Giving Her My Baby

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Giving Her My Baby Page 2

by Alexa Riley

  I look up, thinking someone is staring at me. I glance around but don’t see anyone near me. Everyone is coming and going like another normal busy day in the city. Pulling out my phone, I text my mom and tell her everything went great so she doesn't worry. She’d wanted to come with me, saying she’d call out of work, but I told her I’d be fine.

  I don't feel fine. In fact, I’ve never felt more uncertain in my life.



  I hold the newspaper over my face until she passes by. I don’t know how she didn’t notice me following her into the doctor’s office or sitting in the waiting room holding a magazine up, but she was completely oblivious. I even followed her outside afterwards and she still didn’t have a clue.

  When I first heard about Eleanor Newman, I thought she sounded like an old lady. But when the nurse called her Ella, it fit. Her long dark hair and dark eyes were hypnotic. I had to check myself a few times to be sure I didn’t get caught staring. She had a big ass for her small size, and I couldn’t pull my eyes from it. Even now as I watch her walk, I’m in a trance.

  “Fuck, what am I doing?” I say to myself as I hit the button on my phone to call for my driver. He pulls up to the curb almost a second later, and I tell him to take me to my office. I’ve got to beat her there, and I need to get my eyes off her ass, and my cock needs to calm down if I’m going to do it.

  I watch as she hails a cab and then gets into it, safely shutting the door as we pass by her. How did I ever get mixed up in this?

  Giving the receptionist a smile and promising to get her into the hottest club in the city was an easy way to get what I wanted. I found out that Ms. Newman was there for artificial insemination, but that it was just the preliminary meeting. Nothing had been decided yet, and that went a long way to soothe my anxiety.

  It wasn’t supposed to go like this. None of this is going to plan.

  “Shit,” I sigh and put my face in my hands, rubbing my eyes.

  This is all my mom’s fault.

  Barbara Renshaw went to Vegas for the weekend and came back with a husband. Now she’s hitched and I’ve been stuck with the asshole she brought home. The first time I met I knew he was a sleazeball and was only after my mom’s money, which happens to be my money. My mother is a saint, and people have taken advantage of that before. I’m usually good about protecting her from creeps like him, but I thought she needed the weekend with her girlfriends. I should have known that no good comes from that city, and boy, did Barb go and prove me right.

  My phone rings and I look down to see the screen light up with her name. All I can think of when I see her name on there is, what now?

  “Hey Mom,” I say, unable to ignore her. “I’m headed to a meeting. What’s up?”

  “Hey sweetheart. I just wanted to call and see if you were free for dinner tonight. Vick has some wonderful ideas about investments. You know I’m not good with those kinds of things, and I thought you could help.”

  I have to bite my tongue so I don’t lose my temper. I love my mother, but god knows she doesn’t have the greatest taste in men.

  “I don’t know how long this will take, but let me help you out. I’m going to send Ryan, my financial advisor, over and he’ll be able to answer whatever questions you have.” My guy Ryan wouldn’t give this guy two wooden nickels.

  “Oh, that sounds perfect. Okay, if you can’t make dinner, let’s do lunch soon.”

  “All right, I’ll give you a call tomorrow,” I say and then tell her goodbye.

  I squeeze my phone in my hand, and though I’m tempted to smash it, I don’t. I still need it, even if I’m pissed off.

  “All because of Vegas,” I say to myself as I sit back in the car and head to the office.

  Once I’m there, I’m like a caged tiger pacing my office. When I sit down, I tap my fingers on my desk, getting anxious. Finally I hit the button on my phone for my secretary.

  “Is she here yet, Carol?” I ask impatiently.

  “No, sir. It’s only been four minutes since the last time you asked. I promise you’ll know the second she arrives.” I make some annoyed sound and I can hear the smile in her voice when she comes back on. “She’s not due for another fifteen.”

  “I’m aware,” I say and hang up. I’m almost certain I can hear her laughing on the other side of the wall, but that’s probably my own mind playing tricks on me.

