Armored Hearts [The Town of Pearl 7] (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever)

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Armored Hearts [The Town of Pearl 7] (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever) Page 14

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  She was crying, totally in pain as another two shots went off as Grey finished off the last two wolves, putting them out of their misery.

  “India. Oh God, baby, what the hell are you doing out here? Are you okay?”

  She hugged him as she cried. “No. Oh God, no I’m not okay,” she said as she continued to cry. He pulled back and cupped her cheeks.

  “You could have been killed. But you were so brave. You used the club. Thank God you took that with you. My God when I heard your screams and then saw the wolves attacking you. You got into the tree. That was the best thing you could do,” he carried on and she went to move and cried out. His eyebrows furrowed and the dogs barked.

  “You’re hurt,” he said as he saw the damage to her ankle and to her jacket. “Fuck, the wolf bit you?”

  “I don’t know. I think it was its claws.”

  “Flynn? India?” They both turned to look and saw Fenton, Ford, Grey, and Fisher heading up toward them with guns in their hands.

  “A wolf attack. India was heading up here looking for me when they attacked,” Flynn told them.

  “Fuck. She’s hurt. Oh God, where else, India?” Fenton asked as he fell to his knees and looked at her ankle. She cried out when he turned it gently to view the bleeding. It was already swelling up and her teeth were beginning to chatter.

  “We need to get her to the house then to Doc,” Fenton said and cursed again.

  Flynn lifted her up into his arms, and the dogs followed.

  “Flynn?” she whispered then looked around at the others as they took in what they thought happened and watched her with such true concern and fear.

  Flynn, Fenton, Ford, Fisher, and Grey looked so intense and worried. Flynn’s face, a handsome display of manliness with the light shadow of beard, and the smell of soap and mint. The others all showed morning gruff on their faces, but more importantly was the love and worry in their eyes. She had to know why they didn’t want her to stay. Why didn’t they love her the way she loved them?

  “Don’t talk. We need to get you to the house and to Doc’s in town. Maybe even the hospital in Keanter. You could have died, India. We would have lost you forever,” Fenton reprimanded.

  “Why don’t you guys love me the way I love you?” she asked and Flynn stopped short. They all just stared at her.

  “What?” Flynn asked.

  The tears flowed and the pain from her injury added to her torture.

  “I’m in love with the five of you and thought maybe you could love me, too, but you haven’t asked me to stay here with you. You haven’t told me that you feel what I feel and that we can work this out and be happy together. I don’t want to leave you. Can’t you see how much I love the five of you and need you, too?” she asked and sobbed.

  Flynn hugged her tight.

  “We thought you didn’t love us or want to stay here with us. We thought you couldn’t leave your life in Chicago to live here on an estate in Texas. That we wouldn’t be enough for you,” Flynn explained.

  “Are you all out of your minds? I would give it all up for you. I don’t even have to work. I do it because I enjoy it. I wouldn’t miss Chicago. Not if I had the five of you to wake up to every morning.”

  “We’ve been so stupid, India,” Ford said and Flynn began to walk again.

  “We’ll talk it through later. Right now we need to get you medical attention and to report what happened here,” Grey told them.

  “And no more walking through the woods on your own, India. If you’re going to be living with us out here, there are things you need to learn, city girl,” Fisher teased.

  “Hey, I did pretty damn good with that club thingy,” she told them and Ford laughed.

  “Next time, I’m carrying a gun. I could totally have used one of those out there.”

  “A gun? I don’t think so,” Fisher teased as he pet the dogs as they all followed.

  “Why not? This city girl could do a lot of damage with a gun.”

  “That’s exactly what worries me,” Fisher added and they all laughed.

  “We’ll see about that, Fisher. You all have a lot to teach me if I’m going to be your country girl.”

  “You’ll always be our city girl and our sleeping beauty,” Ford told her.

  “Yeah, I kind of like the idea of keeping you in bed, naked at all times. That’s exactly where we can keep you out of trouble,” Fenton told her and they chuckled and added their similar comments.

