Full Throttle

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Full Throttle Page 7

by Lizzie Hart Stevens

  “Nope. Awake now. Be there in half an hour. I need to shower first.”

  “Well hurry up, will you? I don’t have all day, you know!”

  The bitch hangs up before I can say anything else. I slam my phone back onto the table.

  “Wow, you were right. She really is a bitch, isn’t she?” Lexi asks as she gets out of bed and starts gathering her clothes.

  “You heard her?” I ask, wondering if my phone was that loud.

  “No. But anyone that calls and wakes a person up this early can’t be a very nice person.”

  Lexi heads out of the bedroom.

  “Just going to quickly freshen up, and I’ll go home to shower so you can get ready,” I hear her say as she’s walking down the hall.

  A few moments later, she comes back wearing a pair of khaki shorts and a black t-shirt with her Chucks. I sit up on the edge of the bed. Just the sheet covering my waist.

  “Damn, you’re beautiful.”

  The words are out of my mouth before I realize what I’m saying.

  Fuck! You’ve had your fun with her, Coen! Now send her away before she gets too attached!

  Or before I get too attached. She blushes.

  Shit. She’s even more beautiful when she blushes.

  She tugs at her shirt, shrugs her shoulders, and crinkles her nose.

  “Um, thanks, but these are just my work clothes, Coen. Nothing fancy. I have to work at the restaurant today.”

  Running her hands through her hair, she throws it up into a ponytail and pulls it tight.

  “I better run.”

  She’s frantically gathering up her things. A few seconds later, she stops dead in her tracks and says, “Oh. I’ll call a cab.”

  I just smirk.

  “I’ll drop you off on my way to my aunt’s house,” I say, letting the sheet fall to the floor as I get up.

  I walk over to Lexi and place a gentle kiss on her forehead.

  “But there isn’t time for both of us to shower here, Coen.”

  She’s looking everywhere in the room but at me. It’s making her uncomfortable because I’m naked. Cute.

  “There is if we both go in at the same time, Sweet Cheeks.”

  I slap her on that hot ass of hers, and I walk past her toward the bathroom. I’m halfway down the hall before I realize she isn’t following.

  “Time’s a wastin’, Lex! No funny business, I promise!” I say, walking into the bathroom and turning on the shower.

  “Alright, fine!”

  What have I gotten myself into with this one?



  By the time I step into the shower, Coen’s tall, muscular, tattooed body is covered in soap suds. He’s fast. It’s probably best we didn’t shower together, anyways. I’m mesmerized watching him run his hands through his wet hair, over his arms and down his body. Last night was so unlike me. Sleeping with a man I just met and agreeing to spend the night with him. But it was the best sex I’ve had in a long time. We were so in tune with each other. I need to prepare myself for the fact that this, he and I, may never happen again. But I’ve never felt this safe with someone before. I’ve never felt like half of my heart was walking around outside of my body. He treats me like an equal. He knows I can stand up for myself, yet he still wants to protect me. And I have no idea why he does, but I’m going to enjoy it while I can, because once I step foot out of his car later, I’ll be on my own. I’m not sure I even remember what that’s like. Being on my own.

  He rinses off and steps out to grab a towel that’s sitting beside the sink. He gives me a soft smile and a wink as he starts wraps the towel around his waist.

  “I know I’m fucking sexy as hell, Lex, but get that sweet ass of yours in the shower or we’ll both be late.”

  My cheeks feel flush, and I realize I’ve been staring. As I pull off my shirt, I feel a sharp sting.

  “Hey!” I screech.

  Coen slapped my ass. He laughs as he walks past me, shutting the door behind him.

  “Five minutes, Lexi!”

  I hear him shout from the hallway. Stepping into the shower, it dawns on me. I’m going to be using his soap and shampoo. This means I’m going to smell like him all day. I’m not making this any easier on myself.

  I shower and dress as fast as I can. By the time I get back to Coen’s bedroom, he’s not there. I continue down the stairs.

  “Coen? Where are you?” I can hear shuffling around.

  “In here, Sweet Cheeks!”

