The Rooster Club

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The Rooster Club Page 6

by N. M. Catalano

  “Salud,” Michael cheered, raising his glass.

  “Cheers,” Sylvia and Natalie said together.

  Their glasses clinked and they drank.

  Paul turned to Sylvia and shoved his tongue so far down her throat, it’s amazing that she could breathe. She gave it right back to him.

  They were saved from the exhibition those two were about to put on by the emcee’s voice coming over the speakers.

  “Ladies and gentlemen, thank you so much for joining us tonight for our first annual dance off. The first place couple will receive five hundred dollars and a trophy as a symbol of their expertise.”

  “Johnny’s going to kick all these hillbilly asses,” Michael laughed.

  The emcee introduced the couples. One in particular received a room-vibrating round of applause. They must be the local king and queen of the club. It didn’t matter though, there was no way they could touch Johnny and Maria.

  The competition began. The couple that rocked the room went first. They were good, they moved in sync, and had a great routine. When the song ended, the crowd went wild. There were five couples entered in all, and Johnny and Maria were third.

  When the song started and Johnny spun Maria to him, it was magic. Their performance was passionate, tight, and mind-blowing. They were incredible, moving together perfectly. Where one ended, the other began. Their routine was sophisticated and very sexy, it left you breathless. Natalie was mesmerized watching them, she could feel their energy pulling them. When they finished, the six friends exploded in cheer. The rest of the room clapped politely.

  Vinnie and Joey had joined the two couples when Johnny and Maria took the stage. They all looked at each other in shock. They couldn’t believe Johnny and Maria had received such a diluted reaction for their performance. None of them spoke until the end.

  When the last couple finished, the judges tallied up their scores. They already knew who’d won. The decision was official; it was the first couple.

  Johnny and Maria were standing with them, and they were pissed.

  “Can you believe this crooked fucking contest?” Johnny yelled.

  He was getting dirty looks from the nearby people. But he didn’t care, none of them did. It was obvious the contest was rigged, and it wouldn’t have mattered if the first couple had fallen flat on their faces, they were going to win.

  “Let’s get the fuck out of here,” he growled, “I can’t stand being in here another minute.”

  They all got up and walked out, probably pushing a few people along the way.

  Michael and Natalie went with Sylvia and Paul, and Johnny and Maria rode with Vinnie and Joey. Vinnie left first, spinning his tires in the parking lot and kicking up gravel. Up the road a few miles was an all-night diner. Vinnie pulled in there, they followed behind him and took the parking space next to him.

  Everyone got out of the cars and walked in together, the six of them dressed up in their club clothes. The men pushed some tables together down the center aisle, amongst the truckers and late-night shift workers.

  Albany was further upstate than New Paltz, and even though it was New York’s state capital, more than likely, it didn’t see a lot of people from New York City. To say the large, conspicuous party stood-out was probably putting it mildly.

  The older waitress in the mustard yellow uniform went to their table and quietly placed menus down, not looking any of them in the eye. This only added to the already burning embers of anger that shrouded them because of the dance contest.

  “Can you believe this hick town? I can’t wait to get out of here,” Paul said loud enough for everyone sitting next to them to hear.

  Some of the group chuckled at their table, the adrenaline was still flowing through them from the club.

  “Coming from the faggot,” came a very distinct voice with a country twang.

  The sound came from a very large and round man, with a long beard, wearing grey Dickey work clothes. Natalie could see Michael tense as he turned to look at him with a tight smile on his face. These men were very proud, very possessive, and very territorial, mostly for each other. Michael looked back at his group. There was a moment of hesitation as they all looked at him, sensing something was brewing inside of him. He had a feral glaze in his eyes, primitive and wild. The rage he felt was obvious. He was a dominating and fiercely protective man, for anyone he cared for. There was a side of him, a passionate and dangerous animal, that was about to be unleashed.

  Michael tilted his head to the side in the direction of Country Boy and said, “Check out Fat Boy,” and laughed wickedly. He knew exactly what he was doing.

