Ruin Me: A Sister’s Best Friend Angsty New Adult Romance (Hawthorn Hills Duet Book 3)

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Ruin Me: A Sister’s Best Friend Angsty New Adult Romance (Hawthorn Hills Duet Book 3) Page 9

by Claire Raye

  I burst out laughing, totally able to picture Reid like that. “Well, if he’s out of town for football, that means his roommates will be too,” I say. “I can crash over at their place, so your sister can stay here,” I add, waving a hand at the bed.

  Ruby sits up a little. “No, you don’t have to do that,” she says quickly. “Sorry, that’s not what I meant,” she adds, her hand on my arm.

  I glance down at her fingers, at the comfortable warmth that radiates out beneath them. What I wouldn’t give to be able to feel those fingers in other places, brushing against my skin as I pulled her closer, wrapping her in my arms.


  My eyes snap up to hers and I have to force myself to swallow hard, push thoughts of Ruby in my arms away before I do something stupid. “Yeah?”

  “You don’t have to leave this weekend,” she says, her voice quiet. “Seriously, Mila can sleep on the couch or crash with Sie or…”

  “I don’t mind,” I tell her. “I’m already overstaying my welcome as it is,” I add, knowing I’m not going to be able to delay looking for somewhere to live for much longer.

  “No,” she says, frowning at me. “You’re not, I promise. I like having you here, really like it.”

  I stare across at her, at the truth in her eyes as they look back at me. Once again, thoughts I shouldn’t be having fill my brain, tempting me with what I could have if maybe I was willing to take a chance or somehow my life wasn’t one big fucked up mess.

  But what would Ruby do if I did take a chance? And what would I do?

  Would I fuck it all up like the guy in that movie did?

  Or could I somehow get it right?

  “Caleb,” she says again, my name like a plea almost.

  I smile, pushing the thoughts away. “I like being here too, Ruby,” I tell her. “A lot.”

  Chapter Eleven


  Mila arrived late Thursday night and immediately crashed on the couch, which was kind of nice because I didn’t have to hear her giving me shit for letting Caleb share my bed. She still wasn’t up when I left for class this morning and I didn’t bother waking her or Caleb. I guess it will be him who gets the Spanish Inquisition when he wakes up.

  It’s days like this that I wonder why the hell I scheduled a three p.m. class on Fridays. Everyone else was smart about things with Sie having no classes on Fridays. At least Mila can hang with her until I get back. It also makes me wonder if Professor Keller might have purposely scheduled his course on Monday, Wednesday and Friday at this time knowing it pretty much fucks with everyone’s afternoon plans. But even that seems ridiculous and I laugh a little as I sit in class waiting for his lecture to finish. I’m starting to sound like Caleb and Reid and their inability to trust that some things just happen naturally.

  I look back at the clock for the millionth time when Professor Keller finally dismisses us, the room emptying like it’s on fire. The numbers today were low, which is pretty much the norm on a Friday and I scramble just as quickly to get home. But when I reach the doorway to the lecture hall, I hear Professor Keller call my name.

  “Ruby, do you have a minute?” he asks and it’s hard not to roll my eyes and walk out without acknowledging him. But I know better because the last thing I need is him to think I’m not interested in doing well in class.

  “I do, but it needs to be quick. My sister is visiting and waiting for me to get home,” I tell him, practically shouting from across the room hoping he gets the point to not come any closer.

  I’m not that lucky though and before I know it, he’s taking the stairs two at a time until he’s standing on the small platform near the exit right along with me.

  “So, I was thinking of starting a study group,” he says, standing too close for my liking. I’m not the type of person to become bothered by someone standing near me, this is college after all and bars get crowded, but there’s something about his demeanor that feels all wrong. “Is that something you would be interested in?” he now asks and with the vagueness of his question, I can tell he’s hoping for an immediate response.

  “What would the group be focusing on?” I inquire, moving closer to the now closed door. “I don’t have a lot—” He doesn’t let me finish my thought, getting right to what he knows will affect me.

