Snowed In With The Stuntmen: A Reverse Harem Romance (Behind the Scenes Book 1)

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Snowed In With The Stuntmen: A Reverse Harem Romance (Behind the Scenes Book 1) Page 7

by Riley Love

  “Put your hands against the mirror.” Drew nudged me forward, and Harvey slid over to the side. Zippers opened, and something metallic fluttered to the floor. Drew didn’t forget the condom.

  He ran his dick the length of my slit. Strong aftershocks from my orgasm rocketed through me, and my damp hands slid on the glass. Harvey scrambled to his feet, smoothing my hair away from my face and kissing me before Drew put his hand on my waist, the other angling his cock inside me.

  I wished I’d seen his cock because it felt huge as he thrust inside me. Harvey kept kissing me, his fingers finding my nipples, circling and pinching them. I was floating, like I’d fallen through the glass into an alternate universe.

  Harvey angled himself in front of the mirror. My hands were on either side of his face. I wished he had hair because I’d be pulling the hell out of it. He unzipped his fly and pulled out his cock, pumping the shaft before he pulled a foil packet out of his pocket. Rolling it down his shaft, he positioned himself, and I prepared to be bent over so I could take it in my mouth while Drew fucked me.

  But that wasn’t what he wanted.

  He stepped forward, pushing his cock between my thighs. Drew didn’t let up his rhythm. My eyes widened when Harvey slid his cock in right alongside Drew. He gripped my shoulder for balance and started thrusting.

  Holy shit. They were both fucking me at once. In the same hole. I was floating, boneless, nothing in my body having any feeling but the two cocks pumping into my pussy. I was afraid they’d split me in two, but like so many other things, I was wrong. My body stretched to accommodate them both, and I didn’t care who heard me screaming anymore.

  I crashed into Harvey when the next orgasm hit, and he led me down to the floor. At this angle, they took turns fucking me until they came. We lay in the hallway, panting for breath and begging for mercy.

  Drew sat upright and shoved his cock back into his pants. He pulled me up and faced me toward the mirror. “Look at yourself, Albany. How beautiful you are.”

  Harvey dressed himself and kissed my cheek before he and Drew got up. He grabbed the Do Not Disturb sign and hung it on the outer knob before he shut the door.

  Chapter Nine

  I refused to get out of bed. If I lay here, I could daydream that there would be another knock at the door. One of the guys—or maybe two—would feel the same way I did. That one night wasn’t enough. Ethan, Garrett, Drew, Harvey—I couldn’t pick a favorite. They’d all given me something unique and showed me a piece of myself I’d ignored.

  What they had given me was a gift, and I would be forever grateful.

  We hadn’t discussed how the contest was supposed to be decided. If I was to call and notify the winner or if I was to simply carry the knowledge with me like a secret for the rest of my life. Was there a prize? Did it mean I chose one—or two—of them and kept the arrangement going? It had all seemed so simple before we took our clothes off.

  Would I want Ethan’s discipline, Garrett’s raw truth, or Drew and Harvey’s total domination?

  I wanted them all. I snuggled into the blanket and flipped through the channels before I settled on a football pregame show. I wasn’t ready for reality yet. But all that tackling reminded me of my stuntmen.

  There had been an email from Tasha, the producer, waiting for me when I woke up. They wanted to film my rescue scene first thing Monday morning to take advantage of the fresh snowfall. The scene we’d practiced the other night was my abduction scene, when my captors first brought me to France. The rescue scene was the finale of the film, the grand gesture that cemented Kyle as the good guy when he arrived in the Alps to rescue me.

  Newsflash. I didn’t need anyone to rescue me. Especially not President Dickhead Kyle.

  Someone knocked at the door. I groaned, burying my head under my pillow. I hadn’t imagined Harvey putting the go away sign up last night. I may have left the earth a for a few moments, but I was sure of that because I could never forget how empty and alone it made me feel. Locked inside a room with no trespassers.

  They knocked again. Ugh.

  “I don’t need housekeeping today.” Seriously, it should’ve been obvious.

  “Albany.” A deep, male voice with a delicious hint of accent made me sit bolt upright in bed. Ethan. “Open the door.”