  The sound that came from Country Fat Boy was like a volcano starting to erupt. It began as a low rumble, rising higher and higher, and finishing in a loud roar, “Don’t. Call. Me. FAT BOY!” His body imitated the sound of his voice, as he slowly rose from his chair, and pushed the table away and his chair back, making it bang across the floor. The restaurant was crowded, especially for 2:00 a.m., but people quickly moved out of the way, leaving their tables, as Michael jumped from his seat, flew across the tables they’d pushed together, and landed on the huge man.

  Michael was a boxer, his talent along with his need to protect what was his, made it clear he wasn’t afraid to beat the shit out of the guy. For these men, no one insulted their friends. Johnny, Paul, Vinnie, and Joey immediately ran to Michael’s side. Furniture was crashing, plates were breaking, and arms and legs were flying. The sickening sounds of flesh being pounded filled the air, mixed with the screams and shouts of the customers. A couple of police men who had been on the other side of the diner came running over as soon as the commotion started. The men didn’t stop hitting each other as blood started to splatter.

  The cops finally got them pulled apart, handcuffed, and shoved in the back of the police cars parked outside.

  Natalie, Vinnie, Sylvia and the rest of them were detained for an hour as their statements were taken. Michael had already been taken to the station and booked for public disturbance. It was dawn when they pulled up outside the local jail to bail Michael out.

  Thank God Paul had a pocket full of money.

  Vinnie and Joey dropped Johnny and Maria off at his dorm while Sylvia, Paul, Michael and Natalie went to their house to get some rest.

  The next day, when they told Natalie’s parents the next day what had happened, they both said they would have kicked the guy’s ass too. Natalie’s parents were very cool.

  But Michael hoped this wasn’t going to haunt him later on.


  The upstairs apartment in Natalie’s house where Sylvia lived, and where Michael had stayed with Vinnie before, was quiet the next day. Natalie came up with some aspirin, a glass of orange juice, and a toasted bagel with butter for Michael.

  “How are you feeling?” she asked him, looking at his bruised face.

  “I’m fine, my ass has been kicked by bigger guys than him before,” Michael laughed lightly.

  The air became electrified as he held her against him. His eyes took on a look of savage longing and hunger. There was something dark and slightly dangerous about them. And utterly sensual.

  Natalie felt his body stiffen against her, all of him, and her heat rose. She lifted a finger and gently traced the sickly blue/green bruise on his cheek. The lines of his face were so strong, so defined, reflecting what was inside him.

  Michael’s breathing came faster as he searched her face. He could drown in her eyes. She stirred something in him, a primitive beast, wanting to possess her completely. It stretched inside him, reaching for her to consume her and make her his. Every male instinct inside him roared with it and shot from his raging hard-on straight to his heart.

  Her finger moved to trace the outline of his sensuous lips. Natalie loved his top lip, how it was a little fuller than the lower one, begging to be sucked. His hand clasped her wrist as he sucked that single digit into his mouth, slowly, delectably, nibbling on the pad. His tongue made teasing little circle
s around it. Natalie’s eyes were riveted to his hot tongue tasting and teasing her, pulling her closer. Her body pulsed with each stroke of his tongue as her body begged to feel it caressing her.

  Her mouth joined his. Their tongues danced together against her skin, their eyes locked on each other. It was so erotic, and made the kiss so much more seductive. He growled and rolled her beneath him, pinning her arm by her head. His hands slid down the sides of her body, feeling her, learning her curves intimately with his touch.

  “I have wanted you since the minute I saw you Natalie. I can’t think of anything else,” his voice was a husky whisper.

  She knew he was struggling, waiting. He wanted her, she could feel it, and see it in his eyes.

  “Take me,” she whispered.

  She wanted this so much. She wanted him so much.

  Michael wanted to take her like the animal inside him demanded. But something was holding him back.

  “Natalie, I need to tell you…I’m not the man you think I am,” the words escaped him before he could think.

