The Elementalist

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The Elementalist Page 3

by Melissa J. Cunningham

  Releasing the clutch, I pressed the gas. The car jerked forward and almost smashed into the garage door. I screamed in fright, adrenaline spiking all the way to my fingers and toes. Closing my eyes, I tried to remain calm. I could do this. My brother, Derek, had a clutch in his car. I’d driven it—once.

  I tried again… with the same results, and then I realized I wasn’t even in reverse.

  It took at least fifteen minutes to figure it out, but oh, happy day when I finally backed out of the driveway without the car jerking or dying. I was surprised Claire’s mom hadn’t come out to see what was wrong.


  It didn’t take long to find my way to Brecken’s house. Everything was as I remembered, right down to the dust-bowl park by his house. It seemed like a million years ago that I was here. I pulled into his driveway and hit the brakes with a screech. The car jerked and died. I hadn’t pushed the clutch in. Not caring in the least, I ran to Brecken’s front door, my heart literally racing in anticipation. This was a moment I had dreamed of for so long. To touch him in the flesh. To feel his lips on mine… finally!

  I plowed right into the front door, expecting to slip through the wood like a ghost… out of habit. Pain exploded in my face, and I was temporarily blinded by the stars that danced before my eyes like flashes of lightning.

  A warm, sticky fluid immediately began to run from my nose, down over my lips. I caught it in my hands and stared, amazed at the exquisite throbbing in my face. Blood flowed over my fingers, making them slick and red. I stood there, thrilled to see it, to taste the metallic flavor in my mouth, grateful it was there at all.

  I had a physical body! And it hurt so badly!

  The front door flew open. A cute, young girl of about thirteen, with an expression of horror, stared back at me. Heidi! She screamed and then ushered me in, pulling me to the kitchen sink, grabbing paper towels to wipe my face.

  “Oh, my gosh! Are you okay? What happened?” she asked. “Brecken! Get up here!”

  A moment later, I heard a familiar pounding on the stairs and then saw the most beautiful boy I had ever met, living or dead. His deep blue eyes were full of concern as he took in the scene, grabbed the paper towels, and led me to the couch, pushing me down onto the cushions.

  “Are you all right?” He stared into my eyes.

  I was positive he recognized me. “It’s me,” I whispered.

  “Let’s get you cleaned up,” he said, wiping my chin, his eyes gazing into mine. And then he frowned. “Do I know you?”

  “Yeah,” I whispered. “You definitely do.”


  ~Reunited at Last~


  Brecken stopped wiping my face, the bloody towels still in his hand. Both Heidi and Sophie sat on the coffee table watching as though I was a strange phenomenon blown in by a tornado. The thought made me laugh, and then groan, because laughing really hurt… wonderfully.

  “Yeah, I’m okay. I just walked into the door.”

  “Why did you do that?” little Sophie asked. Although she wasn’t so little anymore. She had to be at least ten now.

  I leaned my head back and closed my eyes, the towels pressed to my face. “Habit, I guess.”

  Heidi scowled, confused. “You walk into doors a lot?”

  Smiling, I gazed at these familiar faces. This was right. This was where I was meant to be, where I was most comfortable. I loved these girls as though they were my own little sisters. Reaching out with one arm, I hugged each of them tight.

  When I pulled away, all three stared at me like I was a mental patient. “Uh, sorry. I’m just so glad to be… somewhere I can get cleaned up.” What I really wanted to do was blurt out that it was me! That I was back and here to stay. “Um, do you girls mind if I talk to your brother alone?”

  They frowned, and I hated to make them leave, but I really needed to talk to Brecken privately. They were polite enough to say yes and leave the room. Brecken watched me, probably thinking I belonged in a straightjacket. I chuckled again, wiping the last stains of blood from my nose since it had finally stopped bleeding. I could still feel my pulse beating there. My pulse! I had a true pulse.

  I looked at him squarely and smiled. I knew Claire’s body looked marvelous even though her hair was messed up and windblown. There were bloodstains on her clothes, and her nose was probably red from the hard thwap against the door, but I could tell he found her attractive by the way his gaze lingered on her… body parts.

