Sons of Justice 9: Fighting Chance (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever)

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Sons of Justice 9: Fighting Chance (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever) Page 8

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  “You should take a class. It could help you if you find yourself in a bad predicament.”

  “I don’t plan on being in any bad predicaments, thank you,” she replied, glancing over her shoulder at him. Sure enough, he followed her into the office and closed the door behind them.

  “Where’s the part?” he asked, and she squinted at him as she turned to look at him.

  “You don’t need to do it. I can.”

  “I’m here.” He glanced at his watch. She walked over to the closet to find the box. She had no idea which one it was. She felt him right behind her.

  “Where is it?” he barked.

  She glanced over her shoulder at him, surprised by his close proximity, and she moved one box too quickly, and things started to fall. His arms came around her and toward the closet, catching things in front of her as she held her palms up against things on the top shelf, pushing her ass back against his hips. She felt his hard erection, gasped, and then sensed him inhaling against her hair.

  “This is a mess. Needs organization.” He lowered the box to the floor, pressing against her. His one arm wrapped around her waist, and he used his other to help her push the falling boxes back into place. She did it with shaking hands and body then felt his palm slid along her hip and thigh. She was incredibly aroused and couldn’t believe it. He was trouble. She knew that.

  She turned around, and he reached up and stroked her jaw. She stared up at him.

  “Bring a change of clothes tomorrow. Stuff to work out in. I want to show you a few moves.”

  “Why?” she asked him.

  He eyed over her chest then her lips as he brushed his thumb along the bottom one.

  “You should know some moves. The amount of guys that hit on you makes chances greater that one might not take no or not interested for an answer.”

  She was shocked.

  “I don’t think it’s a good idea.”

  “Why not?” he asked. Oh God, she wanted him to kiss her. This wasn’t good at all.

  His hand slid under her hair and held her head. He held her gaze, and she held his. He clenched his teeth, shook his head slightly side to side, and then pressed his mouth to hers. Holy shit, it was insane. The desire, the lust, the depth of what she felt. It was just like last night with Romano and the team. Oh God.

  He plunged his tongue into her mouth, wrapped an arm around her waist, and she felt so much. She felt lost in his embrace, feminine, sexy, like she drove this quiet, angry man insane with desire. She’d done this to him. Made him kiss her, want to feel her up, and oh God. She moaned into his mouth as his palm squeezed her ass, and he rocked his hips twice against her as if just letting her know she made his cock hard. Her pussy clenched with desire, and then his hand slid from her ass up her back to her neck, and the other stroked over her breast. She stepped back, banging into the closet, and he released her lips.

  “Easy,” he said to her. It was masculine, sexy, and spoken like a man with experience knocking women’s socks off from his kisses.

  “Why did you kiss me? You shouldn’t have kissed me. This isn’t good.”

  “Calm down,” he ordered, and it was an order. Hard, sharp demand, and she gulped. He reached up and stroked her hair from her face.

  “Where the fuck did you come from? How? Jesus, what the fuck?” he said as if talking to himself, but he was looking right at her.

  “Forget it. It was a mistake. We were—”

  “Don’t,” he warned her and stepped back.

  “Let’s find the part and fix it,” he said, and that was it. They looked for the part, and he worked on fixing the printer while she reorganized the closet and contemplated the many negative effects to making out with Hook.

  “I need to do another class. Be sure to bring a change of workout clothes tomorrow.”

  “Hook, I’m not taking a class here.”

  “Not a class, a private lesson with me.” He eyed her over and then walked out of the office.

  What the hell happened? How had this happened?

  Her cell phone rang, and as she went to grab it, she noticed the missed text messages from her mom and Kerry was calling her. She answered the phone.


  “When do you get off?”

  “In two hours. What’s wrong?”

  “I’m at work, and I ran by the townhouse for lunch, and Brick and Burrow didn’t come home last night. They texted that they were stuck on a job and had to grab a motel. Oh God, Merica, what if they’re cheating on me?”

