Seduction: Book 4 (Strong Young Women Series)

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Seduction: Book 4 (Strong Young Women Series) Page 13

by Joyce Jordan

  She grinned. “I don’t know. Maybe the White House didn’t hear.”

  He grinned back. “Baby, if that’s an invitation for a repeat performance, I’m all in,” he said turning to face the ceiling. “But dinner first.”

  She sighed. “I had an early dinner with Tom. I wish you’d told me you were coming. I could have been here as soon as we were done downstairs.”

  He slapped her butt. “That’s why I didn’t say anything. Your work is important. But,” he said and pinched her butt. “I’ll be commuting to work except for Friday, where I’ll just work from here and wait for you.”

  Ana squealed at his pinch. She turned to her side and rested her head on one hand. “You are commuting.”

  He nodded.

  “From here to New York and back again every day?”

  “Is that a problem?” he asked.

  Ana shrugged. “Not at all.”


  “Isn’t that ridiculous and expensive?”

  “Ridiculous would be flying back and forth from LA to New York, not that I wouldn’t try. Some people drive longer than the one hour flight, less if my pilot goes fast, so isn’t that the same?”

  Ana nodded in acknowledgment.

  “Expensive is not a word, I could ever use with you. You’re worth every penny I’ve ever made and continue to make.”

  Ana moved closer to him. “How about you order room service,” she said and lightly grazed his lips, “and I’ll join you for dessert.”

  She giggled as he lifted her and settled her on top of him. He threaded his fingers in her hair as he pulled her head closer and held fast as he took her lips.

  “Gabe…” she said breathing his name against his mouth.

  Gabe pulled her deeper into the kiss and as her hands moved to his head, he gripped her hips, lifted and entered her in one long shove. He couldn’t get enough of her. He wanted to leave her sore for the next day.

  He had heard the reports. Fortunately no one had been stupid enough to approach her. Going forward, he wanted to make sure that if anyone dared look her way, they would know the ring on her finger was not just for show. She was his, and he owned her body and soul. And so did she, own him body and soul that is.

  He grunted when she rubbed her breasts against him, making him swell inside her. He had left her legs closed, and she gripped him tight in her cunt and he slid against her thighs as he moved her up and down on his shaft. He felt her thumb flick his nipple back and forth and he shivered, pulling her harder against his shaft. “Ana,” he growled.

  She grinned and took her second hand to his other nipple and drove him crazy. Ana nuzzled into his neck and twisted his nipples in between her thumbs and forefingers. She hoped what always felt good when he did it to her, would feel good to him too.

  Ana knew she was doing a good job when he growled at her and held her hips painfully, trying to fight the impending climax about to rock them both. She took a deep breath and bit his earlobe, then moved it rapidly between her upper and lower front teeth.

  She felt empowered when he hissed and tossed her underneath him without breaking contact. Ana wrapped her legs around his waist and surrendered to his need.

  He reared up and repeatedly banged into her, until they both surrendered, climaxing in sync. Ana’s legs dropped from his waist and wondered if she would be able to walk to tomorrow’s seminar. Could she use a wheelchair and claim she had fallen and sprained her ankle?

  Her eyelids dropped shut. Her body needed to be rejuvenated. And the best form out there was always sleep. If she knew Gabe, there would be very little sleep tonight, if at all. She complained when he picked her up and sat her down in the tub filled with hot water. As her body climatized to the water’s temperature she gave a sigh of appreciation.

  By the time the water got cold, she was fast asleep. Gabe shook his head, and drained the water, then lifted up his precious cargo. He carefully held her against his body as he toweled her dry, then placed her in bed.

  He ordered room service and ate a solitary dinner, watching her. He couldn’t imagine life without her. She had become so important to him and in such a short time. He vowed to spend the rest of his life taking care of her and making her happy.

  The next morning, he woke up the happiest man alive. Her body trembled as he caressed her awake. He smirked when she whimpered as he ran his fingers lightly against her pussy lips. She opened her legs for him, giving him all the access he needed.

