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Maggie's Image (Maggie McGill Mysteries Book 1)

Page 14

by Sharon Burch Toner

  Allie glanced around briefly to look at the newcomer. She recognized him immediately. He was memorable. She echoed her mother, “YOU! Who are you? What in the world are you doing here?”

  The startled runner looked from one of the women to the other. “Who am I? No. No. Who are you? I asked first.” He stopped for a moment. “Wait a minute. Do I know you? No. Impossible. If I knew anyone as madcap as you people, I’d remember.”

  Hadi, Andre and Brigitte observed this interchange silently.

  “Madcap! Madcap!” Allie’s voice rose in outrage, the frustration of the past few days flowing out in the two words. “I, I . . . You! You! . . .,” she sputtered. She closed her mouth tightly and concentrated on driving.

  The runner looked helplessly at the others. “Could someone please explain what’s going down here? I was just out for a morning run when your chariot ran me down. I’m not sure how I happened to get in here with you nuts.”

  Maggie stared at him, her mouth slightly open. Brigitte leaned against Andre in the corner, scarcely raising her head to look at the runner.

  Hadi gazed at him with a smile and finally said, “Allow me to introduce us. Me. My name is Mohammed Hadi El Kabir. You may call me Hadi. I am at your service, dear sir, and I will answer any questions I can. In the corner are Monsieur and Madame Fouchet.”

  Andre extended his hand and said, “How do you do. Please. Please call us Andre and Brigitte.” Brigitte raised her head and smiled faintly.

  Hadi turned to Maggie. “This dear lady is Maggie McGill who has come to California to visit her daughter. Our driver is Miss Allie McGill.”

  Maggie nodded at the runner. Allie made no acknowledgment of the introduction.

  Hadi continued, “May I inquire your name, dear sir?”

  Yellow shorts replied in a calmer voice, “My name is Maximillian LaCroix. My friends call me Max. It certainly has been interesting meeting you. But can you tell me what we’re doing now? Are you grave robbers? Or what? Why was that black car chasing you?”

  Hadi replied, “The answer to that is a long story. May I just say that we each were abducted by some unpleasant people who imprisoned us against our wills. At the proper time we escaped our prison and so far we have been successful in eluding recapture. Eluding recapture is where we are at this moment. It is interesting that Allah has chosen to place you in our midst, is it not?”

  Max considered this last and said, “I’m not sure that I want to burden Allah with the responsibility for my being run down by a reckless casket trolley! Who abducted you and why? I know there must be more to this story than that.”

  Allie, who had been listening from the driver’s seat, called out. “Does anyone back there know this area? I need a navigator to get me out of here.”

  Max crawled to the front and took the passenger’s seat. “I come up here from time to time if I’m in the neighborhood. It makes a new place to run. Actually, you could drop me at my car. It’s not far from here.”

  Allie gave him an astonished look. “You must be kidding. We’re running to save our lives and you want to be dropped at your car!”

  Max looked at her sheepishly and said, “I’m sorry. You know, the idea of your running for your lives on such a lovely morning is hard for me to take in. It seems unreal. How can I help you?”

  As she swung the van around a curve, Allie glanced at him and spoke more gently, “We need to put as much space between us and this place as quickly as possible. They had a telephone and probably have other cars heading for us right now. Guide me out of here.”

  “Okay. That I can do. Turn right here. Good.” As Max continued giving Allie instructions, he stared at her profile. “I know this sounds like an old line, but I’m sure I know you from somewhere. I just can’t remember where.”

  Allie smiled and concentrated on her driving. The little Jack Russell had made his way to the front of the van and sat between Allie and Max, his tongue lolling out of the side of his mouth, a happy look on his face. Allie reached down and patted the top of his head.

  “Thank you, little dog, for alerting us. If it weren’t for you, we’d have been caught for sure,” she said. Dog thumped his tail to say you’re welcome.

  They left the cemetery and turned on to a road leading toward a freeway. Allie turned her head and said, “Hadi, I’m sure they had a telephone in their car. I’d think that they’ll be after us soon. This van isn’t going to be safe. What’ll we do?”