  I follow the sound of his voice to the kitchen. He’s standing next to the gray marble top counter wearing jeans that are slightly worn, a pair of black Chucks, and a black t-shirt. Two small glasses of orange juice sit in front of him along with two bananas, one for each of us.

  “Sorry, I don’t normally have company in the mornings. This is the best I can do for a quick breakfast.”

  He grimaces and shrugs.

  “This is great, Coen. Thank you.”

  I peel one of the bananas and take a bite.

  “I don’t normally eat much in the mornings, anyways. I’m usually in too much of a rush to get out of the house,” I say through a mouthful.

  He smirks and slowly shakes his head. His green eyes are wide with amusement.

  “Jesus, Lex.”

  He takes my face in his hands and places his forehead against mine, closing his eyes. And then he starts to laugh.

  I pull away, looking at him like he’s crazy.

  “What the hell is so funny? Have you lost your damn mind? I don’t think you got enough sleep last night.”

  His laughter fades quickly, and he pulls my face closer to his again. Our lips are almost touching, and I can feel his breath on my face. His eyes lock onto mine as he brushes his thumb softly over my bottom lip.

  “You’re just so fucking beautiful, Lexi, even when you’re talking with your mouth full of food.”

  He tucks a loose strand of hair behind my ear.

  “You’re beautiful while getting a tattoo, never flinching once. You’re beautiful while you’re singing at the top of your lungs, shaking that amazingly perfect ass of yours and cleaning your badass car. You’re beautiful all hot and sweaty after racing. You’re beautiful when you’re naked in my bed.”

  He presses his lips against mine, deep and passionate, and then suddenly pulls away. Turning his back to me, he walks over and grips the edge of the sink.

  “Fuck, Lex!”

  I jump from the sudden change in his volume.

  “I just…you…” He sighs.

  “I can’t promise you a relationship, Lexi, but I need to see you again. I can’t explain it right now, but I’m so drawn to you. I’m starting to believe we were meant to cross paths yesterday.”

  I sit down on the bar stool at the counter and rest my head on my hand.

  “Coen…I’m not really sure what to say right now. No one’s ever said anything like that to me before.”

  He turns around, eyes toward the floor.

  “Well, we can talk more in the car. We should get going. It’s almost seven, and I still have to drop you off at work. Queen Sarah will be blowing up my phone if I’m not there soon.”

  The car ride is silent for the first few minutes. Coen’s gripping the steering wheel hard like he’s upset, although I’m not really sure with whom. He checks his mirrors and plays with the radio at every red light.

  “Coen…last night, yesterday, was the most amazing day I’ve had in so long. I can’t remember the last time I was so spontaneous. You’re bringing out a side of me that I haven’t seen in years. I’ve missed this part of me. And the sex was…”

  I blush and look out the window.

  “I haven’t been treated that well in a long time, Coen. You make me feel like an equal, and you make me feel safe. I don’t want those feelings or this part of me to go away again.”

  Coen glances over at me and smiles just before we pull into the restaurant parking lot. He stops and puts the car in park.

  “Give me your phone.” He holds out his hand, waiting.

  “Where’s yours?” I ask, looking at him confused. I just told him how I felt and he wants my phone?

  “In my pocket. I want to put my number in your phone. Please?” he asks, raising his eyebrows in question.

  I reach into my purse, grab my phone, and place it in his hand. He quickly adds his number and hands it back with a devilish grin.

  “Text me any time. Day or night,” he says as I start to get out of the car.


  He gets out and jogs over to my side before I’m completely out. He grabs my hand and pulls me to him, grabbing my ass while crushing his lips to mine in a kiss so deep that I moan into the back of his throat. I’m pretty sure my toes are actually curling.


  He forces himself to pull away and tries to catch his breath.

  “Actually, text me later on your break.”

  He swats me on the ass and runs back around to his side of the car. I shut the door and smile, shaking my head in disbelief.

  Where has this man been all my life?

  He stops just before he gets back in.

  “What are you doing to me, Lexi Taylor?”

