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Violet's Protectors [Beyond the Veil 6] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 8

by Honor James

  “Dad is keeping it quiet and told me to keep my mouth shut, because it’s not a done deal. If they can get the radicals exposed, then he would likely keep it open. Unfortunately, even with the AEDA doing its thing, he’s afraid we’re fighting a losing battle,” Drake said. “No one, and for the love of the Gods I fucking mean this, no one else is to know. I find out that anyone has been told before the official announcement is made, one way or another, you will deal with me. And I fucking will not be happy.”

  “Sorry.” Violet felt her cheeks pinken. “I won’t say another word on it.” She saw Azure nod and shift closer to Drake. “How about my mates take me outside with Rain for a bit? We will let her swing with us on the hammock out there and enjoy the day while you three go and spend some time together?” She offered to Drake, Volos, and Azure.

  Ladon lifted his head to look behind her. “Ah, right. Excellent plan. We should grab one of her blankets on the way out, though. There is a bit of a breeze and she’s so damn tiny.”

  Viper got to his feet. “I’ll grab her one and meet you two out there momentarily,” he said.

  Violet rose to her feet and looked to Drake. “Have you started someone toward our home to get it cleaned up and stocked well for us? If not, could you do that before you carry your mate off to have all kinds of wicked ways with her?”

  “There is a small team headed that way with a number of supplies to ensure it is clean and arachnid free. They left five minutes ago. I’d recommend staying for the balance of the day before you head out, just to give them some time,” Drake said. He scooped Azure up with a grin and kissed his mate hard before he flipped her over his shoulder, slapping a hand on her ass. “We’ll see you in a couple hours,” he told them before walking out of the kitchen.

  Violet laughed and watched them leaving. She looked up at her rather large mates and smiled. “Well, get her a blanket and maybe a couple of the toys she likes and come and see us? For now, this little girl and I are going to walk out and have some sun on our faces. I think we both need that. Oh, sunscreen protectant if we have it, too, so that she doesn’t get burnt,” she added.

  One of the kitchen staff came over and handed her a little bottle. “This is what the missus uses,” she said softly. With a smile she dashed back off to tend to her work.

  Violet looked down at the little bottle and grinned. “Looks like someone shopped on the other side of the Veil.” The little pink bottle with the picture of the little child whose bikini bottom was being tugged down by a dog was iconic, and something that hadn’t changed in a hundred years or more. It was a symbol of innocence and what needed to be protected. It was, well, it was also why the Races were all invested in ensuring that humanity didn’t kill themselves. The protection of children. “Thank you,” Violet said with a smile that hid her own inner turmoil.

  “That solves one issue,” Ladon said with a chuckle. “Come on, little mate, let’s get out there and settled while Viper finds a blanket for the babe.” He put a hand on her back, urging her toward the door and the hall beyond. “We’ll go out the back instead of wandering around the entire building.”

  “Now.” She looked back down at Rain and then to Ladon. “I think we should go out of doors. Perhaps by the small brook that runs along the property, though? It’s shaded from what I recall, and we would get to hear and see the fish as they play in the water. Thoughts?”

  “I think that’s a good spot,” he agreed. He stayed at her side the entire walk, only stopping when they reached the brook. Ladon went to a little wooden box and pulled out a blanket. Grinning at her, he came back to spread it out. “Let’s sit down.” He took Rain from her while she sat, handing her right back over before he settled down at her side.

  Violet sat with Rain close to her. There was a chill to the air, and her men were right, it was a bit chilly for the small babe. “Hopefully Viper brings her blanket soon. It will be nice to make sure that she’s covered and warm.”

  A little blanket suddenly dangled in front of her face. Ladon was grinning next to her, he’d known Viper was right there. She should have, but she’d been focused elsewhere.

  Viper let it fall into her lap before he settled down in next to her. “You were saying?”

  “Thank you,” Violet said with a grin. “Are you always going to be there to give me what I need, when I need it? Because if so, that’s pretty cool,” she teased.

