Full Throttle

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Full Throttle Page 16

by Lizzie Hart Stevens

  He smirks and runs his hand through his hair.

  “No. I tattooed her yesterday. I have a feeling she’s going to be my dinner tonight though.” He kisses me on the forehead and starts to walk over to greet her.

  I grab him by the arm to stop him.

  “Don’t you mean dinner date?”

  “Nope.” He winks.

  I roll my eyes. Typical man. Pussy on the brain.

  “See you this weekend.”

  “I’ll be there,” he shouts over his shoulder as he makes his way across the studio.

  As I walk past them to leave, I overhear Josh explaining to her who I am. Havoc whimpers when she hears me leaving.

  I get in my car and contemplate what to do for dinner tonight. I could text Brea, but I think she had mentioned something about filling out job applications. I start flipping the stations on the car radio and my mind wanders back to last night’s dinner.

  I couldn’t help noticing the look in Coen’s eyes yesterday and the way he reacted to how his family treated me during dinner. He told them not to bother showing up to the wedding, but I could see the hurt written all over his face when we were driving home. He’s had a strained relationship with his aunt over the years, but she and Tyler are the only family he has.

  He doesn’t talk about them much, but I know he misses his parents just as much as I miss mine.

  Maybe that’s what I should do. Maybe I should stop in at Sarah’s on my way to pick up dinner. I can’t freaking stand the snobby woman and her old-school ways, but I’ll never forgive myself if I don’t at least try to convince her to put our differences aside and come to the wedding. Even if it’s only for one day. I know it would mean more to him than he’d ever be willing to admit and it will be worth the few minutes of dealing with that crass woman just to see the smile in his eyes again.

  Suddenly my text alert chimes.

  Coen: Hey, Sweet Cheeks. Going to the track. I want to make a few passes while no one is there. Derek’s going with me.

  Me: Okay, babe.

  I have a feeling that going to the track tonight is a way for him to let off some steam. This is enough to solidify my decision.

  I grit my teeth and take a deep breath before I ring the doorbell. Right away, Sarah opens the inside door, leaving the screen door shut.

  “Coen isn’t here, Lexi,” she says dryly with a slow blink.

  “I know. May I come in for a moment?”

  “What on earth for, dear?”

  “Look.” I cross my arms. “I don’t know why you give a shit what I do with my life or how me working at the track has anything to do with you, but you really upset Coen last night at dinner.”

  “I haven’t the slightest idea what you’re talking about,” she scoffs. “We were just carrying on a normal conversation, and he completely overreacted. In fact, it was rather rude the way you two just stormed out of here after I spent all afternoon cooking you a lovely dinner.” She pretends to look hurt, but I can see right through her bullshit.

  “Look. I refuse to stand here and argue with you. Please, just hear me out.”

  She places her hands on her hips and tilts her head to one side.

  “Go on.”

  God, I can’t fucking stand this woman.

  “Coen may have told you not to bother coming to the wedding, but he only said that because he doesn’t want me to have to put up with anymore ridiculing. You and I both know that you and Tyler are the only family he has left.” I pause to take a deep breath. “I think you and I should put our differences aside, even if it’s just for one day, because I know it would mean a lot to him to have you at our wedding.”

  She opens her mouth to speak, but I continue.

  “I know you don’t like me. I know you don’t agree with the way I live my life or with the way Coen lives his. And you know what? You don’t have to. Because it’s our lives. Not yours. You no longer have any say in what Coen says or does. And somehow, despite being raised by such a selfish, snobby bitch, he’s grown into a wonderful, kind, caring man. He loves me and I love him and if any part of your cold-ass heart loves him too, you’ll check your shitty attitude at the door and be at the wedding. For him.”

  She looks a little flustered and angry now and opens her mouth to speak, but I cut her off once again. I need to get this off my chest while I’m on fire or I may never have the guts to do it again. I remind myself that this is for Coen.