  He gets in the car and rolls down the passenger window for me to poke my head inside.

  “I could say the same to you, Coen Walker.”

  I back away and smile as I blow him a kiss. And he drives away.

  The restaurant has been slow today. Normally we’re so busy on Saturdays that we barely have time to sit down for a break. Our regulars must be trying out the new bistro on the other side of town. My co-worker, Jo, is waiting on the last few tables from lunch, and I’m just finishing rolling up the clean silverware when I get a text alert.

  Coen: Hey, Sweet Cheeks, how’s work?

  Me: Slow. Boring. How’d things go at your aunt’s?

  Coen: Ugh. About as well as expected.

  Me: Sorry. Big plans tonight?

  Coen: Sadly, no. I get off at the race track at 7. After that I’ll probably go home, strip down to my underwear, and maybe watch a movie. Exciting, right?

  Me: Sounds like a great idea to me! Want some company?

  Coen: Who did you have in mind?

  Oh, he thinks he’s so funny. And God, it’s so damn cute.

  Me: Very funny.

  Coen: Haha! Just kidding, beautiful!! What time do you get off? I’ll pick you up. You don’t have a ride home anyways, remember?

  Me: I get off at 5. I’ll have Jo take me home so I can properly shower, and you can pick me up from my place when you get off. Sound good?

  Coen: I’m sorry, you lost me after you said you get off…now my cock is hard.

  Me: Oh my God, Coen.

  Coen: I’m kidding! I’m kidding! Maybe…LOL. Yes, that sounds great. I will see you then.

  Me: See you later.

  “Earth to Lexi!”

  Jo is standing in front of me, tapping her foot and crossing her arms. She looks a little annoyed.

  “Huh? What? Sorry, Jo, what do you need?”

  I shove my phone back in my apron and try to keep from grinning like an idiot, but I know she’s on to me.

  “I was just wondering if you needed a ride home, but now I want to know who has you so flustered.”

  She raises an eyebrow at me and smirks.

  “Yes, a ride home would be great, thank you! And he’s just a new friend.”

  I can’t hide my smile. I’m blushing.

  “Yeah, sure, doll. Friend. Whatever you say!” Jo laughs. “I’ll be ready to go in about five minutes.”

  “Okay, Jo. I’ll meet you out by your car,” I say, taking off my apron and putting it under the counter.

  Grabbing my purse, I head out the back door where Jo always parks her car. All that’s usually back here are the dumpsters. But today I see a car I don’t recognize parked toward the back of the lot. I wonder if one of the new waitresses owns it.

  I’m standing next to Jo’s car, scrolling through an app on my phone when I hear footsteps behind me in the gravel.

  “That was fast, J…”

  Someone wraps their arm around me, squeezing my ribs tight. Before I can scream, their other hand is forcing a cloth over my mouth. It smells sweet.

  I feel weak. I try so hard to fight the darkness closing in. I need to call Coen, but I lose all control of my body and drop my phone.

  My eyelids are heavy.

  My world goes black.

  Can’t Slow Down



  I’m focusing hard on trying to beat Level 4 of Donkey Kong when my mom and dad walk over to tell me goodbye. It feels different this time, although I’m really not sure why.

  “One sec, Mom.” My thumbs are going as fast as they can, pressing the keys in a perfect rhythm.

  “Yes! Got it!” I throw my arms up in excitement. “Sorry, Momma, I just had to beat that level!”

  Mom kneels down on the floor so that she’s eye level with me and places her hands on my knees. She looks so pretty in her new blue dress and high heels. Her brown hair is curly today and she’s wearing makeup. Momma doesn’t always wear makeup.

  “Coen, sweetie, Daddy and I are going to a wedding tonight. You’re going to sleep here at Aunt Sarah’s, and we will pick you up in the morning.” I hate when my parents leave me with Aunt Sarah. It’s so boring. I’m not allowed to touch anything.

  As if Momma can read my mind, she places her hands on my cheeks and looks me in the eyes. “You be a good boy and listen to your aunt, okay, baby? Dad and I love you very much.” She kisses me on the forehead.