  “Things haven’t been going very well for you in this class, Ruby and I would really hate to see your GPA slip this far into your degree.”

  Things haven’t been going very well for me?

  I hear myself scoff instantly at his words, my thoughts filling with how just weeks ago he was touting me as a stellar student and now I’m being told things are slipping. My work ethic hasn’t changed and my grades in my other classes haven’t strayed from anything but perfect. He’s forcing me into a situation by using his power over me and I’ve never felt more uncomfortable in my life.

  “I understand your concern, but I need some time to think about it,” I say, trying not to be rude, but still standing firm as I push my hand against the door, opening it slightly. It really feels like since he saw me with Caleb, he’s intentionally going after me.

  I attempt to step through the slightly ajar door, but he reaches out and wraps a hand around my wrist. A weird feeling rushes through me, the hair on the back of my neck standing on end and for a split second I feel like I might scream out loud. My eyes shoot to where his hand is touching my body, my brows furrowed, my lips curled up in a sneer as I try to pull away from him.

  “My boyfriend is waiting for me,” I snap, giving my arm a tug and it comes loose from his grip, but he once again steps into my space.

  I can’t believe I ever let this fucking weirdo make me feel like my grades weren’t good enough or that I was falling behind. This was all a ploy to make me feel guilty, to make me feel like I needed to spend time with him. He can get fucked if he thinks I’m that stupid and that I won’t take this to the dean should I need to. It seems the rumors about him are true.

  “You don’t even have a boyfriend,” he hisses back and when I turn to look at him, my eyes wide and my heart racing, he steps away from me. For a split second I swear I see fear in his eyes, fear that he’s crossed the line, but what he doesn’t know is he crossed the line the moment he grabbed me.

  “Ruby,” I hear Caleb call and when he jogs up, breathing heavy and his pulse thumping in his neck, I breathe a sigh of relief. Not because I don’t think I can handle this jerk myself, but because I want Professor Keller to know I’m never alone.

  Caleb slings an arm around my shoulders, pulling me into his side and pressing a kiss to the top of my head. “Ready, babe? Mila’s waiting for you.” His words are casual but he is feeling anything but. The grip he has on me tightens and he blows out a hard breath of air almost as if he’s trying to keep his composure.

  I smile up at him and I can tell the control it’s taking for him to stand this close to Professor Keller. I can feel the tension in his body, his legs stiff, his hand nearly clenched into a fist at his side.

  “The campus buildings are only for students,” Professor Keller spits out and Caleb lets out a low chuckle. There’s a condescending quality to it, something that pushes back and I wait for Caleb’s response.

  “And professors aren’t supposed to put their hands on students, but if you’re breaking the rules then…” He trails off shrugging his shoulders now and nailing Professor Keller with a verbal slap in the face. Turning on his heel, Professor Keller vanishes into the lecture hall without another word.

  “I’m pretty sure he won’t be bothering you anymore,” Caleb says, feeling a little smug and I laugh as I slip my arm around his waist, walking out of the building like we’re a couple.

  “And if he does, I’m going to the dean of students. I’m not afraid of him or his thinly veiled attempts at manipulation.” I huff, jutting my chin out at my ability to realize that I’m not just some weak girl who will give in because I’m ignorant and easily manipulated. I’m far from it.

sp; “Be a badass, Ruby and make sure you look out for other girls in your lecture because while I’m pretty sure he’s going to stay the hell away from you, he’s going to find someone new.”

  Caleb is completely right about this. I wasn’t the first and I won’t be the last, so I’m now on high alert. Let him fail me, let him try to tell me my work sucks, but I will not give in and I certainly won’t let him convince some other girl of the same shit he pulled with me.

  “Thanks for showing up at just the right time, too,” I tell Caleb, no longer standing so we look like a couple. I’m good with it being just for show.

  “It wasn’t a coincidence,” he says tossing a soft elbow into my side and shooting me a cheeky smirk.

  “Of course it wasn’t, but I’ll take it,” I tease back, giving him a wink. “What time do you start tonight? I was thinking Sie, Mila and I would stop by for a bit.”