  I leaned forward, dying to reach out and touch him. “It’s me,” I whispered again. “Alisa.”

  He pulled back, his eyes narrowing, and then he frowned.

  “Really, Brecken. It’s me.”

  His hand came up as though he was going to reach out and touch me, but he pulled back instead, in a gesture of denial. “Wait.” He stood and paced before me, stopping for a moment to study my face, search my eyes, and then my expression. His eyebrows pulled down in confusion. I couldn’t help but adore the crease of his dimples as his lips thinned in concentration. Finally, he sat down beside me.

  “This voice may be different,” I said. “But listen to me with your heart. It’s really me. Raphael let me come back.” I was breathless, longing to touch him, aching for him to believe me.

  “My Alisa? My guardian?” His eyes opened, full of surprise and hope.

  My whole body warmed when he said, my Alisa, and a rush of tingles spread over my arms while chills pricked my neck. It was the most wonderful feeling I’d had in this body so far. “Yes,” I whispered.

  “I don’t believe you.” He turned away, shaking his head. “This is just like something that… never mind. I think you should leave.”


  “Please, go.”

  I stared at him in alarm. This was not how I’d envisioned our reunion. With my nose still throbbing, I grabbed for his hand, but he jerked away.

  “Don’t touch me.”

  “Brecken. You’re being stupid.”

  His eyes darkened at my words. Oops. I really should consider the harshness of my comments before they flew out of my mouth, but I continued. “You need proof? Fine. The last thing you said to me in Raphael’s office was that you would wait for me forever. You kissed me, and we could actually feel it. I’ll never forget that, Brecken. And after you left, Raphael informed me that you had to get married and have kids… with someone else.” I held back the tears that threatened, not wanting to look pathetic just when we’d reunited. “I wanted to die after hearing that. You can’t imagine…”

  He rushed to my side, his eyes wide and questioning, as though he still couldn’t quite believe it, but I could see his doubts had been removed. Mostly.

  “But… how?” Leaning forward, he grasped my hands and scooted closer. “Why are you in a body? In someone else’s body? This is someone else’s body, right?”

  “Yeah, and I’m not sure.”

  “Is this permanent?” His hands moved over my face, his thumbs traveling over my lips with tenderness.

  “I don’t think so.” I closed my eyes and focused on his every touch, placing my hands over his as he traced the lines around my mouth. I leaned into him, and a shaft of sunlight fell on his face, making him glow with an ethereal luminescence. He was so beautiful, more so in this moment then he had ever been. And he was mine. His past, his present, and God willing, his future.

  He pulled me to his chest, his hands sinking into my hair as he gasped in surprise. His heart raced against mine. “Alisa… I can’t believe it,” he murmured with a sigh. When he pulled back, it was only slightly, his gaze coming to rest on my mouth. “I can’t believe it,” he said again, and then he pulled my face to his.

  I inhaled the scent of him as my arms slid around his neck, my hands entangling in his hair. I drew him closer, our bodies pressed together. The feel of him, the gentleness of his arms, the firm length of his legs, the warm, soapy, aroma of his skin…

  He kissed my cheeks, my eyes, and my neck. I was no longer hindered b
y my past, no longer afraid. I was free to love this boy. This gift. I let my hands rove over his arms, his shoulders, his back, memorizing every muscle.

  “Alisa,” he whispered against my mouth. “You have no idea how much I’ve missed you.”

  “I do.”

  Time stood still for us, and our reunion was sweeter, more achingly romantic, more wonderful than any story I had ever read, any movie I had ever seen, or any experience I had ever imagined. My heart burst with emotions I’d never felt before.

  When we finally pulled apart, it was to gaze into one another’s eyes. Spellbound, entranced, and locked into this moment by pure magic. Tears glistened in my eyes, and he kissed them away when they began their slow descent down my cheek.

  My fingers traced the lines of his face, the feel of him locked into my mind. I would never forget the heat of his skin, the moistness of his lips, the yearning of his hands. No one could take it from me. Ever.

