Sons of Justice 9: Fighting Chance (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever)

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Sons of Justice 9: Fighting Chance (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever) Page 10

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  “Slow down. Oh God, we have to stop. This isn’t right.”

  He lifted up and rocked his hard cock against her mound.

  “This is what you do to me. To us. It’s meant to be. Invite us home with you.”

  “No.” She wiggled free. He lowered her feet to the ground but kept a large, possessive hand over her ass. It was crazy how big they were in comparison to her. She felt scared yet turned on and protected by them. It was a lot to take in.

  “Why are you saying no? You want this. To see where it ends up,” he said to her.

  “I don’t want it to be just sex. I’m not that type of woman.”

  “We know you aren’t,” Rossi stated.

  |She fixed her top, and they looked her over, appearing frustrated. Well, probably sexually frustrated. She’d done this to them, but she needed it to be more than just about sex.

  “I can’t invite you over. I hardly know you.”

  “You know enough,” Rossi said to her as he stroked her hair, slid his hand under her hair to her neck, and stepped closer. She pressed back, and Romano gripped her hips and held her snugly to him, her back to his chest.

  “We’ll slow things down. We’ll do lunch tomorrow, and we’ll talk. Get to know one another better.” He kissed her neck.

  “We’ll see.”

  “No, you commit, right now, say yes to meeting us at Cassidy’s Café and Restaurant,” Rossi said to her. She stared up into his dark eyes.

  “Okay. Fine. Tomorrow, twelve thirty.”

  Rossi pressed his lips to hers and then stepped aside so Greco and Ricci could do the same. Then Romano kissed her last and opened her car door. “We’ll follow you home.”

  “No need to, I’ll be fine.”

  “We follow,” he commanded, and she knew not to bother to argue. Something told her if she did get involved romantically with these men that there would be a hell of a lot of ordering. Instead of it making her fearful, she once again felt aroused at the prospect. Perhaps being ordered around in the bedroom might really rock her world.

  Chapter Five

  “What happened?” Merica asked her mom the second her mom opened the door and she saw her battered face.

  Merica hadn’t wanted to come, but her mom had been crying over the phone this morning at seven a.m. She hurried over, second-guessing her decision along the way, but her mom sounded so desperate and upset. Now, as she entered the kitchen from the back door, she saw her mother dressed in a skirt and flimsy top, her breasts showing, her hair done up, but her face battered and bruised.

  “Rodge. He’s been going out late. Came home all drunk and things got out of hand.”

  “What do you mean out of hand?”

  “He was raging. I pushed him over his limit.”

  She knew what that meant. He’d struck her mom, and she was making excuses.

  “Where is he now?”

  “Passed out downstairs in the basement.”

  Merica looked that way.

  “Why are you letting him stick around?”

  “Oh, don’t start that with me, Merica. He’s my boyfriend. I love him, and he loves me. He just drank too much.”

  “What do you want me to do? I can’t help you if you don’t want to help yourself. Why the hell am I even here?”

  “There you are.” She heard Rodge’s voice and turned to see him standing in front of the back door she’d just come through. His eyes were bloodshot, and he looked hung over, with his shirt unbuttoned, as he looked her over, licking his lips.

  “You did this to her?”

  “That’s none of your business. A man has the power and control in the house and over his woman. She denies him, talks back, asks too many questions, and she gets what’s coming to her. Needs to learn her place.” He walked over toward her mom, Michelle, and placed his hands on her shoulders. He, of course, looked Merica over and smiled. “You look really good. He’ll like that.”

  She didn’t know what he meant.

  “Me too right? I’m doing what you wanted and we’re good now?” her mom asked, actually bowing down to this jerk of a man.

  “She’s making up for it now though. You’ll be great, baby, like always.” He rocked his hips against her mom’s ass.

  “I’m leaving.” Merica went to walk forward, but then Rodge got in her way and put his hand up as if he were going to place it on her shoulder. She stepped back.

  “Met some friends of yours last night. They got themselves in a jam,” he said.

