Sexual Healing: An Erotic Novel

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Sexual Healing: An Erotic Novel Page 11

by Matt Shaw

  “That’s better.”

  Her fingers continued to squeeze my nipples as she continued riding me and yet suddenly - I felt the blind-fold get pulled away from my eyes. I adjusted to the light in the room and was shocked to see a woman wearing a mask, riding my hard-on. Danni was standing to the side of the bed with a smile on her face.

  “What’s this?” I asked, pulling on the restraints to no avail.

  “This is a way for you to move on,” said Danni. “A woman you do not know. A woman who bears no resemblance to your ex and yet here you are - having sexual relations with her. You are not confined to the one woman or the one look. The world is your oyster and there are plenty more fish in the sea for you to meet and experiment with.”

  I looked at the girl riding me and asked her to remove her mask. She shook her head without stopping what she was doing. I looked down to my penis penetrating her each time she rode up and down the shaft; a fucking hot sight to behold made hotter by the fact I could see her juices stuck to the sheath.

  “The mask is important,” Danni leant down and whispered in my ear, “it’s reminding you that this really could be anyone. Any girl you meet out there, any girl you bump into in the street - this could be how the meeting ends so long as you give yourself… Allow yourself to open up and get to know them. Allow yourself to move on from both your ex and me.”

  My legs twitched. I couldn’t ignore the sensation of my cock being squeezed by her pussy anymore. The girl on top sensed it and started to ride me harder. I could hear her breathing heavily beneath the faceless mask on her face. Her nipples standing to attention, the wetness of her snatch - all telling me she was enjoying it as much as I. My legs kicked, my thighs tingled and I ejaculated - cumming harder than I believe I’d ever cum before. The mystery woman rode me softly until my body had stopped twitching and then holding the rubber steady on my penis, she climbed off me and - without a word - walked from the room. I heard another door, elsewhere in the apartment close. I looked back to Danni. She was looking at me. I didn’t recognise her expression. She sat on the bed next to where I lay bound still.

  “I won’t be seeing you anymore,” she told me. “It’s not good for you. You need to distance yourself from me, from another like your ex. You need to move on. It’s been long enough and - as tonight showed - there are plenty of other women out there. Women who don’t need to be paid. You just need to open up and put yourself out there again and you won’t do that all the while you’re pining over your ex…”

  The post-orgasm haze lifted as it become clear what she was saying. She’d organised all of this to help me move on from my past. I didn’t know what to make of it all. A bit overwhelming, I guess? But then - had it been offered beforehand - I’d most likely have turned it down.

  “Do you understand what I am trying to say?” she asked.

  I nodded. I did get the point she was making and - as far as points go - it was put nice a way I’ll remember for a long, long time. She undid the scarves’ knots, freeing my wrists. I sat up, smiling, “Well… That was different… And fun.” I smiled at her. She didn’t smile back. I pulled the rubber off and she held out her hand for it. I gave it to her and she wrapped it in a tissue torn from the roll next to her bed. She handed me the roll and I used a couple of sheets to clean myself up. “Do I at least get to meet your friend?” I asked, despite knowing the answer.

  “She doesn’t have a name. She’s anonymous.”

  I nodded. That’s what I thought.

  I picked my shorts and jeans up and climbed into them before doing my shirt up. I patted my pockets to ensure I had everything still and that nothing had fallen out; keys and wallet.

  “Do I owe you any more money?” I asked. “For arranging that?”

  She shook her head.

  “Well thank you.” I said. “So, I guess, this is it?”

  “I really hope you meet someone,” she said. “You’re a nice guy. You have a lot going for you. You just need to put yourself back out there.”

  “Is it that obvious I’d withdrawn from people?”

  Danni laughed and nodded, “Yes. Sorry to say but yes it was.”

  “Wish it really was as easy as you just made out,” I laughed. I turned around and walked from the bedroom towards the front door. I turned in the direction her friend went, “Can you tell her thank you at least?”

  Danni nodded.

  I reached out for the front door, “So… Good luck with everything and - erm - thank you for all that you did.” I smiled, “You know - from day one you’ve been a massive help, not just this.”

  “I tried my best. Tart with a heart.”

  I smiled, “You should learn to trust people a little more too. I’m not the only one who has withdrawn a little from society.” She didn’t answer. I saw my words hit their mark. I nodded a farewell, “So long then and thanks again.” I turned around and walked from the apartment. She watched me go for a split second and then the door closed behind me. As I walked back to my car I wasn’t sure whether I felt angry about what Danni had done. What she had organised for me. I guess - in her own way - she was trying to help me. Can’t be angry about that.


  I pulled into the petrol station. Should have just filled the damn tank the other day. I pulled up at the usual pump as soon as it was free (only a short wait). In my head I was playing her words over and over again - I need to get out there, I need to meet someone, I need to get back into the society I’d fallen away from. All easier said than done. I felt as though a part of me should be angry that she was getting involved where she wasn’t invited - and yet - I couldn’t. Her intentions were good. Her intentions were kind. I killed the engine and climbed from the car, walking to the pump. Two options; pay at the pump or pay at the desk. I hesitated moment; a loud bang to the left of me stealing my attention. I turned. There was a lady there; nice figure, red hair - medium length, green eyes. She noticed me as I noticed her. She smiled and I instinctively smiled back. I couldn’t remember the last time I’d noticed someone outside of my own bubble. I thought back to Danni’s words; I need to get out there. I thought back to my own excuse in that it was easier said than done. A stranger just smiled at me and I smiled back. Maybe it won’t be that hard?

  Two options for my petrol; pay at the pump or pay in the station.

  I opted to pay in the station.

  T H E E N D




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