Secrets Beyond the Moon: Strangers from the sky

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Secrets Beyond the Moon: Strangers from the sky Page 5

by NB Blackbell

  "Yeah, I was here in a flash. No one wants to be out there with everything going on. A lot of businesses are only open part time now, except for the government offices and the police. They all want to get stuff done and be in before the sunsets. Have you noticed that each shapeshifter was wearing a suit or a government outfit?" Faith bit her lip as Jasper piped up, "I bet it's all tied in with the government. Maybe the shifters can hide better in a government job. Keeps the little people from asking questions. When they do ask questions, the government has the power to shut them up." Grabbing the file, Jake implored, "Jasper, help me hang these up." The two of them started pinning up all the proof onto sections of the wall. Standing back and taking a good look at all the evidence, they had left them feeling overwhelmed. Talking to himself out loud, Jake looked it all over. "How could I not see all this before? The missing people's list is huge, and this is just from the city of Richmond alone. Yet, this problem is worldwide. The digits in total are just unimaginable. Bodies have been piling up for months now, every day more and more. At least eight thousand people from this city have been buried lately. There has been an abnormal amount of patients in the local hospital suffering from amnesia. They were discovered roaming throughout the town. Planes have fallen. Trains have derailed, and now there are shapeshifters. Isabel and Jasper's dreams and sketches and Jasper's hearing voices. There seems to be a connection, but how? No memory of loved one's dying, yet there is a memorial for them. Girls, this all has to be connected. There's no way it isn't!"

  With eyes as wide as saucers, the three girls stood looking at Jake. Isabel walked over to Jake. "There's so much evidence, so why are we the only ones seeing it? Why have the cops not figured this out?" Faith took a deep breath. "You're not the only one to notice this. There's a group committed to solving this mystery. The difference between you and them is that you uncovered the shapeshifters. That's all I'm going to say about them, though. John will tell you more when you speak to him tomorrow." All eyes were on Faith. Wrinkling up her lips, Jasper mumbled to herself, "I hate having to wait till tomorrow to find out more." Walking over to pour himself some coffee, Jake turned and looked at Jasper. "We all hate waiting, but this has gotten serious, and we have to play this safe. I'm sure if Faith was able to tell us more at the moment, she would, but it's probably better we wait for John himself to tell us what we need to know."

  Isabel reached over to grab her phone. The ringer was on low, but she thought she had heard it. It was Loretta.

  "Hello," said Isabel. "How are you?"

  Loretta was mumbling something to someone just before she answered. "It has been quite a day. It's a never-ending circus around here. The police need to figure this out soon and catch this psycho, so I can catch my breath. Oh, and just a heads-up, I think the police are setting up a curfew in the town. If they can keep everyone off the streets after the sun sets, then maybe they can catch this creep. Personally, I don't think they're doing enough. How can all these cops have no clue about what's happening on the streets they are dedicated to protecting?"

  Interrupting, Isabel whispered, "There's a lot more to it, but we'll have to discuss this later. I'm swamped right now. Thank you for the heads-up, though. I'll call you tomorrow, and we can talk about all of this; even better, maybe you can drop by the house?"

  Letting out a deep sigh, Loretta agreed. "Sounds great! I'll come by in the afternoon."

  Hanging up the phone, Isabel looked over at Jake. "That was Loretta. She'll be coming by tomorrow." A bit puzzled, Jake asked, "Does she know anything about what's happening?" Isabel walked over to Jake. "She has a lot of information about the deaths and other weird stuff. You need to remember, Loretta's with police officers all day long, and notices things. I know you, and she has a past, but you need to put it aside. She's a prominent asset and a good friend of mine, and I need to fill her in on what's occurring tomorrow." Agreeing, Jake went back to what he was doing.