  She squinted at him. She was nervous and knew something was up. Why had she bothered to come here? This man, and what he did to her mother, was why she avoided getting involved with any men herself. They could seem nice or just commanding, and they strike.

  “Made me three grand, though, on a bet.”

  “What friends?” Merica asked.

  “Oh, those two men your friend is fucking. They got all banged up last night. Won their fight but now they have heavies on their asses. They caused a bunch of shit, and I can’t get my bet in on them winning their next one. That’s where you come in. You need to place my bet with them.”

  “No, I don’t even know what you’re talking about.” She shook her head and again tried to leave.

  She went to walk past him, and he grabbed her arm and yanked her back. Her hip hit the table.

  “No, Rodge don’t hurt her. She don’t know nothing about how those things work. She don’t,” her mom said, and he backhanded her mom across the mouth. Merica yelled out and shoved at him for hitting her mother as her mom and Rodge started swinging at one another. She realized in a flash that they were both crazy and stepped back, went to the right, and got caught in the eye and eyebrow by his watch. She felt the stinging and ache and knew she was going to be sporting an injury.

  “You two are crazy. I want nothing to do with you. Nothing,” she yelled as she hurried toward the door.

  Some guy was standing there. She recognized him instantly. She was sure she’d seen him at the gym with Lucky. He was tall, six feet, with wide, muscular shoulders, dark brown hair, brown eyes, and was wearing a dress shirt tucked into dress pants. He looked her body over, and she had a really bad feeling. She knew she had to do whatever she needed to in order to get out of this situation. The realization that her mom allowed this, set her up for something, some sort of gambling thing, irked her. She swallowed hard.

  “Wait, Merica,” the guy said to her. Her gut clenched that he knew her name, that he showed up here and now, and that Rodge set it up.

  “Don’t go, Merica, he’s here to meet you. We’re going to party together tonight,” Rodge said.

  She felt sick. Party? Like what, have sex with this guy? What in God’s name. Her anger boiled through her system. “Go to hell!”

  “Merica, wait. You have to stay. We promised that you would,” her mom called out as Rodge wrapped an arm around her mom’s waist and started kissing her neck. He lifted her up.

  “Hey, baby, calm down. It will be fun,” the guy said to her, reached out, and caressed her hair.

  She stepped to the side, and he countered, getting in her way. Why did she suddenly feel like she wished she’d taken those self-defense classes? She thought of Hook, of Romano, Greco, Ricci, and Rossi. If she were with one of them, this wouldn’t be happening to her right now. Why the hell did she even think that? She didn’t know, but as the guy took her hand and eyed over her breasts, she reacted. She pulled back, and he yanked her forward, completely overpowering her with size and strength. His hand went to her ass, pressing her to him.

  “You and I are going to go in the other room and talk.” He stroked her hair, and she tried pulling back.

  “No, no, I don’t want this. I don’t know what you want from me.”

  He gripped her hair. “I’ll explain, but first things first.” He kissed her on the mouth.

  She struggled to get free and realized quickly that she couldn’t defeat him strength wise. She had to outsmart him. To get out of the house as quickly
as she could. She slightly relaxed, just enough to make the jerk loosen his hold. She was shaking so much, and tears were rolling down her cheeks. She heard dishes fall to the floor and then moaning and clothing ripping.

  Rodge was screwing her mom on the table, and this guy was going to rape her. He released her lips, and she gasped for breath, gripped his arms, and as he moaned against her neck, kissing her skin, she made her move. Allowed her disgust, her rage to come full surface.

  She shoved her knee up hard, hitting him in the crotch, and then slammed her forearms over his head and shoulder, making him fall to the ground. She then kneed him in the face. He hollered and fell back, his hands over his nose and mouth as he raged. Her mom was on the table, clothing ripped, Rodge looking fierce as he pulled out of her body. She ran out the door, down the steps, and to her car. She started the ignition and saw Rodge yelling at her from the doorway, pants down his legs, cock out. Her tires squealed, and she took off, crying about what had happened and wondering what the hell to do next.

