A Lesson in Patience

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A Lesson in Patience Page 21

by Jennifer Connors

  “I know. But I want you to wash away the stain. Okay?” Her voice cracked. In her real life, Ginny had never experienced the level of violence that Cassandra did that past afternoon. Nor was she willing to experience it again.

  “I will make you forget it, Ginny. I will show you what it is supposed to be like.”

  His speech made her smile. This one was a keeper, she could tell. Her heart broke a little, knowing that the conclusion was near and she would be on her way. She refused to think about it at the moment. There were far more pressing things to think about, like her best sex ever.


  After dinner, everyone sat out on the porch and watched the sunset. It had been a long day, filled with a lot of pain, but Ginny felt good. This family did that for her. They were close knit and happy. That was exactly what she needed and wanted.

  After the sun set and darkness came over the valley, Ginny told the boys to get ready for bed. “Colby and I are staying at Vas' cottage tonight. If you need anything, ask Georgia. Okay?”

  Frank, the more world weary brother, just smiled. Nate, asked, “Why would you stay there when you've got rooms here?”

  It was Colby who answered. “Ginny and I haven't been alone since we were married. We just want tonight to be alone before we leave.”

  “But why?” Nate whined.

  Georgia said, “You'll understand when you're older.” This answer seemed to dissatisfy Nate even more. But, before he could respond with more whining, Georgia took a hold of his hand and directed him into the house.

  Colby turned to Vas and asked, “Where will you sleep? I'd prefer you in the parlor.” Colby's voice was stern, leaving no mistaking his reasons.

  “I was going to sleep in your bed, Colby. I've waited this long for your sister, I'm not about to take her before our wedding.” There was a hard glint to Vas' eyes. He would not allow his honor to be besmirched.

  “Very well. And thank you for loaning us your house. I really appreciate it, old friend.”

  The two men smiled and Vas punched Colby in the arm. “You two better get going. The night ain't getting any younger.”

  Colby offered Ginny his arm and they started walking across the field toward Vas' house. Neither spoke, they were just enjoying the stars in the clear sky. Neither seemed in too much of a hurry to get to their destination, rather, they were content to just be close.

  Colby was aware of the sway of Ginny's hips as they made their way in the short grass. Occasionally, he would feel her breast brush against his arm. The feel of her body was nothing compared to her scent. After her father and ex-fiancé left, Georgia had taken her and given her a bath, with some sweet smelling soap. He could now smell the lavender, along with the mild smell of sweat on her skin. With the faint aroma of pine in the background, it felt like home. And to Colby, the ranch hadn't felt that way since his folks had died.

  Ginny's thoughts ran toward the past. She remembered how frustrated she'd been not being able to remember anything about this body she possessed. Now, she would give anything to live in that blissful ignorance again. Images, of not only her assault, but her spoiled and snobby behavior, filled her head. How she would mistreat people she felt were beneath her. She was exactly the person she railed against in Regency England. Although she couldn't change this past, she would definitely be a better person while the fantasy lasted.

  Coming up to the house, Colby held the door open for her. The house was much bigger than it appeared. The first floor held a large living area, a dining area and a kitchen. It was open concept, a term that people living in her century enjoyed. There was a single loft over the living space. Although Ginny couldn't see up the steps, she assumed that was where Vas kept his bed. She wondered briefly if his sheets were clean.

  Colby walked her to the couch and went into the kitchen area. She heard him banging around, but didn't bother to watch him. Her thoughts had turned to the limited future. She knew that her father would not give up, but wondered when his treachery would happen. She figured it would happen on their journey to Cheyenne. Not knowing exactly what was coming, she would pull Tim aside and make sure he stayed with the boys and was armed.

  Colby returned with a plate of bread and cheese. “You didn't eat much at dinner. You need to keep up your strength.”

  “I wasn't thinking about food, Colby.” Her voice carried a touch of Colby's famous exasperation.

  His grin spoke of pleasure unspoken. “Don't you worry about that, Mrs. Miller. All in due time.”

  So the two ate a few bites and washed it down with water. Vas often ate at the ranch house, so he kept few supplies at home. Nizhoni often said that if her son had to prepare a meal for himself, he would end up dead of malnutrition.

  “Would you like to take a walk around and look at the stars?” Colby asked, not really wanting to put off the seduction of his wife, but giving her an out is she wanted one.

  Ginny turned and looked at him incredulously. “Geez, Colby. How long have we been waiting for this?” She turned thoughtful, then gave him a set of her saddest eyes. “Unless, you don't want me.” Her voice, unlike her expression, was playful.

  “I won't be having you misunderstand me like that, Mrs. Miller. I just want to be sure you're ready.”

  “What happened, happened, Colby. I can't change it. All I can do is look forward to you not having to take my virginity, thus making the experience more pleasurable.”

  Colby looked down to his lap at that reminder. Ginny hurried to make it right. “It's not that I don't wish you were the only one. As far as I'm concerned, you will be my first.” Although clichéd, Ginny meant it.