  Hadi thought for a moment and said, “The problem, of course, is that our escape then becomes a trap. Even if we leave it, this vehicle still could lead the others to us. This is, indeed, an interesting problem.”

  Maggie said, “It seems to me that once we find a telephone, we probably don’t need to avoid them for very long. Why don’t we just find a congested shopping center or supermarket, park the van among others, run to the store, call Harry and wait.”

  There was a short silence. Then Allie said, “Of course. That’s the answer. Do you all agree?”

  Max answered, “It seems like a plan to me.”

  The others nodded their agreement.

  Allie turned the van under the freeway and headed in the direction that seemed most congested. They drove down a wide street lined with automobile dealerships, convenience stores, and fast food restaurants. Suddenly she swerved the van sharply into a used car lot, drove toward the rear and parked it among several other vans.

  “Okay, everyone. This is where we walk again. But not far this time. Next door is a burger place. Let’s stroll over, give Harry Cavanaugh a call, and have something to eat. I’ll treat!” Allie’s voice was triumphant. With a big grin, she dropped the van’s keys in the ashtray and walked around to the rear to help the others disembark. One by one, out they came. Tired, disheveled and very happy.

  Allie picked Dog up and carried him under her arm as they walked cautiously between the cars, crossed the parking lot and entered the burger restaurant. After setting Dog at the door Allie walked immediately to the rear and a telephone. She dropped a quarter in, dialed the number that she was sure she’d never forget and listened.

  “Cavanaugh,” said a tired voice.

  “Hello, Mr. Cavanaugh. This is Allie McGill.”

  Before she could say another word, Harry shouted, “Allie? You’re okay? Where are you? How’s your mother? Where’ve you been? We’ve been worried . . . .”

  Allie cut in with a laugh, “Wait, wait. One at a time. Yes, I’m okay and so is Mom. We’re at a Burger Delight in Burbank. Would you like to send taxi service?”

  “Would I ever! You just stay put and out of sight. I’ll be there in fifteen minutes. But I’ll see if I can get someone else there sooner. What’s the address?” Harry’s voice was light with relief.

  Allie gave him the address and said, “Send something big enough for six. Our numbers have grown!”

  Harry said, “Right. Will do. See you soon.”


  Harry walked to the outer office and speaking rapidly, said, “Pete, I’m going to pick up the McGill women.” He gave Pete the address. “Get on the scrambler and see if we have anyone near there who can be there sooner. Oh, and give me the keys to that limo.”

  Pete raised his eyebrows and tossed the keys to Harry. Now, what has him in such a tizzy?


  Allie found Maggie and Brigitte in the Ladies Room, splashing water on their faces, taking turns using Maggie’s comb and spare lipstick. Allie looked in the large mirror and laughed. Maggie met her eyes and laughed with her. With a glance in the mirror, Brigitte joined their merriment. What they saw was comical. Three wild looking women with their hair in all directions, the water had only made muddy streaks on their sunburned faces. Hastily applied lipstick gave them a clownish impression. Helping each other, they did as much as they could for their appearance.

  Andre, Hadi and Max were ordering sandwiches, French fries and drinks when they came out. The restaurant employees seemed not even to notice the unkempt appearan
ce of these customers. California, Maggie thought. Nothing surprises Californians.

  Harry made the trip to the Burger Delight in just less than seventeen minutes. He found the little band of travelers respectfully silent as they wolfed down their food. As he approached the table, Maggie and Allie jumped up and spontaneously greeted him with big hugs. Harry stood a little stiffly at first, not quite sure how to respond, but then he relaxed and returned their hugs. Maggie performed the introductions and pulled up an extra chair for Harry.

  They offered him food, but Harry settled for a cup of coffee. While they ate, they began to fill him in on their adventures.

  “Harry, we’re grateful for your help and rescue. Thank you for coming so quickly,” Maggie said.

  “You’re more welcome than you know, Maggie,” was Harry’s response. He smiled at her, crinkles forming around his eyes.