  “Sweetie, you have no idea what kind of trouble I can cause in the bedroom.”

  “Now that sounds like a promising proposition,” Grey told her and she smiled. When she went to adjust her body, her ankle ached.

  “Oh God it hurts. Do you think it’s broken, Fenton?” she asked him.

  “That will be the least thing to worry about,” he replied.

  “What do you mean?”

  “A wolf either bit you or scratched you. You’re going to need a tetanus shot, sweetie. It’s going to hurt worse than the broken ankle,” Fenton informed her.

  “I’m not going. Don’t put me into that truck. I swear, Flynn. I won’t go.” She struggled to get free but every move made her ankle ache worse.

  “We’ll be right there with you, baby. We’re going to take good care of you now and forever,” Fisher told her as Flynn set her in the back of the truck while the others gathered inside next. They were calling the sheriff, giving the doctor the heads up that she was coming in and taking complete control of the situation. Flynn held her in his arms and she snuggled against him, just letting her men take care of her. A smile formed on her face as she thought about that statement. Her men. They were her, American soldiers, her lovers, her future, her everything, now and forever.

  “India?” Flynn whispered then caressed her hair from her face. “I love you, too,” he said and kissed the corner of her mouth.

  “We all love you, baby. We should have told you sooner,” Ford said from the front seat.

  “We’ll show how much we love you every day from this moment on,” Grey added.

  “I love you, India. I’m so happy that you’re staying. It was killing me to let you go,” Fisher told her.

  “First things first, a good, hard spanking, so you never forget that you’re to have one of us with you whenever you leave the house. Enough of this nonsense. You could have gotten eaten alive out there. There are rules to learn and you will learn them because we love you, damn it.” Fenton raised his voice.

  India smiled then saluted him.

  “Aye-aye, Captain.”

  “Wrong branch of the military, sweetheart. A ‘yes, sir’ will do just fine,” Fenton informed her.

  “It will do fine in the bedroom, too,” Grey teased and they all agreed as phones began to ring and the chaos started. There was a hell of a lot of explaining to do, and she couldn’t help but to not care at all. She loved her men and they loved her. What else could possibly be more important than that?


  It was Ford’s turn to wait up for India. Her flight ran two hours late and it was pure torture waiting for her to get home.

  He glanced at the clock. 3:00 a.m. She should be here by now. He looked around the living room, taking in the small details and minor changes she had made to the room. A woman’s touch just seemed to make their home so much more inviting and loving. He couldn’t believe India was living with them, and slowly shifting her business from Chicago to Texas.

  It had been ten days since she left this time around, and they were all getting tired of it. Tired of worrying about her. Tired of missing her. Just plain tired of the sacrifices they all were making so that eventually she would be here in their home full-time.

  He took a deep breath and released it. She was giving up so much for them. He needed to be more understanding. They all did. The few days before she left, everyone was on edge and looking to fight. She promised that it wouldn’t be much longer and he knew she’d already lined up a few small jobs a few hours away from here. But
it was the torture of not holding her every day and every night. Not seeing her bright smile, her gorgeous hair flowing down her back or that infectious laugh of hers that made them all smile with love and appreciation.

  They worried about her. About other men wanting her, hitting on her, and not being able to protect her from afar. It didn’t matter that Dmitri, Silas, and their friends had taken over for them. They were still lost without her.

  The dogs growled low and then Charles wagged his tail profusely. Ford smiled and gave the command for the dogs to be quiet as he stood up and headed to the door.

  Opening it, he saw India. Dressed in one of her sexy business outfits, a tight black skirt, a silk blouse that showed off a little too much cleavage for his liking, and high heel boots that accentuated her sexy figure. She looked sensational as she put her bag, her purse, and the laptop carrier down as the dogs surrounded her with love.

  “Hello, my sweet babies. I missed you so much. Did you miss me, too?” she asked them and they rubbed up against her, licked her, and let her rub each of them. Ford couldn’t stand to wait any longer. He gave the dogs the command to go to their place and they did.