  Later that day, both Marcy and her friend Beth came. After letting them in, Jasper brought them upstairs to where everyone else was. Isabel was just coming back in from the back yard where she and Buddy were out playing in the yard. "Hey!" she said. "Glad you could join us. There are two-fold out chairs in the closet by the back door if you want them." Trying to be a good host, Jasper walked over to the closet and got the chairs. She thought to herself, 'It's nice to have people over, though it would be better if it were under different circumstances. Isabel sat down. She couldn't help but giggle as she spotted Nookers out of the corner of her eye. He was in hunting mode, and Buddy was the prey. She was glad the two of them had someone to play with. Looking at Jasper, Isabel said, "Jesse should have been back by now. I hope everything is okay with him." Jasper closed Google and looked up from her phone. "I'm sure he's fine. Perhaps Jesse's having a good time and decided to stay long. I'm sure if there were any problems, he would've given you a call by now. So, Beth, Jake says you have noticed something weird about the funerals you have been attending?" Seeming a little nervous, she looked at Jasper. "Yeah, It's been a hard week. I've been to three family funerals, and everyone is crying and falling apart, but I don't remember any of them dying. I've never seen one body to prove it. It was as if we went to bed one night and woke up with knowledge of death and went to the funeral home the same day. That doesn't feel right to me." Jake grabbed her hand and consoled her. "That doesn't sound right to me either. With everything going on, trust your gut. I think the graves of your loved one's may be empty; maybe they're missing like so many others."

  "Anyone hungry?" asked Isabel as she headed over to the fridge. "I made some sandwiches earlier." Grabbing the tray of sandwiches, she brought them over to the table. She was pleased when she saw everyone reaching for one. "Mm, I'm starved," said Jake. Looking over at Marcy and Beth, he continued, "You can take a look at what we found if you like. We hung it up on the wall earlier. It makes it so much easier to look over." Marcy walked over to the wall, looking from one end to the other. "I knew that what was happening was serious, but I never imagined it would ever go this far. I knew there was a killer on the loose and that people were missing, but I figured that with some pepper spray and a Taser, I'd be safe. Should I be scared?" Sitting back down, she looked at Jake. "So, what next?" Leaning back in his chair and looking a little gazed, Jake sighed, "Seriously, I have no idea. Looking at all, this tells me we're in trouble, but the thought of shifters makes me feel silly. It's bizarre that we suddenly start seeing shapeshifters, and so many deaths have occurred, and so many people are missing. There must be a connection, and maybe we're the ones who need to do something about it. Please don’t ask me what! This is like reading an unknown language." Jasper grabbed Marcy's arm gently. "If you don't feel safe at home, you two are welcome to stay here with us. After all, safety is in numbers. I'm sure we can make the room. Couldn't we, Isabel?" Isabel was in the kitchen, putting the dinner on. She knew the sandwiches wouldn't hold anyone for a long time. Pausing for a moment, she looked up at Jasper "Yes, of course, you both can stay. Safety is in numbers, and Loretta told me earlier there may be a curfew put into effect, so it might be better knowing everyone is safe. Jake and I hit up the grocery store a few days ago. We thought we should stock up, so we don't have to go anywhere unless it's necessary." Marcy stood up and grabbed her purse. "Thank you for the invite. If you really don't mind, I think it would be a good idea to stay with you all while all this is going on. I'm going to head home and grab some stuff. If that's okay, I'll be back later." Moments later, she headed to the door. Beth quietly got up and followed her.

  Jasper placed her hand on Faith's back. "You have been super quiet. Are you all right?" Faith looked up at Jasper. "Yes, just deep in thought. Everything will be so different tomorrow. I can feel it. This is like a door that once opened and doesn't get shut simply by pushing on it. It isn't anything anyone can prepare for either; this is just one of those things that you have no control over." Rubbing her back, Jasper thought about what Faith had said. "Well, whether we prepare o
r not, it's happening. But one thing I can be thankful for is that we're not alone. We have each other." Faith reached over and hugged Jasper. "That's so very true. I'm going to go to give John a call. I'll be right back. I'll get him to come here tomorrow instead of the café. It'll be safer." Faith headed to the living room to use the phone.

  Meanwhile, Jasper headed to the basement. She knew she had a cot and a blow-up mattress down there from camping. If she could find them, she could set it up for the girls.

  Later that night, the girls returned and settled in. The group had filled their tummies on the delicious dinner Isabel prepared and was relaxing in the living room for the evening. Jasper turned the television on, hoping there would be a movie for them to watch, something to break the tension in the room. She knew everyone's mind was preoccupied with what was happening. Flipping through the channels, Jasper noticed the news was on. Turning up the volume, she laid the remote on the table. No one really wanted to watch it, but everyone knew they should. Maybe tonight there would be more information on what has been happening, and they would know what to do. Leaning back against the back of the couch, she started to relax as the police chief came on the screen.