  It had been a wild night, almost like the first few weeks after meeting her. She had not complained, at any of the times he had woken her up with kisses, or sunk into her while half asleep. It was a delight to see her wake fully each time he bottomed out inside her.

  They took another hot bath with salts to give her relief, then he took her for breakfast and left her and Tom flanked by their bodyguards as his also flanked him, taking him away, back to New York.

  And that was the pattern for the rest of the week. On Friday, he simply worked in the hotel suite and met them for lunch. Their seminar was over, he was told. She said she wanted to take Tom for a little sightseeing.

  Gabe looked from her to her protégé and sighed. The young boy was already in love with her. His lips twitched wondering if she would believe him if he told her. He sighed again and then agreed. Her grin made him smile and he was happy knowing he had made her happy.


  Kelly groaned as her alarm woke her up. Just two weeks of waking up later than usual and her body had already adjusted to the lazy life. It was already Thursday and she still had not adjusted back to her normal schedule. It probably also had to do with interrupted sleep patterns. Not that she was complaining.

  Well, her body certainly wasn’t. It was glad for all that extra exercise. She had definitely gained weight in two weeks, and she needed to take it off. She had a hot little dress that wouldn’t fit if the extra pounds didn’t come off soon.

  Kelly knew the longer you waited, the harder it became to lose the weight. If she were Ana she might have gone a few rounds at the gym. Or just used Rafe and Nate’s. They had converted one end of their floor into a little gym, that most trainers would envy. The other end had a little apartment that was not in use. They had offered it to their joint housekeeper, Mrs. Sanchez, but she had opted to live at her own house.

  Since the top floor had two penthouse apartments, they were slightly smaller than Gabe’s but huge nevertheless. And as they were hardly in their apartments, they had found a housekeeper who had agreed to take care of both penthouse apartments, which at first Kelly had found to be odd, but somehow worked. Everyone always converged at Gabe’s. But now things had shifted. Guests had come and gone at Gabe’s then Rafe’s. Soon she wouldn’t be surprised if the same happened with Nate’s place too.

  Surely the honeymoon phase was over and they would open the door to guests. Kelly laughed thinking of how she had only seen Jes twice since they had come back from escorting Ana to DC. She turned, allowing Rafe to wash her back. Everyday he had woken up at the same time she did, taking her to work then going to the office. And every night, he had been there to pick her up.

  He had been acting funny though. Kelly wondered if he had been afraid Brad would be back to torment her again. The last she had heard, he was still in jail. She doubted if he would be able to post bail, that is if it was even offered. The last time, it had been denied, but she knew he would probably try again. That is if he even had the money to pay for it.

  Kelly walked into the lounge that catered for the staff of the hospital. Staff members taking a break were usually found relaxing on the couches scattered around, or at tables, reading or sometimes eating a snack or drinking coffee. She waived at some co-workers then proceeded into the changing room where she placed her handbag in her locker, locked it and went to work.

  Kelly always came to work already dressed for work, unless coming from some event where she might not have had the time to change. Ana was coming back tomorrow and they
were supposed to meet and hang out. It was a girls night in for the five of them. She had missed her. They had been so used to living together and always being together most of the times. Their lives were changing, and not necessarily in a bad way.

  She was happy for her friend. It was only a matter of time before she decided on a date and she would be helping her for her big day. At least she lived in the next building over, which made things a little easier. But how the brothers had found homes next to each other, it was hard to believe.

  Only Manuel and Evelyn lived in Jersey, but she had heard Stefano say he wanted to move to the city and make it easier for Stefano’s job. It seemed things were looking up for the gay love couple. Faster than anyone had thought too.

  And if Mitch had his way with Evelyn, she might never sleep in her house again. Rafe was possessive about her, even Gabe with Ana. But Kelly had seen Mitch’s possessiveness. He took it to a whole new level. It was always fun watching Evelyn frown in his direction. She remembered the waiter from the dinner last week, the Saturday before Ana left, who had almost dropped his tray after Mitch had warned him after he had caught him flirting with Evelyn.

