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Mothballs Page 9

by Alia Mamadouh

  Farida was tinted: her face gleamed, and her eyebrows were more fully arched. But she looked ugly! Her teeth shone white, her fine skin was radiant, her lips were the colour of a new beet. Her finger bore the gold wedding ring, and another finger an emerald-coloured one. On her chest lay a pearl necklace, a gift from my grandmother; the pearl earrings were a gift from Aunt Bahija. Her rings and bracelets, and necklaces were from her sisters and sisters-in-law, Naima, Zubayda, Nahida; the buttons on her white dress twinkled, and around her waist was wrapped a wide belt that hung as low as her haunches.

  The wedding tiara on her head was entwined with small artificial roses. The veil flowed over her neck, shoulders, and arms, and down her back. She did not know what to do with her hands. Now she raised them; now she laid them down. On her right was Aunt Najiya, to her left Aunt Bahija, and before them Naima kept the path clear and quietly watched the two aunts. The rest of the women walked behind them, stopping or slowing down, reciting Qu’ranic verses and trilling, shooing the children out of the way, bearing cushions and trays of sweets.

  So this was the bride. She looked nothing like the original Farida. Idid not like her this way.

  I stood near a tray of candles. My aunts and grandmother called out to me: “Come take the tiara from your aunt. Look – even on a wedding day she’s stubborn.”

  I did not move. I looked down at everyone from the top of the stairs. Beside me, Firdous took a step. I took morsels of the dripping wax and made little balls with faces. I looked up. My mother was coming, wearing a long white silk dress. Her bosom was round and prominent, and her height was exaggerated; she was like a goddess fleeing the earth. She did not turn or speak. She looked only at me as if intoxicated, walking and acting like a woman who knew her private fortune. She walked toward me and touched my face, held my hair in her palms, turned with me, held my hands, pressed them and lifted them up, kissed them and smelled them, and held them to her cheeks, which had grown more plump and healthier, more pink and glowing. Her hair was longer than mine, hanging loose, combed and shiny, clean, and parted in the middle. She wore glittering diamond earrings, which moved whenever she moved. I turned with her; I danced, and we danced. We opened the rooms in the house one by one. We opened the closets, the drawers, the suitcases, the bundles, the boxes, and pulled out all the contents. We opened the windows, walked on tiptoe and sang as if meeting each other for the first time. Our voices rang out and we paid attention and called out to no one else. We did not even recognize the people we knew. She held me by the waist and I embraced her arms; I grew tall, we stretched and grew bigger. Now we had wings, and the great and small houses opened up to us. We did not repeat the same songs or remember what we said. Everything came out of us spontaneously, as if the words knew their cue. She carried me off like a fabulous roc bird, from the house, the lanes, and our street. She ascended and I ascended. I flew and pressed my face against hers, and her eyes saw me as if for the first time. My mother’s eyes had grown as large as the ceiling as she slipped out of my arm. I did not see her or pursue her.

  Suddenly silence fell. Munir cleared his throat. The trilling grew louder, but with one movement of his hand he silenced them all. He called for my grandmother, and they both entered the room. Only I could hear her cry out: “Oh, God, she’s gone, alas, poor Iqbal! Almighty God, I will not resist your wisdom, most merciful of all the merciful.”

  “Tell me, Grandmother, is it true my mother is gone?”

  Look and let her go. Slam the doors behind you and open the windows of all the houses before you. You piss on the cushions and the gold, on Munir’s baldness and Aunt Farida’s rear end. You trample the mats and the carpets. If only I could have screamed. It was the twenty-seventh day of the month of Ramadan. “A wedding on this day is a blessing,” my grandmother said.

  And a death on this day?

  Today the new visitor, Iqbal, is “gone”, today the holy little hairs emerge from her precious flask. God has abandoned me.

  Only the prophet is left. Cry out all the curses you have learned by heart in the burial shrine of Naaman Ibn Thabit. Release your amplified scream everywhere, and lift your mother’s coffin, containing the future days of both of you.

  Chapter 9

  To the Abu Hanifa Mosque. I ran, fell down, picked myself up, cried, and struck my face with my hand. I was thinking of no one.