  Good evening, Folks, I'm Chief Hill-back of District Seventeen. I'm here tonight to notify folks of the curfew I have instated for the city of Richmond BC. You all are aware of the murders taking place, and that our missing person list is skyrocketing. We have no suspects yet, and to defend the people of our city, we feel that this curfew must be enforced. I am asking that folks be off the streets and in their home by seven p.m. Anyone out after curfew will be arrested immediately. Thank you for understanding. Goodnight!

  Jake glanced at Jasper. "At least we had a warning, so this is not much of a shock; though I wonder why seven p.m.? It doesn't get dark till later." Reaching for the remote, so she could find a movie, Jasper responded, "Presumably because they have no clue what time people actually disappear; this gives them time to clear the area so they can patrol better." Mesmerized by the flickering channels, Jasper chimed, "Yeah. You're probably right." They sat watching television for the next few hours then headed to bed.

  Isabel tossed and turned; nothing about the whole situation allowed her to relax. All she could think about is that no one seemed to be who they pretended to be. That and Jake, she always thought about him. Her heart had such bad timing although you can't help it though, your heart wants what it wants. Isabel thought about how safe she felt around him and how no matter what was happening, she was all right. Isabel sat up. What was she doing laying here in bed when she could crawl in right next to him and feel the warmth of his body against hers? Knowing that when she shut her eyes, she would be safe. She got up and headed towards the guest room. Why did she make him sleep in the guest room, she thought as she pushed his door open quietly? Jake lay there sound asleep, his chiselled chin pressed into the pillow. Isabel stood for a moment admiring him, there wasn't anything about him she disliked. His body was firm, and he was in excellent shape. He looked as if he spent his time in the gym when all he really did was walk and hike. Taking a deep breath, she crawled in next to him, trying desperately not to wake him. He slowly opened his eyes, "Are you okay, sweety?" Isabel nodded, "I am just feeling uneasy and thought I would feel better being in here with you." Jake reached over and grabbed hold of her, pulling her in close to him. She could feel his hot breath against her neck as he nuzzled in closer. "You're safe baby, I won't let anything ever happen to you. Not as long as I have a breath left, do you hear me?" Isabel nodded and gently shut her eyes, there wasn't anything better than that moment her being next to him and the rest of the world disappearing even if it was just for a moment.

  Lightly opening her eyes, Jasper noticed the sun beaming in the window. This is something she loved waking up to, but today she wished it was dark so she could go back to sleep. Reaching down, Jasper started giving Buddy a belly rub. She felt him roll over so she could reach the opposite side. This always made her giggle. "Time to get up, Boy, though, for what, I'm not sure anymore. John is coming today. Guess that's as good of a reason as any. Don't you think?" Slowly crawling out of bed, Jasper grabbed her clothes and put her hair up. The house was tranquil this morning, and the kitchen was empty. As she walked over to make some coffee, she thought to herself. Isabel is always up; she must be so stressed over all of this to still be in bed.' Watching the last of the coffee brew, she poured herself a cup and headed to the patio. Both Buddy and Nookers followed her. They loved to lie in the sun any chance they got. Leaning back against the house, she lit a smoke. I wonder what time John is coming, she thought to herself. As she smoked her cigarette, her attention was drawn towards the bridge. She missed sitting down by the water sketching, with the cool breeze hitting her in the face. Putting out her smoke, Jasper headed back into the house.

  Isabel was standing in the kitchen. "Morning," she said. Jasper smiled, "Can you believe it? I'm up before you." Isabel rolled her eyes and went to grab some coffee. "I spent half the night worrying about this whole situation until I got smart and crawled in with Jake. Once I laid next to him, I had no issues sleeping." Jasper's eyes got large, "You spent the night with him, do tell?" Isabel smiled, "There isn't anything to tell other than it was wonderful. He held me tight while I slept and was the perfect gentleman. I was the one who was all jittery and having naughty thoughts; I know I shouldn't; it's not proper." Jasper laughed, "Everyone does. You're entitled. It does sound wonderful thought, oh, by the way, Jake and the girls headed out early this morning. Both Marcy and Beth had groceries they wanted to grab. Hopefully, we have room in the fridge."