  “I start at six and yeah, that would be cool if you guys wanted to drop by and then go off and do your girl stuff.”

  “Girl stuff? You sound like such a dork, Caleb!” I call out, laughing.

  “Well, I don’t know. Whatever it is you three do when you’re together. Paint your nails, do each other’s hair.”

  I stop walking and throw my head back laughing. “This isn’t the eighties, Caleb. We have nail and hair salons to do that shit. We’ll probably get drunk and watch a movie.”

  “So just a typical night then, huh?” he jokes.

  “Pretty much.”

  Well, that’s good. I won’t have to worry about you three tearing up the town and coming up with bail money.”

  “Mmm, don’t be so sure. Mila has a wild streak a mile long,” I say, widening my eyes and wrinkling up my nose. “And she’s transferring here at the end of semester. Yikes.”

  “I was thinking about that,” he now says, his words coming across almost uncomfortable. “I should probably start looking for some place to live. I can’t stay with you and Sie forever and with your sister transferring in…” He doesn’t finish his thought, letting his words die there and I can easily fill them in myself.

  He thinks I’m kicking him out when Mila arrives, but far from it. Mila refuses to live with me, claiming I’ll kill her vibe. Whatever the hell that means.

  “No, no. I told you before I don’t want you to go.” My words come out a little more desperate than I would like and I add on, “Mila already has a place to live. A friend of hers from school is also transferring and they’re living together.”

  “The house is small, Ruby,” he presses as we continue to walk back home.

  “I know it is, but it isn’t so small now that we’re roomies.” Now it’s me tossing an elbow into his side.

  “But what if you want to bring a guy home?”

  “What if you want to bring a girl home?” I shoot back, pursing my lips.

  “I don’t want to bring anyone home. I like hanging out with you,” he says, his words far quieter than normal and it almost feels like he didn’t want me to hear them.

  “Same here,” I respond. “And tonight, if you can’t sleep at Reid’s house, come home to me.”

  Before he can reply to what I’ve just said, Mila comes screeching out of the house, all tan skin and dark hair flying as she runs up to me, throwing her arms around my neck.

  “I missed you!” she yells, practically knocking me to the ground.

  “I missed you too, but I didn’t miss your loudness,” I reply, wrinkling up my nose at her as we all head back in the house.

  “So what’s on the agenda for tonight?” Mila asks and Sienna jumps in spouting off a ton of ideas. None of which are nail painting or doing each other’s hair and I catch Caleb’s eye, smirking at him as he laughs.

  “I’m going to head over to Reid’s place because I think I need boobs to join this party,” he says, tossing a thumb in the direction of where Reid lives.

  “You don’t have to go,” I say and Sienna immediately starts laughing and pointing an accusing finger at me.

  “He does need to go because I think you two need a break from each other. You’re starting to make me think you’re worse than Reid and me.”

  I roll my eyes, but she does kind of have a point, something I guess I never considered since we aren’t a couple. We have become close and being apart is hard, not just for me but for him too. I worry about him sleeping alone at Reid’s. I worry he won’t come home if he needs me and I think that’s the part I have trouble coping with.

  Caleb disappears into the bedroom to pack his things as Mila, Sie and I sit down at the kitchen table to hammer out our weekend plans. Sienna has already opened a bottle of wine, which more than likely means we won’t be going anywhere. Honestly, I’m totally fine with that. Maybe we all just need a night in.

  With his bag now packed, Caleb walks over and kisses both Sie and I on the head as he gets ready to leave and when he walks out the door, my heart clenches in my chest.

  Is it weird that I miss him already?

  Chapter Twelve


  I end up heading into work early. Reid and his roommates had long gone by the time I got to his house; traveling somewhere for their game that required an overnight stay. Staying at Sie’s house hadn’t really felt like an option either, not with Mila now in town and the three of them having a girl’s night together.

  It had been weird to wake up this morning and face Ruby’s sister. We hadn’t had a chance to meet when she’d got in the night before and this morning was kind of awkward with Ruby not around and me sleeping in her bedroom. Thankfully Sie had been enough of a buffer that I hadn’t gotten too much of an interrogation. Although I had a feeling it was coming given the way Mila kept looking sideways at me.

