The Dragon’s Flight: Gay Paranormal Romance

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The Dragon’s Flight: Gay Paranormal Romance Page 3

by Clearwater, Julian

  His mind kept drifting to those bright green eyes he’d been fixated with earlier that day, the self-assured smile that looked as if David wanted nothing more than to eat him alive. Shivers teased down his body as he quickened his stride, closing the distance between himself and his favorite bar. The giant green Q blinked in and out on the sign above the door, and Ethan found himself wondering if he should have asked David to meet him somewhere more refined.

  Realizing it was too late to second guess himself, Ethan pushed through the door and took in the sights that the interior of the building had to offer. The low light set a perfect atmosphere, and he could only hope he could sink his claws into David as he so intended. He quirked a grin upon spotting David, then confidently approached him and sank onto a bar stool beside him.

  “Imagine seeing you here,” Ethan teased, only for David to meet his gaze with a smile that was nothing short of predatory.

  “Considering my intended company, could you blame me for getting here early?” David said slyly.

  Ethan felt himself reddening faintly, his plans of remaining in control flying straight out the window. He chuckled nervously, brushing a lock of hair away from his eyes. “Well, leave it to me to be fashionably late.”

  David laughed before slapping a hand to his shoulder. Ethan nearly doubled over from the impact, bracing himself against the bar top with wide eyes. Wow, it had been some time since he’d met someone who could knock him off his feet—quite literally in this case.

  “So, have you had anything yet? The Curly Q is my favorite, but I’m a sucker for fruity drinks,” Ethan asked, sitting upright while trying to retain his dignity somewhat.

  “I’m a sucker for fruity guys, myself,” David teased, and in spite of feeling indignant, Ethan could do little but laugh out loud. “But as far as your question, no, I haven’t had anything yet. Didn’t want to get totally blasted before you got here, didn’t seem to be in good taste.”

  David idly tapped his fingernails on the bar and watched quietly as Ethan flagged down a handsome bartender.

  “Two Curly Qs, Matt,” Ethan requested, all too aware of the way David was staring daggers at the bartender. He was less concerned with the fact that the bartender seemed to be tracing the v of his shirt with his eyes. Did David have a possessive streak? Ethan couldn’t deny that there was something attractive about the idea. He wouldn’t expect anyone to break their stride for him, let alone want to call him their own.

  “You got it, bro,” the bartender, Matt, said after a long and painfully awkward stare-down.

  David grumbled under his breath as he watched the scrawny man go.

  “I thought you were partial to fruity guys,” Ethan teased, resting a hand on David’s arm. David reddened, huffing a bit indignantly.

  “Well, we’ll just say that I have my eye on someone in particular, for now,” he retorted somewhat indignantly. Ethan smiled to himself, feeling a little thrill shoot through him at the idea of catching the attention of someone so handsome. It wasn’t that Ethan thought particularly poorly of himself, he just tended to fade into the background. Well, at least when it came to cute guys. His job made him all too available to single mothers and kids with hearts in their eyes. He’d just never felt the pull he felt with David.

  “So, tell me a bit about what yourself,” Ethan said, turning to gaze at David.

  David stiffened for a moment, and Ethan could only wonder if it was a touchy subject. However, after a brief moment, David ran a hand through his dark hair and visibly relaxed.

  “Nothing as exciting as being a helicopter pilot, or anything of the sort,” David began, narrowing his eyes as the bartender returned.

  Matt seemed to take the hint, slipping away as soon as he had placed the drinks on the bar top.

  “Speaking of,” David said, “what made you want to be a pilot? It seems like something a lot of kids dream of doing, but never actually follow through on.”

  David took the spiral cut apple slice from the side of his glass and munched on it. Ethan hummed thoughtfully, debating just how much he wanted to divulge about himself. Idly taking a sip of his drink, he watched David and wondered why he was so dismissive about his job. Was it something he was ashamed of? Was he some sort of criminal? It seemed unlikely, but Ethan wasn’t quite sure what to make of the other man at that point.

