A Knight To Call My Own

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A Knight To Call My Own Page 11

by Sherry Ewing

  Opening the door, he stood in the passageway waiting for…something…but he knew not what. He turned back to Riorden’s lady and gave her a bow. She returned it with a nod of her own. “I pray our paths shall cross again someday, Lady Katherine. Mayhap, then you shall trust me with your tale.”

  She gave him a very lovely smile that reached her eyes and began to laugh. “Oh, I’m sure we’ll see each other again, Ian. After all, we’re practically family, in a really long distance kind of way.”

  Ian shook his head in puzzlement at her strange words, the meaning of which only she knew. “Then, I bid you farewell ’til we one day meet again,” he said politely.

  “Take care of yourself, Ian,” she whispered. “I hope someday you realize exactly what you’ve found with Lynet, before it’s too late. I promise, if you let love into your heart, you’ll never regret marrying her. Trust me, it’ll be worth it.”

  She left him standing alone in the passageway. He stood there in silence for several moments, staring at the stone walls and pondering her words. He shook his head to get his thoughts in order and began making his way down the tower stairs. He would see what food Cook could quickly provide for him and then see to his horse. He did not relish the thought of Rolf finding Lynet afore him. He had no doubt the man would do all in his power to convince Lynet to forsake her vows she had made to him. He quickened his pace whilst his brow furrowed in anger. ’Twas time to find his wife.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Lynet’s feet flew across the ground as she ran. She cared not that she felt every stone beneath her feet. The shoes she wore offered no sense of protection from protruding objects under their soft soles. Practically out of breath, she continued her frantic need to escape those who had stolen her from her home. She knew she was losing her battle to outwit those imbeciles who allowed her to take flight in the first place. With the sound of thundering hooves right behind her, she knew her freedom would shortly be at an end.

  Raucous laughter erupted behind her and she knew they had her in their sight, although she was certain they would no longer be merry once they returned to camp. She had at least one thing to be grateful for. She remained unsullied by the group holding her hostage, but she was not sure how much tolerance their leader still had for her. Given her latest attempt to escape, Lynet did not think she would be allowed alone again, no matter the amount of begging for privacy she asked for. At least she could tell herself she had tried and put up a fight to obtain her freedom.

  The sight of the massive war horse beside her quickly blocked her vision. She continued to run abreast of the beast ’til a body leaned low over the saddle. A gasp escaped her lips when she was scooped up into arms she swore were as hard as the solid trunk of a towering oak tree. Thrown against his chest, she began to squirm with all her might, but ’twas of no use. She was captured and pinned to his muscular torso whilst his arm all but twisted around her waist, ensuring her captivity and the loss of whatever brief bit of liberty she had felt.

  “You try my patience, lass.” With the slightest touch of his knee, his stallion came to a sudden stop whilst she stared into the furious eyes of her captor.

  “I am surprised you came for me yourself. Why not allow your lackeys to do your work for you?” she spat out, staring into Calum’s furious features.

  “They will be dealt with, as will you, my lady,” he hissed, turning his gaze to those he rode with. “Well? What are you waiting for? Return to camp!” Abruptly, he turned her around so she sat more securely atop his lap, and she let out a gasp of outrage at the intimacy of her situation with her captor. She dared not squirm, given her current position, for sitting side saddle had her at a disadvantage. At least with her facing on an angle, she did not have to look upon his wretched face if she so chose. Ignoring him would be easy.

  They covered the ground quickly and surely much faster than when Lynet had fled on foot. When she saw their campsite, she became instantly aware she, in truth, had not gone as far as she had hoped. ’Twas not hard to miss that his men had been busy during her brief respite from her unwanted reality. Already they were breaking up camp and putting out the fire to continue their journey north.

  Calum tightened his hold around her waist causing her to entirely feel every inch of his chest against her shoulder and side. She tried to calm her fears, but they were rising to the forefront of her mind, knowing she had angered her captor.