  Colby stood up and held out a hand for his wife. Placing her hand in his, he helped her stand and walked her to the steps.

  “Why don't you go on up and get ready. I'll be up after I clean up a bit.”

  Ginny walked up the steps and found a large bed, with a wooden frame. Thank God, she thought as she sat down and there were no squeaks. She promptly removed every stitch of clothing and got under the sheets. Ginny positioned herself in the most provocative way she could, leaning back against the pillows and headboard, with the sheet just barely covering her chest.

  Colby made his way up the steps and stopped short when he spotted Ginny. He figured she'd have her shoes and stockings off. His mouth must have been wide open, because his wife started laughing.

  “You've never seen a naked woman before?” she asked, humor and desire evident in her voice.

  “Never one this beautiful.” Ginny thought she might just orgasm right there. There was just something so artless about this man. He said what he meant and meant what he said. He didn't play games, anymore than Ginny did.

  Ginny watched intently as he removed his clothing. She'd had her preview that morning, but still felt her mouth become dry at the thought of him naked once again. This is finally gonna happen, she thought as each piece of clothing fell to the floor. First the shirt, then the shoes and socks, and finally the pants were left in a less than neat pile on the floor. Ginny cared little about his housekeeping skills at that moment.

  He was not only naked, but extremely happy to see her. He sauntered over to the bed and lifted the covers. Sliding in next to her, Ginny felt the bed sink with his weight. Before she could move, Colby took her in his arms, pulling the sheet out of his way. He cradled her gently as he reached down and began kissing her. Gently at first, but that changed as soon as Ginny demanded, wordlessly, that she wanted more.

  Colby leaned his wife slowly to the bed, stretching himself out next to her. He used his hands on her breasts, teasing her nipples with his fingers, as he continued to kiss her soundly. Ginny, who had never backed down from him before, demonstrated how aggressive she could be, dueling her tongue with his. His hands moved over her body, enjoying the softness of her skin.

  Colby moved down to kiss her neck, while his fingers moved down to explore her depths. As he probed the tender folds of her femininity, he heard her breathing change, increa
sing, yet shallowing. As his finger entered her, Ginny's head threw back and closed her eyes tight.

  Ginny thought it was so silly that something so simple could cause so much sensation. Yet, it did. She felt his finger withdraw, then enter her again. Colby used his thumb against her clit and the dueling sensations shattered her reserve.

  When Colby heard Ginny moan, felt her wet for him, he almost jumped on top of her. Sweat beaded his forehead as he tried not to rush the moment. His mouth moved slowly down to her breast, taking the nipple into his mouth and suckling it tenderly.

  Ginny couldn't figure out what he was waiting for. She was obviously ready, driven crazy by his attention. All she could think about was having him inside her, to help drive away all the bad memories. Yet, he continued to take his time, move from one body part to another, driving her more crazy by the second.

  When he finally started to climb between her legs, Ginny had a flash of the rape. Panic started to rise inside her, like she was trapped and couldn't move. Her eyes widened in terror and she began to involuntarily push against Colby.

  “Wait, wait... Please.” Her pleas made Colby move aside quickly, moving off the bed completely. He stood beside the bed, staring, afraid to touch his wife.

  Ginny's heart calmed immediately and she realized the problem. With Colby on top, she would feel confined. Maybe for this first time, she should be on top. If she felt that control given back to her, she knew she'd be alright.

  Turning to look at her husband, Ginny said, “I'm sorry.”

  Colby sat next to her, still not touching her and replied, “You have nothing to be sorry about. I went too quickly. I'm the one who's sorry.”

  At his tender explanation, Ginny almost laughed. Too fast, she thought. Not bloody likely.

  “Actually...” she said, trying not to sound amused, “I was thinking that maybe it would be better this first time if I could be on top.” When she saw the look on his face, she hastened her explanation. “I mean, when you were over me, I felt trapped, powerless. I thought if I could be on top then I'll be able to handle it better. Don't you think?” Her face was pained and Colby put his arm around her.

  “I want you to be comfortable. And as for you on top, I was just wondering how you knew about that.”

  How did she know about that? Other than the rape, she had no other knowledge of sex. “It stands to reason. I mean... well... it does stick up.”

  Grinning like a boy given a special treat, he said, “I never thought of it like that.” Then Colby turned his attention to his now flaccid penis. “I'm afraid I'm no longer ready.”

  “I can take care of that.” Ginny reached down and began to rub her husband provocatively. He soon got back into the spirit of the moment. Ginny continued her exploration of her husband, running her fingers up and down his shaft, cradling his balls in her hands.

  “Ginny, if you keep that up, this will end real quick.”

  Ginny pushed her husband down against the sheets and straddled him. Leaning down, she grabbed his hands and brought them up to her breasts. Colby needed no further encouragement, and rubbed and teased each breast. Ginny pushed her hair over to one side and kissed her husband with every emotion she had: passion, lust, security and love.