  “Can’t promise that, but I will try to anticipate most scenarios,” he told her. Leaning in, he tickled Rain under her chin until the baby gave a squeal. Snorting, Viper lay down on the blanket, crossed his ankles, and tucked his hands behind his head as he closed his eyes.

  Violet watched Viper and then Ladon. She smiled happily as she began to talk to and play with Rain. It was nice, being able to spend this time with the baby and her mates, as well. “I like this, it’s relaxing and comfortable. I like it, a lot.” She was then leaning against Ladon by that point, comfortable as it was.

  Ladon was stroking Rain’s fine hair lightly. “It is nice, calming, no worries,” he said softly. “It’s been too long since we’ve had downtime where we could actually relax. At least here we know that no one’s out to kill us.”

  “This is true. And it’s been even longer since there has been a baby that we could all spend time with as well. She’s pretty special, and I’m happy that she’s in our lives. I’m very glad that Drake, Azure, and Volos found her when they did. Sometimes life works out in the oddest of ways, doesn’t it?”

  “It just doesn’t seem right that her parents couldn’t be here, looking out for her, watching over her, guiding her. I know she’ll never want anything at all, but never knowing those who gave you life doesn’t seem right.”

  “I knew her fathers, and while they aren’t here, I’m sure that they are in a better place with their mate. They would know she would never want for anything, especially since Azure seems to be able to talk to the dead. They would know that the child will be raised to know nothing but love, and that’s incredible.”

  “You’ll have to tell her about her fathers one day, if she wants to know, of course. I doubt that Azure, Volos, or Drake would ever keep that from her, but who knows when or if she might want to know more. Azure could tell her some, but you know them a lot longer than whatever she had going on during the rescue,” Ladon said.

  “If she ever wants to know anything about her fathers, I will be able to tell her. Sadly, I know nothing of her mother, but I would be happy to tell her about her fathers. They were kind and amazing men. She’s going to be a wonderful adult, just as she is a wonderful child,” she said with a grin.

  “She will be whoever she will be,” Viper said from behind her where he lay. “No one can know for sure what the future holds. Not even the seers can be certain, the future is always changing after all, and free will always fucks it up. All that can be done for her is giving her morals, guidance, and a place to turn to when life kicks her in the teeth.”

  “So sayeth our resident pessimist,” Ladon muttered.

  “I’m a realist, Ladon. I’ve lived a long time, seen a lot of shit, and too many wars to count. All I know for certain is that life continues no matter what.”

  “Well, whatever it takes, we will figure it out, and so will this little beauty. It’s all a part of life and living, don’t you think?” She asked with a smile. “It’s good. She will do great things as well, I just know it,” Violet said as she looked down at the child. “Besides, with the parents she has now, how can she do anything but great things?”

  Viper grunted at that, but Ladon shot her a look. “She’ll do whatever she wants and be loved for it,” Ladon said. “Expectations can ruin a child just as fast, if not faster, than the reality that Viper’s talking about. Adults need to keep their own dreams off their children and let them just be kids.”

  “Yep, exactly. She will be a happy kid. No matter what else happens, she will be happy.” At least Violet could hope. “Anyway, enough of that. Right now let’s ju
st think of happy things.” She turned the baby so she could watch the water and was gifted with the sound of laughter when a fish jumped free of the surface and arched in the air before landing back into the water.

  Ladon pressed a kiss to her cheek before he leaned back in a similar position to Viper’s. With a look to Viper, she’d have sworn he was asleep, but she knew better. While they might be in the Draygon realm, safe for all intents and purposes, neither of her mates would let their guards down while out in the open. Some things were just ingrained in the warriors. “Why are you staring at me?” Viper asked. He’d popped open an eye, arching his brow at her. With a flex of muscle, he sat up to press a kiss to her cheek. “Tuck the blanket around the little one, Violet. The suns are moving so it’s going to get chillier for a little while here before we get more heat.”