  “I didn’t have the blessing of knowing your sister and brother-in-law, but if they were anything like the kind of people I imagine they were, I know they wouldn’t want their son to have to celebrate this huge step in his life without family of his own supporting him along the way. You don’t have to like me. I honestly don’t care. But don’t shut out Coen because of that. He was so happy that you were all finally getting along and he really thinks a lot of Tyler. He’s kind of like the brother he never had.”

  Sarah now looks a bit sad and reflective. I’m sure she must be trying to process everything I just said.

  “Please. Don’t say anything. Just promise you’ll think about showing up. For Coen.”

  She slightly nods her head, and I do the same. I take a deep breath and sigh with relief as I walk down the porch steps and back to my car. It feels good to get all of that off my shoulders. Whether she shows up or not, we’ll have to wait and see. But if she doesn’t, I can at least say I made the effort to try and change her mind.



  “Wouldn’t you rather have a bachelor party instead of making passes at the track by yourself?” Derek takes a swig of his beer and hops up to sit on the edge of the bleacher railing.

  I shake my head and slip my helmet on.

  “Lexi and I agreed on no bachelor or bachelorette parties.” I get inside the Hellcat and shut the door. Derek walks over and rests his arms on the window, ducking his head inside.

  “You’re really serious right now?” He acts surprised.

  “Yes. I’m fucking serious. Now get off the track so I can burn some rubber.” I lightly flick him on the forehead, and he gives me the middle finger salute. I return the gesture and laugh as I turn the key.

  The Hellcat roars to life. It doesn’t matter how often I drive her, it feels like the first time each time I turn that key. Sliding it in ever so slowly. Listening to the metal clicking together as the key glides, almost effortlessly, into the ignition. Giving it just the slightest tilt of my wrist until I hit the sweet spot causing her to vibrate to life underneath me.

  Once she’s calmed to a steady purr, I slide the stick into gear and warm up her tires, until they start to stick. When her rubbers are hot and sticky, I pull up to the starting line and wait for the lights to count us down.





  I time my reaction perfectly. My foot is on the gas the very second the lights go green. Drag racing is just like making love to a woman for me. More specifically, like making love to Lexi. I know exactly what buttons to push, when to push them, and how to caress every gear change to get her to the end, fully satisfied.

  I reach the end of the track and take my time returning to the starting line where Derek is waiting. I’m enjoying the high that’s still lingering from the adrenaline rush. Next to sex, it’s the best fucking natural high there is.

  I make it back to the starting line and Derek is nowhere to be seen.

  What the fuck? Where could he have gone?

  I thought he was watching my pass to see if we need to make any adjustments to my car.

  I park the Hellcat and kill the engine.

  “Alright, fucker. Where are you hiding?”

  I get out, shut the door and start to look every place I can think that he might jump out of to try and scare the shit out of me.

  I look in the concession stand.

  He’s not there.

  I look in the bathrooms.

  He’s not there either.

  What the fuck?

  I look up at the press box above the bleachers and there’s a flicker of light.

  Derek never goes up there. He has no reason to. Not even to hide like a damn kid. There are plenty of other places to hide that don’t require hiking up all these bleachers.

  I start climbing them myself.

  “I’m going to put your ass in a fucking headlock when I find you, Derek. This shit isn’t funny.”

  I’m almost to the top. The metal bleachers creak and rattle with every step I climb.

  I grip the doorknob and it begins to turn without any help from me. I’m about to shove against it and throw it in Derek’s face.

  “Coen?” A voice comes from behind the door.

  “Lex?” I open the door to see my future wife standing on a blanket. Candles illuminate the room and take out containers sit off to the side of the blanket.

  “You brought me dinner?” I wrap her in a tight hug.

  She looks as beautiful as ever. Her auburn hair is in a ponytail, she’s wearing her favorite old-school Metallica concert tee, a pair of ripped up denim jeans and her Chucks.

  “I did.” She smiles up at me.

  “How did you know I hadn’t eaten yet?” I brush her cheek with the back of my fingers. The candlelight dances on her skin.