  “They aren’t cheating on you. They don’t have steady jobs so they take on whatever they can get. I’m sure they were being honest and needed to stay over wherever they were. They love you. They aren’t cheating on you.”

  “My gut is clenching. Something is wrong. They’re lying to me.”

  “Then confront them when they come home later tonight.”

  “I need to take my mind off of this. I have three hours of work left.”

  “Well, I can tell you some things to take your mind off of this. Wait until you hear what I’ve gotten myself into.” She began to explain what had happened last night and now today.

  “Oh God, that isn’t good at all, Merica. Brick and Burrow said that Hook doesn’t even talk to his brother and the others. They share a really big house outside of SoJ, and Hook doesn’t socialize at all or even hang out. They could be disgruntled, and now you let them all kiss you and they are taking you to lunch tomorrow?”

  “Oh shit, I don’t know how it happened. The attraction is so strong. It’s insane.”

  “This is going to turn into a nightmare.”

  “I think it already has if what you heard is true.”

  “Maybe it isn’t. People make shit up all the time when they don’t know the details of the situation.”

  “But if it is true, then I could make matters worse. I don’t even want to date anyone or be involved with anyone.”

  “Why not? You deserve to be happy, not miserable.”

  “Yeah, well, my experience seeing how men treat women isn’t exactly a poster board for encouragement. In fact, my mom just texted me three times asking if I can stop by later tonight.”

  “Are you going to?”

  “She never texts me three times in a row begging.”

  “Well, be careful. I don’t know why you bother to keep her in your life at all.”

  “Neither do I. But I usually don’t even talk to her that much. I visited the other day. That should have covered me for quite some time. Call me later and I can stop by after my mom’s if you need me to.”

  “I will, especially if Brick and Burrow don’t show up.”

  “They’ll show up and explain what happened. Don’t worry.”

  Merica ended the call and then went back to work her mind on Hook’s kiss and his demand that she bring clothes tomorrow. Why did she imagine rolling on the mat with him? She ran her fingers through her hair and exhaled. She was a nervous wreck.

  * * * *

  “Oh God! Oh my God, what the hell happened to you?” Kerry cried the second she saw Brick and Burrow. Brick was worse off, eyes swollen closed, jaw bruised, forehead cut, and Burrow had a cut lip, bruised and cut cheekbone, and looked exhausted.

  “It’s okay, baby,” Burrow said to her, and she shook her head. She walked closer to the couch and tossed down her purse.

  “It isn’t okay. Who did this to you? Where did you go? Why didn’t you tell me something happened?” She walked closer to the couch.

  Brinker barked at her.

  “Don’t. We’re the men, and we’re in charge. You have to listen and do as we say,” he stated, shocking her. She pulled back and sat on the coffee table.

  “There are things going on that we can’t, and won’t, explain to you. We’re working out a deal, doing some fighting on the side.” Burrow said to her.

  “Illegal fighting?” she asked, easily putting it together. The secrecy, their heavy training, disappearing for days, and coming back
battered and bruised.

  “It isn’t your concern. We’re doing what is necessary.”

  “Necessary, Burrow? This is necessary?” she asked, waving a hand toward Brick laid up on the couch. Burrow stepped closer and caressed her hair.

  “We got involved with some bad people. We’re in it now for the long haul and can’t turn back. We have to continue. But we have a way out. If we can get through this tough time, then we’ll have a lot of money, success, and we can take care of you the way we’re supposed to be doing.”

  “No, Burrow. You’ll get pulled in deeper. We can get help. There are people who know how to get out of these types of things.”

  “No!” Brick yelled, and she jumped.

  Burrow grabbed her by her shoulders.

  “You can’t tell a soul. Not one single person. Not Merica, no one. It’s our lives on the line. They’ll kill us, and they’ll kill you. You don’t know how these things work and how it all operates.” Tears rolled down her cheeks.

