lilies mounted in a lavender vase, a Pizarro landscape and others. There were vases with flowers on a long, polished oak credenza along the wall on the other side of the bed, a small dresser and a nightstand with a crystal glass lamp atop it. The rug was a copy of the one she had in her office. In the corner of the room was a glass enclosed shower, big enough for two and a screened off toilet. The ceiling of the room was high and painted white and along the outside wall, high up, were the room's only windows, slits, really, no more than eight inches wide, just enough to let in some natural light. A ceiling fan hung from a long pole from the ceiling with an array of small lamps in its middle. It cast a circle of light onto the bed, bright in the otherwise dimly lit room.

  It was incongruous to see such a beautifully appointed bedroom appurtenant to a place of work. But it was disconcerting to see the girls from the lab and all the other women whom Ramón had entranced, even Lucy Douglas, standing around the foot of the bed expectantly, all eyes on her, all faces alight with beaming smiles.

  Ramón was standing there too, his dark, mesmerizing eyes peering at her. The women were all dressed, but he was naked. His cock was hard and jutted out from his loins like a sword. Kelly felt her knees wobble as she took in the sight of him. He was going to fuck her in front of all of these women, she knew that. He was going to make her put on a performance for them, for their delight and their edification. It would be like a ceremony demarking the dream man's supremacy, a coronation of sorts. And all the women were going to be eager, willing observers, if not participants.

  For Kelly, there could have been no greater reminder that the women were Ramón's dedicated slaves. They treated her kindly, almost with reverence, but they served him. She wanted to cry out to them, awaken them from their trances. But aside from being gagged, she knew it would be of no avail. No one could resist the strange visitor she had conjured. He was master of all.

  Kelly felt Adele stroke her long, auburn hair that was tied into a ponytail behind her head, reaching down to the middle of her back. “I know it's hard, honey,” she said softly, kindly. “But it's important. Everybody here loves you, especially Ramón."

  Kelly began to whine behind her gag. Looking at the dream man, she could feel her desire for him rising. She knew she would be unable to resist him. She would put on a sho
w of virulent lust for his adoring servants and she hated the thought of it. She had mated with the man in their presence before, and with most of the women separately, that was true. But this would be different. They would not be coparticipants in her sexual acts, they would be an audience.

  Adele's hands went down her back and reached for the zipper of her tiny, soft cotton, beige skirt. Kelly felt it descend and the clasp unhooked. To her dismay, the skirt fell easily to her feet, revealing the tops of her thighs and her hairless sex. Adele then reached around her front and pulled her russet colored sweater blouse up over her head and down her bound arms. Her friend, or the person who had been her friend, unhooked her wrists and slid the sweater free. Kelly tried to pull her arms away to prevent them being bound behind her again, but the blond woman quickly took hold of them.

  "Don't fight it, Kelly,” Adele told her. “It's what Ramón wants.” She refastened the bracelets on her wrists together. Usually, Adele used the little chain to connect them, giving her arms some play and easing the strain on Kelly's shoulders and back. But this time she connected them directly to each other, pulling her shoulders back, making her naked breasts jut out in presentation to the gallery.

  While Adele knelt down to pull her skirt from around her ankles and remove her shoes, Kelly rued her nakedness before all of the clothed women. All eyes were on her and she was shamed. Her teeth clenched tightly on her gag in anguished frustration. Her breasts, which were denied her, swayed slightly on her chest, her nipples hard and pointed, as she lifted her feet one at a time obediently. She was dismally conscious of her hairless slit, displayed for all to see. At the same time, her pussy began to burn with unwanted need and she feared her crevasse was already glistening with her lubrication. Ramón stood in the center of the small crowd of women and she could feel his powers emanating from him towards her.

  Kelly was wearing a pair of sheer, mauve stockings to match her now discarded beige skirt. Adele had removed her ankle bracelets and began to roll the stockings down her legs. The feel of the woman's hands on her thighs caused her to shiver with her rising passions. Kelly dolefully lifted one leg and then the other in passive, but disturbed acceptance of her fate as the stocking were removed.


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