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Dazzle Page 22

by Amber Garza

  Just as Kaine’s arm comes back ready to strike, I say, “Iss a hurr.” My words come out funny.

  “Kaine, stop!” Killian commands, and Kaine freezes as if he’s a movie and Killian pushed the pause button on the remote. Killian steps closer. “What did you say?”

  I try again this time, slower. “It’s her hair. Thass where her power is.”

  Killian clamps a hand over my shoulder. “Good work, son.”

  Gratefully, they both leave. I close the door behind them and then promptly pass out.

  “What is wrong with you, son?” Dad nudges my shoulder. I feel like my mouth is full of cotton and my head is being beaten in with a hammer. When I attempt to open my eyes the sunlight pierces into my eyeballs like fire. I clamp them shut again and roll over. It’s then that I realize I’m on the ground. Carpet sticks to my chapped lips.

  Dad kicks me with the toe of his shoe. “Get up.”

  I try to push myself up, but I end up falling back down.

  “I can’t believe this,” Dad mutters. “What has gotten into you? First you drink my alcohol and now you can’t get up to go to work. It’s Sunday. It’s our busiest day.”

  “Go away.” I shoo him with my hand and press my face back down into the thick reeds of the carpet. His constant nagging is giving me a headache, and my stomach churns.

  “Fine. I gotta get to work. When you can finally get your lazy ass off the floor come join me.”

  I hear his shoes shuffle on the ground and then the door opens and closes. I’m relieved when I hear his car engine start.

  I must have fallen back asleep, because a knock on the door startles me awake. When I sit up, my neck hurts. Pushing myself off the ground, I head to the door. When I open it, Delaney stands on the doorstep. Pain shoots through me like a dagger to my heart.

  “Go away.” I shake my head and start to close the door, but Delaney blocks it.

  “Sam?” She cocks her head to the side and furrows her brows in a look of sheer confusion. “Are you okay?”

  “No, I’m not.”

  “What happened to you?”

  “It’s over. I saw you with Superman last night.” My shoulders slump in defeat. I’m so tired. I feel more exhausted than I ever have in my life.

  Her eyes widen. “You came to my house?”

  “Bingo. And I saw you and Superman all over each other, so now you two can live happily-ever-after. Just leave me alone.” I turn away, shutting the door behind me. Only my motions are too slow and Delaney blocks the door and walks inside.

  “It wasn’t what it looked like.” She steps inside the room, closing the door behind her as if she’s welcome here. As if she has any right to be in my house.

  “Really?” I come at her, my eyes blazing. She backs into the wall. I place my hands on both sides of her and lower my face to hers, glaring as hard as I can. She swallows, but her gaze never wavers from mine. “Cause it looked like you two were lovers from where I sat.”

  She shakes her head and one lone tear spills down her cheek. I take a perverse pleasure in seeing her upset. It’s the least she can feel after she ripped my heart into a million pieces.

  “We’re not. I promise.”

  “Your promises mean nothing to me anymore.”

  She grabs my arm. “Please, just listen.”

  I shake her arm off and move away from her, her touch still burning my skin as if she’s branded me. I just need to get away from her. “I’m done listening. Just go.”

  “I was telling him that I’m falling in love with you, okay?” Her words crash into me.

  I whip around to face her. “What did you say?”

  Her lips quiver. “I know it’s too soon and you’re probably really freaked out by my saying it, but it’s true. I think I might be in love with you. That’s why I’m here. I came to tell you my secret. I want to tell you everything about me. I want you to know me inside and out.” She rushes to me and grabs my face in her hands, desperation ravaging her lovely features. “I don’t want anything to get between us. That’s what I told Micah and he tried to stop me. But I don’t want to be with him. I want you. Don’t you know that by now?”

  My body trembles. I want to believe her more than anything in the world, but I don’t know if I do.

  As if sensing my hesitation, she holds up her arm. A bright red heart has surfaced on her skin and in the center is a faint S. “Remember when you asked if you would ever be on my skin. Look, you’re right there.” She searches my face. “You have to believe me, Sam. I can’t lose you now. Not now that I know how I feel.”