  “We love you, baby. Can you do this? Can you keep the secret and let us handle it?” She was so scared, but she loved them very much and would do anything for them.

  She nodded her head. Burrow pulled her into his arms and hugged her tight. He caressed her back as she cried and shook in his arms. “It will be okay, baby. I promise. We’ll work it out.”

  She held him tight and prayed that it was true and they could get out of this situation. She couldn’t tell a soul.

  Chapter Four

  Hook walked into the kitchen after showering from the gym. Romano was standing by the stove cooking up some breaded chicken cutlets for dinner.

  “Hey,” he said to Hook.

  Hook nodded.

  “How was work?” Romano asked him.

  “Same,” Hook said, even though it wasn’t the same. Work hadn’t been the same since Merica showed up, and then Flick had asked him to be partners in the business, and of course, his instant fucking move on Merica today. Hell, work was changing. He felt himself changing and wondered what the heck was happening to him. One make-out session with a beautiful, sexy, young woman like Merica, and he felt different somehow.

  “Heard you met Merica there, that she’s doing some bookkeeping for Flick.” Romano took the last chicken cutlet out of the pan and turned off the stove.

  Hook looked up from the refrigerator.

  “You know her?”

  “Spoke with her last night at The Ring. She was there with friends.”

  “She started working for Flick while Celia is out.”

  “Beautiful woman. Nearly got caught in the middle of a situation near the bar as she was coming out with Captain and some other guy. I guess she works there, too.”

  “Situation?” he asked with concern.

  “We took care of things. Got her out of the way and then spent some time talking to her,” he told Hook and stared at him.

  Hook stared at him right back. What the fuck was he saying or trying to tell him? That they’d hooked up with Merica? That they were interested? He was interested. Hell, he felt a little bit jealous, and then came the crazy thoughts. What if they all had feelings for her?

  “She packs a hell of a punch. Clear hit us all out of left field. How about you?”

  “How about me what?” he asked in a snappy tone.

  “You know what. When she found out we knew you, she got all serious and stepped back from us. You make a move on her?” he asked.

  “If I did, then what?”

  “Then we all have some serious talking to do.”


  “We all kissed her last night,” Greco chimed in, joining the conversation. Ricci and Rossi walked into the kitchen, too. He stared at each of them. They’d all kissed Merica?

  “It was going well, talking to her, making out a little, then I fucked up,” Greco said.

  “It wasn’t a fuckup, Greco. It slowed things down good. She wouldn’t have come home with us last night. She isn’t that kind of woman,” Rossi said.

  “She has class and is sweet, shy and likable. Men hit on her all the fucking time. Look how many did last night,” Ricci added.

  “You didn’t stop them? Step in and make it clear you’re interested?” Hook asked.

  “Would you have?” Romano asked.

  “I wasn’t in that situation,” Hook snapped.

  “Seems to me she likes you,” Romano sated to Hook.

  He narrowed his eyes at Romano.

  “When your name came up, she almost blew us off and walked away, but we convinced her to stay. When we planned on meeting for lunch tomorrow, she was hesitant. She got a bit annoyed at Greco for talking about going home with us. Pissed her off, actually.” Romano chuckled.

  “Well, if you’re looking to fuck her, then don’t pursue her,” Hook stated firmly.

  Greco whistled.

  “When have we ever had to look for women to fuck? Hell, Hook, this is different. None of us are stupid and ain’t no use denying it. You met her and like her. We met her and like her. The attraction is there. She just isn’t biting for whatever reason,” Rossi stated.

  “Like maybe she likes you, too, and doesn’t want there to be some problem between all of us over her,” Ricci said.

  “I’m not looking for commitment of any kind. Don’t even know if I’ll stick around here. I got a lot on my plate.”

  “Like what?” Romano asked.

  “Flick offered me a partnership.” His brother’s eyes widened.

  “That’s great. You should take it,” Romano stated.

  “Why, so you can ensure I stay here in Repose?” Hook asked.