  She looked into the depths of his eyes, her dark angel. He was struggling, the pain in his eyes was searing into her.

  “Yes, you are Michael, you just don’t know it,” she said quietly, feeling it deep within her.

  “No I’m not. I’m no good, I can’t make you any promises, I have nothing to give you…but pleasure.” Everything in his words was filled with an old agony, a pain that was etched in his soul.

  “Then give me that…,” she whispered.

  His mouth covered hers and he feasted on her. His kiss was slow, deep and passionate as his mouth made love to her. His tongue savored her in slow, sensual caresses, consuming her, sliding and slipping, only to pause when his teeth tugged on her lip. Heat roared through her body as she opened herself up to him. His hands took her breasts in them slowly and firmly, and never had it felt so good. Erotic fire seeped through her body, burning her in its sweet wake. His fingers traced along the sensitive flesh, sending sparks shooting through her until he finally clasped her hungry nipples. A soft moan escaped Natalie’s lips as everything inside her pulsed with need. He knew just how to touch her, finding all the secret places that called to him. She wanted more, needed more. Waves began to carry her, making her high. She arched into his touch, spurring him to kiss her harder, and hungrier. The way he teased her nipples made her want to scream with pleasure, flicking, twisting and plucking until she was delirious with need. He slowly removed her clothes and kissed her bare skin, and every single inch of her body came alive. When she was finally naked and lying beneath him, his eyes devoured her body.

  “Mine,” he whispered deeply.

  The single word rocked her to the core, and speared her heart. She was his, and had been, from the moment her eyes had found him. And she always would be, even when he would leave her.

  Her unskilled fingers began to pull at his clothes as she tugged his T-shirt up over his body. Natalie was nervous and scared, she felt she didn’t have a clue as to what she was doing. But instinct pushed her, taking over with what her body craved. She didn’t think. She acted on the primal need clawing inside her.

  He ripped his shirt over his head as she pulled open the button of his pants. The sound of the zipper vibrated in her ears as the blood rushed through her brain. Both their hands gripped the fabric and pushed it down his long, muscular legs. The feel of the hair on his legs grazing her skin sent a new wave of tremors through her body.

  Her heart stopped and her breathing caught as he pulled the last of his clothes off as she gazed at him. His body was perfect; golden sculpted chest that fed down to a tapered waist, a firm abdomen with rippled muscle, to thick muscular thighs that were topped with a V leading down to his cock that was standing hard, proud and throbbing.

  Her wide eyes scanned him, from his bare feet, following the valleys and bulges of his muscles, up his lean length, to meet his eyes. A seductive tremor moved through her at the intensity of his look, pinning her down with the weight of it. It awakened something hot and primitive deep inside her, pulling her to him with its power. She was speechless, and the ability for coherent thought was impossible.

  “I’m not going to hurt you, Natalie. I’m going to make love to you,” he whispered in a deep voice.

  Her insides clenched and ached with his words. She lifted a hand and caressed him, and said, “Yes.”

  He took it and brought it to his lips. Michael lowered himself and moved up the length of her body. He forced himself to go slow, to relish her, enjoy every part of her, because he knew that she would let her animal come out. He wanted to bring her so much pleasure, hear her cry out with it again and again, listen to her erotic whimpers as his mouth teased her, his hands stroked her, and his fingers found all her intimate places until she begged him .

  When he slowly pressed himself against her, skin against skin, she moaned. Natalie felt him melt into her. They were no longer two but one, his heart beat with hers, his heat fed her heat, his breath was her air. He consumed her with his mouth, his hands, his fingers, with the very air he breathed. He penetrated every cell of her being, her entire body pulsed with him. His fingers slid into her, and she wanted to cry out with ecstasy. The feel of his magical fingers, first one then two, sliding slowly in and out, she could only describe as delicious. They twisted and turned, rubbed and stroked her, filling her and pushing her higher. She was intoxicated. With his fingers inside her, and his mouth tantalizing her sensitive nipples, he brushed his thumb over her clit. Her body spasmed against him, almost shattering with the intensity of that tiny touch. He worked her, gently, tenderly, building her need higher and higher, breaking that barrier, getting her ready to take him. His balls ached and his cock throbbed. She felt as if she was ready to explode.

