Path to Nowhere (A Shady Acres Mystery Book 2)

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Path to Nowhere (A Shady Acres Mystery Book 2) Page 15

by Cynthia Hickey

  His tone made my blood run cold.

  “What’s wrong? Don’t you like your women feisty?”

  “I said. Get. Up.”

  Fine. He was in no mood for games. I stood and squared my shoulders. If he was going to shoot me, I was going to take it like a soldier. I closed my eyes.

  Please, don’t hurt. Please, don’t hurt. Oh, I’d heard getting shot hurt bad.

  “What are you mumbling?”

  My eyes popped open. “Prayers.”

  “Good grief. Stand against the wall.”

  So, it was to be execution style. Be brave, Shelby.

  He cursed and pulled the trigger.

  The bullet caught me in the thigh.

  I screamed and fell as pain ripped through my leg.

  “Ciao, baby.” He whirled and ran.

  Another shot rang out.

  I heard a muffled thump, then someone shined a light in my eyes.

  “Shelby!” Heath swooped me into his arms. “She’s hit.” Without waiting for anyone else, he dashed back the way he’d come. The path was lit by the lantern on the helmet he wore.

  “I’m glad to see you,” I said.

  “Shh. Don’t talk.”

  My leg throbbed with every jar of his running. “You’re hurting me, Heath. Slow down.”

  “I can’t. You might die.” He kept running.

  “I’m shot in the leg, not the heart.” I wrapped my arms around his neck.

  “I’m sorry.” He slowed. “When I heard the gun go off…”

  “Where’s Ted?”

  “Checking out the body.”

  “So, Alan is dead?”

  “Very much so. Ted is a good shot.” He slowed even more, his breathing growing labored. “For a little thing, you get heavy.”

  I sighed and rested my head against his chest. His heart beat a steady, but fast, rhythm against my cheek. He was alive. I was still breathing. All was right in my world again.


  I opened my eyes to the sound of beeping hospital machines and the odor of disinfectant. My leg throbbed and my throat ached for a drink of water.

  “Here.” Mom appeared as if by magic with a small plastic cup and bendy straw. “How are you feeling?”

  “Sore.” It all came rushing back. The dark. The tunnel. The bullet tearing through my thigh. “How bad was it?”

  “Went clean through. No surgery required.” Mom smiled. “It could have been worse, Shelby. I hope you reconsider before getting involved in another murder.” She sat in the mint green vinyl chair beside my bed.

  “I will definitely consider it.” I grinned and relaxed against my pillows. I’d done it again. Taken down a killer. With help, of course, but once again justice was served. “Where’s Heath?”

  “Getting coffee. This is the first time he’s left your side since you were brought in yesterday.” Her eyes glimmered with tears. “You scared me half to death, Shelby.”

  I reached over and took her hand. “I’m sorry.”

  “Why can’t you be normal?”

  “Because she’s too much like me.” Grandma breezed into the room, followed by Ted. “We live life to the fullest. Nothing keeps us down. Good morning, darling.” She kissed my cheek.

  I smiled at her, but my gaze met Ted’s. “Thank you.”

  He nodded. “You’re a lucky girl, Shelby Jenkins.”

  “It could have ended differently if you hadn’t found me.”

  He chuckled. “You managed to do quite the number on Alan Barker. The man was bleeding from a head wound and had Tazor burns on his ankle before I arrived.”

  That’s what happens when you’re fighting for your life. I peered around him, my heart leaping at the sight of Heath standing in the doorway.

  “Everyone out,” he said. “I plan on kissing my girl.”

  My face heated to match the burn in my leg.

  The other three skedaddled. Grandma winked before closing the door.

  “We’d better hurry,” I said. “The nurses will wonder why the door is closed.”

  He set the coffee on a side table, then bent over me, resting his forehead against mine. “I thought I’d lost you.”

  “Takes more than a little bullet in the leg to stop me.” Oh, I would have a scar. I sighed. My skinny legs were more flawed than ever. “Kiss me until I forget yesterday.”

  He was more than happy to oblige. We kissed, him stretched out by my side, until the nurse came in.

  “Careful of the leg,” she said. “How’s the patient? The pain level?”

  “What pain,” I giggled, running my finger over my swollen lips.

  She laughed. “If this man’s kisses takes away the pain, we should bottle him. We’d make a fortune.”

  I caressed Heath’s face. “Sorry, but I’m not sharing.”

  The nurse took my vitals, then left as the others returned. Heath sighed and slid from the bed.

  “Okay, Ted, tell me what happened?” I sat up.

  “Well, Damon told us—”

  “He’s alive?”

  Ted nodded. “The scam was real. They’d made a lot of money off unsuspecting women. The bullet caught him in the ribs, breaking one, but he’ll survive. Alan, not so much.” He sat in the empty chair. “My shot took care of him. He’d made a fortune stealing other people’s Youtube material and passing it off as his own. When Teresa discovered what he’d done, she tried to blackmail him. At least, that’s the best we can figure out.”

