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Rush Page 3

by Violet Vaughn

  He snorts, “Maybe for you, but I’d probably get hit by a car. I can’t even get off a stool without injury.”

  I grin and say, “Somehow, you made that look good.”

  His mouth tightens. Ignoring my blatant flirting, he lifts the ice off his ankle and sets it on the bar. “I think my ankle is good. Thanks for the ice.” He downs the last of his coffee and says, “I’m ready for a check.” His mug thuds on the bar.

  Shit, I went too far. He’s probably tired of women falling all over him because of his looks. I set down my knife and wipe my hands on a soft cotton rag before printing his check.

  Setting the bill down before him I say, “It was nice to see you again, Derrick. Maybe I’ll run into you and Nika on the slopes.” I want to make it clear I’m not trying to get in his pants. This is so weird; I totally misread him and freaked him out with simple flirting.

  He pulls out his wallet and sets cash on the bar. “It’s all set. Thanks, Gretchen.”

  I watch him walk away with a slight limp. When I pick up his bill there’s a twenty and a fifty. Whoa. He just gave me more than a fifty-dollar tip on a sixteen-dollar tab? Color me confused, because that’s the last thing I expected.

  Chapter 5

  I clear my head and concentrate on lightly gripping the golf club. With precision, I lift my arms into the back swing and let the weight of the club lead it into the ball. The familiar crack sounds as I hit it cleanly.

  “Nice! That’s it, Gretchen.”

  I smile with pride at the golf pro’s words. “Thanks, Lyle. I think I’m getting the hang of this.”

  I’m living a Caddy Shack moment on the driving range with wait staff and kitchen crew. On Monday evenings, employees get a free group lesson. Because we can golf any time there’s an opening, most of us take advantage of the perk. And because the course manager likes his grass, he’s arranged lessons for us in hopes of minimizing the divots.

  I’ve golfed before, but without any formal lessons I make the typical mistake of muscling my way through a swing. Lyle is teaching me a better way, and I have to admit that while it feels wrong to let the club and physics take over, it works.

  My dad would be impressed. I frown, thinking about him. When we played a few weeks ago, he seemed off his game. My morose train of thought makes me sigh. The dead guy on the plane has me thinking about the people in my life dying. I reach in my pocket for a golf tee.

  “Dude, check that out.” Rick is talking to Steve, and I look to see what he means. Nika is walking back to the clubhouse with a golf bag slung over her shoulder. With legs a mile long and a short golf skirt, she appears to be every bit the model she is.

  Our clinic is finishing up, so I grab my bag quickly to leave and I call out, “Nika!” My clubs rattle as I jog to catch up to her. She waits with a big grin.

  “Gretchen, I’m so glad to see you. Derrick told me you worked here, and I was about to check the bar to see if you were around.” She takes in my appearance, and I feel self-conscious in my Old Navy cotton shorts and tee. Taking in hers, I guess she’s wearing designer clothing that could pay for my next car.

  Our cleated golf shoes clack on the pavement as we walk toward the locker rooms. She says, “You golf? Of course you do. Derrick told me about your ninja save the other day. Is there a sport you aren’t good at?”

  I snort. “Plenty. If it involves a team, then I don’t do well. I’m not good at taking orders.”

  The smell of cut grass is strong as we rest our bags against the wall near the lawn tractors. A gangly boy scrambles over to take Nika’s bag, and she rewards him with a smile that makes him flush red.

  Being a lowly employee, I move to take my bag into the storage room too. Nika says, “Jared?”

  The boy flashes a mouth full of silver wire as he looks at her.

  “Could you be a dear and take Gretchen’s bag too?” She reaches out and touches his arm. “Thank you.”

  Wow. She’s good at this.

  The pleasant scent of lavender greets us as we enter the ladies’ locker room. Mint green durable carpet and pale aqua lockers are impeccable, lending to the serene atmosphere. Nika says, “I was wondering if you’d like to come run with me and the dogs. There are beautiful trails behind my house. Although I’m not very fast.” She opens a locker that is a few down from mine.

  She twists her golf glove in her hands, and fear flickers on her face for a moment.