  I pulled a T-shirt and yoga pants out of the dresser—I’d taken a long, hot bath after the guys left last night and collapsed in bed. I stopped at the mirror, the one I looked so good in while I was getting fucked the night before, and smoothed out my hair, readjusting my topknot. I still looked pretty damn good.

  Happy. Something I hadn’t been in a long time. I’d missed Happy Albany.

  My heart fluttered. I hadn’t seen Ethan since breakfast the other day, and I wondered if it was appropriate to tell him about the rest of my weekend.

  Maybe not, since he had the other three guys with him.

  “What are you doing here?” Maybe we had discussed the winner’s circle and I didn’t remember.

  “Can we come in?” Ethan asked.

  I nodded, stepping aside to let them pass. I lingered at the door, giving myself a minute to wipe this damn grin off my face. I pulled the Do Not Disturb tag off the knob and met the gaze of someone with a camera. They looked far more pleased with themselves than I felt.

  “They’re my costars,” I said. A week ago, I would’ve slammed the door in their face and called Rose, my agent, to make her have them removed from the premises. But this time was different. “We’re shooting a big scene together Monday morning. We’re doing a run through.”

  It was more information than he deserved, but at least I had a chance to control the narrative. And if this dude had been hanging round last night, he’d have questions.

  “Good luck,” the man said, tucking his camera back into its protective case. I waited until he rounded the corner and the elevator dinged open before I closed the door.

  “Got a problem there?” Garrett smirked when I came into the living area. He slipped his arm around my waist and kissed the side of my head.

  “Nope. I took care of it.” And it felt damn good.

  “Shouldn’t have to though.” His voice was soft as he pulled me into him. It was the most natural thing in the world to close my eyes and accept his open-mouthed kiss, like we were the only ones in the room. But we weren’t. So I reluctantly pulled away, keeping my hands on his chest.

  “I can fight my own battles.” And it was then I realized that was my problem up until now. I kept expecting Rose or someone from production to take care of it for me. But it wasn’t happening to them, and they had a thousand other things on their plates. The only real part of it for them was how pissed I got when they hadn’t made it go away.

  “He didn’t say you couldn’t.” Ethan’s hand was on my shoulder, and I turned to him, accepting his kiss. I was floating, and the rest of the world beyond this room didn’t fucking matter.

  “Right. He said you shouldn’t have to.” Drew grinned at me, and I let go of Ethan and kissed him too. I loved how different they all were, one right after the other.

  Harvey winked as he took me away from Drew for his kiss.

  “What are you guys doing here?” I asked, drunk from the taste of their lips mingling together on my tongue. It was a deadly combination. “Did you get the email from Tasha about Monday?”

  “We did.” Ethan moved in on me. For a moment, after the kisses, I thought there was no competition between my stuntmen. But there was, and I liked that even better. “We practiced it earlier.”

  “Without me?” What the hell?

  “You’re not in the fight part of the scene.” Garrett took a step forward, and now I was sorry I missed the rehearsal for a totally different reason. My panties dampened at the thought of the trash talk between these guys.

  “I’m not?”

  “No. President Dickhead tries to be all valiant and shit, coming to your rescue, and we kick his ass.” Garrett wiped his hand over his face. “And it look
s pretty bleak for America. But then you remember that you love him, and you go to him.”

  Of course. The feel-good moment of the movie, the happily ever after that would send everyone out of the theater with hope for their future.

  “But I don’t want that.” I couldn’t believe how sad it made me. Leaving these gorgeous men for Kyle? Ugh. What a disappointment.

  Drew laughed. “It’s just a movie, Albany. We don’t get a say. That’s why they pay us the big bucks.”

  I was pretty sure, buried deep in my contract, I did have some say. Now that I’d taken care of the paparazzi, I’d have Rose search for it. I’d been able to change lines that didn’t feel true to my character already. Leaving with Kyle was not true to my character.

  I was being a diva. And I was pushing my luck.

  “Then why are you here?” All of you, I should have added.

