Love Is Lovelier

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Love Is Lovelier Page 19

by Jean Brashear

Why on earth had she been willing to waste a second of them?

  She smoothed his hair. “I don’t know if you can hear me, but they say you might. I am so very sorry, William, for all the terrible things I said to you.” She inhaled sharply. “I’m a proud woman, perhaps too proud, and it was never about you, but my need to remain independent. To take care of myself. Too late, I realize that it had everything to do with losing Remy and being afraid to go through that again. It took the heart from me, William. I hurt so badly I thought I would die. I would have, sometimes, gladly, if not for my girls.”

  She stroked his brow. “I won’t try to tell you that I’m not still scared. Nearly losing you—” She had to pause. “It’s been as bad as I feared. Losing you would be every bit as devastating as Remy’s death. If I had a brain in my skull, I’d run away, far and fast.”

  She exhaled softly with a sound of rue. “But it appears that whatever brains I had vanished completely when you moved in on me. You did that, William, don’t try to deny it. I was another mountain to climb, another battle to win in your quest to dominate the world around you.”

  She smiled then. “But I’d bet that if you were awake, you’d just give me that shrug of yours, cocky and completely without remorse, wouldn’t you? I despair of you, William Armstrong, but—” She gave a small laugh. “I find myself utterly charmed by you. You charged into my life, bent on your goals, and you swept me right off my feet. You made me laugh again, blast you, and you turned my world upside down. I was resigned to being an old lady and only hoping to be graceful in my decline—”

  She shook her head. “And what did you do but make me remember what it was to be a woman again, one who was desired? And…loved.”

  Tears pricked at her eyes again. “I thought I was done with romance, but you saw to that, didn’t you?” She bent over. Squeezed his hand and cupped his cheek. “Well, you’ve done it now. You’re all I can think of, all I can see. So you wake up, you big pirate, you. Wake up and let me tell you how much I love you. Give me just one of those too-charming smiles I can’t seem to resist.”

  At that moment, his lids fluttered once.

  “Yes,” she whispered fiercely. “That’s it. Come back. Let me see those devil’s blue eyes. You don’t even have to talk, not yet. Just…oh, William…” The tears rolled down her cheeks unchecked. “I need you so. Love you so.”

  Through the blur of her weeping, she saw it then, the flash of blue. She bit her lip. “Yes, my love. I’m here. Please, please, come back.”

  Then they were there, open but hazy. Scanning her as if trying to place her.

  His mouth opened. His voice was a croak. “Anne?”

  She covered her gasp. Laughed out her gratitude. “Yes, it’s me. Oh, William, I love you so much. You’re going to be fine, just fine.”

  He tried to lick his lips, and suddenly Kevin was there, dipping a sponge on a stick into water and moistening his mouth. William’s eyes darted to him.

  “I’m Kevin, remember? You’re doing fine, Mr. Armstrong. I can’t give you water yet, but this will help.”

  Then he handed the glass and sponge to Anne. “Here. Would you like to do this while I take some readings?”

  She nodded, took them gratefully, though she was reluctant to let go of William’s hand.

  “Anne.” His voice was barely a whisper.

  “Shh,” she said. “You don’t have to talk now.”

  He shook his head impatiently. Winced. “You…okay?”

  She dipped her head. Blinked back tears at the joy of hearing him. Of knowing that her welfare was his first thought. “I’m fine, just fine. Now that you’re awake, I’m absolutely marvelous.”

  His eyelids drifted shut. “Tired.”

  “I know, my love. Sleep now.”

  “Don’t…leave,” he murmured.

  “Oh, I won’t. I promise I won’t. And Judith will be back later. She’ll be so happy.” She placed the glass and its sponge on the bedside table and gripped his hand again. Cupped his cheek. “I’m so very happy to see you.”

  “Sorry.” His gaze sharpened, just for an instant. “Not…want…hurt.”

  “I’m sorry, too. Please don’t worry. Just rest now.”

  “Love you,” he murmured sleepily. “So…much.”

  “I love you, too, William. Oh, how I love you.”

  He drifted off with a smile on his face.

  Anne sank into the chair.

  And wept her profound relief and gratitude.

  They would have their chance, after all. She would make the most of every second granted to them.

  Kevin caught her gaze and smiled.

  Anne smiled back and settled in to wait.

  For her future. For the man who was her heart.

  ACROSS TOWN, a telephone rang. A sleepy man answered.

  “Bring in the Corbins—now,” Mike Blount’s curt voice snapped. “And get hold of Ricky and Lou. As of tonight, I’m taking over.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “The Marchand women need a lesson. They’ll sign…or else.”

  ISBN: 978-1-4268-5581-8


  Copyright © 2006 by Harlequin Books S.A.

  Jean Brashear is acknowledged as the author of this work.

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