  “I would love to. I’m working two jobs right now, but I have Tuesday and Thursday mornings free, and Wednesday nights.”

  “Oh, good. Want to come over tomorrow? What time do you go to work?” She slips her bare feet into pink sequin boat shoes that appear quite large. I suppose when you’re over six feet tall big feet are part of the package.

  “I have to be here by ten. That means we should finish by nine. Is that too early?” I wiggle my sweaty thighs into spandex bike shorts while Nika brushes her long brown hair.

  Yanking her ponytail tight she says, “No, that’s fine. I could use a reason to get out of bed. Derrick will be in shock when I get up that early.” She cocks her head at me. “He’ll be glad to see you too.”

  Really now. My heart skips a beat, thinking about what he must look like in a pair of pajama pants hanging low on his hips. “I wouldn’t be so sure about that. I have a way of annoying him.” I recall how he left my bar abruptly last week. And then I recall the big tip.

  “He’s just a grumpy old man before his time. Personally, I think he needs to get laid.” She chuckles and drops her eyes. “I probably shouldn’t have said that to the girl I want him to date, huh?”

  What? “Um, I’m not sure how to respond to that. Your brother is definitely hot, but I don’t think I’m even close to being his type.” But damn, I sure want to be. I tug my tight sports bra over my head.

  “Well, that’s probably true. But I know he’s attracted to you, and his type doesn’t make him happy. He needs to be with someone that challenges him and doesn’t let him get away with controlling everything. I’m pretty sure you don’t let someone dictate what you do, ever.” Nika’s eyes dance as she smirks.

  That makes me grin too. “You’ve got me pegged. I’ll be honest, though; my type tends to be a lot wilder than Derrick. I think I would shock him.”

  “That would be a good thing. But I’ll stop playing matchmaker and let chemistry run its course. There’s something between you two that’ll be hard to fight.” She winks at me and grabs her phone. “What’s your number? I’ll text you directions. I can bring you here when we’re done, and I’ve got room for your bike too.”

  I take it from her and enter my contact information. Chemistry? He feels it, too? “I’ll be there at eight. Sound good?”

  “Perfect.” As I grab my backpack to leave, she looks me up and down. “Uh-huh. I think Derrick has met his match.”

  I shake my head and we leave the locker room. “See you tomorrow.” I head toward the golf cart garage where I keep my bike and let sexy thoughts of Derrick invade my mind.


  “I don’t suppose I’ll get to see this Derrick, will I?” asks Casey. Her curls wisp around her face with the wind from the open sunroof. Casey’s giving me a ride to Nika’s house.

  “Did you want to do the meet-and-greet thing? I know you’ll like Nika.” I fiddle with the end of my long braid. Having Casey there would help with my nerves.

  “No, I’m running behind as it is. But I really wanted to see the finished houses in this neighborhood. I photographed the images of the plots for the developer’s website. The house I saw being built looked like it was going to be spectacular.” She flips on the blinker and turns left onto a dirt road.

  “Oh, wow.” My stomach flips. The first house we pass must be worth at least a million dollars. Nestled between pine trees, this neighborhood is high above a valley, and the view of the Rocky Mountains is spectacular. “I knew they had money, but I didn’t know quite how much. Shit.” I glance quickly at Casey, and she frowns. “
Sorry. I meant crap.”

  While I grew up in a family that didn’t worry much about money, I feel very inadequate not even owing a car right now. I rip a bit of fingernail off with my teeth.

  “Hey, don’t do that to yourself. Money isn’t a problem if you don’t let it be. Okay?” Casey reaches over and pats my thigh in her mother-hen way.

  “I know. I don’t know what’s come over me. I usually don’t give two sh—-sheets what some guy thinks of me.” Whew, dodged the swearing bullet yet again. I fist my hands to keep from biting my nails to the quick.

  “It’s kind of cute. I’ve never seen you like this.” Casey is grinning. “He’s more than hot isn’t he?”

  “He pisses me off, gets annoyed with me, and I can’t quite figure out why it makes me like him more.”

  “Because he isn’t worshipping the ground you walk on, Gretch. You like him because he’s a challenge.” She slows as we approach a black mailbox with a brass number fourteen on it. “I hear he smells good too.”