  I stood with the crowd, the drowsy people of our neighbourhood. The long rows pushed and shoved, people bending, their arms and legs. Their voices mingled together in prayer and supplication: “God, have mercy,” they cried as they revolved around the tomb with its silver dome and scalloped columns. They wandered and trembled. There were children and elderly people, tying green and white scraps of paper to the window of the tomb. Their hands were like flowers scattered by a storm. Mothers and grandmothers lifted up their little boys and girls, and perched them upon their shoulders. They kissed the columns as if they were suckling breasts; their whole bodies craved the blessing. Their voices were hoarse, heavy, delicate and helpless. Their black cloaks undulated over their statures, rose and fell, and returned to their passionate heads. Handkerchiefs, covers, and towels were drawn over their sweaty necks. There was incense I had never smelled before that reminded me of penitence. I did not know where it had been placed, but it stole through the confines of the space and drifted by our noses like the drowsiness of dawn.

  Their faces glistened with sweat, fatigue, and prayer. Their backs bent over, then straightened up. Their steps were uncertain and shaky, and their knees knocked together. The worn-out mats and tattered carpets got shoved aside, revealing stained but cool and beautiful tiles.

  Their feet were bare, their toes slender, their eyes swollen. Their nails were long and dirty. The space was wide and vast, dozens of times bigger than our house, and in each of the four corners gilded yellow candles burned. They were tall and thick, like the palm trees we played around on holidays, and their high flames rippled every few moments, whenever the ranks of people passed before them. They flared up and the melted wax ran down through the cracks.

  The women thronged together, waiting for Mr Aziz who served as the Abu Hanifa Mosque’s administrator: the mitwalli. The doors to this place were crammed with mothers, widows, and sisters. I cried amongst them: “Mama, Mama,” among the loud prayers to clear the way for themitwalli.

  The night of the twenty-seventh of Ramadan, our whole neighbourhood took refuge here. They knelt before the dome and dreamed, stayed awake, listened to the prayers, exulting with them and waiting for the Prophet’s hair, hidden all year long in the small room, in the golden casket, in the clean and pure place, by the burial plot behind the mosque. Today it came out of its hiding place, wrapped in a length of thick, perfumed green woollen cloth. The hairs floated in an elongated bottle, whose glass was flattened and slightly bumpy, swimming in rosewater.

  Hundreds of hands wanted to kiss and touch it. All these heads glowed and made noise. They bit their lips with joy: “God bless the Prophet Muhammad.”

  Their bodies twinkled, and the whole multi-layered throng uttered the Prophet’s name in loud reverberation, secretive and pure, that rose from their hearts and permeated the entire district of al-A‘dhamiyya.

  Mothers carried their children into the odours, reaching Mr Aziz’s palm.

  I shoved and pushed, slid through and jumped between the rows of people: “Hajj Aziz, I am coming through! I want to kiss the hair!”

  I was carried by the crowd and pushed far back. I was suffocating, striking out at everything about me and before me. I turned about and cried out, “God keep you, hajji.” I clamped down on my braids with my front teeth, and bit down hard on them. I pulled and pushed, came and went, like a maddened wave. My clothes rode up and descended again. I was thirsty. I cried out, “Hajji, my mother is gone!”

  Above me, the voices intermingled and flew about. “Your intercession, Prophet of God!” Hands and bodies pushed me, and I crumpled to the ground before the Hajj Aziz. I pulled
at the mitwalli’s new belted robe and brown cloak with my hands. I turned my face up to him. His face was middle-aged and sad; his beard was uncut, and his eyes as white as my grandmother’s skin. His voice was moist: “Go – kiss and pray, because today all prayers are answered. God protect and guide you on the right path.”

  I was hypnotized. The smells and the moans, the prayers and supplications, and the unheard weeping. The scrap of green cloth had a strange smell. I clutched it to my face, touched the bottle, and he laid it on my head and ran it along my hair. I rubbed it and kissed it. The man’s hand was strong, his palm was wide, and his fingers were creased. I turned and shouted, and the voices about me pushed me: “God bless the Prophet Muhammad.” Weeping draws me into their protection: “Mama, Mama, where have you gone?”

  The voices: “That’s enough crying, we want to kiss and smell it, too. Good God, even in this holy place, the greed you see!”