  “Well, when I was a child, I was in a helicopter crash,” Ethan said. “My parents and the pilot died, but I miraculously survived. I know it seems weird, but that’s what drew me to the idea. I wanted to be sure that under my watch, no one suffered the same fate that my family did.” Ethan stirred his drink with the straw.

  David’s expression softened, and he reached out to rest a hand on Ethan’s knee.

  “Sorry to hear that. It’s great that you decided that you wanted to look out for your fellow man,” David said. “A lot of people would just end up bitter and waste away, but, well, I guess we’re an unlikely pair. My parents died rather unexpectedly when I was a child as well. It’s what made me take my job, as sort of a public servant.” David hesitated before drawing his hand away. He brought his drink closer to himself, sipping from it with a soft sigh. “I want to protect people. We’re much the same in that sense,” he added as an afterthought.

  Ethan roughly rubbed away the tears pricking the corner of his eyes. David either didn’t notice his emotional break, or wasn’t blatantly judging him for it.

  “I’m sure your parents would be proud of where you are in life,” Ethan said, feeling enchanted by the man who sat at his side. Though David was somewhat eccentric, there was a kind and caring soul deep beneath that quirky exterior. It was rare to find someone who cared as deeply as Ethan himself did, but David seemed to fit the bill. The thoughts of the other man’s job being something nefarious faded to the back of his mind, as well as thoughts of why David may have wanted to explore his field. He simply wanted to enjoy the moment they were sharing, two like souls finding comfort in each other.

  “Thanks,” David said. “Sometimes, I wonder. It’s a dangerous job, and I’m sure my mom would be worried sick, if she were alive to know about it.” David chuckled.

  Ethan nodded gently, lacing his fingers with David’s. David blushed faintly, but tightened his grip on Ethan’s hand. Ethan still yearned to know so much more about the man before him, but he was content to sip his drink and hold his hand. At least, for the time being. In the future, if there was a shared one between them, they could work on getting to know each other a bit more. Right now, though, it was enough for Ethan that he felt comfortable in another man’s presence.

  The two chatted amicably up until closing time, though there was no real substance to their conversation. Their shared glances made it clear that they wanted more from each other, but Ethan was afraid to take that first step. It seemed David wasn’t keen on putting himself on the line, either. When it came time for the two to part, Ethan drew David into his arms and held him for a long moment. David was stiff in his grip for the longest time, but slowly began to release the tension that was held inside of him.

  “I hope to see you again,” Ethan said with a smile.

  “Oh, you will. I’m sure of it,” David replied kindly, hesitating for a long moment before brushing his lips to the corner of Ethan’s mouth. Ethan found himself entirely gobsmacked, but before he could voice another thought, David disappeared into the night.

  Ethan stared in the direction David had gone for what felt like an eternity before breathing a content sigh and touching his lips.


  Some hours later, David found himself just as enamored with the thought of Ethan as he had been when they’d first met. He wished he had made some sort of concrete plan with Ethan, but he was sure that when the time came, they would find each other again.

  For tonight, however, he had bigger fish to fry. With someone in the dragon-riddled town beginning to form a special little place in his cold heart, he couldn’t easily dismiss the thought that someth
ing terrible could happen to the pilot—especially in his ventures to the field that a dragon had obviously made into its home. He couldn’t exactly explain why he wanted Ethan to give the place a wide berth, especially considering that he had been the one to initially request the trip there.

  The fact also stood that he couldn’t afford to out the Dragon Slayers Society to just anyone. He didn’t know enough about Ethan to warrant letting him in on his deepest and most personal secrets. While he hoped that day would come, for now, he would simply settle for ensuring that the town remained safe.