  “I just kind of like looking at you,” she admitted with a shrug as she tucked the blanket around the baby once more. “I think that part of being your mate is the ability to watch you both when I want to. I mean the both of you are incredible.” And they were. Her mates were massive, both built like rocks, and she loved it.

  “Ah,” he said. Nodding slowly he smiled ever so slightly. “You were stripping me down mentally, were you? I can understand that. I even fully support it. Especially since you know just what I look like without the clothes. As I know how you look without yours,” he murmured. His eyes raked down her and back up, a small flash of gold was in his eyes before disappearing.

  “Well, you know.” She shivered, however, when he looked at her. She licked her lips and looked down at him. “Hey, now.” She heard his rumbly growl and shivered. “You can’t do that to me, not when I’m so easily excitable.”

  His nostrils flared as he pulled in air and his smirk got bigger. “You are rather easily aroused, aren’t you?” he asked softly. He seemed rather pleased by that fact. “Look all you want, sweetheart. It’s only fair, considering we are definitely looking at you.” That said, he settled back down on the blanket and closed his eyes once more.

  “Yes, I am easily aroused when it comes to the two of you. I’m very happy to have both of you as mine. When I look at you I remember how the two of you feel inside of me. When I look at you, I remember just how much pleasure you both give me.” And she hoped she gave them as well.

  His hand settled on her back, rubbing ever so slightly. “I’d tell you all I remember from last night, but I don’t think such things should be said around young ears. It is rather graphic, after all.”

  “Thank the Gods,” Ladon muttered. “My ears are already burning over here.”

  That had Violet laughing, and she leaned back into them. “Well, all that I know is that both of you certainly made my whole body sing. I happen to truly love being between you both and look forward to that from now until the rest of forever.”

  “Why don’t you lie back, darling?” Ladon said softly. “Rain’s starting to lose interest in the world for a moment. I doubt her little eyes will stay open much longer now that she’s got a full belly and all this clean air. Let’s all relax, catch a nap, and then we can head in when it’s time to fill her up again.”

  “Sounds good. You will keep me from falling over, right?” She asked with a smirk. “Because I think that would be all kinds of bad, falling over with the baby in my arms.” Because she didn’t want to let the little one go. She knew that was a silly thing, but it felt so good to have the baby in her arms. She loved it. A lot.

  “As if we’d let that happen.” Ladon put a hand at her neck and Viper’s hand slid up to the middle of her back. “Ease on down here, Violet. We’ve got you, just give us your weight,” he told her.

  She did just that. Violet shifted so that she could relax against both men and sighed. Adjusting the baby on her chest she pushed the blanket around so that the baby was well and truly covered. “Better,” she said with a smile and wanted to laugh when she heard the snortle of the baby as she drifted into sleep.

  “Told you she was ready for a nap,” Ladon said with a chuckle. “Settle her so her ear’s on your heart, I know Drake’s been doing that to help her sleep better. At least until she’s right out.”

  “Sounds good. It’s just the sound of the heartbeat and the connection,” she said and shifted the baby slightly, smiling when she was rewarded with a full body sigh from the child. “Now then, nap sounds good.” Even though she had just woken a few hours earlier, she was ready for a nap as well. It was the baby in her arms relaxing her like that and she knew it.

  Both her men rolled toward her, so they were each facing her. Their heat wrapped around her, ensuring she wouldn’t get chilled from the slight breeze. “Sleep then,” Viper told her. “You need the rest after all you’ve been through of late.”

  “Love you, too,” Violet whispered softly and closed her eyes. She gave up the fight and was soon sound asleep.

  Chapter Seven

  When Violet woke up she woke to the baby moving and nuzzling. “Hey little one.” She looked to Viper and then frowned. “Where is Ladon?” It was odd that she would wake and he was gone. “Should we go inside and get a bottle for the wee one here?” They had to have napped for a good hour or longer if the baby was hungry again already.