  She was shaking so hard as she sped away from the house and home to her place. Once she got home, locked everything up and hoped that they didn’t come here looking for her, she called Kerry and got no answer. As she looked into the mirror, she cringed. How the hell was she going to go to work? Meet the guys for lunch? Hell, see Hook like this, never mind Flick. Why had her mom’s problems suddenly become hers? Her mom was not her mom. She had to realize that. She wouldn’t become her. She wouldn’t be some man or men’s possession and fuck toy. Who the hell was that guy who attacked her? What did he want? What did all of this have to do with Kerry’s men?

  Tears streamed down her face, and she shook with fear, with sadness. She could have been raped. Her mom had set her up. Rodge’s intentions were to party with them together. He wanted to rape her, too, wanted to force some sort of ownership on her. She was disgusted, angry, and as she tried breathing through her fear and get through what had occurred, the wall began to go up. The instant barrier she produced in mind over matter to stay protected and safe. Forced herself to think of her life, her responsibilities, and nothing more. She just needed to stay clear of her mom and Rodge. If she did that, nothing else would go wrong.

  She needed to talk to Kerry. Why wouldn’t she answer? Did she find out about Brick and Burrow fighting and there being bets on them? An underground fighting circuit? Would they be so stupid? She didn’t know much about them, just some stories she’d caught wind of here and there.

  She thought about the danger she could be in. Would they come here looking to hurt her, to finish what they tried to start? Maybe she needed to talk to Cesar. If she did, then he would assign guardians. Oh God, if he knew about Romano and the others, and how she’d made out with them at The Ring the other night, then he would ask them to watch over her. She realized instantly that she was already too scared, too untrusting to let those men in her life and especially now. Now if they were forced to watch over her, then it would be like an arranged thing. No, no, she needed to just hide the injury somehow. She could do it. She could come up with something.

  Maybe talk to Thylane and Kendra about self-defense instruction. Something on the down low, not something at the MMA fighting gym. Flick was going to lose his mind if he found out what had happened and saw her eye.

  She looked at it in the mirror. It wasn’t terrible. She could hide it with sunglasses. Of course wearing them indoors would make them suspicious. Them? God, she was thinking of Hook. She shook, wrapped her arms around herself, and tears fell. He would find her weak, troubled, perhaps immature and stupid for getting caught in that situation. The man was fierce and seemed to only expect the best out of people. The most talented, strongest of fighters and his brother, Romano, and the team were no different. Perhaps this was a sign to not get involved with men like them after all. At any point they could break and attack her. Expect her to be obedient like Rodge expected of her mother. His words indicated that he was in charge at all items and his woman needed to learn her place.

  Wouldn’t soldiers like Hook, Romano, Greco, Ricci, and Rossi expect the same type of obedience from a woman they were intimate with?

  She would be their slut, their slave, their fuck toy, and nothing more. Men like them didn’t do commitments. No, she couldn’t trust them. Couldn’t be foolish enough to think that what she felt in their arms and when they kissed her was anything more than lust, than an attraction. It would be meaningless once they had sex. She would be used goods. They would continue to be dominant men who got what they wanted, and she would be another notch on their belts.

  More tears fell, and a deep feeling of loneliness filled her gut. She was hollow inside, felt worthless, alone, scared, and there was no way she could see them or let her guard down in front of them. No way.

  * * * *

  “She isn’t coming. Totally a no-show,” Greco said to Romano.

  They were outside of the restaurant just waiting on Merica to come, and sure enough, forty minutes passed and she wasn’t there. Romano had a bad feeling. He was disappointed but also a bit angry. Why was she so resistant to this? To getting to know them?

  Ricci shook his head. “Something scared her. She felt the attraction.”

  “Or she faked it. She did walk away from us when I mentioned coming home with us.”

  “No, Greco, it could be her age and inexperience. She’s young, and we talked about that being an issue,” Ricci added.

  “Who are you calling?” Greco asked Romano.

