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Awakening Page 24

by Amelia Wilson

  “Hey, my dad gave me that pen!” he yelled, but they didn’t seem to care.

  Baston reached for his gun, but the aliens were faster. Before he could pull it out, one of them grabbed both his hands. Before he had time to blink, he found himself chained to Sca and the feisty woman. The aliens moved at a speed faster than they could see. All the women in the pod let out loud wails and sobs. Each was handcuffed to another, and some were handcuffed to their metal rooms. Others jerked on their restraints as a futile attempt to escape. Where they would go if they got free was anyone’s guess.

  “Well, shit,” the small girl said, clearly annoyed. She looked at the wailing women and grunted something under her breath. With a huff, she sat back down, jerking Sca and Baston to the floor of the pod with her.

  The pod jolted like something was lifting it. Baston heard tools being used. He realized the aliens were attaching the pod to their ship.

  “They’re taking the girls!” He yelled to Sca.

  “Forget the girls, Baston. They’re taking us!”

  Jumping up and pulling the girl with them, they went to the metal door and pushed it open against the Stillion who held it from the bottom. They forced it open and used their chains to wrap around his neck. He dropped to his knees and Baston almost had his hands on the stun gun strapped to his waist when another Stillion came out of the ship and spotted him.

  Quickly, it raced to its shipmate’s aid and struck the three prisoners away from him. They all flew back into the cargo pod with the power of the strike. The aliens hoisted their guns, pointing them directly at their heads. Only once before had Baston been shot by a stun gun, and it wasn’t something he wanted to experience again. With a nod of compliance, he held up his hands and scooted back.

  Satisfied that they weren’t going to give them any more trouble, the aliens slammed the door shut again. Moments later, the pod began to shift and become unsteady. The jostling about sent the pod’s occupants sliding across the floor as the ship took off. Some of the women whimpered in the corners, curled into balls.

  “Damn it, what’s going on?” Sca asked as he pulled himself back up and ran towards the door again. The pod had gone dark, and his illuminated skin stuck out to the women who’d not paid attention before. Some of them screamed as he ran by.

  “Don’t open it, we’ve gone up into space already,” Baston said as he and the girl were dragged along with him.

  “Why the hell would the aliens steal a servant pod?”

  “I don’t know, but from what I know of Stillions, they aren’t a friendly race,” Baston answered, wondering why he’d never made a point to learn what the transport pods contained.

  “What the hell are we supposed to do now?” the girl asked, breaking into their conversation. She planted her hands angrily on her hips.

  Baston frowned. “What’s your name?”

  “Why should I tell you?” she asked with a snort.

  Baston rolled his eyes. “Because if you’re going to be chained to us, it’s probably a good idea to know,” he said as he tugged on the chains, searching for any weak points in the links.


  “And what brings you to the pod, Cherie?” Sca asked with a wide smile and a wink.

  Baston jabbed him in the ribs. “Not the time to flirt, Sca. We’re in real trouble.”

  “Right. Everyone get things you can use as weapons. Go through your bags.”

  “They took anything we had that could be used as a weapon, just like they searched you. They even took my hairbrush,” Cherie said. She narrowed her eyes at them. “In case some of us were here against our will.”

  Baston realized she must be one of the girls who had been sold into being servanthood for Titon. If they didn’t have weapons, there would be no way to get away. They’d have to think of something else before they landed wherever the Stillions were taking them. Baston didn’t know how much time he had, he just knew he wouldn’t be able to save them all. It was a pity, as some of the girls were only teenagers.

  He wasn’t sure how intelligent the race was. He suddenly wished he’d paid more attention in history class. He vaguely remembered the Stillions were good in war because of their size and speed. But did that mean they were smart, or did they rely on their other abilities?

  Baston needed to figure something out about their kidnappers, and fast. He paced back and forth. Cherie pulled on the chain. “Stop it.”