  “It’s always about money.” I sighed.

  “Money is the root of all evil,” Grandma said. “That’s in the Bible.”

  “No, it isn’t. The love of money is what it says.” Same thing, sort of. Oh, the pain meds were starting to make me drowsy and light headed. “When can I go home?”

  “The doctor will be in soon to sign the release papers.” Ted patted my good leg. “It’s good to still have you around, kid. Stay away from killers.”

  “Now, Teddy, you know she can’t promise that.” Grandma’s eyes widened. “Trouble follows her like a kid with a dollar chases an ice cream truck. She’ll be headfirst in trouble within a month. I guarantee it.”

  Especially with Grandma helping me. Maybe solving crime, unofficially of course, helped her feel young. Either way, it gave me a thrill I never thought to experience. Now, if I could get justice for those who can’t get it themselves, without my life being in danger…that would be the cream on top of a brownie. “I’m hungry.”

  “We’ll grab a cheeseburger as soon as you’re free from here.” Heath raised my hand and kissed it. “I plan on taking care of you twenty-four seven.”

  “Oh, no, you don’t.” Mom crossed her arms. “I’ll be staying in her cottage until she can manage on her own.”

  Heath laughed. “I love getting your mother riled.”

  “She riles easily,” I whispered.

  “I can hear you. I’m standing right here.” Mom huffed and left the room.

  Grandma watched her go. “I have no idea where I went wrong with that girl. She needs a man. That is going to be my goal.”

  “Oh, no.” I laughed, the action jarring my leg. Still, I couldn’t stop laughing even through the pain. “I’d better warn her.”


  I loved my life. Surrounded by the people I loved, a job I enjoyed, a romance to keep things spicy, and a touch of danger now and then to keep me on my toes, what could be better.

  I grabbed Heath’s hand and pulled his ear close to my lips. “I love you.”

  He grinned. “It’s about time.”

  “Can you handle another adventure with me?” I had no doubt something would come along.

  “Sure, but let’s get you healed first, all right?”

  “Agreed.” I pulled him down for another kiss.

  The End

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sp; Enjoy other books by Cynthia Hickey


  Shady Acres Mysteries

  Beware the Orchids, book 1


  (scroll down to see clean books without inspirational message)

  Nosy Neighbor Series

  Anything For A Mystery, Book 1

  A Killer Plot, Book 2

  Skin Care Can Be Murder, Book 3

  Death By Baking, Book 4

  Jogging Is Bad For Your Health, Book 5

  Poison Bubbles, Book 6

  A Good Party Can Kill You, Book 7 (Final)

  Nosy Neighbor collection

  Christmas with Stormi Nelson

  The Summer Meadows Series

  Fudge-Laced Felonies, Book 1

  Candy-Coated Secrets, Book 2

  Chocolate-Covered Crime, Book 3

  Maui Macadamia Madness, Book 4

  All four novels in one collection

  The River Valley Mystery Series

  Deadly Neighbors, Book 1

  Advance Notice, Book 2

  The Librarian’s Last Chapter, Book 3

  All three novels in one collection

  See Cynthia’s other books at

  Historical Romances

  Taming the Sheriff

  Finding Love the Harvey Girl Way

  Cooking With Love

  Guiding With Love

  Serving With Love

  Warring With Love

  All 4 in 1

  A Wild Horse Pass Novel

  They Call Her Mrs. Sheriff, book 1 (A Western Romance)

  Finding Love in Disaster

  The Rancher’s Dilemma

  The Teacher’s Rescue

  The Soldier’s Redemption

  Woman of courage Series

  A Love For Delicious

  Ruth’s Redemption

  Charity’s Gold Rush

  Mountain Redemption

  Woman of Courage series (all four books)

  Short Story Westerns

  Desert Rose

  Desert Lilly

  Desert Belle

  Desert Daisy

  Flowers of the Desert 4 in 1

  Romantic Suspense

  Overcoming Evil series

  Mistaken Assassin

  Captured Innocence

  Mountain of Fear

  Exposure at Sea

  A Secret to Die for

  Collision Course

  Romantic Suspense of 5 books in 1


  Romance in Paradise

  Maui Magic

  Sunset Kisses

  Deep Sea Love

  3 in 1

  Finding a Way Home


  Handcarved Christmas

  Curtain Calls and Christmas Wishes

  Christmas Gold

  A Christmas Stamp

  The Red Hat’s Club (Contemporary novellas)




  The Red Hat’s Club 3 – in 1


  Colors of Evil Series

  Shades of Crimson

  The Pretty Must Die Series

  Ripped in Red, book 1

  Pierced in Pink, book 2




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