  Which is what drew him to the field a few hours after his date with Ethan, dressed in his traditional dragon slaying garb—though with noticeable upgrades from his last combat experience. The steel of his armor had been reinforced, lined with a soft padding to make potential impacts less jarring and painful. His sword held a single jewel in the hilt, one of the many perks of being an official member of the society. He had gained access to their mage, who was entrusted with blessing special stones to enhance a slayer’s weaponry. The soul of each dragon he claimed would be captured in that stone, from there on out. It was a facet he had not known about the society—their ability to gain strength from those dragons they dispatched. He only hoped that someday he would be able to take on the higher risk dragons on the bounty list, though he planned to remain centered in this area.

  David knew he should spend less time thinking about Ethan, and more time focused on his future as a slayer. However, he couldn’t help but entertain the thought of juggling the two. The life of a dragon slayer was a generally lonely one, but David couldn’t deny that he longed for someone to share his life with. Ethan seemed the perfect candidate, with his golden locks, icy blue eyes, and a smile that could turn the strongest of men into jelly.

  Admittedly, David was more infatuated than he had ever been. That somewhat went without saying, considering that he’d never developed feelings for someone before now. Granted, they were the fresh inklings of a feeling, but it was enough to make his heart hammer in his chest.

  In spite of how much he wanted to spend the evening considering the future possibilities with the pilot, he knew he had to focus on the task at hand. If he were to die while fighting a dragon, his chances with Ethan would amount to nothing. He couldn’t bear the thought of disappearing out of Ethan’s life without a word, especially considering the desirous eyes Ethan turned upon him each of the times they’d met. It was obvious, to David at least, that Ethan must have wanted him rather badly as well. It wouldn’t do to disappear off the face of the earth, without truly kissing those lips.

  Inhaling a long, careful breath, David tried to dismiss the thoughts of doing more than just kissing Ethan. His manhood gave a noticeable twitch as he found himself nearly overcome by the thought of seeing Ethan bared before him, his eager rear ready for the taking.

  “Get it together, David,” he ordered under his breath, knowing that it was the least opportune time to entertain his arousal. Especially considering how near he was getting to the field.

  The closer he got to the clearing, the quieter the night seemed. The sound of crickets was absent, no tree frogs croaking or cicadas chirping. It was almost eerie, but David wasn’t one to startle easily. He knew that his chances of encountering some dragon, even if it weren’t his bounty, were high. Depending on the size of the dragon, he could hopefully see it laid to waste in short order. However, judging from the size of the claw marks he’d seen in the ground, he had his doubts that this was your average fledgling. Low risk dragons presented a risk all the same, especially to a slayer working on his first solo mission. David almost wished he had joined a group for his first bounty, but Jacob had seemed so proud when he asserted the fact that he wanted to be alone for this first mission. It was a rite of passage, claiming your first solo bounty. He wasn’t about to deny himself that milestone just because of some jitters, likely unjustified, and—


  The distant sound of growls could be heard, and David tucked himself behind a nearby boulder to cast his gaze across the field. For a moment, there was nothing to see. David knew better than to immediately reveal himself, however. He dropped into a crouch, his hand flying toward his broadsword where it sat on his hip.

  A flapping of wings could be heard, and he cursed softly under his breath as he pressed himself nearly flat to the ground to avoid being seen. His eyes widened upon seeing glimmering scales in the moonlight, and the most massive dragon he had ever laid eyes upon touching down in the middle of the field.

  He couldn’t believe his good fortune. David had hoped that the dragon haunting this field would be the Opalescent dragon he sought, but he hadn’t expected a low risk to be so massive. It was nearly double the size of the already massive fledging he had fought to earn his certification. While it lacked most of the bulk of the fledgling, instead stretched out into a long and lean noodle shape, it was obvious that this creature could pack quite the punch if it was caught in a bad mood. It sat back on its haunches, its upper body towering toward the sky as it glanced around the immediate area. David inhaled a quaking breath, praying to whatever higher powers may be. He could only hope he would go undetected, at least for that night. It was obvious that taking this dragon on would take more preparation than he’d expected.

