A Lesson in Patience

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A Lesson in Patience Page 11

by Jennifer Connors

  Nate piped up. “Win-win?”

  “It means that everyone got what they wanted. I got to look good to the minister, and we all got out of having dinner at their house.”

  At this, everyone in the cart laughed, even Colby. The sound was good to hear. Judging by the looks on the younger Miller's faces, it was a sound they hadn't heard in a long time.

  Chapter 14

  Over the next few days, Ginny saw little of Colby. He and Tim would leave early in the morning and sometimes spend a few nights away to look after the cattle. Ginny could see why Colby was in such a panic to find someone to look after his siblings. Left to their own devices, the boys would have been a terror.

  Georgia would spend her days helping Nizhoni and learning how to cook. She had a real gift for combining ingredients, making new and interesting creations. Men would stop by the ranch at times, in the hopes of speaking to her, but Georgia wasn't interested in any of them.

  One morning, when Colby was away and the boys were working with Georgia on some treats in the kitchen, Ginny went out to sit on the rocking chair on the front porch of the house. Staying in the shade, an occasional breeze would pass over her, cooling her down despite all the clothing she had to wear. She felt herself dozing, looking out at the barn and corral. That's when she spotted him.

  Vas was in the corral, with a horse tied to a rope. He was working the horse, driving her in circles. The horse, on the other hand, had other ideas and would pull and buck and threaten Vas at every turn. Remaining calm, Vas continued on his course.

  His movements were graceful, always staying out of the temperamental horse's reach. He moved and swayed, turned in time to music only he could hear. Vas had removed his shirt, and Ginny noticed the sweat on his back and arms. He had a nice body, muscular and tan. Ginny had to admit that watching him work was one of the best things to happen to her since arriving.

  Her thoughts began to wander, watching his beautiful body move rhythmically. A daydream started to form in her mind, as she rocked back and forth in the chair, watching. She pictured his strong hands doing something very different than trying to keep a horse in line.

  Ginny saw him turn to her and spot her on the porch. His dazzling smile captured her from the distance between him. He put the rope down and jumped over the fence of the corral. Walking slowly across the distance, Ginny couldn't take her eyes off his. He moved with sinewed grace up the steps before stopping in front of her on the porch.

  Without a word, Vas reached down and grabbed Ginny's hand to lift her up out of the chair. Ginny's hands automatically reached to touch his chest, surprisingly hairless, but well toned. She felt as his hand reached over to grab her chin and lift her face to his.

  Before she could utter a protest, not that she had planned to give one, his mouth was on hers. He didn't bother to go slow, immediately overtaking her mouth with his tongue. Ginny gave as good as she got, demonstrating that she was no spring virgin. Reaching her hands behind his head, she played with his braid and kissed him back. When she felt his hands on her breasts, she pulled away and wordlessly pleaded with him to find better accommodations.

  Turning his head this way and that, he opted for her bedroom. Although small, it would afford them some privacy. Sneaking quietly into the house, Ginny led the two upstairs to her bedroom, closing the door after her and leaning back against it, watching Vas turn to look at her again.

  “I've wanted you since the moment I met you.”

  Ginny thought that was pretty corny, but couldn't deny that she had wondered what it would be like to be with him as well. He was too beautiful, but she wasn't looking for marriage. She already had that and look how that was turning out.

  It seemed that their clothes just melted away. Once naked, he picked her up and laid her gently on the small bed. Sleeping would have been difficult, but neither of them had sleeping in mind. His calloused hands began caressing her breasts, soon followed by his mouth. He knelt on the floor beside the bed and treated her body like a smörgåsbord. He tasted and touched every bit of her. He reached between her legs and stroked her until she was breathless. When his finger entered her, she was wet and nearly pained in anticipation.

  His finger slowly entered, then retreated. Back and forth until Ginny nearly screamed her orgasm. Vas was smart enough to cover her mouth with his, not wanting them to be discovered.

  Writhing back against the coarse blanket, Vas climbed up on the bed and positioned himself between her legs. Ginny caught a glance at his manhood and was well pleased with what she saw. Vas brought his face down to Ginny's, staring deeply into her eyes, grinning as he entered her.

  At first, he was so large, it was uncomfortable, but his preparation had paid off. She was slick and he was able to slip in without much trouble. He mimicked what he'd done with his finger, sliding in and out. His rhythm was precise and effective. Ginny felt the budding of another orgasm about to take her.

  Quicker, she thought, unable to form words in her mind that had now turned to mush. It felt so good, she didn't want it to end, all the while begging silently for her climax. She knew she should feel guilty, but Ginny had too many other things to think about. Actually, she had only one, but it was all consuming. Her second orgasm burst forth like a gun from the barrel.

  As she laid panting, she looked up in his eyes. He was smiling, as men are wont to do after getting a woman to orgasm. His smile turned devilish as he leaned down and whispered, “We're not done yet.”