  “Hook. He’s working at the gym. If she’s there, he’ll find out.”

  “And then what?” Ricci said.

  “Hook, yeah, is Merica there?” Romano asked.

  “I think so. Saw her walk in this morning.”

  “She didn’t show for lunch like we discussed with her.”

  Hook was quiet.

  “So maybe she changed her mind.”

  “Not sure.”

  “Wait, I’m walking by now.” Romano heard the exchange. It sounded like Flick was yelling, something about killing that asshole.

  “Hook, what’s wrong? Is that Flick?”

  “Fuck, get here. Something isn’t right. She’s hurt, and Flick is pissed.”

  * * * *

  “Take the sunglasses off. Now!” Flick demanded of her.

  She eased back in the chair, could tell she was going to have to face this situation head-on. She had gotten away with wearing the sunglasses all morning because the office was empty and everyone was busy with classes.

  “Flick, it’s fine. Please don’t flip out.”

  “Take them off, he demanded, and as she removed them with shaking hands, he flipped out.

  “Who? Was it Rodge? That fucking asshole is dead. I am going to kill that guy when I get my hands on him,” he yelled, and as she stood up, she saw Hook standing there with a phone to his ear. Then he put it away and narrowed his eyes at her.

  “Please calm down,” she said to Flick.

  Hook stared right at her, his eyes zeroed in on her eye and the bruising and red scrape. He came closer.

  “What happened?”

  Flick glanced at Hook.

  “That’s what I’m trying to find out. She’s been hiding behind the damn sunglasses.”

  “Is this why you were a no-show to lunch with Romano and the guys?” Hook asked her.

  She was shocked, and so was Flick as he squinted at her then looked at Hook.

  “You, your brother, and the others?” he asked Hook. Hook’s eyes were glued to hers as he slowly walked closer to her. She didn’t move. Couldn’t move.

  “You’re seeing them? Hook, too?” Flick asked.

  “No,” she replied and saw Hook’s expression.

  The scowl on his face as he stood now inches in front of her made her shake, but she held her ground. She couldn’t tell them about what happened. About Brick and Burrow possibly being involved in underground fighting. Not until she spoke with Kerry. Not until she knew what was happening. As far as her mot
her and Rodge were concerned, she was finished with them. Completely finished with them.

  “Who did this?” Hook asked her as he reached up, gripped her chin, and looked down at the damage.

  The man towered over her. The feel of his thick, hard fingers holding her chin and jaw aroused her, and it was stupid. So very stupid to want to feel his protection. Why was she assuming that he, his brother, or the team would protect her and not hurt her? Assumptions got people hurt, and she wouldn’t allow that to happen.

  She turned from his hold and went to move, but he gripped her hip.

  “Talk to me, to us, now,” he demanded.

  “Her mother has a dick boyfriend who is using her for insurance money. He’s into illegal shit. Has his eyes on Merica,” Flick stated.

  “What?” Hook asked, teeth clenched and eyes narrowed in a way that warned her the man was lethal when angry.

  “Flick, don’t.”

  “Don’t what? Don’t care, don’t watch out for you, don’t let that guy try to forcibly kiss you and assault you? What? You know it’s true. Is that what happened? Did he touch you again or this time come after you for sex? Did he try to force himself on you?” Flick raised his voice.


  She was shocked to see Romano standing in the doorway, along with Greco, Ricci, and Rossi.

  Tears filled her eyes, and she shook her head.

  “Stop this. It’s none of your concern. Why are you even here?” She raised her voice.

  Romano and the others came into the office the rest of the way, and Romano was right there looking at her. He squinted. “Who did it?” Rossi asked, chest pushed out, fists by his side.

  She didn’t understand this. They were acting like they really cared. Like they were sincerely angry at seeing the bruise and cut by her eye. Could she trust them? Were they for real, or was she just desperate to be held and protected?

  She closed her eyes and exhaled, only to feel Hook pull her into his arms and hug her as Romano pressed up against her back and kissed her bare shoulder as they held her between them.


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