  “Sorry, I’m trying to think.” Baston gripped the side of one of the metal rooms. He tried to bring down the wall, thinking he might be able to use it as a weapon. The wall wouldn’t budge. Titon had made these pods sturdy to keep the girls from trying the same thing. He needed to try something else.

  “Was anyone able to sneak anything we can use to fight in here? Keep it when they searched you?”

  Not a single girl answered him, but one of the girls towards the front took off running towards the metal doors and slammed herself against them.

  “Tesla, stop it.” The girl attached to her pulled on their chain. “What are you doing?”

  “Ruby, they’re going to rape and kill us. Do you want to get raped by a giant purple monster?”

  “Hold on.” Sca got up from where he’d sat on the floor and held his hands out. “We don’t know what they have planned. We need to stay calm.”

  “I’m not getting taken by them either. What do we do?” Another girl had gotten up and joined the other two. They all began to slowly spiral out of control. Some were panicking, throwing themselves against the walls and doors while others banged their chains on the metal rails.

  Baston saw a small window open up in front of the pod. It was the window they used for longer trips to pass food into the passengers. A slight curl of smoke came from the crack it made in the metal.

  “Cover your faces and get down!” Baston shouted. He pushed Cherie and Sca to the floor of the pod. He covered his nose and mouth with his hands and looked at Cherie and Sca to make sure they were doing the same thing. Being that they were chained together, it was difficult and awkward, but they managed it by huddling close together.

  No one else seemed to hear him. The banging and panic had gotten them some attention, and the girls started dropping around them as the pod filled with smoke. Holding their breaths would only help them if the smoke moved out quickly. It burned his eyes as he tried to see if any of the other women had ducked and covered. He squeezed his lids closed and blinked rapidly. His lungs burned with the need for air. His blood began to throb through his ears in a dull roar. He wasn’t going to be able to hold his breath for much longer, and judging from the slight discoloration on Sca’s and Cherie’s faces, they wouldn’t be able to either.

  The smoke finally cleared. He exhaled and then took a deep breath, filling his lungs with the musty air in the cargo container. Slowly, the three of them pushed to their feet. His eyes scanned the pod slowly. They were the only ones that managed to remain conscious. Bodies lay in heaps, littered on the floor. He knelt beside one of the bodies and noted the steady rise and fall of her chest. Thankfully, they were still alive.

  “Well, that was close,” Sca said. He moved over to one of the girls and pulled her arm up, shaking it. It fell right back down by her side.

  “They’re out. We’re going to have to fight them on our own now,” Baston said, surveying the sleeping beauties all around them.

  “Let’s be honest,” Cherie said with an exaggerated eye roll, “we were always going to be the ones fighting them.”

  The three of them slid down the wall and stared around the room. They began to brainstorm for the rest of their flight to wherever they were being taken. Some of their plans required things they didn’t have. Cherie suggested throwing one of the unconscious girls at them when the doors opened, but Sca shot that down.

  The little door opened again and more smoke flew in. This time it was too quick for them to cover their mouths, but Baston realized the smoke was to wake the girls up when one flew at him from a d
ead sleep.

  “Where the hell am I?”

  Following her awakening, there were more screaming and crying women who had been confused by the sleeping gas the aliens had used on them. The ship lurched to one side, sending a cluster falling against a wall. It righted again, and suddenly felt as though it were falling, telling Baston that it was beginning some sort of a descent. They were moving at such an alarming rate that everyone was tossed into the air, causing them to float freely for a few moments. It crossed his mind that they might actually be falling instead of landing, but then the descent stopped suddenly. Two thuds echoed loudly as the pod landed on the ground.

  “All right. We have to be ready, they’re coming.”

  “What do we do?” One of the women who’d been talking before asked.” Baston thought her name was Ruby.

  The doors started to open and he told her the only thing he could think. “Run.”

  Continue reading Baston on Amazon..

