Highland Shifters: A Paranormal Romance Boxed Set

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Highland Shifters: A Paranormal Romance Boxed Set Page 75

by Unknown

  "He's so much better, isn't he?"

  "He is! He's going to be fine. I am so grateful to you and your family."

  "Ross says he'll need a few days to get his strength back."

  Ariane laughed softly. "That's not a problem. I will probably be answering your brother's questions for more than a few days."

  "Are you all right, Ari?"

  She heard the new note in his voice, and smiled at him. "I think so. Yes."

  Rin eyed him balefully as he approached, but Colin didn't care. As she slid out of the pool, her body gleaming with water, he was there to catch her in his arms. "I need to clean up," she protested, but he didn't care about that, either. Ross had been right about the need to obey the call of the sevmelle and take possession of his mate. Not being with her—in her—was getting to be damned difficult.

  He pulled her slender body against his, cradling her crown of shining hair in one hand while gliding the other hand down her spine to the small of her back.

  "I can't stop thinking about you," he told her. "I want you. You're my mate, and I need you." He lowered his mouth to hers and kissed her passionately.

  After a moment's resistance—probably from sheer surprise—her mouth relaxed under his and she kissed him back. Her arms went around him and their embrace tightened. Her body softened and molded to his. The tips of her breasts hardened against his chest. When his tongue sought to explore her mouth, she opened more profoundly, and began thrusting with her tongue too. His arousal turned ferocious as their lower bodies ground against each other, his hard and hers softly yielding, instinctively imitating the motions of sex.

  "I'm glad. I need this, too." She went up on tiptoes and angled her hips, leaving no doubt about where the yearning was centered.

  The hand that had been on her back slipped down to her buttocks so he could pull her more firmly against his pelvis.

  "I'm sorry I've been so preoccupied," she said.

  "Stop talking and kiss me."

  "I am kissing you...oh, Colin, I've been dreaming about this."

  He was thrilled by her admission. He wanted to lie down with her right here, but he didn't like the way Rin was hissing at him.

  "I know you said you don't have that kind of connection with your pet, but I think he's jealous of me."

  "He's feeling vulnerable right now. You can understand that."

  "I can, of course. But...he's getting better, isn't he? Can you leave him alone for a while?"

  She smiled at him. "I think so, yes."

  He noticed once again through the red haze of desire how pretty her eyes were—huge and beautifully colored –with those flecks of gold. Her lashes were thick and dense; the same color as her lovely hair, which today reminded him of a ripe apricot. Her skin was smoother and more delicate than his. It was also deliciously soft. He ached to get her naked so he could touch and kiss her all over.

  He forced his mind back to some semblance of rationality.

  If you would just give me a few minutes to wash up and change —" Her lips curved up in a sensuous smile "—then I am yours."

  He didn't hesitate. He had no idea what was going to happen with Cam and his damn questioning. "I will make a place for us."


  Here wouldn't afford them the privacy that he wanted. He was damned if he'd allow that sea dragon to watch them. "Not here. I'd like to invite you to my bedchamber, if that would be agreeable to you?"

  "Yes," she said, smiling happily.

  His heart expanded, and together they left the cavern. She went to her room to do whatever women do to prepare for a night of love, and he hurried to bring a little order to his quarters.

  He wished he had something pretty to give her. A small bedroom in an ancient castle seemed a poor setting for the expression of the feelings he had for her. It had grown into something much stronger than casual lust. He liked and admired her. His brother's threats had also filled him with a strong protective impulse. She was so lost and alone here. He wanted to prevent anything from ever hurting her again.

  When he finished ripping off the old sheets and changing them for her, he lit some candles and set them in the corners of the room. He wanted to be able to see her. She was far too beautiful to be shrouded from view in the shadows of the coming night. When all was prepared, he had the inspiration to grab some wildflowers from the vase in the hallway that Kate loved to fill every morning. Ariane had commented on how much she loved the flowers here in Scotland. He sprinkled them on the bedding, adding color and fragrance to the room. He hoped this would please her.