  Ginny lowered herself down slowly onto the head of his erection, using her hand to guide him in. As she took him in, slowly, she watched the play of emotions across Colby's face. Primarily, she saw relief. Whether that was because of how long they'd waited or because he never thought this moment would come, she didn't know. His stare became intense, watching her to make sure she was alright.

  Ginny was more than alright. She moved smoothly, up and down, creating the friction that would lead to their mutual orgasm. She had to concentrate to keep her movements even. It had been so long coming, that Ginny was too afraid of it being over too quickly.

  Colby's hands moved to her hips, helping keep the rhythm. When he felt himself about to let go, he increased her tempo, moving her hips quicker, watching to make sure she was almost ready.

  Ginny's orgasm was glorious. She had felt it building but had no idea that it would spring forth so explosively. Her muscles clenched, with a heat that spread throughout her body, starting in her middle and spreading to each limb. Her fingernails raked his chest, then, without ceremony, she fell forward, her face inches from his. Colby's eyes were still closed, his face scrunched from spilling his seed deep inside her.

  When his eyes opened, his hands grabbed her face, and he kissed her tenderly. He wanted to say so much to her, tell her how it had been better than he could have imagined. Colby wanted to say that he had never felt such completion, such fulfillment. That he finally understood all the love poetry. How she completed him.

  Instead, he moved her next to him and pulled her up against him. Kissing her forehead, the only words to escape his mouth were, “I love you.”

  Ginny closed her eyes, and replied, “I love you, too.” And she thought, for the first time in her life, she just might mean it. They moved under the covers, Colby lay behind her, cradling her body with his own. She felt his love, his protection and with it, came peaceful sleep.

  Chapter 31

  It was completely black when Ginny was startled awake. She laid still for a moment, trying to figure out what it was that woke her. Still disoriented from sleep, she struggled to remember where she was. Slowly, it came to her: Vas' house, Colby and her finally had sex.

  Then she heard the sound that woke her. A scream, from outside, coming toward the house. The disembodied voice was calling for Colby. It sounded like Nate.

  Turning toward her bed partner, Ginny shook Colby awake. He woke in an instant, sitting straight up and looking at her.

  “What... What is it?”

  “I hear Nate screaming for you,” Ginny said as she climbed out of bed and promptly fell over in the dark.

  Colby lit the kerosene lamp next to the bed. “Get dressed. I'll go outside to see what's going on.”

  Colby grabbed his pants from the pile he'd left on the floor and went down the stairs. Ginny grabbed her clothes, pulling on each piece as quickly as possible. When done, she ran down the steps and left through the open front door.

  She saw two figures in the dark and cursed herself for not thinking to grab the lantern. Deciding not to run, figuring she would break an ankle on something, Ginny walked toward the two as fast as she dared. She knew this was it. The “it.” Whatever her father had decided to do, it was happening as she walked toward her husband and his brother.

  When Ginny finally reached the two, she saw that Nate's arms were wrapped around Colby. With the limited moonlight, Ginny saw streams of tears running down Nate's cheeks. Colby was trying to soothe him, but was clearly getting aggravated. Ginny got down on her knees and looked up into the boy's eyes.

  Taking him from Colby, Nate started to hug Ginny hard. She could hear him babbling something, but couldn't tell what it was.

  “Nate, look at me,” Ginny said as she pulled him away and grabbed his face with her hands. “You have to tell me what's going on, or I can't help you.”

  Nate took a shuddering breath and spoke in a whisper. “They took her.”

  Colby practically yelled, “Took who!?”

  This sent Nate back to shivering and sniveling. Ginny shot Colby a look to shut up, but doubted he could even see it in the dark. Settling her tone down, she lifted Nate's face again and asked, “What are you talking about, Nate?”

  “I was asleep, but I heard a crash downstairs. When I walked out of my room, two men were taking Georgia. She was screaming. I started to scream for Vas, but one of the guys hit me and sent me flying back into the room.”

  Colby took off in a run toward the ranch house, with Ginny towing Nate behind her. By the time Ginny had caught up, Colby was in the parlor, with Vas sitting on the couch holding his head. Georgia and Frank were nowhere to be seen.

  Every available light was on and the parlor was as bright as day. Ginny ran to the back of the h
ouse, in search of Nizhoni. Vas' mother was fast asleep outside, in a small tent she kept for herself. Ginny asked for some supplies and went back to Vas in the parlor.

  Vas was speaking when she came in to check to see if he was hurt. “I tried, Colby. There were two of them, and they caught me by surprise. I don't know what they hit me with, but... They took Georgia. Why would they do that?”

  It was Ginny who answered. “Because my father never does anything on his own. He probably hired the men to kidnap me. The men were looking for a girl, not knowing it wasn't me.” It wasn't hard to figure the plot out. It may give them the advantage when going after Georgia.

  Colby stood up. “I'll go and saddle my horse. There is only one way they could have gone safely in the dark. I'll try to head them off at the pass.” Ginny would have giggled at the line if the situation weren't so serious.


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