  The prayers pushed me away and flung me back. I had asked nothing on this day, I had trusted no one, I had not enshrouded my mother. Her corpse was stretched out before me without limbs or feet. It was just a featureless head.

  I looked at it and moved forward on the mosque’s tiles. Her face glowed without a shroud, perfumed and cryptic. It collided with no one and contrived for itself only this integrity.

  I wiped my nose on the hem of my dress, wiped my tears, sat down and rested my back against the wall. The mats were dry and harsh. The voices of the rows of people faded into the distance. I saw the remains, creased paper, ribbons fallen from my braids, my rusty hairpins, buttons, green leaves, wilted roses, and small-denomination coins.

  The old women sprawled out on the floor near me, wiping their eyes and cheeks, and readjusting their head coverings. They sighed. I turned my face, my head, my body to the wall. I stretched out and pulled my hair over my eyes. I had no time to close my eyes. Think of what Mahmoud said; prepare for calamity, and don’t return to the house. Sit here; escape from there; sleep here. Kick your house and the people in it. Let your family follow your tracks; let them go out, alone and in groups, carrying torches or sticks. If you saw any one of them now you would shed their blood.

  The voice behind me: “Look – isn’t that Huda, Jamil’s daughter, if I’m not mistaken?” The other woman replied, “Dear, you are Huda, aren’t you? Why are you sleeping all alone here? Today is your aunt’s wedding. Hmm? Where is your family? Strange, leaving a little girl in the mosque by herself!” If the wedding were ruined, or the bride were dead; had the procession gone off looking for you, or had all the sewers and cesspools opened up; had my grandmother gone to pray, or Adil fallen into a daze, or Mahmoud returned to his fever, or your father passed to madness; if the Tigris were to flood or the king to die – if, if – you would still never return.

  Among the voices is Rasmiya’s. If she knew, if she saw, if she came, there would be no way out of it: “You are here, Huda? The whole house is upside down over you! Oh, God help you, you’re practically an orphan. Wait for me – I want to make my visit here, and we’ll go back home.”

  I turned my head to her, as she disappeared. Her whole form was covered in her black cloak. Her voice sounded portentous in my ears; Icould hear the slaps and lashes whistling through the air. I could hear the husband’s whistle.

  “What are you doing with the needle money? Wakefulness and spirit and cotton; you deliver and abort babies and every time I open the bag it’s empty. Hmm? Say something. Where are you taking the money? To your family, your brother the pimp? Hah?”

  Her voice rose in his face: “Listen, I’ve been patient with you. You’re the one who steals our money and loses it gambling. Your salary’s gone the first of the month. I pay all the debts. The whole neighbourhood knows you’re a bully and a sinner.”

  Rasmiya did not cry. No one saw her tears, but everyone saw her bruised face, her swollen nose, and her trembling hands.

  Whenever I ran away from school I stood at the gate of her house, which was always open. I sat on the stone steps and watched the people passing. The wind fluttered the curtain in the doorway in front of my nose, and I smelled the odour of cooked fat and saw the big holes in it. Her house was near ours. When Abu Ayman came out he saw me in front of him: “Hah, Huda, aren’t you going to school today?”

  “We were let out today. Our teacher is ill.”

  When he had gone away, she turned on the radio and began cleaning up inside. Rasmiya put up with the beating and sang. Her voice reached me, and I sang along softly. She put rings with big and showy jewels on her short fingers. Thick gold bangles glittered on her fat, hairy forearm, dense, brilliant, and crowded together. When she went up to wash the outdoor steps, she stood before me, a bucket of water in her hand, murmuring slowly as she stood: “Do you run away from school every day?”

  Her nightgown exhaled the odours of sweat, cooked rice, and her stifled tears. Her breasts were on the verge of sticking into the whole street, and her black hair was pulled up into a cheap red handkerchief. Her neck was short, her arms bare, and her shrill laughter revealed a gold tooth in her upper jaw. When I looked up into her face she did not look at me; she continued singing, her face sallow, a light blue tattoo on her jaw. Her eyes were narrow and black, her eyelashes thick, and her body tense. She still held the bucket. I stood up.

  “Good morning, Aunt Rasmiya.”

  “Shame on the books and notebooks. You say you left before the lesson, hmm?”

