Emerald City Shifters (Bundle)

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Emerald City Shifters (Bundle) Page 10

by Kit Tunstall

  Ashley’s gaze was firmly on Kingston as he made his way through the crowd, and apparently the silly woman thought he was coming to declare his love or something. Her eyes shone with excitement, which faded to dull disappointment a moment later when he turned away from her and knelt beside Grace, who barely bit back a grin of triumph. She didn’t normally go for mean-girl games, but it was quite satisfying to know Ashley’s dreams had just turned to dust when he chose the chubby girl over her. It wasn’t a shock to anyone else, but clearly, Ashley had failed to realize she wasn’t even in the running.

  Her thoughts fled from the pale woman a moment later as Kingston lifted her into his arms. She gasped with shock, instinctively curling her arm around his shoulders, the other clutching the lapels of his tuxedo. No man had carried her before, and he made it seem effortless, though she briefly considered protesting. Deciding that would make it more awkward than if she just pretended as though men carried her everywhere every day, she curled against him and let him take her from the ballroom where they’d held the reception.

  As they neared the elevator, she squirmed to get down. “I can walk.”

  “Yes, you can, but now that I have you in my arms, I’m not letting go until I put you on my bed.”

  She arched a brow at that and was surprised when he veered away from the elevator bank toward the exit. “What are you doing?”

  “I’m taking you somewhere special.”

  A moment later, a fierce black sports car appeared at the front, and a valet attendant got out to hand him the keys. In a move that should have been awkward, but he managed to make smooth, Kingston bent down and settled her into the passenger seat, going so far as to buckle her in before slamming her door.

  A moment later, he entered through the driver side and settled onto the luxurious leather seat. “I had to put you down temporarily.” He pulled a face. “It just sounded far more romantic the other way.”

  She giggled. “I don’t think you have to worry about lacking in the romance department. That whole “Officer and Gentleman” thing, where you carried me out of the hotel…that was pretty damned romantic.”

  He grinned. “I’m glad to hear it. I hope I suitably impressed you and put you in a state of mind where you don’t object to being ravished all night long?”

  She tilted her head, pretending to think about it for a moment. “You expect me to endure an entire night of sex with you, our hands and mouths roaming freely, our bodies joined together as we fuck with animal lust?” She barely held back a groan of desire at the thought. “You might have to carry me a bit more first.”

  He laughed with gusto. “If that’s the payoff, I’ll gladly care you for the rest of my life, love.”

  The words took her breath, but she wasn’t sure if it was in a good or a bad way. They sparked hope in her, but that could be could be an irrational hope. It was the kind of throwaway line a man might use on a woman he wanted to get in bed, but wanted nothing permanent with, and she had to remind herself of that sternly. Answers in the heat of the moment didn’t always reflect how a person really felt, and she couldn’t read more into it than he actually meant.

  “Now, that’s okay. I mostly prefer to walk and stand on my own two feet, but the novelty of being carried was nice.”

  “It shouldn’t be a novelty, and I’ll be happy to do it any time.”

  He drove smoothly through the Seattle traffic, taking them to the marina. He entered a private section a few minutes later, and urged her to stay in the car.

  She assumed he was going for something, so it was a bit of a surprise to have him open her door and lift her out a moment later once he’d disengaged her seatbelt. “I can walk, you know. It wasn’t like that catty she-bitch actually hurt me when she shoved me down.” A slight throbbing in her ankle disagreed, but it wasn’t anything serious, and she certainly could walk on her own.

  “I’m sweeping you off your feet, so be quiet and enjoy it.” He winked at her, which soothed the urge to protest the command. His lighthearted teasing was far different than if he had been seriously telling her to be quiet.

  Deciding to take his good advice, she shut her mouth and curled against him, arm around his neck again as he strode to a small yacht. He walked up the gangplank confidently, and a man in a white uniform appeared a moment later.

  “Good evening, sir. We didn’t expect to see you again until next weekend.”