  I lean against her, dizzy. I can hardly believe what she’s said. I am shocked into a complete stupor.

  “Sam? Please say something.”

  I reach for her with a need I’ve never experienced before. My fingers touch her face, trace her lips, and trail down to her neck. I pull her to me and crush my lips to hers, tasting her, drinking from her as if I have to in order to survive. Her kiss, her touch revives me. Our lips part and I stare deeply into her eyes — those green eyes that haunt my dreams. “I’m falling in love with you too, Delaney.”

  A sob tears from the back of her throat and she slams her lips into mine again. Her arms squeeze my neck. I taste the salty sweetness of her tears on my tongue. My hands rake up into her hair and massage her neck. I never want to let her go. Pretty soon, we stumble toward the couch, our lips still locked. We land, our bodies tangled together. When we part this time, Delaney exhales loudly. Her lips are swollen, and mascara trails down her cheeks. I reach up and wipe her face with my fingers.

  Sitting up, Delaney bites her lip. “Have you been drinking?”

  I shift my gaze away. “Sorry. I was just so upset.”

  “No, I’m the one who should be sorry.” She pauses, looking deep into my eyes. “I wasn’t honest with you before, Sam. I told you about my gift, but I didn’t tell you everything and I’m so sorry. You have to understand that I’ve been warned my whole life to keep this a secret from everyone. But I trust you, Sam. I trust you with everything that I am, so I want you to know.”

  “You don’t have to.” I reach up and touch her face. “It’s okay.”

  “No, I do. I need you to know me.” She takes a deep breath and I know there’s no stopping her. “I’m one of the Ekloge Warriors. You see, my parents couldn’t conceive a child so they went to Zerach and asked him to grant them one. He gave into their request with one catch. I would be born with a special gift to be used to save my people. The thing is, I can never cut my hair. If I do, my power is gone.” She lowers her head. “That’s why my parents are so strict. It’s not because they don’t like you, they’re just afraid. If the information ever gets into the wrong hands, it will ruin my life.”

  Shame washes over me as I remember the night before. When Killian and Kaine showed up I was so drunk. Even as angry as I was with Delaney, I know I wouldn’t have told them otherwise. But that’s not going to matter. I did, and now I have to suffer the consequences of that choice.

  I reach for her hand and hold it tight. The magnitude of how badly I’ve betrayed her sickens me. I can’t tell her. She’ll never trust me again. For the first time in my life someone loves me unconditionally, and I’ve completely screwed everything up.

  Delaney cranes her neck while sweeping her hair up into her hands. “See the symbol on the back of my neck?”

  I gasp. It finally all comes flooding back. I remember who first told me the story of the Ekloge Warriors.

  Delaney turns to me with a puzzled look. “What?”

  Recovering, I swallow hard and force a smile. “Nothing. What does it mean?”

  “It’s the symbol of the Ekloge Warriors.”

  No, it can’t be.

  The revelation smacks me in the face. I know another Ekloge Warrior — someone other than Micah, Delaney, and the little boy at her house. It also means that my betrayal runs even deeper. By sharing Delaney’s secret with Killian I’ve endangered not just Delaney, but someone e
lse I love. The irony of it strangles me. A gurgling noise arises from my throat.

  “Are you okay?” Delaney strokes my face. “I’m sorry. Maybe this was all too much to take in.”

  I shake my head, grabbing her hand and bringing it to my mouth. I run my lips over her knuckles. “No, it’s fine.”

  “You still love me even after knowing everything?” She sinks down next to me.

  “I love you even more.” I kiss her nose and then move down to her mouth. Her arms come around me and she nestles into me. We fit together like a perfect puzzle piece and my heart aches.

  I just pray that I can stop the chain of events I’ve set in motion before it’s too late. One thing I know for sure is that I won’t let Killian and Kaine take Delaney without a fight.

  For once I will do the right thing.

  I will be the person Delaney believes me to be.