  Maggie smiled back and thought he didn’t look quite as tired as she remembered. She leaned back in her chair and looked around. The brightness and slickness of the restaurant seemed somehow strange and foreign to her. She wondered if she’d soon become re-accustomed to this urban world, or if she always would feel slightly estranged from it as she did now.

  When they all finished eating, Harry said, “I’d like to offer you a place to stay until we’ve cleared up this situation. We have a safe house where you may stay for as long as it takes. Let’s get going.”

  Any place that provided safety and hot running water sounded like heaven to Maggie. A look at the other faces told her that they felt the same.

  Max stood up and said, “Since I only recently have joined this group, I don’t need the safe house. I’d like to stick around for a while and find out what happens next though.”

  Allie looked up at him and smiled, “Max, it’s been nice seeing you again.”

  He gave her a puzzled look, a little frown between his eyes. “You see, I think I do know you from somewhere. But I think if we’d met, I wouldn’t have forgotten. Obviously you remember. Won’t you tell me?” He thought for a moment and then turning to Harry said, “Harry, if someone would drop me at my car, I’d like to go with my friends.”

  Harry looked at him, and then glanced around the group, almost as if he were asking their feelings about this request. “I’m sorry,” Harry said, looking from Max to Allie and back again, “but that would be strictly against policy. With any luck we’ll wind this whole thing up in a day or two and your friends will be free. Then everything’ll be back to normal. Pete Corelli is outside in that blue car. He’ll take you back to your automobile.”

  At this, Maggie laughed to herself. What would a ‘normal’ life be like? She felt that she’d never had such an experience. But she understood what Harry was saying. Costa Mira and her counseling practice were somewhere in the recesses of her consciousness, a dim memory, a little like a dream one only just remembers. What would it be like to go back there now? Surely she wouldn’t be the same person who’d left it only a few days ago.

  Max nodded his head reluctantly and acquiesced. To Allie he said, “Please give me your phone number and I’ll give you mine. Let’s talk as soon as you’re free. How about dinner on your first night back?”

  “Sure, okay” Allie answered and gave him her number.

  Harry pulled the limo up to the side door of the Burger Delight and hurried the five refugees into its depths. Dog jumped in with them. They were mostly silent as the limousine carried them smoothly and elegantly to their new resting place. Out the window Maggie saw a quiet winding residential street, lush with shrubbery and lined with tall palm trees. The houses were set well back from the street behind tall fences. At the gated driveway, Harry spoke to the electronic box and the gate swung open silently. The limo circled to the side of the house and into a garage. When the garage door had closed, Harry opened the car’s doors and invited them into the house. Maggie had a momentary deja vu, remembering the garage at the white house, and she said a silent ‘thank you’ to be here and not there.

  Harry led them into a living room comfortably furnished with soft deep sofas and chairs grouped around a fireplace. “Make yourselves at home. We have a small staff here. They’ll be happy to get you anything you need. You have the run of the house, but please stay indoors.”

  Harry turned as a tall, muscular man entered the living room. “Oh, good. This is Fritz. He’ll do his best to make you comfortable and to keep you safe. He’s the boss here. So pay attention and let him run things.”

  Fritz turned to them and smiled a broad lopsided smile. “Welcome to our little place. Right now, you’re the most important people in my life. Like Harry said, we have a few rules, so I guess it’s best to get those straight right away. The first is that you stay indoors all the time. Second, no telephone calls. If you must get a message to someone out there, let me know and I’ll see that the message is relayed. Third, try to imagine this is a spa and enjoy yourselves. The kitchen is open any time. We’ll be serving meals at regular hours. If you have any dietary requests, just let us know. There are radios and televisions in each bedroom as well as a large screen set here and in the library. The library, by the way, is well stocked. On the lower level there’s a fully equipped workout room and a sauna. Mildred’ll be around to help you find clean clothes from our wardrobe. Now, if you’ll follow me I’ll show you to your rooms.”

  From the living room, Fritz led them into a large hall and up a short flight of stairs. Here, he assigned Maggie and Allie to adjoining rooms connected by a shared bath. Andre and Brigitte were given a room across from Maggie’s and Hadi was in a room next to theirs.