  “Hey,” Ken, the owner says as I walk in. “You’re early?”

  “I know, actually I wanted to talk to you about that manager’s position you have open,” I say, realizing this is the perfect excuse for why I’m here before my shift starts. “Whether you’d consider me for it?”

  Ken nods as he walks toward me, slinging a towel over his shoulder. “You used to manage a bar back in Rhode Island, right?” he asks and I feel myself tense at what I know is coming next.

  “Yeah, I did.”

  “For how long?”

  I let out a breath. “Two years,” I tell him, even though we had to say it was Joe running the place on account of me being underage. “But the place went under just before I moved here,” I add, trying to stave off the obvious questions I know are coming. “Owner drove it into the ground.”

  I don’t elaborate, not bothering to fill him in on the fact that the owner was my dad, a drunk and a gambler, who managed to get himself so far in debt he was forced to go to a ruthless loan shark, who happens to be my best friend’s dad, for help.

  Of course that all went south quickly, leaving my dad dead, me beaten to shit, Reid’s dad in jail and both the family bar and our childhood home long gone.

  Probably best not to mention any of that stuff.

  “Okay,” Ken says. “Well, we haven’t had any takers on it, and I like what I’ve seen with you and your work ethic so far, so if you’re happy to work a trial period, I’m willing to consider it.”

  I’m nodding before he even finishes talking. “Absolutely,” I tell him.

  “Great,” he says smiling. “Well, let’s start now, huh?”

  I spend the hours before my shift actually starts going through the books and shift roster with Ken. It’s all pretty straight forward and similar to how things were back home. Ken is thorough and meticulous with his books, but also open to ideas about the place and when he asks me if I have any suggestions on how to improve things, he actually listens, jotting down a few notes before telling me to make it happen.

  Before I realize, he’s heading out just as Adam walks in and the place quickly starts to fill with the busy Friday night crowd of a college bar. I keep my eyes on the door, wondering if Ruby, Sie and Mila are going to show.

  Despite me suggesting it to Ruby as we walked home after her class, considering they started drinking in the afternoon, I’m not holding out hope.

  “Man, this place is pumping tonight,” Adam says as he pulls on the tap of our cheapest beer, filling a glass.

  “I know,” I tell him. “And the football team isn’t even here.”

  Adam grins, his eyes spanning the room as he slides the beer toward a guy waiting at the bar. “Which means less competition for the ladies,” he says, winking at me.

  I shake my head at him, even though I’m smiling.

  “What,” he scoffs. “Not interested or still pretending you don’t fancy that roommate of yours?” he asks, laughing. “Oh, speak of the devil,” he now says, his eyes lighting up.

  I look up, my heart suddenly pounding in my chest as I see my sister, Ruby and Mila walk into the bar. Their eyes scan the room and when they catch sight of me, they wave excitedly and walk over, Sie slamming her hands on the bar with a big grin on her face that suggests she’s drunk.

  “Sienna,” I say, smiling.

  “Caleb,” she replies playfully, jumping up on the foot rail around the bottom to lean over the bar over and kiss my cheek.

  I chuckle. “Seems you might be a little drunk,” I tell her.

  “Nope,” she says, shaking her head. “Just happy to see you.”

  “Right,” I laugh. “Drink then?”

  “Yes!” she shouts, reaching for Ruby as she pulls her over.

  I turn to Ruby, who’s also wearing a huge grin on her face, her eyes bright as she gives me a once over. “Hey,” she says, biting her bottom lip, almost as though she’s suddenly gone shy.

  “Hey yourself,” I reply. “All done with the hair and nail thing?” I ask, a teasing tone to my question.

  She makes a face, reaching over to smack my arm. “Yeah and after this it’s pillow fights in our lingerie.”

  Well, fuck me.

  I almost groan at the mental image that statement conjures up, my mind immediately going back to my first night in the house when Ruby walked out in her tank and panties, not expecting to find me awake and in the kitchen.


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