  When Delaney leaves, I take a shower and get changed. I’m angry with myself for getting so drunk the night before. What was I thinking? I throw my stinky clothes that reek of vodka in the hamper. As I head back out to the family room, I relish the laundry detergent scent on my fresh shirt. I still have a faint headache and my stomach rolls a little, but I feel a lot better than I did before my talk with Delaney.

  I still can’t believe the major shift in events. Smiling, I picture the heart on her arm. Never in my life did I think a girl like her would love a guy like me. It’s almost too good to be true. Even though she’s just left, I already miss her.

  Wanting to send her a quick text, I scour the family room for my cell. I search the couch, the floor, the end table. When I don’t find it, I head to the kitchen surmising that I must have left it on the table. Still nothing.

  Oh, it’s probably in the pocket of my jeans. I head to the hamper and pull out my soiled clothes. After searching both pockets, my heart starts to pound. My whole body feels hot. Where is my phone?

  My mind flashes on Killian and Kaine. They were here. I remember Killian walking around my family room and I was too drunk to keep an eye on him. What if he took my phone?

  Then I shake away the thought. What would one of Saraf’s men want with my phone? It’s not like he can’t afford whatever he wants. A chilling thought stops me cold.


  They know her secret. They’re planning to take her. If they have my phone they can text her and she’ll think it’s me.

  The room spins and I hold on to the wall to steady myself. I never should have let her leave. I should have kept her close, kept her safe. What have I done?

  I grab my keys and tear out of the house. Maybe if I can find Killian and Kaine I can stop them somehow. I jump in my truck and peel out down the street. As I drive, I think back to how they’ve always shown up at the shop. I’ll try there first.

  I drive, keeping my eyes peeled for the two goons and their black car with the tinted windows. If anything happens to Delaney I know I will never forgive myself. Why am I always screwing everything up?

  The minute I pull into the parking lot of my dad’s shop, I hop out of my truck. Dad’s car is parked in its normal spot, but there are no other vehicles. I can’t see Dad in any of the windows, and I hope he doesn’t see me. The last thing I need is for him to come out here and give me grief.

  “Killian!” I shout at the top of my lungs. “Kaine!”

  I wait, my gaze sweeping over the lot. My breath is unsteady, and my pulse races. It’s completely silent. They’re not here. Groaning, I lean against my truck. My heart sinks. It’s useless. I know I won’t find them.

  They got what they wanted from me. I was an idiot, and I gave them the information. They’re done with me now. They won’t come back.

  The only person they’re coming for now is Delaney, and all of it’s my fault.

  Chapter 29


  AT THE SIGHT of Sam’s truck pulling up my muscles tense. They twitch just under my skin. I have to fight against the urge to race off the front porch where I’m sitting, run up to him and pummel him as hard as I can. Ariel notices my reaction. She gives me a funny look and then follows my gaze.

  “Is that him? The boy Delaney’s been seeing?”

  “You knew?”

  “Not really, but I suspected. She kept getting all these texts and taking off. She’d return wearing a lovesick grin. All the signs were there.” She smiles ruefully. “Girls know these things.”

  I scowl, my insides twisting.

  “Is that why you’ve been acting so upset all day? Because you found out Delaney’s been seeing someone?” She peers up at me, her face raw with emotion.

  Before I can answer, I see Sam exit his vehicle and walk across the street. I tear down the steps of my front porch and stride across the grass to meet him. “What are you doing here?”

  “I’m looking for Delaney.”

  Something about his expression gives me pause. “She’s not here.”

  “Where is she?”

  Ariel comes up behind me.

  “We assumed she was with you,” I say. After our parents left to make the final arrangements for our move, I saw Delaney race out her front door and speed down the street in her car. As I watched from the window I figured she was meeting Sam to say good-bye. It would be the last time she’d see him since we’re leaving for Zerach’s headquarters in the morning. Once she was out of sight I’d had the fleeting thought that maybe I should have stopped her, because maybe she planned to run away with him. I’d been standing on the front porch awaiting her return when Ariel saw me and came outside.