  There are lots of breakable things at Aunt Sarah’s. I’m not even allowed to get close to the wooden cabinets with glass doors that hold her special things. But I’ll listen to Mom.

  I don’t want them to go, but I don’t want my mom to feel bad either. “I love you too, Mom and Dad. I’ll be good. I promise. See you tomorrow.” I stand up and hug Dad. He’s wearing a dressy button-up white shirt and a pair of black dressy pants and shiny black shoes. His hair is shiny, too.

  “Love you, son. Mind your manners. We’ll see you in the morning.” He lets go of our hug and ruffles my hair.

  “I will, Dad. Love you too.”

  I sit back down on the couch and dive into the next level of Donkey Kong on my Gameboy. I can hear Mom and Dad saying thank you and goodbye to Aunt Sarah as they head out the door.


  I’m awakened in the middle of the night by the sound of the phone ringing. I rub my eyes and roll over to look at the digital clock.

  3:32 AM

  The phone isn’t really ringing. It was all a dream. Every fucking night, for the past nineteen years, I wake up at this time. It’s a constant reminder of what I lost that night when I was just eight years old. The time when I found out I would never get to see, hear, talk to, or hug my parents, ever again. The only two people in this world who cared about me…gone.

  I swore that day that I would never love anyone again. I was left in a world of darkness and hurt when my parents were taken from me. They were hit head-on by a drunk driver on their way home from the wedding they were attending that evening. Killed instantly. Everything I’d ever known, crashed into oblivion.

  Aunt Sarah wasn’t thrilled about having to raise me, and I can’t say I was exactly excited about it either. I spent my teenage years at the skate park with my best friend, Derek, and mowing every lawn I could. Not just to make money, but to get out of the house and away from my aunt and her insane list of chores. She basically used me as her personal slave.

  I saved every last dollar I made and combined it with the money my parents left in their savings for me to buy my first car the day I turned sixteen. I spent every dime I had fixing up that old car. Dad would have been so proud. I used all of my free time reading up on anything and everything car-related. Engine parts, wheels, horse power…racing. I started picking up Derek on Friday nights and
we would head over to Sulley’s Raceway. I felt at home there; still do, like I belong. I’m accepted for who I am. I eventually started working there a few months later.

  What little time I had that wasn’t being spent at the track I spent either at the tattoo shop or the gym. The muscles and the ink really drew the ladies in, but I never could bring myself to commit to any of them for longer than a week or so. The longer they were around, the more attached they would get. And I couldn’t go having any of them fall in love with me. Love just ends up in heartache and pain.

  And then I met Lexi Taylor. She’s the first one that has made me actually want to give the whole relationship thing a try. She’s gorgeous, fiery, and spontaneous. And the added bonus…her tits fit perfectly in my hands. Not too big. Not too small. Just abso-fucking-lutely perfect.



  I’m sitting at my desk just finishing up work here at Sulley’s Raceway for the day. Finalizing next week’s schedule for the staff and making sure all of the supplies have been ordered. I can’t seem to stay focused or get out of here fast enough today. All I can think about is getting to Lexi’s to pick her up for our date. I’m not used to this whole dating thing, but she’s one I just can’t let get away. After all, running into the same beautiful girl three times in one day kind of makes it hard to stay away from her. Especially once I saw firsthand what a piece of shit her ex is. That dude is lucky he can still walk after the stunts he pulled yesterday. I feel this overwhelming need to protect her. Although I have a feeling she can hold her own if she has to, no woman ever should have to.

  If my Aunt Sarah ever taught me anything, it’s that a real man should never cause a woman pain. He should provide for her, and he should do anything to protect the one he loves. I only just met Lexi yesterday, so I would be crazy if I even think that I love her. But what I do know is that she doesn’t deserve to be treated like a piece of gum someone scraped off their shoe on a hot day.

  Tonight I plan on showing her how a man should treat a woman. Candles, slow sensual music, and my undivided attention to her every need and desire. I can’t wait to have my hands all over her amazing body again. I’ve been aching for her all day.


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