  “He’s at the house collecting a bottle, a diaper, and all the other paraphernalia necessary to get her happy again. He should be back in a couple of minutes, so don’t worry. I told him to grab some drinks for us as well, figured you might be thirsty.”

  “Yes I am, but it seems as if the little one is thirstier more than anything.” Hungry more than anything, actually. “They weren’t kidding when they said that she wanted to eat every couple of hours, were they? Poor little sweetheart.”

  “She’s a growing Draygon, she needs to eat a lot for the first few months until the Draygon reveals itself. Then she’ll go for a time where she’ll eat normally, before a growth spurt has her devouring everything in sight. Happened to all of us, it’s pretty common.” Viper tipped his head back. “Here he comes,” he said. Sitting up, he helped her up to a sitting position as Ladon approached with a bag over his shoulder.

  “Well it’s very good that she’s getting all that she needs. She will always be well taken care of, right?” Violet asked hopefully. “If not she will be able to come to us. Right?” She nearly snorted at herself, because she knew without a shadow of a doubt that this baby would always have everything she wanted and needed in life.

  “Better not let Azure hear you doubting her skills at looking after Rain,” Ladon said as he stopped on the blanket, letting the bag fall down next to her knees. “The bottle’s in the outside pocket there if you want to give it to her before we change her.”

  “Sounds good.” Vi grabbed the bottle and shifted the baby. She was smiling down at the face of the child as she began to feed her. “I’m not doubting Azure, simply talking to be talking, I think,” she said simply.

  “If anything, the Gods forbid, were to happen to them we would look after Rain,” Viper said softly. He had his chin resting on her shoulder and was peering down at Rain as she suckled the bottle. Rain was staring right back at him, a little smile on her lips as she suckled.

  “Well, I hope that nothing happens to them. I happen to like Azure, and Drake is a great deal like his father so I like him as well,” she said as she fed the baby. “Besides, I’m positive that there would be a line a mile long if this baby ever needed anything. No matter what it was I’m certain she would have a whole Realm of Draygons offering her help.”

  “True enough,” Ladon said. “Hell, the entire household is enamored with the babe. She’s got champions galore right there. Of course, the fact that she’s adorable definitely is a nod in her favor.”

  “Exactly.” Violet shifted and moved, she began to hum lightly for the baby as she ate. “So see, that’s all that matters. She has a great deal of people who would always be willing to cater to all of her needs and desires.”

  “I hope that they have a couple of their own
,” Viper said softly. “Won’t do for the little princess to get too spoiled. I doubt Drake would let that happen, but given how Azure has him wrapped around her finger, I think it would be a battle. At least with a sibling Rain wouldn’t be the sole point of their attention.”

  “Oh, they will have their own.” Violet said with a grin. “They are working on their little one now, too bad that they didn’t listen to me to realize that was just what they were doing, but that is that. Right?”

  “Oh, I’m pretty sure they heard that part,” Ladon said with a laugh. “I think that may be why they ran off to have some time together. They had things to do and babies to start making,” he murmured.

  “Ah, could be why they were more than willing to let us have some baby time with little Rain, then.” She looked down at the child in her arms and smiled. “Because otherwise I don’t know if we would have this time alone with little Rain.”

  “Enjoy it, sweetheart. From the talk I heard in the house it sounded like they were rousting themselves. They’ll be coming for this precious darling soon enough. Not like we can tell them to fuck off and keep her.”

  “Too bad,” Vi said with a grin and shook her head. “And watch your language, mister, or else I’m sure that Azure would likely have your hide if this baby would say any of the words that have dropped from your lips.” Not that she would blame Azy, but still it was her mate that would be getting the skin stripped from him if the baby said anything bad when she finally got to talking in the future.

  “I doubt she’ll pick it up from me. You’ve met Drake and Volos, right?” he asked. He was grinning ear to ear. “If it’s anyone that teaches this kid bad words, it’ll be those two. Besides, she’s too young still to pick it up. Once she’s a little older I’ll take more care, if we’re even allowed around her by that point.” He snickered and shook his head.


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