  The poor guy. It had been harmless. He had seemed like the type of guy who flirted with most females, but this time had flirted with the wrong ones. He had shifted his attention to Jes, and been burned there by Nate, then her, and quickly averted his eyes at Rafe’s threatening stance and when he had looked to Ana, hoping for some hope in the direction, had almost wet his pants in his hurry to leave at Gabe’s words to him.

  “Take a hike. You wouldn’t know how to handle her,” Gabe had told him. “Besides, I’d just cut off your dick.”

  “Stand in line,” Mitch had responded.

  At the time everyone had gasped. But after the dinner, they had laughed. Then it had been funny, but not when the poor waiter had run away. He had rushed away and they hadn’t seen him return. It had probably been for the best too.

  Kelly stood in front of the board trying to see what she had been assigned to do today. Sometimes, she wondered if Brad would suddenly appear out of nowhere. He had always been good at catching her here every time their shifts had collided. Now she wouldn’t be seeing him ever again.

  She was thankful for that more than anything else. One day he would be out and her nightmares would start all over again.

  She hoped he would serve enough sentences to keep him locked up for a very long time. It wasn’t fair to the women he had abused to live in fear of the day he was released. Some were even afraid to testify because of that.

  Lester had said they were still trying to work with those women while working on her case to see if everyone who had been abused by him in one fashion or another could be brave enough to come forward. If they didn’t who knew who else he would torment at a later date.

  What kind of a doctor would he have made? He had been good at his job. No doubt about that. Who knew whom he would have continued to abuse with his new found fame as a qualified doctor? It probably was for the best that he wouldn’t get to finish and be called a doctor after all.

  It had been a long day. She had attended to more kids in one day than she had on most normal weeks. It seemed like kids were really taking their summer vacation to heart and getting into all sorts of mischief.

  Kelly got in the car and sat beside Rafe, who reached out to her and pulled her into his lap. He kissed her, gently taking her lips as he massaged her shoulders. “You look tired,” he said. Kelly rotated her shoulders feeling her muscles slowly relax.

  “Nothing that your great hands can’t fix,” she said as she dropped her head back, enjoying the feel of his hands. “Mmmmm.”

  He ran her a bath as soon as he had her in the penthouse. Kelly relaxed against him, and watched him rub the washcloth against her hands, then her legs. Her body tingled as he moved to her front and rubbed underneath her breasts, taking his time and purposely rubbing his hand against her nipple at every chance he got.

  She felt alive as she stretched and moaned. He rubbed her neck and trailed kisses along her neck and shoulder. Kelly leaned forward and he washed her back. She turned and took the cloth out of his hands, then returned the favor. “Are you okay?” she asked with a light laugh.

  Rafe hadn’t expected her to turn the tables on him. Her hand slowly moved along his hands as she washed him, taking her time, then moving on to his legs which she made a point to lift out of the water. She stood up and moved behind him, then made a point of adding soap to the washcloth and rubbed his back and butt. She moved back to the front and tickled him with the washcloth, moving over his nipples with some kind of purpose. She moved lower and washed his privates, then discarded the washcloth and took his cock in her hands.

  “Kelly,” he said with a groan. “Baby, I could…ah…at…any…time.”

  She rubbed his mushroom head, then released him. He drew in a sigh. That had been close. He watched her rise and step out, grab a towel and wrap it around her body. She took another towel and as he held his hand out to her, she shook her head and began drying him instead.

  Rafe stood still as she dried his front, falling on her knees to dry his legs. He turned around and she dried the backs of his legs, then she rose and finished off his front.

  Kelly grabbed his hand and led him out of the bathroom. When he was close to the edge of the bed, she pushed him backwards and he fell back, surprised at her move. Before he could be the wiser, Kelly dropped down onto her knees and cupped his balls in her hands. She smiled as blood rushed south and filled his cock as she continued caressing him.