  “It was a last-minute change of plans, Skipper. We’d like to go to my island please.”

  If the man was put out at being forced to take the boat out this late at night, well after nine p.m., he showed no signs of it. Apparently, he was paid well to follow his employer’s whims without protest.

  True to his word, he didn’t set her down when he took her below-deck. They had a beautiful view of the water, but it was enclosed in glass to protect them from the cold night air, and she enjoyed the view seated on his lap, head tucked against his shoulder. The waves moved the boat gently, but it was barely noticeable, either because the boat was large enough, or the water was calm enough. As they moved from the bay into the Strait of Juan de Fuca, his hand moved from the outside of her thigh to the top and inside.

  She held her breath as his fingers trailed up her thigh, reaching the hem of her dress and slipping under it. They continued their upward assent until reaching the tiny silk panties she wore. She bit her lip as Kingston’s finger penetrated the elastic side and brushed lightly against her neatly trimmed mound. She couldn’t help a small groan when he pressed against her clit before moving his fingers lower, two of them pressing gently into her opening that was slick with need.

  “Mine,” he said with his low growl. “I’ve been waiting for this honey cache for what seems like forever.”

  She trembled as his fingers slid deeper inside her, pressing in and out of her slowly as his thumb began to circle her clitoris. “We’ve only known each other a couple of days,” she said amid breathless pants. Her hips acted of their own accord, rising to meet each stroke of his fingers.

  “It seems much longer that I’ve been waiting for my mate.”

  Her eyes widened, but she wasn’t certain if it was from the orgasm that swept over her unexpectedly or his puzzling words. Did he mean she was his mate? Was he envisioning a future between them, or was she deluding herself?

  Pleasure pushed away all thought, sweeping it aside in a tide of ecstasy as he continued to stroke and touch her, not letting her off his lap or away from him for the next hour. When he wasn’t actively stroking her, his fingers stayed buried inside her folds, and he would periodically pluck another orgasm from her.

  Several times, she made the attempt to reciprocate, but he held her firmly on his lap, and at his mercy, giving her pleasure over and over.

  It was almost a relief for the boat to draw up to the dock finally, forcing his hand to move from between her thighs. He still didn’t let her up as he brought his hand to his nose, inhaling deeply, his eyes closing as he savored her scent.

  A moment later, he licked her essence from his fingers, sending a new rush of arousal through her, much to her chagrin. She should be unable to get turned on again after four orgasms and constant stimulation, but she was already ready for another one—but she wanted him along for the ride this time, his large cock seated fully inside her.

  She didn’t know he was large for certain, since he hadn’t let her touch it, but sitting on his lap had afforded her a unique perspective and led her to believe he was generously endowed. Two of his fingers had made her feel more filled than any lover she could recall, so she couldn’t wait to see what he could do with his manhood.

  The dock was part of a large structure with winding stairs that led to a house up on a bluff. The stairs were a special kind of torture when all she wanted to do was drop down and let him fuck her, but he made it easier by carrying her up them. At least his hands were busy that way, and he couldn’t continue the sensual torture that kept her in such a state on the boat ride to his island.

  “This place is amazing,” she said when they finally reached the top step five minutes later. He wasn’t even winded, and he’d carried her the entire way up the sharp incline of stairs. It boded well for his stamina, and she was certain she could look forward to a long night, but the best kind of long night in a good way.

  “Yes, it is. I don’t mind the city, and it’s easier to conduct business there, but I spend most of my weekends and free time here. This is where we had Rafe’s bachelor party.”

  She wrinkled her nose. “Did you have a bunch of dancers boated in for the occasion?”

  He laughed softly. “No, we abstained from strippers, unlike you wild girls. Instead, we had a bonfire and some drinking, followed by an elk hunt.”

  She arched her brow. “How very rugged and manly of you.”

  His half-grin was all sexy. “I like to think so, and I’m looking forward to showing you just how rugged and manly I can be.”