  I catch her sideways glance and let her see my grin.

  She says, “It’s about time you met your match.”

  I snort. “That’s what Nika said about Derrick.”

  We pull into the driveway of a two-story, log cabin–style home that appears to be five times the size of our nine-hundred-square-foot ranch, and Casey stops behind a white Land Rover. I get out and lift the hatch of the old Saab. With a quick yank, I get my bike out, and it bounces a bit when I let the wheels fall to the ground.

  “Hey!” Nika has come out the front door and waves as she approaches the car.

  I slam the hatch door and say, “Hi.” I sweep my hand toward the open window. “This is my roommate, Casey.”

  “Hi, Casey, I’m Nika.”

  “Hi. I love your house. I came out here when they were building the first one to take pictures for the developer. It’s a great location.”

  “I know. I was thrilled to find this neighborhood,” says Nika. “Would you like to come in?”

  “I wish I could, but I’m late for an appointment. I’m sure I’ll see you soon. We try to do a girls’ night once a week. You’ll have to come.” Casey shifts into reverse and backs out.

  I yell and wave at the moving car, “Thanks for the ride!”

  Nika says, “Let’s put your bike in my car.”

  She has opened the back. “Derrick is making us breakfast for after our run.” She waits for me to load the bike into the car. “Seems he wants to impress you.” I catch her sly smile just before she slams the hatch closed. “C’mon in. I’m just about ready.”

  The moment we enter, the sound of nails on wood scrambles toward us, and three dogs start barking. I put out my hand for them to sniff. “Hi, guys.” The wiggling bodies tell me they think I’m okay, and I crouch to pet them. While the two black dogs fight for attention, the golden eyes of the brown one asks politely for it. I reach for her. “Is this one Cleo?”

  “Yes, my princess. She’s endearing, isn’t she?”

  A deep voice says, “She’s a girl. She knows how to get you to touch her.”

  I feel my eyes squint in annoyance as my head lifts to Derrick. I bite back a snide remark and take in the loose shorts and sweat-stained T-shirt. His eyes are swollen as if he hasn’t slept well.

  Nika huffs. “My friends used to find you charming. Go back to your cave.” She hands me a dog collar. “Put this on Cleo for me?”


  I look past the dog to a great room with a large stone fireplace. Three plush leather couches in a burgundy shade are arranged in a sitting area with a warm-toned oriental carpet. My eyes are attracted to the large windows set high on either side of the stone chimney and the spectacular views of the mountain range.

  Off to the left is a granite countertop separating the open kitchen. Derrick has returned to a chair across from a laptop that looks like it’s open to a sports site, and he sips a cup of coffee.

  Nika says, “Derrick, we’re doing the five-mile loop. It shouldn’t take more than forty-five minutes.”

  He turns in his chair to glance at us. “Got it. I’ll make breakfast while you two shower. Okay?”

  Nika’s head nods as she says, “Thanks.” The dogs start to bark in excitement as she leads us to a door. It opens to a garage, and we move toward the back yard. “Let’s run.”

  Jogging, we make our way to the edge of her property where a trail leads into the tree line. The musty smell of earth and decaying plant life float up as we step into the woods. The dogs run ahead of us and out of sight. Nika doesn’t seem to be phased.

  I am. “Are they okay?”

  “Yeah. As long as I can hear the tags jingling, I let them run. When I can’t hear anything, I call them back. That way they get in twice as much exercise as I do. They need it.”

  The temperature is cooler in the thick forest, and I welcome the gentle breeze on my skin. Already heated by the thought of Derrick, it doesn’t take long for moisture to seep from my pores. Roots, rocks, and brown leaves litter the trail. “I love running in the woods. It must be because I have to pay attention to where I step, and it keeps me from being bored.”

  Nika’s stride is longer than mine, and our pace is faster than I expected. She says, “Yeah, I like it too. It’s nice with company, thanks for coming.”

  The dogs are making their way back to us in a full run. I watch in fascination as they veer at the last second to avoid us. “Wow, they fly.”

  “I know. I love the sheer joy it brings them. It makes life seem so simple, doesn’t it?”