  Then our moment of magic was interrupted by Claire’s ringing cell phone.


  ~Lord of Hell~

  Bas Iblis

  Bas Iblis sat on his throne of obsidian, darkness crowding around his mordant soul as though he himself were a giant black hole. His mood matched his expression as his hands gripped the arms of the stone chair, turning white. His minions cowered back in fear as he roared his outrage.

  “Asmoday!” he bellowed.

  The demon slinked forward, a wry grin on his face. He didn’t seem the least bit afraid of his master. As the master of Hell, Bas Iblis would soon change that.

  “What is the most recent report from Idir Shaol?” Bas Iblis’ voice rang through Gehenna’s great hall, echoing off the black, granite bricks.

  Asmoday inclined his head and crossed his arms. “Actually, the news is promising, My Lord. Idir Shaol will soon fall into our hands. The angel Raphael has been captured and will shortly be imprisoned in these very walls. The guardian recruits were easily converted and will be assigned to inhabit the bodies of The Mother’s children. All is going according to plan.”

  Bas Iblis reclined in a relaxed pose. “That is good. And what of the Undoer? Have you found him yet?”

  “No, My Lord,” Asmoday answered. “We are still searching for him. They have hidden him well.”

  “Make Raphael tell you. Torture him!”

  “We’ve tried, My Lord, but his will remains unbroken,” Asmoday answered.

  “Find him or I will have your head beneath my feet!” Bas Iblis shrieked, his fury exploding in the room like a poisonous gas. It spewed from his mouth and distilled over all. “I will have him back in my clutches, I swear it on your souls,” he growled, his voice low and threatening as he surveyed the chamber of quivering demons.

  “Yes, My Lord.”

  “And his guardian? Have you done as I commanded?” Bas Iblis questioned, his voice suddenly calm and serene.

  “Yes, My Lord. It is done. She is trapped in the Elementalist’s body.”

  “Good. Use her. She will lead you to him.” Bas Iblis nodded, lost in thought for a moment. He imagined his fingers around Bretariel’s throat, squeezing, relishing every moment of torture—

  “My Lord?” Asmoday’s voice cracked as he addressed his master, which made Bas Iblis’ smile grow wider. “What do you want done once she has led us to the Undoer?”

  Bas Iblis waved his hand in the air, dismissing the demon. “We’ll discuss that when the time comes.”

  Asmoday nodded and backed away, his eyes never blinking. Did Bas Iblis detect a bit of fear in those dark depths? Yes, he did. Asmoday had better be afraid. They had all better be afraid.


  ~Girl Interrupted~


  At first, the unfamiliar ringing of Claire’s cell phone was just an annoyance, but when the ringing didn’t stop, I did what any normal teenager would do. I muted it. Later, I noticed I had missed numerous calls. Brecken and I sat on the couch, fiddling with the phone, plugging in his number, when another call came through. I answered it automatically. Stupid.

  Brecken sat close, watching with an amused smile. He knew it wasn’t my phone or anyone actually calling for me.

  “Where are you?” a strangely familiar voice demanded. I couldn’t place it at first, and then I could.

  “Oh. I… um… I’m at a friend’s.”

  “Claire, I swear, if you don’t get your butt home right now, you are grounded ‘til Christmas! Do you hear me? You don’t stay out past midnight on school nights!”

  School nights? “It’s a school night?”

  “Claire,” her mother growled in warning.

  Right. She sounded totally pissed. “Okay. I’ll be home in ten minutes.”

  “You’d better be.”

  I hung up the phone and slowly lowered it to my lap, glancing at Brecken.

  “Is your mommy mad at you?”

  His teasing made me smile, and I tossed one of the throw pillows at him. “Yeah. I’d better go. I don’t want Claire to get in trouble… I guess.”

  He sat up, his face golden in the dim lights of the living room. “So your name is Claire now, huh? Claire who?”

  I frowned, thinking. I hadn’t paid attention to her last name when I looked at her driver’s license. “I’m not sure. Let’s see.” I pulled her wallet from her purse and read, “Balister. Hmm.”