  She felt his warm breath on her neck, but ’twas the underlying threat in the meaning of his words that caused her to shiver. “Stay in the saddle if you know what is good for you. You will regret your rash actions to disobey me if I must needs chase you again this day.”

  Lynet watched as he slid to the ground in one fluid movement. He gave her only a brief glance to ensure she remained seated afore he left her sitting there with shaking limbs. Her breath left her in an unexpected burst of relief that she remained unmolested. Still, she grabbed a hold of the pommel to steady her frayed nerves, noticing exactly how much her hands were truly shaking from the ordeal she had been facing. Her eyes darted back and forth to see who watched her. Several men stood nearby, but their attention was focused on Calum, whose angry stride lengthened the distance between them.

  The reins were within inches of her fingertips. Should she dare to make yet another effort to gain her freedom? Her eyes traveled to Calum’s retreating backside, but something inside her screamed out not to test his tolerance any further this day.

  Almost as if he sensed where her stray thoughts had led her, Calum called out to one of his men. “Lachlan!”

  “What?” the clansmen bellowed, causing conversations amongst the men to become muted.

  Calum halted his progress to peer at the man. “Is that anyway to speak to your laird?”

  “You were my brother afore you became head of the clan,” Lachlan sneered.

  “But I am still your laird. Ensure the lady does not get any more ideas of escaping in her pretty little head.”

  “I am not your lackey.”

  Calum peered at him. “Aye…you are,” he gloated.

  Lachlan spat into the dirt afore making his way to her horse. He removed the straps of leather from her reach, but continued to glare angrily as his brother’s retreating back. She supposed with the reins firmly held in the grip of a disgruntled man, such an act resolved any further temptation she may have had on her part to pursue another useless attempt to flee her captors…at least for now.

  ’Twas well she had listened to her inner voice of reason, instead of acting on her chance to leave her abductor far behind. She had a horrible feeling pass through her when she saw Calum reached for a dagger from the back of his belt. He came afore the man whose lapse in judgment had allowed Lynet to, however briefly, escape.

  “My laird, I─”

  The soldier’s words got no further, as Calum raised his arm and slit the man’s throat. A look of disbelief swept briefly across the man’s face afore his eyes went blank. Calum carelessly wiped his dirk on the man’s tunic, giving him a slight push. Lynet could no longer gaze on the bloody and ghastly scene afore her. Turning her head, she heard the warrior’s body fall to the ground with a loud thump. She swallowed hard in an effort not to lose what little she had in her stomach, knowing the cost for her brief chance at freedom had been a man’s life.

  Calum returned to her nonchalantly, as though he had not just done something so repulsive, but moments afore. His countenance gave her the impression he would show her no mercy were she to attempt to flee, yet again. Lynet took a deep breath and returned his steady gaze with one of her own, hoping her face showed whatever bit of bravery she still held deep within her. Calum continued glaring at her in silence with those intimidating black eyes of his ’til Lynet could no longer stand to look at him. She turned her head away, refusing to give him the satisfaction of seeing her fear.

  “He could have still been of use to us,” Lachlan said, handing over the reins to Calum. “You did not have to kill him over some s
tupid woman.”

  “Would you rather I had put you out of your misery, since you were the one to hire the man for our company?”

  “Nay, of course not,” Lachlan replied grimly.

  “’Twas a lack of judgement on your part to trust the fool who could not keep one slip of a girl from escaping.”

  “And he has now paid the price of his life for his error. That does not mean he could not have still been of some use, or that I wish to take his place. You always were such a bastard.”

  Calum took a fist full of Lachlan’s tunic, bringing them nose to nose. “I believe, dear brother, ’tis not me who is the bastard.”

  Lynet wondered at the significance of their brotherly affection towards one another, since the two brothers hardly looked related at all. Mayhap, ’twas the cause of Lachlan’s anger, that he was not a legitimate heir. ’Twould explain the animosity between them.