  I stand up again and begin to pace. There’s no way I was this far in front of her in the car. Maybe she stopped for coffee or changed her mind. I don’t think either of those are possibilities, so maybe I’m just getting worked up for nothing.

  Just as I make another pass on the carpet, my phone beeps and it’s Carol. “Mr. Renshaw, Ms. Newman is here to see you,” she says, her voice cool and calm.

  I don’t have a chance to respond before the door opens and there she is stepping through.

  Getting the full effect of her straight on is almost jarring. Her warm eyes and striking features are enough to make my knees weak. But when she smiles at me, it punches me straight in the chest.

  “Nice to meet you, Mr. Renshaw. Call me Ella,” she says, offering her hand and stepping forward.

  I’ve had business meetings with leaders of countries and made billion-dollar deals over breakfast. But I’ve never been so tongue-tied and discombobulated as I am in front of this perfect woman.

  “Brooks.” I say and take her hand in mine. It’s all I can manage to get past my lips because I’m too busy thinking about taking her to the floor and ripping off her panties while I rut into her like a dog.

  “It’s nice to meet you, Brooks,” she says, and I have to blink a few times to come back to earth.

  “Ella,” I say, tasting her name in my mouth.

  I never imagined that one look at her and I’d be totally and completely in love. Especially since she’s my stepsister.



  I bite my lip, unsure of what to do when Brooks doesn’t release my hand. He’s even more attractive in person than in the photos I saw. I give my hand a small tug, and he looks down as if he’s just now realized he still has a hold of it. He rubs his thumb across my knuckles before he finally releases me. The simple brush makes goosebumps break out across my skin. I’m sure my fair skin shows a blush. It always does.

  I glance around his massive office, trying to hide the color staining my cheeks and wondering if his significant other is here. There’s no one else but him and me, and I wonder what kind of woman it would take to land him. He’s so put together by the way he carries himself, but the five o’clock shadow on his face and the hint of a tattoo at the cuff of his dress shirt show something a little different. He isn’t some stuck-up suit behind a desk. He’s rough around the edges. It makes me think he plays dirty to get what he wants, and I should keep that in mind when dealing with him.

  “Can I get you two anything to drink?” I glance over my shoulder and see the assistant who greeted me standing in the doorway. She pulled me from the fantasy I was having of Brooks and I’m thankful for her appearance. She gives me a warm smile and she looks like she’s fighting a laugh.

  “I’m good, but thank you,” I tell her politely, and Brooks shakes his head. I hear the door close with a snick, leaving us alone.

  “Please, have a seat.” He motions for me to take a chair in front of his massive glass desk. Looking around the office, I notice everything is made of glass. Sharp edges are everywhere, and all I can think is this place would not be safe for a toddler.

  “I can have anything in this office changed,” he says, and my eyes snap back to his.

  It’s then I realize I’d spoken out loud. I smile at him, and a warm feeling rushes over me. I love when parents are willing to do anything for their children. I’m reminded that someone is missing from this meeting.

  “Will your wife be joining us?” I ask. I slide my hands down my thighs, making sure my dress is smoothed out. The perfection of the office is making me feel l
ike I’m not dressed formally enough. Brooks takes the chair next to mine and not the one behind his desk.

  “Wife?” he asks as confusion forms on his face. “I’m not married.”

  “Well, then I guess I mean the woman you got pregnant.” I let out a small laugh to hide my disappointment and the trace of jealousy I’m feeling. I know not everyone believes in marriage. I shouldn’t have phrased the question that way, but the truth is, I wanted to know if he’s married. Committed. Get it together, Ella. I scold myself inwardly.

  “I’m afraid I haven’t gotten anyone pregnant either. Well, not yet.” He levels me with a stare, almost like he’s trying to tell me something before he gives me a wink.

  Is he flirting with me? No. I must be reading this wrong.