  Preview: Sensual Abduction Series Book 1

  Aeon Captive

  Sensual Abduction Series Book 1


  Amelia Wilson

  Chapter One

  Sarah Ellison stormed out of her boyfriend’s dorm, ignoring his calls as she pushed the door to his hall open and stepped outside. He came after her of course, as she knew he would, but he stopped at the steps, standing with his barefeet on the cold concrete as he called out her name and asked her to stop.

  It wasn’t even seven, the sky above campus the dull orange of early morning. A few people were milling about, and they watched as Sarah fought back tears and kept walking, turning a corner and soon unable to hear Chris calling after her.

  The break-up had been building for a while, she knew it and she was sure he had as well. She had spent the night in his dorm, which wasn’t allowed of course, but his roommate was visiting a sick parent out in Nebraska, and Chris had asked her to stay even though they had one of their blow-up fights just a few days previous. He had surely been planning a night full of sex and pizza and then more sex, but instead there had been fighting, talking about their feelings and finally the break-up.

  Sara was twenty, and as she hurried to where she had parked the night before, she couldn’t help but think that her life was already turning out much differently than she had thought. First there had been college itself, where she had met Chris the year previous, her freshman year. She aced her classes, things were looking up. Sophomore year rolled around however, and things had changed. Well, if Sarah was going to be honest with herself, she had changed, school had remained the same. No longer sure she wanted to follow in her geologist father’s footsteps she had left school last semester, and moved into her father’s home once more.

  Her dad hadn’t been thrilled at the news, and his requirement for her moving back home was that she had to be working, and so she had found a job at a store in the mall, a mall which was clearly going the way of almost all of the other malls in America, it could be hours in between customers there, and Sarah passed her time bored and confused and wondering just what the hell she was going to do with her life.

  When she got to her car she sat behind the wheel without cranking the engine and let the tears come. They weren’t for Chris, at least, not all of them, everything that had happened in the last year or so was catching up to her. She had lost her best friend growing up right after her freshman year to a drunk driver. She was sure that was the start of it all, the worry that she wasn’t getting what she wanted out of life. She still had bad dreams often, she still lay in bed after they woke her up, unable to get back to sleep.

  When the tears had stopped falling she reached into her purse and pulled out her cell. She called her father, knowing that he was up, he got up at six every day, and had for decades.

  “Hey,” he said when he answered.

  “Chris and I broke up,” Sarah said. Her dad was truly one of her best friends. It had just been them growing up, her mother divorcing her father and moving across the country when Sarah was only two. She told her dad everything.

  “Good,” her father grunted. He had never liked Chris, he found him crass and juvenile, which was certainly true, but he was also devilishly handsome. That had been a big plus in Sarah’s eyes, but had done little to endear him to her father. “You working today?”

  “No, I’m off,” Sarah said.

  “Good, I’ll take off and we can grab some lunch. You coming home?”


  “Alright, love you sweety,” her father said,

  “Love you too dad,” she replied and then hung up.

  As she started the car there was a strange sound, a high pitched whine that Sarah at first took to be her engine, as though something else was going wrong, and the car wouldn’t start. But it had started, and had done so without issue. The whine was nearer than the engine, and when Sarah looked down she saw a strange white glow underneath her shirt, at her chest.

  She had worn the necklace for nearly ten years, ever since her father had given it to her. It was a plain silver chain, delicate and pretty, and at the end was a white crystal, beautifully cut and nearly clear. As the whine continued, high pitched and almost like the sound of nails going down a chalkboard, she pulled the necklace from beneath her shirt. She gasped as it came free from her neckline and she saw that the crystal was indeed glowing, it’s light pale and pulsing.

  Then, without warning, the light faded and the sound died away.

  She looked at the crystal, waiting for it to glow again but it did not. She tucked it back under her shirt, remembering the day her father had given it to her.