  Ariane, smiling, emerged from the stairwell and walked briskly toward him.

  She had changed to a lightweight nightgown of some filmy fabric that clung to her curves in a most flattering fashion. Her long wavy hair was loose, and it fell to her waist like a cloud of starlight. His breath caught and his loins grew hot at the realization that she was about to give herself to him. Despite his preparations, it hadn't seemed entirely real.

  It had been a long time since he had experienced romantic feelings for a woman whom he ardently desired. The desire to fuck, sure. The need for release—that was a common enough drive. But this was different. Stronger. Scarier.

  He was already feeling the kind of urgency that threatened to undermine his control. He did not want to disappoint her by hurrying matters along to another early climax. He wasn't going to let her get him off again tonight without giving Ariane her own pleasure first.

  "It's not a fancy room," he said apologetically when she reached his side. "We haven't done any renovations in this part of the castle for a few decades."

  She laughed, her face aglow. "It's much more modern than I'm used to, remember?"

  "True, I guess."

  "Flowers," she said delightedly, kneeling on the bed. "How lovely—thank you, Colin." She gathered a few into a bundle as he bolted the door behind them.

  "I have some wine. I know you've been worrying about Rin."

  "He's so much better now. And I don't need any wine. Not now, anyway."

  She brushed her little bundle of wildflowers across his cheek, which set him off. He covered her hand with his own and took the flowers from her.

  "Lie down," he ordered, more sharply than he had intended, but she complied. She lay on her back and smiled encouragingly as he leaned over her and used the bundle of wildflowers to caress her throat, her shoulders, and her breasts. She sighed with pleasure. Her eyes closed and he felt her making the mental link between them. It startled him. They had only done the telepathic bond during his swim with her to the castle on the night they'd met. And again, briefly, when they'd rescued Rin. It had been necessary then, since there was no other way to communicate underwater. But now...was she really going to be in his head while he fucked her?

  "It will be all right," she said, sensing his confusion. "I can only feel what you want me to know. Your mind is still private."

  He laughed softly, not entirely sure he believed her. But he was willing to try it. Willing to let her in.

  Still, the link felt very intimate. It allowed him to feel some of her emotions, which consisted of a heated excitement that acted to raise the temperature of his own arousal. He let his own feelings wash into her, increasing the magnitude of the lust between them. Her lips parted. "Oh!" she said aloud, a soft little gasp. Then, silently, she told him, "I can feel you! I've been wondering what this bond would do if opened in these, uh, circumstances."

  It might be too intense. I mean, it's already intense without the link.

  "It’s not too intense. It’s exciting, though. You are so beautiful, Colin."

  Me? Tis you, my glorious girl, who is the beauty here.

  "Thank you! I've desired you from the moment I first saw you. Well, almost the first moment."

  He felt her silent laughter—this was something truly wonderful about their bond.

  "It did confound me when you shape shifted into a sea dragon with a monster cock. I wasn't at all sure what you meant to
do with it."

  He moved the tips of the blossoms down over her belly, thrilling to her little shiver of anticipation as he inched it lower. You won't let me forget that, will you?


  Fair enough. He brushed the flowers between her legs, and she gasped. Let's make some other memories.

  Ariane writhed under the subtle teasing of the flowers. She was delighted with Colin's creativity, and exhilarated by the way he had taken control from the moment he had discovered her huddling on the stony shore. She was always dominant with her animal companions, but she was content to let him manage things here. Forcefulness in the bedroom was exciting to her. Colin was not too rough, but he was masterful.

  Sit up, he told her, still speaking silently, inside her head, and remove your nightgown for me.

  "You must remove your own clothing too."

  You first, he insisted, his eyes burning with blue fire.

  And so she did, making sure to slither out of her nightgown in the most provocative manner she could manage. She could tell, both from the sound of his breathing and the surge of emotions coming through their bond, that he was fighting to keep himself from falling upon her with no preliminaries.