  “You called for a live-in baby nurse,” I prompt, trying to get us on the same page. I can feel myself getting anxious. I do that around men.

  “Yes, yes.” He shakes his head like he just remembered why I’m here. “It’s for my sister. She’s moving here and will be staying with me. I told her I’d get a live-in baby nurse set up. She doesn’t want to do this alone.”

  “I understand that,” I tell him. Even more than he knows. I’m scared of having a baby on my own, too, and I’m wonderful with babies. “Well, let me tell you—”

  He cuts me off before I can go into full detail of what I can offer in the way of services. “When will you move in?” He stands as if he’s getting up to help me carry boxes into his house.

  “Ah.” I look up at him, a little confused. He looks even bigger now with him towering over me. We haven’t even had an interview, and I don’t even know if we’re compatible. For all I know we might not be able to stand each other.

  “I’ll triple the price if you’ll move in today.” He walks behind his desk and picks up a phone. “Should I call movers?” He stares at me, waiting for an answer.

  “Hold on, I’m still playing catch up.” I stand up, too, grappling for something to say.

  No wonder Renshaw Banking is where it is today. This man bulldozes into things, taking what he wants. And what he wants at the moment is me. Too bad it isn’t for more than my services as a nanny.

  I turn around, giving Brooks my back, knowing I’ve just made myself blush. I can’t believe I even thought that. What is he doing to me? He has me all over the place with my emotions.

  “One million,” he says, and I whip around to look at him.

  He has his cell phone in a death grip and doesn’t look like he’s about to take no for an answer.

  “For how long?” The words come tumbling out of my mouth. I could do a lot with a million dollars. Not only have my baby but have a college fund and so much more. I also wouldn’t have to worry about working until he or she is in school.

  “A year,” he bites out. I can tell he wants to say longer, but he’s hedging his bets. I can do a year. That’s a lot longer than normal, but I could do that. “No dating or men during that time,” he adds.

  The off-topic comment takes me by surprise. “Okay,” I say easily. That won’t be a problem. I’ve never dated when on a job, but my jobs have never been for a year either.

  “You’re not seeing anyone now, are you?” he asks almost accusingly. I swear I hear the phone in his death grip crack.

  “No.” At my answer I watch some of the tension leave his body.

  “Then you’ll be mine for a year.”

  I nod, but it feels as if I’m agreeing to more than being a baby nurse. “When will your sister be arriving?”

  “Soon, but I want everything in place before she gets here. She could arrive at any time, so I need to get you settled in.” He brings the phone to his ear.

  “Send the car around. I want you to take Miss Newman home so she can gather her things. Then you can bring her to my home.”

  “This is all happening really fast.” I bite my lip. I don’t even know where he lives. I’m guessing somewhere really nice, but still. I hope it isn’t as cold as his office.

  “You already agreed.” His jaw hardens and I see the tension there.

  “I'm not changing my mind, it’s just…” I trail off. I don’t know why I’m questioning this. Maybe because it’s too good to be true. Or maybe it’s because of this attraction I’m feeling towards him. It’s making me feel off balance. I’m terrible with men and I can’t get a read on him.

  He comes around the desk to stand in front of me. I look up into his dark eyes. He tucks a loose piece of my hair behind my ear. The touch is intimate. “It’s okay, Ella. I’ll take care of everything. Your only worry is the baby.”

  “The baby isn’t here yet,” I remind him. I wish I could have met the mom-to-be first. I’ve turned down a few jobs before because of the mothers. Some can be too much to handle at times. Though for a million dollars I could probably handle any new mother.

  “Give it time. The baby will be here,” he says, and for some reason his words hold so much more weight than they should.

  I nod, and his eyes go to my mouth. I feel heat creep up my neck and I curse my fair skin. On top of being shy, it shows clear as day for anyone to see. He leans down a little. And for a second, I wonder if he’s going to kiss me. My breath catches, and I wait.