  The two men began a shoving match afore Lachlan landed in the dirt with Calum towering over him. “Never, and I mean never, question my authority again. Especially in front of the men, lest you wish to end up like your friend over there. Now, get out of my sight, and mount up. We are wasting daylight.”

  Lynet’s attention returned to Calum when he put his foot in the stirrup and swung his leg over the saddle. ’Twas unnerving when she became uncomfortably aware of every inch of his body once he settled her upon his lap again and held her close. Calum turned to reach behind them to grab something from the leather bag attached to the rear of the horse’s tack. She was hardly surprised when he took hold of her wrists and bound them together with the rope in a tight knot.

  “’Tis not necessary to bind me,” she declared in a huff of righteous indignation. “Where do you think I will run to on foot that you could not easily catch me, as you did but a while ago?”

  “I take no further chances with you, nor do I plan to leave you in the care of others.” He leaned forward, causing Lynet to gasp, not knowing his intent. His brow rose as if he knew she thought he would steal a kiss. “Do not think I am not tempted, lass.”

  She looked at him with enough skepticism to doubt his honor that he would not harm her. She could not for the life of her figure out why he had not already taken advantage of her and lay claim to her maidenhood. “Then why tie my hands? Surely, you can see the meaning of this foolishness if you continue to keep me hostage.”

  “Precisely why I will leave you unharmed, lest you test me further. Think you Dristan of Berwyck will be lenient if he knows I do not return you in the same exact condition as when you left his keep?”

  “Take me home,” Lynet demanded.

  He paid her no mind as he reached for the reins. With a tap of his heel into the side of his horse, the animal bolted into motion. His men followed close behind.

  “Nay,” he at last answered her with a tone that clearly implied he would not change his mind.

  “I will tell my kin no harm befell me, my laird,” she pleaded. “Just take me home to my family.”

  “I told you, nay. I would have taken you to wife, if I could have won your hand. But I could not stand by, watching you give your affection and dowry to the MacGillivray laird.”

  “And who are you to tell me where my affections should turn. I never said they went to Ian, or any other man!”

  “The fact you speak of him by his first name tells me you cared enough for the man. He won plenty of matches to prove he would have you, no matter the cost. I could not afford to lose what you would bring to fill my coffers. Instead of a dowry, I shall now claim a ransom. I am sure Dristan will pay any amount I ask to have you returned to his protection.”

  “Only a fool would take something belonging to the Devil’s Dragon,” she sneered meaningfully, “or are you so witless you are not aware of his reputation?” She gave him a knowing grin that her rescue was imminent.

  “Hence, therein lays my need to put as much distance as possible between us. Now, shut your trap, else I will find something to gag you with so you no longer bore me with your ranting.”

  They rode hard the entire day with only a few short breaks to rest their steeds. With each mile they traveled, she left Berwyck farther and farther behind. The lowlands of Scotland had disappeared hours ago. Dismay filled her as the terrain became unfamiliar to her. She was never left alone, and she cursed her foolishness this morn, for now she was guarded more diligently than ever afore.

  Dusk began to fall. Lynet would have marveled at the brilliant color of the sky with the setting sun, but there was nothing to rejoice about, even with the beauty of God’s work afore her eyes. She was too tired, and yet, she was anxious, as well, for she knew ’twas only a matter of time afore Ian found her.

  They made camp that night beneath the sparkling stars. Her wrists were chaffed from the rubbing of the rough rope. Trying to find some form of relief, she tore strips of linen from her tattered gown to put between her bleeding skin and the irritating cords ensuring her captivity. She was eventually thrown an even rougher blanket made of coarse wool, and Lynet made herself as comfortable as possible on the hard ground. Calum settled himself next to her…as always…keeping her within his reach and never out of his sight.