  "Your body is the loveliest sight I have ever seen," he whispered aloud.

  He eased her back down on the bedding and began stripping off his own things. She watched with half closed lids, thankful for the candles he had lit. The room was quite dark inside, but the candles cast a warm, soft light. His body was just about perfect—wide shoulders, flat belly, narrow if slightly crooked hips, long arms and legs, all firmly muscled and beautifully shaped. No tattoos. Nothing hiding or obscuring his astonishingly large and erect cock.

  She retrieved the small bundle of flowers that he had set down and attempted to tease his rampant penis. Laughing, he stopped her, taking the flowers from her hand. Gently he lifted her in his arms long enough to reverse their positions so he was lying on his back with her on top of him. "If we don't start pleasuring each other I am going to begin howling with need."

  "You want pleasure, do you?" Settling herself comfortably on the strong cradle of his thighs, but artfully avoiding his erection, she leaned forward until her breasts were brushing his chest. She stimulated both him and herself by rubbing herself lightly against him there with the aching tips of her nipples. He was exploring her body with both hands, touching her everywhere with skillful fingers that knew how to claim and how to arouse.

  In her head he kept up a litany of praise as each new treasure was revealed: Your skin is softer than rose petals…your mouth is perfect…ah, your breasts are so lovely and – pulling her down so his mouth could suck upon them—they taste sweeter than the fruits on the tables of the gods.

  "Tell me what you dream of, Colin, and I will give it to you if I can."

  Just having you here like this is what I’ve been dreaming of lately.

  "Do you dream of this?" she asked, sliding down and lowering her head to take him into her mouth.

  Ah, Ari, yes, you know I do. However—

  He pulled her up and turned her over. Spreading her legs, he slid down to plant his head between her thighs. He nuzzled her sex, delighting in the tangy juices he found there. Not this time, lass. This time you'll feel the rasp of my tongue inside you.

  He kept his word, licking, sucking and teasing her sex so inventively that she had all she could do to keep from screaming loudly enough to wake everybody in the castle.

  When at last his fingers moved deeply inside her, she realized he was just making certain she was ready to receive him. She was more than ready, but his fingers lingered, curling and thrusting, slowly driving her into a frenzy. Just as she was beginning to feel frantic for release, his strong arms lifted her and brought her down upon his rigid cock. He had positioned her perfectly.

  Now you’re going to take me inside you…all the way inside you, he drawled as the tip of his penis parted her slippery labia. She couldn’t contain a cry as she felt him penetrate to her depths in one powerful thrust. Oh yes…he filled her magnificently…and she loved it.

  Ah, my dearest girl, that feels so –

  "—so good, so lovely —"

  I hope I'm not hurting you?

  "No, not a bit, but at this point I wouldn’t care if you were."

  He pulled her down so he could kiss her while they moved together, establishing a rhythm, experimenting with different angles of entry, different depths, different tempos. Everything they tried felt wonderful. I want to fuck you hard, Ari. I want to hear you scream.

  "Do it. Please."

  He complied. Her arousal spiraled even higher to feel him looming over her, her legs spread wide while he drove repeatedly into her core. So you like to feel plundered? Ravaged a little, maybe?

  "It is rather thrilling that way."

  My pleasure, ma’am. You look so lovely, lying there, open and vulnerable. Makes me want to hurt you a little bit.

  He began to do just that, pinching one of her nipples between his fingers, but the pain made her catch fire. Soon he began doing something else as well – using one hand to stimulate her clitoris on each out stroke—that sent her so high that she writhed and arched beneath him in a kind of sensual delirium.

  Yes, my girl, come for me, he said at last. Now Ari.

  Moaning with delight, she obeyed that command, reaching her peak as he slammed into her, and crying out loudly as the delectable throbbing seized her. Colin groaned and lost his even rhythm. It took only a few more wild, rapid strokes for him to reach his own climax, and then he, too, shouted out.