  A knock at the door has me jumping back from him, almost tripping over my own feet. Brooks catches me easily, pulling me into his big warm body and wrapping his arms around me.

  “The car for Miss Newman is here and so is your next appointment,” his assistant tells him.

  “Cancel my appointment. I’m going to escort—”

  This time I cut him off. “Please don’t do that.” I turn in his arms when I realize he isn’t going to let me go. “Let me get my things and get settled in,” I push. I need a little time alone to breathe for a moment. Get myself together and maybe even Google him a little more. I need to make sure I’m not biting off more than I can chew.

  “Sir?” his assistant calls again.

  “Please,” I try, needing just a little bit of a breather.

  He leans down, and his mouth is so close to mine. This time I’m sure he’s going to kiss me, which I know is a terrible idea. I’m going to be working for this man for the next year. Not to mention I’m going to begin trying to have a baby very soon.

  “Tonight,” he growls so low only I can hear him, then he lets me go.

  I turn and nearly run from his office, feeling dumb that I thought he was going to kiss me, and foolish for wanting him to.



  I’ve spent the entire day annoyed by everyone. All I wanted to do was leave the office so I could go home and be with Ella. But instead I’ve had meetings and people in my face all day, and I’m agitated as I walk out of the last one.

  “I’ve tried to clear your schedule as much as possible for tomorrow, but there are still some conference calls you have to listen in on. I’ve made the schedule and emailed it to you.”

  “I’m not going to be on them, Carol.”

  She’s trying to keep up with my quick pace as I rush out of the boardroom and to the elevator.

  “Mr. Renshaw, I’ve tried to move them, but it’s impossible. At least listen in, this has to do with—”

  She’s talking as fast as she can, but I’m done listening to anyone who isn’t Ella. My sole focus is getting home and getting inside her. If she won’t let me have her tonight, then I’m going to spend my time convincing her why she should. So either way, I’m going to end up balls deep before the sun comes up.

  When I get on the elevator, Carol is still talking, but I hit the button for the lobby and ignore her as she stands there.

  “Goodnight, Carol,” I say, ignoring her agitated looks as the doors close and I ride down to the lobby.

  Once there, I walk outside to my waiting car and get in the back. I raise the glass partition between the driver and me, and I’m on the phone before he pulls away from the curb.

  “Hello?” her soft voice says, and it calms every nerve
in my body.

  “Ella,” I say, closing my eyes. Her name is like a balm to my need for her. “I’m on my way home. Have you had dinner yet?”

  “Um, hi Brooks,” she says, and I think she might be smiling. “Yeah, I already ate. Your cook made me something a little while ago. She said not to wait on you. Is that okay?”

  A picture of her biting her lip enters my mind and my cock throbs. I reach down and rub my hand over my slacks where the hard length is going down my thigh. It’s been hard since she came into my office, and I haven’t had even thirty seconds to find some relief. It’s probably why I’m so fucking grouchy.

  “Yes, I usually don’t make it home in time for a decent meal, but for you I’m going to start making an exception.”

  “Oh really? How kind of you.” She laughs a little, and I can hear the smile in her voice.

  The shy woman who was in my office earlier is gone, and there’s a playful flirty woman in her place. Could it be that the phone makes her less intimidated? Or is spoiling her doing the job?

  “Did you get settled in okay?”

  “I did, all thanks to you. You sent a team to my house, but I didn’t have much to begin with. I think they were all bored.”

  I smile with her and lean back in the seat, relaxing for what feels like the first time in years. “You sound like you’re happy to be home then.”

  “It’s beautiful here. I appreciate the opportunity to work for you and your sister.”

  “I think you’ll find I’m more than agreeable to anything you ask for.” I hear what sounds like water on the other end of the phone and I sit up straight. “Are you taking a bath?”

  There’s complete silence on the phone, and then she clears her throat. “Mr. Renshaw, I don’t think that’s appropriate conversation for our work relationship—”

  “Answer me, beautiful,” I say, and I put all the power I can behind those words.


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