  Ginny smiled in return, looking forward to whatever was to come next. She never got the chance. At that moment, Nate ran out the front door and woke her up. Startling awake, Ginny sat straight up and looked at the ten year old.

  “Sorry, Ginny. Were you asleep?”

  Taking a deep breath, she sighed. “No, just resting my eyes.” Looking out toward the corral, Vas had not moved. He was still training his horse, still looking impossibly beautiful in the morning sunshine.


  That evening, after supper, the family was gathered in the parlor. Georgia and Nate were reading, Frank was drawing on a piece of paper and Ginny was trying her hand at knitting. Georgia had shown her a few of the steps and Ginny was now practicing those steps without actually making anything. Every once in a while, Georgia would look over and give her a tip or tell her she was doing a great job.

  Colby walked in at ten o'clock, looked at his family then left to go back into the bathroom. As he was walking down the short hallway, he called to Ginny to join him.

  “Frank, Nate, I think it's time for you two to go to bed.”

  “Awwww, Ginny, do we have to?” Frank was good at whining. He had it down to a science.

  “Yes. It's late guys. And you two can be pretty grumpy without enough sleep.”

  The two boys scampered off. Georgia gave Ginny a look of concern.

  “Don't worry, Georgia. I can handle your brother.” The last part was whispered and delivered with a wink. Georgia smiled in return and closed her book to go to bed as well.

  When Ginny got to the kitchen, Colby was in the bathroom with the door open. His shirt was off, and he was washing himself from the sink. Ginny saw his strong back muscles flexing as he went about his business.

  Turning suddenly, he just stared at her for a moment. Ginny became uncomfortable, so she asked, “Do you want me to get you something to eat?” She sounded scared, which she wasn't. Maybe she was just tired.

  Drying off with a clean towel, Colby walked out into the kitchen. He was still shirtless, which made Ginny even more uncomfortable. She refused to look at him, keeping her eyes to the floor. Noticing a small knothole in the wood flooring, she went about examining it.

  “How was your day?” Colby asked, wondering why she wouldn't look at him. “Anything happen?”

  Popping her head up, she answered, “No. The boys are doing really well with their reading and math. We did some biology today. I might have them dissect a frog if I can find something about it in our books.”

“Georgia receive any callers?”

  “No. She seems more interested in cooking than in boys.” Colby was being nice which made her even more uncomfortable. She couldn't help but wonder where this was leading.

  “I'm thinking of taking Frank with me next time we go out. It will do him good to learn more about the herd.”

  Ginny scrunched her face. The boy was thirteen. He had plenty of time to learn about cattle. Right now, he needed to learn patience and understanding. “I would prefer you wait. We have a lot of interesting lessons planned, and I'm sure he wouldn't want to miss them.”

  Colby let out an exasperated sigh. “Well, Ginny, this is more important. The boy has to learn how to handle himself. I don't see you teaching him that.”

  “Really. A good education can teach you how to handle yourself, Colby. I'm not denying that he desperately wants to learn the family business, but he's only thirteen. He has time.”

  “He's practically a man. He's ready.”

  “Why do you discuss things with me if you don't want my opinion?” Ginny felt her voice elevating and knew she had to rein it in. It wouldn't do any good to get Colby mad.

  His eyes turned dark. Oh well, too late. “You've been here less than a month. What do you know about my brothers?” Colby had been wanting to throw down the gauntlet for a while. Now seemed to be the time. After only a few weeks, his brothers seemed more close to her then they had ever been to him.

  Misunderstanding his meaning, figuring he thought she was overstepping her position, she answered, “I've talked to them. We're together all day. I know their maturity level, and I can tell you it's not really high.”

  “What kind of life did you have before now? A boy becomes a man a lot sooner out here then they do in the drawing rooms of the rich in St. Louis.”

  “You know damn well that I don't know what kind of life I had before here. Do you relish being able to throw that in my face every day? Or do save it for special occasions?”

  Before Colby could say anything else to piss her off, Ginny left. She went right to her room and sat on the edge of her bed fuming. The only light came from the moonlight out her window. She undressed and put on her nightgown. She knew it would be a long time before sleep took her, so she moved toward her window to stare at the moonlight.

  She saw a strange glow, next to the barn and corral. She thought it was a cigar, since the glow grew brighter, than softer. She could discern a figure, a man, leaning against the barn. He was in shadow, but it could only be two people: Vas or Colby. All the ranch hands stayed in a bunkhouse far east of the house. Taking a chance, Ginny left her room and made her way outside.

  In her bare feet, she made little noise, but as soon as she approached the figure, a voice called out, “Colby, that you?”

  Well, that at least answered her question about who it was. Thankfully, it wasn't Colby, so she answered, “No.”

  Vas turned abruptly to the sound of her voice. He put the cigar out on the bottom of his boot and stumbled a bit walking closer.