  He shifted her out from under him as soon as they got their sanity back, and she lay pressed to his side with her head on his shoulder while he stroked her gently. The mental link seemed to have slipped away, perhaps during the climax? It was easily remade, though, and his contentment flowed through her.

  There was no wondering, did you like that? Was it good for you? She knew it was good and that he had liked it, and he knew the same about her.

  This link is amazing, he sent to her after a few minutes of mutual ease and happiness. If everyone could do this, sex wouldn't be the baffling mystery that it so often is.

  "When you’re not sure exactly what your partner wants, you mean?"

  Yes. Women are hard to figure out, at least for us thickheaded males. I'd wager that's true in your world as well as mine.

  She laughed. "You seem to have a good handle on the problem."

  Not usually, I don’t. But you are easy to talk to, in a non-talking sort of way.

  They lay quietly for a while, relaxing and enjoying the aftermath. She was thinking that it had been a long time for her…there had been no lover in her life for many months. But lying down with Colin felt cozy and natural, as if she’d known him for a long while instead of only a few days. It must be because of their telepathy. It created intimacy in ways that she had never experienced.

  "The irony is that before tonight I was unsure about the idea of mixing sex and telepathy," Colin said aloud. "Even shifters don't do that."

  "Well, we don't do it in my world, either. It's rather wonderful, though, isn't it?"

  "I don't know," he teased her. "Having a woman inside my head when I'm fucking is definitely a little strange. I hope you won't mind when I begin having filthy fantasies."

  She began to laugh. "You," she said, grabbing his now-not-quite-so-huge member and giving it what she hoped was a mildly painful squeeze, "have a penchant for teasing that I’ve never noticed before."

  "Keep doing that and we’ll be at it again in no time."

  She did, and they were.

  Chapter 17

  After the second time they made love, Ariane dozed for while in Colin's arms. She was always tired after sex, and the intense worry of caring for Rin had made her wearier than usual. When she woke, it was dark; he must have extinguished the candles. She had fallen asleep with her head resting on his shoulder and one of her legs thrown over his hip. He was still holding
her the same way, and when she stirred, he stirred also, turning his face to kiss her forehead gently.

  "Hullo," she murmured. "Sorry I fell asleep."

  "I've been napping a bit myself. Are you hungry? You haven't eaten supper."

  She considered. Her belly did feel remarkably empty. "Yes. Thirsty, too." She glided her palm over his chest. "But I could easily grow hungry again for something else."

  "Mmm, so could I. I think I'd better go out and fetch us some food, though."

  "What time is it?"

  "Middle of the night, I think. Folks will be asleep."

  "I'll come with you."

  "Are you sure? If we run into anyone, we're bound to be the butt of a few good-natured jests."

  "Let them have their fun. I don't mind."

  It took them longer to get dressed than it should have, since neither seemed to be able to stop kissing and caressing the other, but they finally made themselves decent enough to emerge from their room. Colin took her hand in his as they descended to the main floor, and kept her nestled to his side.

  As they passed the room where Cam had questioned her, Ariane felt a chill. She shook herself a little. The door to the room was closed and no lights were on in there, but something cold seemed to emanate from that room.

  He was still in there. The twin brother Cameron. Waiting for her to return. He was brooding in there. Planning something.

  Mother! She was getting so imaginative. Cam's interrogation actually hadn't been that bad. Once it was clear that she was willing to talk to him, he no longer browbeat her so much. He'd backed off and treated her with a modicum of courtesy.

  "You have a seat here," Colin said when they descended the winding staircase to reach the large sitting room. There was a beautiful clear glass window that looked out over the sea. "Get comfy. I'll rustle up some food from the kitchen. Maybe some wine. Here. Put your feet up."

  She did, smiling at his solicitude.

  But once he had gone, leaving her there in the dim light, she felt that chill again. Something made her look up toward the gallery. And as she did, she sensed something. Heard something. Saw movement.


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