  I did not reply. I heard her harsh breathing as she saw Abu Mahmoud, the cheese seller, in front of her. His shop faced her house. He wiped his face, straightened his cap, and hitched up his old striped wide-belted trousers, shooed the flies away from the cheese, and lifted a morsel of white cheese to his mouth. They looked at one another; the crevice of her breasts was in front of him. He spoke: “Arab cheese, Kurdish cheese – if you don’t buy, just taste.”

  She laughed sweetly and easily, and poured the water out, drop by drop. She bent over, the bucket in her hands. Half her height was before me, and his whole face was before her. He smiled and nibbled the cheese, lifted the palm frond and arranged the chunks of cheese, now far, now near. The water followed me, its spatter and its sound. Passers-by stopped at his shop to buy. He sold cheese, cut, weighed, and wrapped it. He wiped his mouth with his hand. He went over to her; she stood before him. The water was gone. The steps were clean, and the radio was still on. And her chest … my schoolbooks fell to the ground.

  Every day I ran along the high wall of the roof and ended up in the bath. My aunt washed my face, combed my hair, and tied the ribbons on my braids. She dressed me in the dark blue school smock, rolled me up before her and held me by the arm. She ran after me and I dodged her, hiding from her voice and her shouts. She always found me and led me by the hand to the entrance of the school. She moved away only after I was out of her sight. Before leaving the house, I stole five fils from my grandmother and pressed them into the hand of the school janitor, Abu Muhammad. He opened the gate for me, and I passed into the street after the third lesson of the day.

  My aunt’s voice split the air as I wound my way through the street: “I’ve whipped you, but even beatings don’t do you any good. Do you want to leave school to drive me completely mad?”

  I walked around the Naaman Park, gazed at the earth dam, the Tigris, and the fishermen. I went down to the al-A‘dhamiyya Park and waited for Firdous and Adil there. I read the advertisements for Arabic films: the face of the Egyptian actress Fatin Hamama covering the whole wall. It was a sad face, as ill as my mother’s when she’d had no injection and taken no medicine. And Farid al-Atrash standing behind her, as fractured as the ice we put in the glasses of homemade fruit punch.

  “He looks like he’s going to puke,” said Firdous. “I don’t know how the girls in school can love him.”

  Adil smiled and I cackled. Mahmoud emerged from the short trees in front of us:

  “You skipped school today too?”

  I did not reply. We walked along togethe
r. Mahmoud stared into the distance, not blinking or flinching. His school was far away, his trousers were long, and his thighs were big. The school always surrounded you. Its walls were high and its classrooms dim and small, their dark paint peeling. The benches were narrow, the blackboards smudged. The boys and girls were crammed together in them, four by four. Miss Karima wrote the dates of wars as forcefully as the way my father hit me. She spat on the floor and sat facing us, her legs apart. Her belly was distended; she was expecting her first child. When it moved, she yelped and put her hand on her belly: “I want a boy – otherwise I’m going home to my family.” She rose and moved slowly and almost fell. We grasped her by the arm, but before she got to the door she began to vomit. She left and did not come back until after the birth of her son.

  Miss Bahira shouted at us about subjects and predicates, verbs and subjects of verbal clauses. I always laughed in her class, repeating her sentences after her. She grew angry and her colour changed. She snatched her ruler and smacked my fingers as I counted the minutes and hours in order to put Arabic grammar in the frying pans, and let them burn on the fire.

  I did not stop until getting my bitter punishment: fifty lines of grammatical sentences. When Miss Qadriya came into the classroom she immediately reminded me of my mother. She was as slender as she was, with unforgettably large white, symmetrical teeth which were always clean. It was as if she had never used them for eating. Her eyes were big and bulged, and her hair was long and the colour of molasses, though she always wore a white kerchief over her head. They called her Haja Qadriya. She listed diseases, discussing prevention and treatment, medicines, vitamins, and mentioned all the diseases, but not pulmonary tuberculosis.

  I did mathematics lessons only with Mahmoud. He taught me the rules of division. He understood odd and even numbers, tens and thousands, fractions and decimals. Mahmoud loved numbers. He piloted them, wrestled with them, danced before them, and they bowed to him. When Firdous made a mistake he shouted at her, and when I made a mistake he rounded on me. Patient, stern, he never retreated from a number, and the numbers acknowledged only him. He laughed in front of us, saying:


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