  “Claire Balister,” he repeated. “I could get used to that.”

  I leaned in close and inhaled his scent one last time before I had to leave, placing a soft kiss on his lips. “I’ll never get tired of this,” I whispered, letting my mouth graze his cheek before reluctantly pulling away.

  “Me neither.” He tugged me back down, and I snuggled into the warmth of his arms, wondering if I should brave the wrath of Claire’s mom and stay here. Better not. I didn’t know what kind of punishments she would enact, and I didn’t want to ruin my chances of spending all my time with Brecken. If worse came to worse, I wasn’t sure what I’d do. As a guardian, it wasn’t my place to be rebellious and cause trouble, but in a human body, I was realizing that the urge came naturally.

  Finally, I got up, but I never took my eyes from him. I soaked him in as he reclined on the couch, his feet bare and his jeans hugging his body in all the right ways. “We’ll have plenty of days like this. I promise. See you later?”

  “I hope so,” he said, getting up to walk me to the door.

  We indulged in one last, long kiss in the moonlight. I couldn’t believe I was really here, in a real body. I couldn’t wait for tomorrow. I was transferring schools for sure. Brecken lived just over the boundary and went to Ocean Side High School, so no way was I going to finish my senior year at Hill Valley High.

  He watched me kill Claire’s car a couple of times, and then he waved goodbye.

  My life couldn’t be better.


  The alarm clock blared early, and I was out of bed before it had a chance to scream at me again. I hurried to shower, get dressed, and eat the lavish breakfast Claire’s mom had made me. Eggs, sunny-side up, pancakes with blueberry syrup, and hash browns. The orange juice was the best part of all, and I relished the way the cold, tangy flavor washed over my tongue. Pulpy. My favorite. I ate it all, savoring every taste bud that burst with delight, not caring one whit if Claire’s perfect body grew ten sizes.

  “Hey, Mom?” It still felt weird to say that.

  She glanced at me over her shoulder while flipping pancakes. “Hmm?”

  “Could I transfer schools?”

  “What?” She turned with a look of utter confusion on her face. “Why would you want to do that? Where would you rather go?”

  I thought for a moment, unsure how she would react. I still hadn’t received a punishment for coming home late last night, so I figured she was feeling pretty chill this morning. “Well, I want to switch to Ocean Side High.”

  Now she really stared, her mouth hanging open in astonishment. “Ocean Side? Are you kidding me? Talk about the wrong side
of the tracks.” She laughed and turned back to her pancakes as though I’d made the funniest joke ever.

  “So… is that a yes?”

  “You’re serious?” She faced me again, but this time, her amusement was replaced with a scowl. “Absolutely not. Don’t even think about it.”

  “You won’t even consider it?”

  Her expression told me I was monumentally stupid for even asking. Fine. I’d transfer without her permission. This was non-negotiable. I was not missing out on my last year of high school with Brecken.





  Brecken lay in bed long after Alisa had gone. He thought about the miracle of her coming back in someone else’s body. Why had Raphael let this happen? He couldn’t believe their good fortune, but he’d take it. He missed Alisa’s long, blonde hair and angelic face, but Claire was hot and he could get used to her.

  He’d been with a ton of women over time. Thousands. Maybe more. As a demon, seduction had been one of his greatest weapons of power. Women hadn’t been able to resist him. Ever. Even now, the girls at his high school would turn and stare, practically drooling as he walked past, completely oblivious as to why they found him so attractive.

  Sure, he was good-looking as far as human standards went, but sex appeal was his demon gift. Or at least one of them. He didn’t use it to his benefit anymore, but there were times when he still felt the pull of that desire. How many women, female demons included, had been destroyed when he wielded that power? Too many to count.

  What would Alisa think if she knew? Would she still want him? He was tainted goods of the worst kind, but not only that, he was one of the original tainters. He had caused the downfall of civilizations with his power over lust and passion.

  He rolled over and faced the wall, trying to forget those past times. That wasn’t who he was anymore. Those memories were a misery to him now. He was a changed demon. No, a changed man. He had no desire to destroy anyone’s life.


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