  “Wait.” I grab her shoulders. “Hold that thought. Where’s Derek? Have you seen him?” I look around the candlelit room expecting him to jump out from the shadows at any second.

  “I texted him earlier and told him about my plan. He took my car back home when you made your pass so you wouldn’t see him leave.”

  I kiss her lips and savor the taste that lingers there. It’s a familiar one. One I love.

  “Is that…cheese sauce I taste?” I smirk.

  She giggles.

  “Dammit. You caught me. I’m sorry, I only had one. I was waiting for you. I was just so hungry.” She shrugs. “So I snuck one bite.”

  “Baby, don’t ever starve yourself to wait for me.” I motion for her to sit down on the blanket and I do the same.

  She hands me a container of food and she opens the other one.

  “This is so great. A pass with my car and a surprise dinner of my favorite food with my girl.” I lean over and place a kiss on her lips. “Thank you, Sweet Cheeks.”

  “You’re most welcome.”

  “So, how’d it go with Josh?” I ask.

  “It went okay. He was really busy so I didn’t stay too long. He said he would be happy to do that for me though.”

  She opens a bottle of water and takes a drink.

  I can’t help but imagine the mouth of that bottle is the head of my cock, with her pouty lips wrapped around the rim of it so delicately. She swallows the water and screws the lid back on.


  I blink a few times and snap back to reality.

  “Yeah, Sweet Cheeks?” I take a bite of my cheese fries.

  So fucking delicious.

  “You were staring at me like you were in outer space. Everything okay?”

  “Everything is absolutely perfect. I was just thinking about how lucky I am to have you.”

  Her cheeks turn a light shade of pink and she smiles.

  “I’m pretty lucky to have you, too.”

  I could make a really cocky comment right now about how she’s damn right she’s lucky she has me, but I don’t want to ruin the moment. She’s definitely better off with me than that piece of shit ex of hers, but I know she knows that now.

  “What do you say we finish eating dinner and then I have you for dessert here on the announcer’s booth?”

  Lexi almost chokes on her cheeseburger and swallows hard.

  “As um…appetizing,” her eyebrows bounce as she says the word, “as that sounds, I actually had an idea I wanted to run past you.” She crinkles up her nose.

  “Lex, as much as I love your adorable crinkled nose, I don’t have a good feeling about whatever you’re going to say next.”

  She sits what little bit is left of her burger down on the styrofoam container and wipes her mouth with a napkin.

  “Just hear me out, will ya?”

  I take a drink and then motion with my hands like I’m pretending to zip my mouth shut, and hold out my palm to signal her to continue telling me about this idea.

  “So, I read this article in a magazine about how if a couple refrains from any sort of sexual contact for a few days leading up to the wedding it makes sex on their wedding night that much more mind blowing because of all the pent up sexual tension between them. And then, even though they’re both dying to rip each other’s clothes off and go at it like wild rabbits, they take their time exploring every inch of each other’s bodies, making it an extremely intimate and passionate night, just as it should be on the night you consummate your marriage.”

  My jaw drops as I try to process everything she’s just said. She shrugs and continues eating. She acts like this is no big deal. I already thought she was insane when she said we couldn’t spend the night together the night before the wedding, but I know that’s tradition, so I let it slide. But this? This is flat out crazy. How does she expect me to keep my hands off of her for the next three nights? My dick is going to be even more upset about this than I am.

  “Well, say something,” she says, swallowing her last bite and taking a drink of water.

  I open my mouth to speak and close it again. I scratch my head.

  “Lex, I…” I pause for a moment and run my hand through my hair. “Are you really serious about this? Is this something that you really, truly want?”

  She shrugs her shoulders again.

  “I think it would be worth a try, yes. It’s only three days, Coen. It won’t kill you.”

  “It might. I’ve been dying to take you in this booth the minute I saw your sexy silhouette in the candlelight.”

  “It will be hard for me too, you know. I love touching you and making love to you just as much as you do me.”