  “Remember how this arrangement started?” Ethan moved in, his big body blocking my view of the other guys. He tipped my chin up with his finger. “We were trash talking each other about who you’d want most. And now that you’ve had a chance to be with each of us, we want to know who won.”

  “Oh.” I turned away from him and walked over to the window. I sat on the arm of the chair. My room was set up much like his, and it felt like the first night when they made their proposition.

  Garrett came up behind me. All I could see was his silhouette in the window. He rubbed my back. “You won’t hurt any of our feelings by choosing a winner. I’m looking forward to the bragging rights.”

  I turned to him, rolling my eyes, shocked when he looked a little sad that I didn’t confirm his claims. “Nobody won. You all brought something different to the table.”

  Something different to the surface of my skin that I’d ignored or forgotten about. But I couldn’t be that raw with them. I could give them my body, but I still had to protect my heart.

  “But someone had to do it better than the rest.” Drew crossed his arms, and Harvey stood close behind him. Very close.

  “No.” I didn’t mean to laugh. “I’m sorry. Listen, I’ve had a lot of bad sex—”

  “Probably with President Dickhead,” Garrett mumbled, and the guys chuckled.

  “Definitely with President Dickhead.” I was still grinning. “All he cares about is getting his dick sucked and calling women horrible names while they do it. Each one of you made me feel like I was the only woman in the world.”

  I’d gone thirty-two years painfully aware that I wasn’t.

  “And I thank you for that. It was something I thought would never happen to me.”

  Ethan came over and kissed me. Garrett stilled his hand on my back, like he was holding me up for his friend. I had tinglies all over, with these two men touching me at the same time.

  “How about one more round?” Ethan said. “Then maybe you’ll be able to choose.”

  I looked past him, over to Garrett, Drew, and Harvey. I loved how all their attention was focused on me, like I was some sort of queen and they were my court. “We have to go back to work tomorrow.”

  And it was my understanding the fantasy ended today.

  “Your bed’s big enough for all of us.” Garrett had risen, and his breath was hot against my ear. I turned to stare at him, open-mouthed. He nodded and grabbed the bottom of my shirt. “Say the word, and I’ll take these clothes off you. Then go lay on the bed and let us fuck you.”

  I closed my eyes for a long blink. Excitement buzzed inside me, numbing my skin. Which would be a total shame if I missed the wicked things these men were about to do to me. “Okay. But I’m telling you, I can’t choose a winner. I wish—”

  I closed my eyes and hugged myself.

  “You wish what, Albany?” Ethan’s strong hands massaged my shoulders, and he kissed the top of my head. “Whatever you want, say it. You have four men here who are very eager to please you.”

  “I wish that I could keep all of you.” My voice was so soft I wasn’t sure anyone heard it. “I wish that somehow, this arrangement could work and we could keep doing this.”

  Garrett let out a breath that sounded like a chuckle. “At least for the rest of the movie. There’s no reason to stop if you don’t want to.”

  I stood on shaky legs and walked over to the bed, stripping my shirt over my head and dropping it without looking back. I stretched, the movement exaggerated, while I figured out how to look sexy taking off my yoga pants.

  I didn’t have to figure it out. Drew and Harvey were on either side of me, stripping them off me. They crouched down, tapping my legs when it was time to step away from the fabric, looking up at me like I was their queen. Holy shit. Who knew a snowstorm could bring this kind of fantasy. I offered them each a hand, pulling them up and giving them each a kiss for their reward.

  Their hands roamed my body for the duration of the kiss. My pussy was already pulsing, so ready for them. It took everything I had to walk away and crawl onto my bed. I pulled the sheet up over my naked body just to be coy and giggled at the chorus of groans that erupted.

  Drew was the closest to the bed, and he dragged the sheet away from me. I fought him for it, and he climbed on the bed, ready to get that sheet by any means necessary. We were wrestling, just like the first night in the snow, and Garrett and Ethan shouted suggestions for my next move.

  But Drew didn’t need any pointers from his buddies, even when I had him pinned down. I straddled him, my hands on his shoulders. I was fully aware he was letting me win, but I didn’t care. “Anyone want to start the countdown?”

  Ethan slapped my ass. “Ten.” Another slap. “Nine.”