  “I’m looking forward to that too. You can put me down now if you want.”

  He shook his head. “I already told you I’m not letting you down until I get to my bed. With a couple of brief exceptions, that’s still true.”

  She could argue about it, or she could give in and get there that much faster. With a sigh of satisfaction, she melted against him. “Then hurry up and get me there, because I can’t wait to see what you’re hiding under that tuxedo.” The house was designed along the lines of a log cabin, but with an unlimited budget, and it was clear no expense had been spared.

  He whisked her quickly through the rooms, not bothering to give her a tour as he took her up yet another flight of stairs to his room, before kicking open the door and crossing the room to lay her on the bed. She had little time to process anything as he was soon beside her again, his hands moving frantically, but with finesse, as he eased the purple and gold gown from her body. She was glad he hadn’t ripped it, because it was the most beautiful one she owned aside from the cashmere dress he had given her.

  A moment later, he stood up to shed his clothes, and she watched each piece of clothing fall off, revealing his magnificent body a section at a time. Her mouth watered, and her pussy was slick with need by the time he had shed everything and returned to the bed.

  He was even more endowed than she had guessed, his underwear clearly doing something to confine the large cock between his legs. Her mouth watered at the sight, and she reached out a hand to wrap around the shaft, pumping lightly. He swelled in her palm, twitching as she stroked him before scooting down the bed and bending her head to bring her mouth against him.

  She had to stretch her mouth to the point of making her jaws ache to accommodate him, but it was a good stretch, made even better by his groan of pure male satisfaction as she began to bob her head, licking and sucking on his manhood.

  His hands were busy as well, cupping her breasts and stroking her body, as his mouth occupied itself uttering sounds pleasure.

  As she worked the length of him, pressing slick folds against his bare leg in a search for relief from the arousal burning through her, he started to twitch. A second later, Kingston pushed her forcefully away and flipped her onto her stomach. She giggled as he moved behind her, lifting her rump into the air and holding her hips with his hands. He’d lost his smooth edge in his frantic motions, and she reveled in seeing his loss of control, which mimicked her own.

  “Are you protected?” He growled the words thickly, sounding more animal than human in his passion.

  She nodded jerkily. “I’m clean too. You?”

  “Yes,” he said with another deep rumble as the head of his cock pressed into her entrance. With no resistance due to all the liquid heat generated by her arousal, he surged inside, going balls-deep on the first thrust.

  He was as large as she’d expected, and even more, but it felt so good that she howled her pleasure as she arched backward to meet his animalistic thrusts, both driven by need rather than control

  They made love forcefully and intensely, and she lost track of how many times she came as he thrust inside her. She was certain Kingston came at least once, pausing very briefly before continuing his passionate onslaught.

  Eventually, satisfaction drove away the frantic edge of passion, and the collapsed together in an exhausted heap on the bed. She wanted to speak, though she wasn’t sure what to say. In the end, she surrendered to the wave of lethargy sweeping over her, deciding they could talk more in the morning. For now, their bodies had already said everything they needed to say tonight.

  Chapter Five

  To her surprise, she woke before him. It was tempting to wake him up and indulge in another round of lovemaking, but he looked so peaceful sleeping she couldn’t bear to wake him just yet. Instead, a cup of coffee beckoned, as did her morning walk. She had nothing truly suitable for a morning walk, but she borrowed one of his flannel shirts, which hung down to her knees, and a pair of boots she found in the mud room. They were way too big, but they would be all right for a short walk. She just needed to get outside and clear her head.

  Deciding to walk and then have coffee, she slipped from the house after shrugging on his jacket. It was a new experience to feel like a little kid dressed in adult clothes, since hers were usually purchased in the plus-size department. She liked the idea of wearing her boyfriend’s flannel shirt, and she grinned to herself as she stepped off the back stairs and wandered slowly down the path to the bluff.