  “Not as hard as it will be for me, Sweet Cheeks. Not by a long shot.”

  She smirks and shakes her head.

  “Just think of how much more amazing our wedding night will be.”

  “Baby, I’m already thinking about ways I can sneak you away after the ceremony so I can have my way with you.”


  “I’m kidding. I’m kidding.” I roll my eyes. “Okay, I’m not. But if this is something you really want, then we’ll give it a try.”

  She leans over and gives me a soft, sweet kiss and my dick instantly hardens.

  “Thank you, babe.”

  This is going to be the longest three days of my life. But oh, I’m going to make up for these three days the moment we step foot in that hotel room on our wedding night.



  It’s been two days.

  Two. Long. Fucking. Days.

  Or technically no-fucking days.

  I know what you’re thinking. Shut up, Coen. Get over it. Three days without sex is nothing. I mean, I’ve gone longer than that without it before, but God help me; she’s not making it easy.

  I’m at the track helping Crash, my garage manager, drop a 502 big-block into a 1970 Chevrolet Chevelle. One of our regular customers is restoring it, but he’s only good with the bodywork so he hired us to help with the mechanics. The bodywork is fucking gorgeous, too. He’s repainted it to a shimmery silver with two solid black racing stripes on the center of the hood.

  The sound of high heels clicking on the cement floor of the garage causes me to stop dead in my tracks.

  “Fucking hell, Coen,” Crash shouts, his voice echoing in the basically empty garage. “Pay attention, man! A fucking centimeter closer and you would have scratched the paint job.”

  “Yeah, well, he should have had us drop the motor before he painted it,” I mutter under my breath, and an involuntary growl escapes me as I watch Lexi strut across the garage and into Crash’s office to collect the week’
s sales receipts. She’s wearing tight leg jeans and a tank top that hugs her tits just enough to show off a generous amount of cleavage. My cock instantly goes hard in my coveralls.

  She walks out and starts heading in my direction. Her tits bouncing every time one of those glittery blue high heels hits the floor.

  I told you she wasn’t making this easy.

  I make a mental note to fuck her in those heels as soon as I’m allowed to touch her again. I adjust myself through my coveralls willing my hard on to go away.

  “Hey, Sweet Cheeks. What’s with the fancy kicks?”

  I draw attention to her shoes in hopes she won’t notice that I’m hard. As much as it’s killing me to not be able to touch her right now, I respect her and her wishes and am actually a bit curious myself to see if what she said is really true.

  Today is the last day. Tomorrow, she’s mine. In every way imaginable.

  She crinkles her nose and rolls her eyes.

  I can’t help but wish I were giving her a different reason to roll her eyes right now.

  “They’re my shoes for the wedding, and I’m trying to break them in a little before tomorrow. Why? Do you hate them?” She looks concerned.

  I bite my bottom lip and slowly shake my head.

  “Fuck no, I don’t hate them.” I grab her by the waist and pull her close to me. Her breath hitches as the hardness in my pants brushes against her leg. I lean in close to her ear. “I can’t wait to see you wearing them, and only them, tomorrow night.”

  “Coen…” she coos, as I slide my hand around the back of her neck and start to lean down to meet her lips. I can feel the warmth of her breath on my skin, and her eyelids start to flutter closed. It takes every ounce of restraint and will power I have to pull back.

  Lexi opens her eyes and momentarily looks disappointed.

  “Tomorrow,” I whisper, and kiss the top of her head.

  She smirks and nods in agreement.

  “Shouldn’t you be getting things ready for your sleepover with Brea tonight?” I quickly change the subject.

  She shrugs. “There really isn’t much left to do, and I need to keep busy. She won’t be coming over for another two hours yet.”

  “Are you two going to stand there and pretend like you aren’t dying to rip each other’s clothes off and make out like teenagers, or are we going to finish dropping this motor in so we can get the weekend’s festivities started?” Crash chimes in from behind me.


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