  When he finally fit his body against hers and pushed the tip of his hardness into her, she didn’t care that it would hurt, she just needed him. Inside her. Now.

  “Michael…,” she whispered pleadingly.

  “Feel me, Natalie. Feel me inside you…” His words were heavy and hungry.

  Michael never wanted to make love to a woman, become a part of her, as badly as he had at that moment. It was more than physical, his soul needed it. She gave him more than he’d ever thought possible, pulling her into him more than he ever could with just his cock.

  She clasped his ass and pushed him forward. With a single thrust, he broke through, burying himself until his balls slapped her ass. A wave of possession overwhelmed him as he buried himself inside her tightness. She was his.

  He held her tightly not moving, letting her settle herself around his thickness. He kissed her deeply, passionately, as his hand stroked her, his fingers taking her nipples again, teasing them, plucking them, flicking them, pulling that delicate string in her loins that hugged his cock until she was writhing with need again. The pain was forgotten. She clasped hungrily onto him with her walls, sending waves pulsing through her. She gripped him tightly again and she felt him twitch inside her as he sucked in a breath. This is what she had craved. This is what her emptiness was screaming for. The hunger inside her begged for more.

  Michael began to move, slowly at first, relishing the feel of her, the friction of his cock sliding back and forth. Her body reacted to him, answering the longing he’d created. He took Natalie’s legs and spread them open, repositioning himself.

  Michael’s beast roared savagely within him. It wanted to push him furiously to take, feast, devour her. Michael threw his head back, drowning himself in the exquisiteness of Natalie wrapped around him. Finally, when he was sure he wouldn’t come, he slowly began to move faster.

  When he began grinding against her, their bodies coming together over and over, she began to fall. She opened her legs wider, saying take me, fill me, ride me, give me all of you, take me to oblivion and soar with me. Nothing else existed, nothing was real except him rubbing and sliding against all those nerve endings over and over. She was spiraling. Her sex was like a ravenous
beast and he was feeding her with his cock. Whatever he was doing, whatever spot he’d found, made her feel like the tight coil of desire was about to blow.

  Everything inside her shattered, and her body began to shake. She screamed with the force of it. Michael’s mouth closed over hers, swallowing it, mixing it with his growl. He rode her hard, and fast, and deep. Each time he plunged into her rubbed her clit, and every time he circled his hips electrified those sensitive nerves inside her, and kept her soaring in ecstasy.

  She never wanted it to stop.

  He thrust deeply inside her as his whole body tensed. His voice rasped heavily into her ear, “Natalie…”

  He enveloped her in his embrace, and kissed her so deeply, it touched her soul.

  “God, Natalie, you’re so beautiful, this is so beautiful,” Michael said breathlessly.

  Michael had been with a lot of women, but never had his heart and soul been moved with the intensity of what he’d experienced with Natalie, his entire being trembled with it. He exploded with a kaleidoscope of beauty, colors, and power he’d never felt before. And everything he had, all that was within him, he wanted to pour into her and fill her up with it. Because that is what she’d done. Her beautiful soul had captivated him and filled him with its intensity. And it hurt.

  She wanted to tell him she loved him.


  1985…1 Month Later

  Paul pulled open the front door of the restaurant as a gust of cold wind hit him in the face. The sidewalks had piles of dirty snow pushed up against the buildings that lined the streets. It wasn’t pretty anymore, just a big damn mess.

  “I hate fucking winter,” he gritted out through chattering teeth.

  Paul knew Michael was working and would be getting off soon. He walked in, quickly scanned the room, and took an empty seat at the counter so Michael could see him through the window that separated the dining room and kitchen.

  The pretty young waitress set a menu down in front of him and gave the tall man a shy smile.


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