  She leaned forward and pulled one sac into her mouth.

  He hissed and leaned forward holding her head tight.

  She released him and kissed it, then took the second ball into her mouth too. Kelly moved her hands along his hips, up to his belly and belly button. She suckled him and at his groan, released and licked the length of his cock standing at attention right in front of her eyes. It bobbed happily and she smiled. “Someone’s happy to see me.”

  He grunted and she took that as a happy sign. Then she gripped the base and moved him towards her wide open lips. She took one long swipe and took him whole. And deep. At his deep grown, Kelly pulled him out of her mouth and swirled her tongue as she licked him all round, before she went down on him again. His grip in her hair tightened and Kelly lifted off.

  She could barely hold him in one hand, but she started moving her hand up and down his shaft like a man masterbating.

  “Tighter,” he said with a grunt.

  Kelly tightened her hold and continued her ministrations. As his groans escalated in intensity, Kelly pulled him back into her mouth and bobbed her head up and down until his surrender rang through the bedroom and he quickly erupted into her mouth. It was like a volcano. Fast and furious.

  Kelly swallowed and had to use her fingers to catch his cum that was dripping down her chin. She rubbed it on her lips like she was applying lipgloss, then rose from her kneeling position and kissed him effectively transferring her so called lip gloss from her lips into his mouth.

  “I’m hungry,” she told him as she rolled off him, then dropped down from the bed and walked to her closet, where she found something to wear. Kelly came out of her closet and found Rafe still in the same position. She shook her head and leaned against the door. “Are you planning on eating dinner at all?” she asked.

  “I’m still reeling from that show you just put on and the orgasm you just gave me,” he told her.

  “Take your time. I’ll just go and see what’s for dinner.” Kelly left him and walked into the kitchen. She looked at the pad on the fridge where dinner directions were always written down by Mrs. Sanchez. She checked the time, and realized the dish would be done in another ten minutes.

  As she waited for Rafe, she set the table for two people and was just placing the salad bowl on the table when he made an appearance. She smirked at him.

  “Payback’s a bitch, baby.”

  Kelly swall
owed and ran to the oven. She pulled out the baked pasta and chicken dish and placed it on the table. She sat and watched him choose a wine bottle from his wine cooler. He grinned at her as he opened the bottle and poured the white wine into her glass.

  “Would you like to do the honors?” he asked pointing to the food on the table.

  Kelly shook her head.

  Rafe laughed and added salad to her plate, then his. He did the same with the pasta dish, and took his seat opposite her.


  Kelly received a text almost a hour before her shift was up. He wanted to take her out for dinner. Why? He knew they were having a girls in night. Could he have forgotten? She sent him a text with that reminder, and he replied with a promise to have her back early enough for the girls night in to still be a success.

  Kelly was not only surprised he didn’t come to pick her up, but also that he wasn’t at home when she arrived. A note lay on the bed, beside a dress he had chosen and wanted her to wear. She read it twice, then shrugged and dropped the note and went to take a shower.

  She dressed carefully. She liked the dress he had chosen. It was deep purple with spaghetti straps, a narrow waist and pleated skirt. The man had taste. She swirled and remembered her days as a little girl wearing lots of pretty dresses and always swirling in front of the mirror.

  After the long day at work, she decided on a heel not so high though. She still had some of her clothes at her apartment. She hadn’t been there in weeks. She found one she thought would be comfortable and hoped they didn’t end up walking.

  Kelly left the master bedroom and followed Spark out of the penthouse. He had obviously switched with John and Hank who had been with her during the day. Tonight, however, Spark was not alone. He was with one new guy she had never met before, who was driving and had been waiting for them in the SUV parked downstairs.

  It didn’t take more than twenty minutes before she looked up to see that they had stopped on ninth avenue, outside a high priced Chinese restaurant. When Spark opened the door for her, she got out and followed him inside. He looked around like he was expecting trouble, then guided her to walk a little ahead of him.


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