  Shit, that was fucking amazing.

  “Eight. Seven.” Slap. Slap. “Six.”

  I dipped my head down and let out a moan.


  Drew wasn’t down for the count. He rolled up and took my nipple in his mouth. Ethan either didn’t notice there was life in my opponent or didn’t care. He finished delivering the spankings. I wriggled my ass when he was done with the countdown, and he gave me one more.

  The weight shifted on the mattress, and someone had joined us on the bed. It had to be Garrett because I could still see Harvey. His hand ran up my thigh, to my open legs, and he fingered my pussy while Drew sucked on one nipple then the other.

  They were all going to fuck me. Damn.

  Harvey sat on the bed, his strong hand in my hair, pulling my head up. He kissed me. Fuck. Four sets of hands on me, in me at once. My body was going absolutely haywire. And with their expert touch, my orgasm rolled through me like a freight train. I cried out, my lips against Harvey’s cheek as it came to its peak. I collapsed into Drew’s arms.

  I pulled myself up. I was the only one naked in the room, and it was time to do something about that. I grabbed Drew’s shirt, pushing it up as far as I could. He finished the job, and I ran my tongue over those abs while I fumbled with his fly. His hands were much steadier than mine, and he lifted his hips and pushed the fabric away. Positioning myself over him, I stopped.

  “You guys brought condoms, right?”

  Harvey dug in his pocket and gave me a packet. I dropped it on Drew’s chest, and he laughed, ripping it open and handing back to me. I rolled it down his shaft, running my hand along the length of it before I sunk down on it.

  Drew grabbed my hips, controlling the rhythm as he thrust up into me. The other guys were stripping out of their clothes, their eyes glued on me as my body bounced on top of Drew’s.

  “I didn’t forget this time.” Garrett crawled over, kissing me. He’d already sheathed his shaft.

  He pulled me away from Drew. I was in his lap, and his lips were everywhere, sucking the taste of Drew away from my nipples. I wiggled against his cock.

  “Patience,” he growled. “I wish I brought my lube so two of us could fuck you at once.”

  I looked over his shoulder, winking at Harvey and Drew. But that wasn’t what he meant. He wanted one of them to take my ass. “Coconut oil,” I said.
  Garrett cocked his eyebrow like I spoke in tongues.

  “Use it as lube. I have some near the fridge.”

  “They’re right. You can use this shit for everything.” Ethan grabbed the bottle. He laughed as he smeared it on my backside. It only took second for it to melt.

  He gripped my shoulders as Drew slid his cock inside my pussy. The rhythm was different, a push and pull instead of steady thrusts. Ethan let go of my shoulders, and Drew’s pace increased. I cried out when Ethan slapped my ass one more time, those maddening caresses so close to my ass.

  He circled my opening and slipped a finger inside to get me ready. My head fell back, and I was on the brink. It wasn’t just that Ethan was about to put his cock in my ass. It was Drew, driving into my pussy, and Harvey and Garrett watching, waiting.

  They were both inside me. I felt so full. The rhythm slowed, the guys thrusting inside me. Ethan had his hand on my throat, and Drew’s hands were on my waist. I fucking shattered.

  My orgasm came fast and furious, blinding me and taking over my body. The guys slid out of me, laying me down on the bed. They kissed me and whispered to me, but I hadn’t come back to earth yet. When I opened my eyes, Garrett and Harvey were there instead.

  Harvey knelt between my legs, Garrett at the head of the bed. I reached for his cock, pumping the length of it. He crawled over, and I picked my head up so I could take him in my mouth. I worked his cock with my hand and my tongue until he straddled over me, fucking my mouth.

  Harvey pushed my thighs wide open, running his fingers over my still pulsing pussy before sliding his cock inside. I’d still been trembling from the last orgasm, and a few sure, steady strokes was all it took to send me back over the edge.

  Garrett rolled off me, smoothing my wet hair away from my face as Harvey rode the rest of my orgasm.

  “Holy shit,” I said between strangled breaths. Harvey pulled out. He came to the other side of me, and we were this pile of bodies, clinging to each other so we could believe what we’d experienced. It was filthy, amazing, and beautiful.


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