  Nookers slowly wrapped himself around Isabel's leg. "Will you get him some food? "Jasper went and grabbed both the cat and dog food and filled their bowls. "Come on, Guys," she said as she patted her leg. Pulling out a chair, Jasper sat and laid her head on the table. I'm so incredibly off today. The other night I tossed and turned to the point that I thought I would never get any sleep again; yet, now all I can think about is sleeping my life away. How messed up is that?" Isabel nodded. "I can relate. So, Faith just texted me. She said they're on their way over. I told her just to come in when they get here." Now laughing, Isabel added, "It probably would take you forever to answer the door in your sloth state of mind." Jasper looked at Isabel as she snickered to herself, "Hilarious."

  Passing John her coat, Faith headed up the stairs and straight towards the kitchen. She laid her purse on the table and grabbed a chair, "Morning, Girls. Did you hear the news last night? Isabel headed over to the table and nudged Jasper's lifeless body, "Is anyone there?" Shaking her head softly, she pulled out a chair and sat next to Faith, "If you mean about the curfew, yes, we all saw the news." Jasper lifted her head just as John entered the room, "We have a lively crowd here," he chuckled. Jasper glanced up at him, "It's a rough morning. Hopefully, some coffee will help." Isabel jumped up to grab some coffee while John sat down at the table next to his wife. Laying his hand on his wife's, he looked over at Jasper, "So, Faith tells me you, and I should talk. She says you have information about what's happening in the city?" Sitting up straighter, Jasper took the coffee from Isabel, "Thanks. You should have a look at the wall behind you, John, and after you have had a good look, we can sit and talk about it." John turned and looked at the wall, his eyes widening. Getting up, he headed over to take a good look at all the information they had attached to the wall. John stood there for quite a while humming and hawing to himself then returned to the table. Looking at his wife then at Jasper, he exclaimed I'm absolutely speechless. Maybe not speechless but lost for the right words." Faith laid her hand on his, "I know it's a lot to take in, but it's happening, and I figured you could work together. John nodded, "That's a great idea, Faith. Jasper, I need to take a bit to let this absorb, then I need to explain this to the group. I'll get back to you tomorrow." Jasper looked puzzled. The group? John looked at Faith. "Oh, you didn't tell her. Looking back at Jasper, John added, "I'm the head of a revolutionary group. We'v
e been watching the government for a while, trying to figure out how they're connected to everything. Standing up, John leaned over and kissed his wife. "I'll see you all later." As John headed out, Isabel got up and headed to the fridge. "I'm going to make breakfast. If we're going to make it through the day, eating might be a good idea." Faith shook her head no. "I'm going to head home. Thank God I brought my own car. This is a day for going back to bed." Jasper laughed, "Yeah. I think after I eat, that's where I'll be heading." Isabel shrugged, "Maybe that's what we all need. A day to just sleep and not have to think about all the stressful things that have been happening. Jake and the girls can let themselves in, I think after I eat, I might do the same."

  Chapter Four

  After lying in bed for what seemed to be hours, Jasper was sure it was time to get up. She had spent all yesterday napping and lazing around. All the stress from what had been happening had finally caught up to her. It was now four in the morning, and she was no longer tired. Feeling a bit hungry, she jumped out of bed. Grabbing her clothes, she headed down the hall. The house was dark, so she turned the lights on as she made her way to the kitchen. She put the coffee on and threw some breakfast burritos in the microwave then went to the patio for a cigarette.

  Leaning against the patio rail, she lit her smoke. The skies were still dark, and clouds had taken over. She could see half of Main Street from the patio, not that there was a lot to see at four o'clock. It took her a few minutes to finish her smoke, but as she was putting it out, she noticed a man standing on the corner. He was just standing there, gazing around. The police who patrolled the streets drove by him and proceeded as if they never saw him. How is that possible? She thought as she frowned. Why didn't they detain him? Jasper ran into the house and grasped her cell phone, then back out to the patio. She commenced to record the man just in case there was more to this. Perhaps this was something the others should see. She stood there for almost thirty minutes till, once again, the police drove by. Yet, they kept going as if the man was not standing there.


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