  “Uh, Ginny, whatcha doing out here?”

  “Couldn't sleep. I saw you from my window. I... uh, mean... I saw someone. I didn't know it was you.” Nice, Ginny thought. Now he thinks you're an idiot!

  His face was still in shadow, but she could see him smiling. That brought a blush to Ginny's cheeks. Thankfully, he couldn't see that in the dark.

  “Care to take a walk?” His voice was low and he smelled good, like cigars and soap.

  “I don't have any shoes on. I wouldn't want to step on something.”

  “Alright. How about we sit here for a spell?” Vas directed her to a couple of bales of hay. Ginny sat down, smoothing out the cotton nightgown. She didn't think he could see through it, but she wasn't taking any chances. He probably already thought she was loose to be sitting out here alone with him.

  It was at that moment that Ginny remembered her daydream. This added to her discomfort, being so near him.

  “Fine night,” he said, looking toward the sky.

  “So, the boys tell me that you're a bit of a wanderer.” Might as well get this conversation going, otherwise they could be exchanging pleasantries all night.

  Laughing at her forwardness, he replied, “I thought I might see a bit of the world before I settle down. The boys tell me that you don't know where you come from.”

  Nothing like a little prid pro quo. “That's right. I remember being on a train, going to Denver to meet myself a husband.” Ginny added a little twang to her voice.

  “Sounds like a much scarier adventure than anything I ever did,” he chuckled.

  I've been through worse, she thought to herself. Their conversation continued, Vas telling her all about the places he'd been, the people he met and the bigotry he'd experienced.

  “I'm always good enough to work the menial stuff. Damn, I did love it when some man would be shocked because I could put two sentences together, in English. Little did they know that every one of their wives never had an issue with how I looked.”

  Ginny laughed. “I'm sure you showed them,” she said jokingly, but was surprised when he got quiet.

  In a whisper, he said, “You bet I did.”

  In those four words, Ginny heard a lot of pain. Little did Vas know that some things never change. They might improve, but not change.

  “Not fair being judged like that, huh?”

  “Nope. But you get used to it, I suppose.”

  “You should remember that next time you meet a woman. I find that men often judge us simply because we have breasts and ovaries.” Right after the words left her mouth, Ginny knew she'd screwed up.

  Vas turned and looked at her. The moonlight lit up half his face, so his expression was clear. Shocked, to say the least. But maybe he was a little more respectful of her too. Ginny certainly hoped so.

  “I guess maybe you might know a little about what I'm talking about.”

  Laughing, she replied, “Yeah, maybe a little.”

  Vas leaned back against the barn once again and both were silent for a few minutes. The night had cooled off, making it very comfortable to sit about. Ginny felt all the anger she had for Colby melting away. Perhaps she should say the hell with this story and choose Vas. That would show the fates who was in charge.

  “So, you and Colby aren't really married, huh?” What a way to break the silence, just as she was contemplating a re-creation of her daydream.

  “No. I mean, we were married. Although I doubt the legality of it. We decided to keep things professional, so that we could go our separate ways eventually.”

  “I heard in town that he's calling you his wife. How's that going play out if you leave?”

  “I don't care. He can tell them I died, or ran away.”

  “What if you wanted to stay? Be with someone else?”

  Well, that wasn't subtle. Or had Ginny just started believing she was all that. “I don't know. I haven't given it that much thought.”

  He turned and stared into her eyes. Before she could ponder anything, Vas leaned down and placed his mouth on hers. His thumb gently rubbed her cheek. He was being gentle and Ginny didn't want gentle. She reached up, grabbed the back of his head and deepened the kiss. Before she knew it, he had reached around her and brought her up on his lap.

  The kiss continued until they both heard the sound of gravel on the other side of the barn. Before Ginny could react, Vas had her seated next to him again, his hat in his lap, staring at the stars. Ginny followed suit, turning her head toward the noise, just in time to see Colby round the corner.

  Ginny remained silent. Not that she felt guilty, but because she was still mad at him. Vas, however, turned his head to regard his old friend.

  “Evening, Colby. Can't sleep either?” Ginny's heart was only just calming down, yet Vas sounded as cool as a cucumber.

  “No, couldn't sleep. Thought a walk around would help.” Turning his attention to Ginny, he said, “Maybe you should be getting to bed, Ginny. You've got a lot to do to

  “Since you're taking one of my students, I won't have nearly as much to do. Will I?” Her challenge was apparent, even to Vas who hadn't heard the earlier conversation.

  “You shouldn't be out here alone with Vas in your nightgown. Someone might talk.”

  Ginny made a point of turning her head back and forth. “Yeah, I heard the horses gossiping just the other night. Catty bitches, every last one of them.”

  At this, Vas laughed, but Colby remained silent. Instead of pursuing the conversation further, Ginny turned and looked at Vas. “Good night, Vas. Pleasant dreams.” The last part was said quietly, seductively.


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