  It was her tenth birthday, and she had a party at home, inviting a few of her best girlfriends over for a sleepover. They ate pizza and ice cream and watched movies until they had fallen asleep, and then the next morning after the girls had gone home her father gave her one last present.

  “I saw this and thought of you,” he said smiling. His name was William Ellison but other scientists knew him as Dr. Bill. To Sarah however, at age ten, he was always daddy.

  “Thank you daddy!” she said,taking the long box. He smiled, the bottom half of his face covered with a thick black beard, his head bald and shiny and often red from the sun.

  “Open it, open it!” he had said, and she had done so, revealing the beautiful necklace.

  Thinking back on that memory filled Sarah with a happiness she hadn't felt in a long time as she drove to her father’s house.

  When she got home her father was sitting in the living room, a scientific journal open on his lap, the news on the television. His beard had turned mostly gray in the last few years, and he was as bald as ever. Dr. Bill had also put on about ten pounds, but he still looked fit and strong, his shoulders wide.

  His daughter couldn’t have looked any different. Her hair was long and blonde, the color of wheat growing under the midday sun. She was petite but had long legs, her best feature and most of her boyfriends agreed, she liked to wear thigh high stockings in bed, and it drove each of the three men she had been with wild. Her eyes were hazel, her features sharp but pleasing to the eye. Chris had always told her she looked like a model, and though modestly never allowed her to agree, the young man was right.

  “Hey daddy,” she said as she sat down.

  “Hey Bean,” he said. He had called her bean since her birth. Sarah didn’t know why he had chosen this nickname, but she had come to love it. She watched her dad finish the article he had been reading and then he pulled the glasses from his head and set them aside. They sat chatting for a long while, since it was still hours until lunch. When it was finally time to leave Sara told her father she would drive separate because she wanted to go see Helen. That was the mother of Sarah’s best friend who had died.

  Her father looked at her over the top of his own car.

  “Are you sure that’s a good idea?” he asked.

  “Yeah. I haven’t seen her in a while,” Sarah said. “I want to check in on her.”

  “I just know you’re still going through your own stuff,” her dad said. “I don’t want you to go backwards, I think you need to keep working towards… I don’t know how to say it, not getting over it, but becoming okay with it.”

  Sarah smiled, knowing her father was just looking out for her. “I know dad, I think this will help,” Sarah said.

  “Okay,” her dad said, and he smiled and got into his car. She followed him to the restaurant.

  They had been sitting at a table for half an hour, their plates in front of them, when the whine started up again. Heads in the restaurant swiveled to their table, anxious to see what the annoying sound was.

  “What is that?” William asked his daughter as she pulled the necklace from inside of her shirt. His eyes went wide when he saw the crystal glowing. “What the hell?” he asked no one in particular.

  “It did it earlier too,” Sarah said, and even as she was speaking the crystal stopped glowing and the whine died down. “Why is it doing that?”

  “I don’t know,” WIlliam said. “I… I’ll have to take a look at it,” he said, and then he held his hand out.

  “Later,” Sarah said. “I want to go see Helen, and…” she didn’t finish. The truth was she felt as though the necklace was her good luck charm. She wanted the visit to go smoothly, she was nervous about it, without really knowing why. Her and Helen had been close, the woman had been something of a surrogate mother for many years, but after her friend had died, Sarah had just stopped staying in contact with the older woman. The idea of seeing her without the familiar crystal around her neck, resting upon the flesh above her breast bone, it wasn’t one Sarah liked.

  Her father seemed to understand all of this without any other words needing to be said and he returned his hand to his fork and nodded. “Alright,” he said. “Later.”

  The rest of lunch passed without incident, though Sarah could see her father’s scientific curiosity was killing him. Surely he had never seen a crystal glow like that, or make the sound, and Sarah was eager to understand what was happening too. She almost decided to put of seeing Helen, but she had already talked herself into finally going, and she knew she couldn’t do that. Sarah, of course, had no way of knowing she would never reach Helen’s home.


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