  “Hell yeah. I’ve worried about you since day one, bro. We all worry about you since you left the SEALs and got into that shit you got into. This would be a great way to set roots, establish home more for you,” Romano said.

  “Ain’t just coincidence that Merica works there and that we met her, too. This just keeps getting better,” Rossi said.

  “Not sure it’s better. None of us have ever done any commitment with a woman. Shared a few long weekends with the same woman, but it wasn’t more than sex,” Ricci stated.

  “One fucking question, how did you all feel leaving that bar without her? Without kissing her again, or making it publically known she belongs to us. All of us?” Romano asked and looked at Hook.

  “Belong to you four, as a team. A team I’m not part of,” Hook said.

  “That’s where you’re wrong. We could be a team together for her,” Greco said.

  “You all better be fucking serious. This staking guardianship, a claim, is serious stuff. We’ve seen it with our friends,” Romano stated.

  “You can’t tell me it didn’t affect you seeing our friends’ reaction to their woman. To worrying that she could be dead, that another man could rape her, take from her, and that it didn’t affect you. It affected me. Made me realize that if an opportunity arose that I wouldn’t be stubborn or stupid about it. All five of us are attracted to her, want her as our woman. We share fucking everything, why not Merica, too?” Ricci asked.

  Hook exhaled. He should walk the fuck away. Get out and not open his heart, his mind, to this, but he couldn’t. What they were all saying was true, and there was no way of denying it. He wouldn’t be able to stand back and watch his brother and his team claim Merica. Kiss her, explore her body, and claim that body theirs.

  He wouldn’t be able to talk about his feelings though. He wasn’t capable of any of that. He remained silent as they all spoke about what they needed to do next.

  “Let’s see how tomorrow goes. We’re meeting her for lunch. You should come, too, Hook,” Romano said.

  “And scare her? No, you guys meet her,” Hook said to them.

  “No, Hook, you know you want to meet her, too. Want to see where this leads,” Greco said to him.

  “I’m working.”

  “Leave the gym with her to meet us,” Rossi suggested.

  Hook was silent.

“Think about her. About how it feels when other men hit on her or want her. Do we know if this will work out or not? No, but we can’t ignore what we all felt when we kissed her. Now maybe you don’t know what that feels like, but it’s intense to say the least,” Ricci said to him.

  Hook knew what it felt like. Knew he wanted her. Hell, wanted to get lost in her eyes, never mind that sexy body. He’d been jealous and pissed as Spence hit on her. He even ordered her to bring a change of clothes to learn some self-defense skills. Who was he kidding? He wanted an opportunity to touch her, hold her, hell, maybe even roll around on the mats with her, too.

  “We’ll see how the morning goes. No promises,” he said, and Romano nodded.

  “We’ll see what happens.”

  * * * *

  “Any way you can come in for me to work five to closing?” Captain asked Merica over the phone. She looked at all the paperwork she needed to do and then she had to stop by the office at the product review company and take a few phone calls to set up a session for Thursday.

  “Please, Merica, I need you. That whole situation with Michelle turned into a complete mess,” he added when she didn’t respond.

  She would also need to cancel the lunch date with Romano and the others. Maybe this was a way out of it to give her more time to think about dating them, hell, whatever it was she would do with them.

  “Okay. I may be a few minutes late.”

  “Thank you so much. I know you’re working the big fight next week, too, so I appreciate this. It’s going to be a busy night.”

  “Okay, no problem.” She ended the call. She leaned back into her chair.

  She felt guilty like maybe Romano and the team would think she did this on purpose to avoid them, but she hadn’t. She looked at her cell phone and scrolled back through the recent text messages, including one from Greco. She had been surprised when he texted last night confirming lunch today. She wondered how he’d gotten her number but then realized that was probably something simple to do for a man as capable as him. A marine, a member of Sons of Justice, God only knew what these men were capable of.

  She texted the message. Hi, Greco, I’m so sorry, but I need to cancel our lunch today. Something came up with work.


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