  He couldn’t just storm into the middle of the field and start swinging. He needed to come equipped with traps, poisons, and medical salves for himself. He wasn’t willing to lose his life on his first real venture, and he was sure if he stormed in guns blazing, he most certainly would do just that.

  He didn’t have a chance beating this dragon tonight. It was in David’s best interests to make a tactical retreat. He inhaled a steadying breath, taking a step back from the boulder. He could still see the dragon’s head where it towered near the clouds, but he could only hope the shroud of night would keep him obscured enough to make his escape.

  Moving swiftly, he could hear the dragon crunching loudly on something where it sat. It continued to grumble angrily, but it was clear that David hadn’t been spotted. As he neared the edge of the forest, he glanced back in the direction he had come. The dragon had lowered its head, apparently having gotten its fill of scoping out the area. David clutched his hands together, taking a moment to thank the gods for keeping his life intact. Then, he quickly darted down the backroads away from the field. He had memorized the path on the helicopter ride, so it was relatively easy to make his way to the fairgrounds, and from there, the short distance home. It was a long walk, altogether, but he was known for his stamina, and bringing a car would have been too noisy and too smelly. A dragon would have caught the scent of his car immediately, and it was no small wonder that the dragon hadn’t caught his scent as it stood, with what little preparation he had come in with.

  As he ascended the steps of his apartment complex, he continued to creep quietly as to not awaken his neighbors. It would seem strange, seeing a man clad in medieval style armor creeping through the building. It was why David did all his work under the shadow of night, where he would scarcely risk being seen. There were your usual share of night owls in the city, but he took the back roads whenever possible, and took the long way through the complex to avoid attracting attention.

  Unlocking his door, he pushed into his apartment and breathed a sigh of relief. He had his share of things to take comfort in, in that moment—the fact that he was still alive being the most notable one. However, he knew that he couldn’t simply let things carry on as they were. With the proof of the dragon’s existence now undeniable, and its presence so near the city, he couldn’t truly rest until he had taken care of the issue. Not just for himself, and not just for Ethan, though the other man played a large role.

  No one in the city would truly be safe until the dragon was slain.

  However, as much as he needed to focus on the task at hand, he couldn’t keep his mind off of a future date with the pilot. Perhaps he could even bring Ethan home, to spend the night. Not just to shar
e a bed with him, not just to make love, but to ensure that he was safe. While he knew his romantic feelings had scarcely had time to develop, the protectiveness he felt for Ethan was undeniable.

  Shedding his armor and heading toward the bathroom to take a shower, David’s mind remained with Ethan. He would have to talk to the other man about avoiding the field, though he wasn’t sure how to make it clear without divulging too much information. He wasn’t sure how much damage a dragon could do to a helicopter, but he was almost certain that it could be crushed like a can in the massive reptilian beast’s talons. The thought of Ethan’s body falling limply from the chopper and into the dragon’s waiting maw sent a rush of anger through David. Even though he had Ethan’s number, he knew it would seem somewhat strange to call him in the dead of night, concerned for no apparent reason. He settled with sending a heart emoji to the number he’d programmed into his phone.

  Half an hour later, when he emerged from his shower, he was pleased to see he had received a heart in reply, as well as a sweet Sleep well. Allowing his fears to slip away, if only for a moment, David sank into bed, drawing the blankets around himself and breathing a soft sigh.

  Tomorrow, he would see if Ethan wanted to meet again.

  For tonight, however, he would dream of the man who was on the fast track to capturing his heart.


  When Ethan received the text from David, asking to join him for dinner, he was so tired he could scarcely keep his eyes open. However, he was reluctant to blow off the other man, and as such agreed to meet him at a relatively cheap diner in town.

  The day had been a long one, and Ethan couldn’t help feeling haunted as he moved through day to day life.

  He had his suspicions that David had been back to the field, and he wasn’t quite sure how to feel about that. It was troubling, but David had insisted that he would explore the area. There hadn’t been any tire tracks, making it evident that whatever David may have mentioned about a four-wheeler either wasn’t true, or he was just investigating the area further.


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