  India looked up at Ford and smiled.

  He took her hand and pulled her into his arms.

  “I missed you, too.” He leaned down and kissed her, pouring his emotions into that kiss as he pressed her up against the wall.

  She hugged him as their lips parted and he inhaled her scent, her perfume, and everything that made India so special to him and his team.

  * * * *

  India let Ford bring her to the bedroom. She wasn’t surprised to see Grey on one side of the king-size bed and Fisher on the other side. In one of the two small couches lay Flynn and Fenton.

  Ford reached for her hips and pulled her closer.

  “I thought I told you I didn’t like this blouse,” he reprimanded her. She knew he thought it was too sexy, but that was because he was so protective. The designer blouse looked stunning with the skirt she wore and the high heel, designer dress boots.

  “It looks the best with this skirt. Besides, Ford, now you get to take it off of me.” She ran her hands up his chest and over his shoulders. He was still looking at her with a stern expression. She knew this was rough on him, on all of them. But if things worked out as she planned they would, her men would be getting exactly what they wanted. She would be living here full-time, and even working from the office downstairs.

  Ford began to unbutton her blouse. His expression was hard to read, and he seemed so intense at the moment. She felt the second set of hands on her shoulders. She closed her eyes and held her breath.


  His lips pressed against her neck and shoulder as Ford discarded the blouse.

  “You’re late,” Fenton whispered and her arousal kicked up another notch.

  Fenton manipulated the clasp to her bra and it fell from her breasts.

  She let her arms fall to her sides and the bra fell to the floor. Ford cupped her breasts.

  “I missed these, too,” he said and she heard the snickers from behind her. Flynn, Grey, and Fisher joined them as Fenton unzipped her skirt.

  It was pure torture. Having their hands on her, removing her clothing, cupping her breasts, and kissing her skin.

  Fenton pulled her back and onto the bed after he pushed her skirt and panties down.

  “Arms above your head, baby. We’ve waited too long this time to have you back in bed.” Ford guided her down, massaging her breasts, tweaking her nipples as her rear hit the comforter. She raised her arms up, her breasts lifted, and Flynn and Ford removed her designer boots. They both caressed her calves as Fenton leaned over and ravaged her mouth. She felt the lips, tongue, then teeth to one breast.


  Then the pinch and tug to her nipple on her right breast.


  Ford spread her thighs and stroked a finger into her pussy.

  She moaned into Fenton’s mouth and she thrust her hips upward.

  “I think you need us as much as we need you, darling,” Fenton told her after he released her lips.

  In a flash, Ford lifted her up, turned her around, and placed her on top of Fenton. He was naked, ready to take her, and she was thrilled.

  “You better have been a good girl in Chicago. We warned you about wearing such sexy things when we’re not around,” Flynn reprimanded her with his stern expression. She lifted up, leaned to the right side of the bed where he stood, and she kissed him.

  Fenton aligned his cock with her pussy and thrust upward. She pulled from Flynn’s mouth as Ford pressed her down over Fenton, who began to thrust faster.

  “I missed you so damn much. I love being inside of you, India. I love you,” Fenton told her.

  She felt the cool liquid to her anus then Ford’s fingers lubricating her ass. She longed for them to take her together. She wanted all of them to make love to her, possess her body and bring her that feeling of completion only they had the ability to do.

  “I missed this sexy little mouth.” Flynn caressed her lips then turned her chin so she could see his thick cock waiting for her to suck.

  She licked her lips.

  “I missed tasting you, Flynn,” she said and his eyes widened then darkened.

  “Damn, India, I love when you talk dirty,” Ford said and she felt the thick tip of his cock begin to push into her anus.

  She focused on the feel of all three of them inside of her. Flynn gripped her hair and her face while he slowly stroked into her mouth. Fenton cupped her breasts and thrust his hard, muscular hips upward, ramming his cock deep inter her pussy and Ford. Ford was stroking so fast, so deep she moaned against Flynn’s cock as she orgasmed, causing Flynn to come, too.