  “Well, she’s not, so can you tell me where she went?” Sam’s eyes look fearful and my stomach churns. What is going on?

  Ariel shakes her head. “She got a text and then she just took off. I think she was trying to sneak off while her parents were out. That seems to be her pattern.”

  “I’m guessing that you’re Ariel?”

  Ariel nods.

  It bothers me to think that Delaney told this guy about Ariel too. What hadn’t she shared with him?

  “I’m Sam,” he says, still appearing agitated. “Did Delaney say where she was going?”

  “No, she didn’t.” Ariel narrows her eyes.

  Sam groans and runs a hand over his face.

  “What’s going on, Sam?” Something is terribly wrong, I can tell. I fight to keep my panic in check while I wait for him to answer.

  He squirms beneath my gaze, and I’m positive he’ll skirt the question. But then he surprises me by answering, “They’re after her.”

  “Who?” I step closer to him.

  “The Sarafites, and they know her secret.”

  I close my eyes and shake my head in disbelief. “She told you? And you betrayed her?”

  “No, I didn’t mean to. I was drunk and they showed up at my house—”

  “How dare you?” In a blind rage I rush him, tackling him to the ground. Ariel screams when I land the first punch.

  “Micah, stop!”

  Only I don’t hear her. All I hear is Delaney proclaiming her feelings for this punk. I can’t believe he betrayed her like this. He deserves to pay for it. I hit him again. Blood spurts from his nose. He reaches up to cover his face with his hands.

  “Please. Stop.” His voice is muffled. “We need to find her.”

  That’s what finally snaps me out of it. He’s right. At this point he’s our only hope of finding Delaney and rescuing her. For now, at least, I need him to be in one piece. After we find her, I’m making no such promise. I push myself up to a standing position. Ariel shivers beside me.

  Sam is furiously wiping the blood that leaks from his nose. His cheek is swelling by the minute. I feel a little bad by how happy this makes me. At least I didn’t hit him as hard as I could have. If I had used all my strength his whole face would be dented in. My muscles pulsate just under my flesh.

  “I’ll get a rag…or something.” Ariel gives me a funny look as if she’s seen a side of me that makes her uncomfortable. I don’
t blame her. Delaney says that when I’m in my fighting mode it’s pretty terrifying.

  Sam is whimpering. When he takes his hand away from his face it’s clear that his nose is broken, and pretty badly, too. Ariel winces. She bites her lip as if contemplating something.

  “Oh man, you broke my nose.” His voice is nasally sounding. Blood pours down his face.

  “Here.” Ariel steps forward, and it hits me what she plans to do. I put an arm out to stop her. No way can I let her do this. “Micah, I have to. I can’t let him go on like this.” The look she gives me is fierce, and I can tell that she’s appalled by what I did to him. She’s probably even more appalled that I don’t really care.

  Ariel walks to Sam. “Just stay still.”

  “What are you doing?” Sam’s eyes dart between Ariel and me.

  “Do you really think this is a good idea?” I ask, knowing the question is in vain. She’s clearly not backing down now.

  Sam looks nervous.

  “Relax. I won’t hurt you.” Ariel’s voice is soft. I notice that her hair is longer now, almost reaching her shoulders. Her gift should work easier than it did the last time. She places a hand over Sam’s nose, and his body visibly calms. I remember how soothing it felt when she healed me; how warmth radiated from her fingertips. I can tell the same thing is happening now. Sam’s eyelids flutter and peace washes over his face. When she steps away, his nose is normal again.

  “That’s amazing.” Sam reaches up, running his fingers over his face. He looks up at Ariel with an awed expression. “So, you’re an Ekloge Warrior too, huh? How come your hair is so short?”

  “We don’t need to answer your questions,” I say. “Our powers are none of your business. Besides, we don’t want you running off to the Sarafites with any more of our information.”

  Sam shakes his head furiously. “No, man, it was a mistake. You gotta believe me.”

  “No, actually I don’t have to believe anything you say.” I look at him with disgust.


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