  Was he her boyfriend? It was a presumptuous assumption, but somewhere in the middle of the night, she clearly recalled him rolling her over, pinning her to the bed, teasing her to near climax, but then refusing to enter her until she admitted she belonged to him, and he was allowed to keep her.

  A soft smile curved her lips at the memory, but morning light brought an unwelcome dose of doubt. Was he sincere, or had it been pillow talk in the middle of the night, in the midst of passion? She thought he had been genuine, but she didn’t want to pin her hopes on something that might not be real.

  Startlingly enough for her, she realized it was real on her side. It wouldn’t take much for her to fall completely head-over-heels in love with Kingston, and if he wanted her to stay with him, she would. She would happily uproot her life in Calgary and move to Seattle to be with him, if he truly wanted that.

  Could she fell in love with someone in the space of a weekend? It seemed ridiculous, but she was already experiencing a very strong case of almost-love, coupled with the feverish state of urgent lust. She couldn’t get enough of him, and if he felt the same way, why should they waste time that was too precious just to follow a more conventional progression of their romance?

  She crested the hill, and the view took her breath away, while detracting her thoughts. The Strait stretched out before her, and she could see a few tiny islands nearby, but they were vague, misty shapes in the fog. The ocean crashed against the beach down below, and while beautiful, the water looked tumultuous and scary, even from a distance.

  Still, she was compelled to move closer to the short fence guarding the edge of the bluff. She was glad whomever had designed the railing had gone with an unobtrusive, short style that allowed one to fully enjoy the view. As she turned to admire another angle, a flash of white caught her eyes. Abandoning the view, Grace looked in that direction and froze at the sight of a large white cat near her.

  Cat wasn’t the right word. Mountain lion, bobcat, or maybe a panther? She’d never seen a white panther before, and she had the strangest thought that it looked just like Ashley, especially with its pale blue eyes. It was a stunningly beautiful animal, but she didn’t want to get any closer.

  Unfortunately, the animal didn’t share her urge to shy away apparently, because it stalked toward her with a predatory air. She stumbled backward, anxious to put distance between herself and the cat, wishing she hadn’t taken Kingston’s boots. Her bare feet would be preferable for running, and she started to kick off the boots to prepare herself should the need arise.

  The ca
t growled at her, a fearsome sound that raised the hair on the nape of her neck and made her scream. “Help. Help, Kingston. Help me.”

  The cat darted toward her, stopping just a few inches before her as it leapt with perfect grace. Looking at the animal, meeting its eyes, Grace had the strangest feeling it was toying with her.

  Finally, her second foot came free of the boot, and she turned and ran in earnest. It didn’t take long to realize she had run the wrong way, and she was rapidly running out of ground. The short wooden fence was growing ever closer, as was the steep drop over the bluff, and she skidded to a halt about two inches before ramming into it.

  Hoping against hope that the panther had veered away, she turned around and wasn’t surprised to see the creature just a few feet from her, stalking slowly forward. The damned thing was definitely playing with her, which was an insane notion, but she couldn’t deny the intelligence in its eyes. And maliciousness.

  No, wild animals wouldn’t be malicious. She was letting fear carry away her imagination.

  Suddenly, the cat’s ears perked, and it let out a low hissing sound as it looked over its shoulder. Grace didn’t know what had gotten the panther’s attention, but she hoped to see Kingston standing there with a large gun. When she looked that way, she saw nothing, and the moment she looked back at the panther, it was just in time to see the cat spring at her.

  She flailed to evade the claw that tried to rake down her chest and shoulder, falling backward as she did so. The fence did nothing to stop her descent, and she tumbled right over it, off the bluff, and toward the icy water below.

  Fear must really have a hold on her, because when she looked up as she started to scream, she swore she saw the panther shift into the smug form of Ashley, staring down at her with a satisfied smirk. When she blinked, the cat and the Ashley apparition were both gone, but the water was coming ever closer. She curled into a ball and braced herself for the impact, remembering as she hit the water that it would have been better to point her feet downward to make less of a splash and minimize the impact.


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