  After inspecting their rooms, Maggie flopped down on one of the twin beds in her room. In a few minutes Allie wandered in, lay down on the next bed and said, “Mom, I know it may be silly, but would it be all right with you if I slept in here tonight? I just sort of want to stay close. Is that okay?”

  Maggie looked at her with tears in her eyes. “Oh, honey. Of course, it is. It’s more than okay. It’s just what I was thinking myself.” Then changing the subject, “How about a bath? Who goes first?”

  “Didn’t you notice, Mom? There’s a shower and a tub. We can bathe at the same time. Which do you want?”

  Maggie chose the shower. It was one of the most memorable showers of her life. Long, leisurely, hot and steamy. When she emerged, Allie was wrapped in a huge terry robe.

  Allie said, “Now, I am going to try that shower. The bath was good, but I’m going for the whole thing.” So saying, she stepped into the shower. Maggie found a second terry robe on the back of the bathroom door. Wrapped in the robe, she blew her hair dry and wondered what would happen next. Would they go home tomorrow?

  Chapter Thirteen

  Smooth sheets, soft pillow, blissful silence, a feeling of cleanliness and peace. Maggie opened her eyes to find the room in soft early morning light. In the bed next to hers Allie stretched and rolled over, still sleeping peacefully. Dog lay asleep at the foot of Allie’s bed. Maggie looked around the dimly lit room. A spacious, homey room furnished with dark traditional furniture and soft pastel colors. Very restful. Maggie grinned to herself when she realized that she and Allie had slept through dinner last night. What had caused her to wake was a gnawing feeling in her stomach and from somewhere below the faint aroma of coffee brewing and bacon frying. “Yummy!” she sighed.

  At this Allie rolled, stretched again and opened her eyes. “Hi, Mom. What’s up?”

  “Well, I’m soon to be. I’m famished.” Maggie answered and swung her legs over the side of the bed.

  “What time is it?” Allie asked.

  “I’m not sure, but early morning, I think. We must’ve slept a very long time,” Maggie answered. “How’re you feeling?”

  Allie became vertical, stretched again and took a few tentative steps. “Aside from being a little stiff and sore and very hungry, I think I feel absolutely fine,” she said.

  Maggie brushed her teeth and splashed water on her face at one of the twin l
avatories. Next to her Allie did the same. Their clothes from last night had disappeared. Laid across the chaise lounge in the corner, Maggie found pale blue cotton slacks and shirt that fit perfectly after she rolled up the slacks’ legs. She slipped into the soft leather moccasins she found with the clothes and walked into Allie’s room.

  “Oh, good. You’re ready. Let’s find that food!” Allie said as she zipped her slacks and stepped into sandals. Dog followed them downstairs, wagging his tail, as if he had a happy grin on his whiskered face.

  In the dining room they met the Fouchets and Hadi seated at one end of a long mahogany table. They were sipping coffee and tea and chatting quietly. Maggie and Allie helped themselves to tea and fruit from the sideboard and sat down.

  “Ah, good morning dear ladies. Did you sleep well?” Hadi asked with a mischievous twinkle. “Is this not a true oasis?”

  “Yes, Hadi, we did sleep well. In fact, we must’ve slept twelve or fourteen hours nonstop. How about you? Andre and Brigitte? Did you all sleep well also?” Maggie asked. As she formed the question she looked at her friends. Hadi looked rested and relaxed, but then, he rarely looked tired or stressed. Andre and Brigitte both looked rested and happy.

  Hadi nodded in response to her question and Andre said, “Oh, yes, thank you. We slept well. We both feel much better.” He looked at Brigitte and smiled protectively.

  Brigitte looked first at Andre and then said to Maggie, “Oui, oui. It is better now, no? I sleep well. I am feeling very well. Yes.”

  Just then Fritz entered and inquired what Maggie and Allie would like for breakfast. The five refugees chatted until their breakfasts arrived a few minutes later. After a hearty ‘Enchallah’ in unison, a silence descended as they respectfully enjoyed their breakfasts. Even Hadi ate gustily. While they were eating Mildred entered with a plate of food for Dog that she placed on the floor in the corner of the room.


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