  “It does. They feel a need and act on it.” I take a moment to mull over those words and realize that’s how I like to live my life. Right now, my body is telling me I need Derrick. Maybe I should just act on it.

  Our breathing gets heavier, and we don’t talk. Every so often Nika will call out a dog’s name, and the three will come barreling back toward us. They splash through streams and small ponds as we wind our way along the trail. By the end of our run their legs and bellies are covered in mud.

  We slow to a walk as we return to the yard. Nika says, “I’m going to hose them down if you want to go inside for water. It can get pretty messy.”

  “I don’t mind helping.”

  She shakes her head. “No, it’s easier if I do it without the distraction. Go.” She claps her hands for the dogs, and they follow her toward the side of the house.

  My breathing returns to normal as I make way through the garage to the door. I need to stretch and intend to do it on the tile section before the kitchen begins.

  I take my dirty sneakers off, leave them outside, and enter the house. The odor of bacon is in the air. Derrick is feet away and approaching me. “Good run?”

  “Yes.” A squeaking noise sounds, indicating that Nika is turning on the hose. I lift the bottom of my T-shirt to wipe my face knowing it reveals my clenched abs and sports bra.

  He moves closer, and I realize he isn’t stopping. Whoa, way more of a response than I was expecting. I take a deep breath and hold it. He’s so near I step back. But it isn’t enough. He steps so close we’re practically touching. My core is trembling, and I take one more step back.

  Derrick’s gaze paralyzes me, as he remains silent. I let out a shaky breath that makes him utter a sound from the back of his throat, and his hands slap the door on either side of my head. I press my spine against the cold metal as if I can escape.

  He’s so close I can feel his exhalation on my slick skin. Moisture has pooled between my legs, and it isn’t sweat. I could fuck him right here and not even care if Nika knew. Staring back at him, I part my lips in anticipation of his kiss.

  Derrick smiles and says, “I think you want to be touched.”

  Feeling rejected, I react without thought, and put my hand on his crotch. It’s a bold move, and one I’ve never done to a guy that isn’t my boyfriend. He’s definitely aroused, but pulls my hand away and holds it against the door above my head. Oh, shit.

struggle to pull my arm back down, but he tightens his grip. His other hand reaches under my shorts and skirts along the top of my inner thigh. “Do you want to be touched, Gretchen?”

  I stare into his eyes. Hell yes. “Yes.”

  Shoving the nylon aside, he drives a finger inside me. Holy shit. I whimper, and my muscles flex around the digit as he strokes in and out. My body quivers and I hear my moan escape. I reach for his head to pull him into a kiss, but he won’t let me. His movement quickens and I’m too overcome with my approaching orgasm to question him. Or even care. I let my head fall back instead. Within seconds I release a strangled cry as I quake under his presence.

  The sound of barking dogs approaches, and Derrick releases me. As we step out of the way, he raises his eyebrows and says, “Hungry for breakfast?”

  An aftershock runs through me just before the door opens.

  Chapter 6

  I watch him walk back to the kitchen. What the hell was that? I bend over to stretch my hamstrings and to hide my flustered face from Nika. I should feel sexually satisfied, considering the orgasm I just had, but instead all I can think about is feeling Derrick on me. Around me. Inside me. Shizzle.

  Look at him gloating in the kitchen while he beats eggs. He’s proud of himself. And what was up with him not letting me kiss him? Oh, my God. Control. This is all about control for him. I bet he thinks I’ll be squirming in my seat, wanting him all through breakfast.

  The dogs zoom through the door around Nika. They take off to lap the house after their quick bath. Rubbing against the walls, nipping at each other, and growling, the noise is distracting enough that I have time to pull myself together. Nika joins me in stretching. She says, “That was a great run. You’re fast. Next time we can go further if you want.”

  I lunge and feel the pull of tight muscles in my calves. Yeah, I want to go further, all right. I can almost hear Derrick chuckling. “Sure. We should bring Casey too. She would love that trail.”

  When we finish our cooldown, Nika leads me up stairs of cherry-toned wood with dark risers. She points to the left. “There’s a shower at the end of the hall. Fresh towels are on the rack, and you should find every toiletry you could possibly need.”


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