  Her eyes darted to the shadows of the evening air, wondering if Ian was out there, even now, searching for her and hopefully looking in the right direction. She began to pray that once he did, they would remain unscathed from the violence surrounding Calum’s demeanor and his cause. He would not take it well that his prize was stolen from beneath his constant vigil and by one whom had already claimed her heart.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Rolf briskly rubbed at the stiffness of his sword arm, trying to get some circulation into his numb limb. He flexed his fingers into a fist and felt a renewed anger that he was still incapacitated and not up to his normal standard for fighting. He knew ’twas stupid on his part to be out searching for Lynet whilst still recovering from his injury. With only a few of Dristan’s garrison to guard his back, he had left the keep, not caring for his own wellbeing, but to find the one woman who he cared for, beyond all others.

  ’Twas a pointless endeavor. He knew that, deep inside his soul. The minute Ian MacGillivray had shown up at Berwyck, he had known any chance for Lynet to learn to love him had vanished. He could still remember the exact moment she had espied the man waltzing across the Great Hall, as if he owned the place…and her! Her face had become radiant with joy afore she hid her feelings behind a mask of triviality. She had looked so lovely, and Rolf had become jealous, for she had never looked at him in such a manner. Still, he felt determined to find the lady who had all but stolen his heart.

  At least, he could say he had tried his best to win some form of her affection. Yet, fate continued to thwart his desires to have the fair Lynet as his bride. Rolf had not been fooled, nor had he been misled by her kiss, no matter how much effort she had attempted to put into it. He may have been the first to taste her innocence, but he knew who would be her last. Surly, ’twould not be him.

  Bloody Hell! What was he doing out here, anyway? ’Twould be sheer blind luck if he came across whoever had stolen Lynet. Dristan and Amiria had tried to reason with him to await further word from the scouts they had scattered across the countryside in search of her. But, no…he let his common sense play no part in his decision to find Lynet himself. Mayhap, he was a fool, after all.

  There was no doubt in his mind that another would be fast on his heels in search of the lady, and, perchance, this was the true reason behind his reckless behavior to find her first. He wanted to make an effort to change her mind, no matter how futile such an endeavor would be. Yet, Kenna’s prediction continued to haunt and cloud his judgment. ’Twas evident, Ian had more of a claim on the lady than he did.

  In frustration, he threw a stick into the fire afore his feet as his thoughts were consumed with the gall of that man. Yet, such a scenario, he had certainly not seen coming. Who in their right mind would have thought the couple would handfast to one another
? If he had thought Lynet capable of such a feat, he would have suggested the arrangement, as well, instead of wanting a proper wedding with friends and family as witnesses to their union. He supposed if he thought about it rationally, there would be no chance in hell Dristan would have ever let them handfast whilst Lynet was under his protection. Small wonder his liege lord had been ready to choke the very life from Ian. He had had the very same similar thoughts himself.

  The sound of approaching riders brought Rolf and the guards to attention with hands firmly clasped on the hilts of their swords. There was only one sort who would be out at this hour of the night, and he did not care to waste all his energy fighting off a bunch of worthless thieves.

  The outline of the first horse hovered in the shadows of darkness afore the steed moved into the light of their campsite, followed closely by two others. Rolf cursed to himself at whom he espied, for the man who emerged afore him like a vision, had the appearance of an avenging angel righting the wrongs of mankind.

  Again…Why was he not surprised? Ian of Urquhart sat confidently in his saddle, all but flaying him alive with his angry, hostile eyes. The unwelcome trespasser jumped lightly down from his steed and came to stand afore him. Rolf refused to back down to the younger man as they stood toe to toe. Nothing would give him greater pleasure than for Ian to make the first move. At least with his fist planted firmly in Ian’s face, he would have a moment of satisfaction for all he had lost when it came to the fair Lynet!


  Ian could hardly believe he had actually found Rolf. His anger rose to unbelievable proportions as they stood ready to fight each other over a woman. He took hold of Rolf by his tunic, even as his adversary grabbed at his. “She is my wife,” Ian shouted. “You have no right to be searching for her.”


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