  Flynn jerked his hips and she swallowed then licked along his cock. He hissed and pulled back as Ford grabbed onto her hips and rocked into her harder.

  “I’m coming, baby. I’m almost there.”

  “Hold on, India. Fuck you feel so good,” Fenton said and she felt both their cocks grow thicker inside her. She screamed out as she rocked her body between them, counterthrusting. They both shouted her name and came.

  India collapsed against Fenton’s chest, inhaling against his neck and kissing his skin.

  Ford caressed her back, kissed her shoulders, then eased out of her.

  “God, I missed you, baby. I don’t know how much more any of us can take,” Fenton admitted then kissed her again as he rolled her to her back.

  She hugged him tight and thought about her plan. If all went well, tomorrow she could tell them about the job she’d secured thirty minutes from Pearl and how she would be able to go to bed with them at night and wake up with them in the morning.

  Fenton smiled down at her as he eased his cock from her pussy.

  “Fisher and Grey need you, too, honey. Then we’re planning on cuddling in bed real late tomorrow morning. You got it?” Fenton asked and she nodded her head, wrapped her arms around his shoulders, and kissed him.

  * * * *

  Grey lay down on the bed beside India and reached out to caress her hair.

  “Come here, beautiful,” he whispered, holding her blue eyes with his gaze. He couldn’t concentrate at work for the last week. All he kept thinking about was if India was okay. Was India coming back to them? What if one of those other men who wanted her made a move and snagged her away?”

  His mind was wild as Fenton lifted her up and placed her on top of Grey. Grey saw Fenton stroke his hand along her ass then reach for his boxers.

  India sat atop Grey and aligned his cock with her cunt.

  “I missed you, Grey. I hope you’ve been a good deputy while I was gone. I know how much those young women in town find you and that uniform of yours to be so sexy.” She ran the palms of her hands along his pectoral muscles then over his shoulder to his neck. She lowered her pussy, taking his cock deeper as she lifted her pelvis and then thrust downward.

  Her mouth fell open and she moa
ned with pleasure. Grey cupped her breasts and counterthrust up against her.

  “Baby, you know I only have eyes for you.”

  “Show me, Grey. I need you to love me right now,” she said and he loved that about her. He loved how comfortable she was to share her insecurities and to ask him to love her.

  “Baby, it’s my pleasure.”

  Fisher leaned down and kissed her shoulder, joining them on the bed.

  “Did you miss me, India?” Fisher asked and India looked over her shoulder, reached back to caress her palm against Fisher’s cheek, and smiled softly.

  “Of course I did, sir. I couldn’t wait to feel that thick hard cock of yours deep inside me, too. Don’t keep me waiting, Fisher. Make love to me. Please,” she begged and Fisher kissed her hard on the mouth while Grey continued to thrust up into her.

  Fisher got her ass ready for his cock as Grey ran his hands along India’s skin, absorbing her beauty and the fact that she belonged to them.

  When Fisher breached her ass with his cock, India froze in place, closed her eyes, and moaned, long and deeply.

  “God, you guys are so big and hard. I missed this. I missed being with all of you.”

  “And we missed you, too,” Grey said, and those were their final words as making love to India was all they focused on.

  India moaned louder and could hardy remain upright as Grey and Fisher continued to stroke over and over again into her pussy and ass. Fisher called out her name and came.

  Grey followed as India cried out.

  “I need her, too. I want in.” Flynn expressed his desire and Fisher lifted India up off of Grey. Flynn took her into his arms, lay her on the bed, and spread her thighs. “One more lover, baby. One more time.” Flynn kissed her deeply then plunged into her depths.

  * * * *

  India could hardly catch her breath and now here was Flynn thrusting his cock into her pussy and kissing her neck. That sensitive spot that gave her goose bumps and made her pussy spasm. She moaned and tried to counterthrust. Her body felt so exhausted yet she was tightening up again, prepared to come one more time for her Flynn.


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