Full Throttle

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Full Throttle Page 18

by Lizzie Hart Stevens

  I walk into the kitchen to help Leigh.

  “Wow, Leigh. Those sandwiches look delicious, but I don’t think I’m very hungry right now.”

  “Well, you’re eating, missy. We don’t need you passing out at the altar.”

  “Yeah,” Brea pipes up as she enters the room and plops down on one of the kitchen chairs. “I’m not holding your ass up like some weekend at Bernie’s deal.”

  I raise an eyebrow at her and we all laugh. Leigh brings our plates over and sits them in front of each of us. They’re turkey subs with lettuce, cheese, tomatoes and mustard with a handful of rippled potato chips on the side.

  “Thank you, Leigh.” I take a big bite. “This is delicious.”

  Brea and Leigh start to giggle and I look at them like they’ve gone insane.

  “What the hell is so funny?” I ask, wiping my face with a napkin.

  Brea reaches over and grabs the bottom of my shirt and lifts it up a little.

  “This is why you eat before you put that dress on.”

  I look down to see some mustard has dripped out of my sandwich and onto my lap. I shrug and take another bite.

  “I was hungrier that I thought. Messes happen.” We all laugh.

  Suddenly I remember my lipstick that was so carefully applied by the cosmetologist at the salon and I gasp.

  “Oh shit. My lipstick.” I lift up my glass of water to try and see my reflection.

  “Girl, it’s stay-proof. You’re golden. You can make out with your hubby and give him a big ol’ sloppy mouth hug and your lipstick will still be intact.” Brea and I both look at Leigh with a ‘did that really just come out of your mouth’ look. Leigh is pretty quiet and conservative most of the time, so it’s a bit of a shock to hear her talking about blow jobs.

  We all start laughing again.

  “Good to know, Leigh. Good to know.” I shake my head.

  Once we finish lunch we slip into our dresses and take turns zipping each other up. I have my mom’s veil as my “something old,” my dress as my “something new,” and my shoes as my “something blue.” I walk to the end of the hallway and look at myself in the full-length mirror.

  “He’s going to fall in love with you all over again, ya know,” Brea says, straightening out my train behind me and then peeking over my shoulder at my reflection in the mirror.

  “I still need something borrowed.”

  “Hm. Something borrowed…something borrowed.” Brea squints one eye as she thinks for a few minutes. “I got it!”

  She runs to grab her purse and starts digging around inside it. After a minute or two of shuffling things around and eventually dumping the entire contents out on the floor, she lifts something up with a victorious look on her face.


  She hands me a penny that’s been rolled out and flattened and has a butterfly embossed on it.

  “What’s this?”

  “It’s my lucky penny. Put it in your shoe.”

  She throws everything she dumped onto the floor back into her purse and stands up. I wrap my arms around her in a hug and feel tears starts to sting the back of my eyelids again. I bite my lip to fight them back.

  “If I can’t have my mom here, I’m glad I have you, B.” I squeeze her tight.

  She takes a step back and smiles.

  “Always.” She places her hand on my arm. “Now, are you ready to go claim that crazy stalker boy’s last name?”

  I laugh.

  “Ready as I’ll ever be.”

  “Derek says the coast is clear,” Leigh calls from the living room. “Let’s go.”

  I take a deep breath.

  I’m actually doing this. I’m really getting married.



  I’m already sweating in this damn monkey suit as I peek through the door at the front of the church. The pews are filling up more than I had anticipated. We didn’t invite very many people, or at least I didn’t think so. One hundred and fifty doesn’t seem like that large of a number until you see it in people form enclosed inside a church.

  I feel a hand grip my shoulder from behind and pull me back. The door slams shut behind us.

  “Are you fucking crazy, man? Lexi is due to arrive any time now and if you see her before she walks down that aisle she’ll have my ass.” Derek sits down in a folding chair near the wall of the little white room and runs his hand through his hair.

  “You scared of my girl, D?” I chuckle.

  “Dude, aren’t you?” He leans back in the chair and crosses his arms over his chest awaiting my reply.

  “Maybe a little. Why is it hotter than Satan’s ass crack in here?” I take my jacket off and find a pamphlet lying on the desk. I pick it up and start using it as a fan.

  “It’s not hot in here, bro. You’re just nervous.” Crash says as he walks in the door from outside.

  “Nervous? Why would I be fucking nervous?” I start pacing the room.

  “Because you’re fanning yourself with a pamphlet about how ‘Your Body is a Temple’ and you’re the most inked up motherfucker in this place. It probably doesn’t help that we’re all swearing like truckers. Oh, and don’t forget you’re signing your life away to one woman for as long as you both shall live. In sickness and in health and all that shit.” Crash points at me while looking at Derek and they both shake their heads.

  I look at Derek and back at Crash and they both start laughing.

  “Man, I’m surprised you let Lexi talk you into doing this at a church anyway,” Derek says.

  I stick my bottom lip out to blow a gust of air on my own face.

  “Her mom was religious, and Lexi feels like this is her way of honoring her memory.” I shrug. “I can’t deny her something like that.”

  The room falls silent for a few moments.

  “Why is there no clock in this damn room? One of you two wearing a watch? How much longer until show time? I need to see my girl.”

  Crash looks down at his wrist.

  “Looks like we have about two minutes.”

  “I’ll go see if they’re ready for us to line up and make sure Lexi is good to go in the room at the back of the church.” Derek jumps out of his seat quick and leaves the room.

  It feels like half an hour passes, but in reality, it was probably only a few minutes, when he returns.

  He takes a deep breath and places his hand on my shoulder as he looks down at the floor for a second and then looks me in the eyes.

  “Man, I don’t know how to tell you this.” His voice is quiet.

  My heart starts to race and I begin to feel like the walls are closing in even more than before.

  “Derek, don’t fuck with me. You better not tell me she didn’t show up.”

  A slow grin spreads across his face.

  “Oh, she showed up, man. And if I didn’t think of her like a sister, I’d be tempted to tie the knot with her today, if you weren’t.”

  I slug him in the arm and he laughs.

  “Seriously though, Coen, she’s…she’s…well, you’ll see. Let’s go get you hitched.”

  Normally at this part of a traditional church wedding, the organ music would start, but Lexi and I decided that wasn’t our style. So instead, the sounds of Elvis Presley are filling this small church, which I swear is getting smaller by the second.

  I’m a bit surprised when I look around at all our closest friends and relatives already seated and see that my Aunt Sarah, Tyler, and Gwen actually showed up. After the huge blow-up at dinner the other night, I honestly didn’t expect to see them here. That woman drives me bat shit crazy at times, but whether I like it or not, she’s the one who raised me and it means a lot to me that they’re here.

  I give them a discreet wave and a slight smile.

  “Thank you,” I mouth and they smile back.

  I let out a deep sigh and suddenly feel like everything is going to be okay.

  Crash and Deuce usher the last few arriving female guests to their seats. I’m s
tanding at the front of the church with Derek to my left; our left hands grip our right wrists and rest in front of us as we wait for my bride.

  The next song begins to play and camera flashes start to fill the room. Crash and Deuce take their seats in the front row as Josh, and Lexi’s friend, Leigh, start making their way down the aisle. My heart starts racing again when I realize that any minute now Lexi is going to step out of that room.

  The next few minutes feel like I’m in a dream. Josh starts walking toward the back of the church. He stops at the door of the room off to the side that is usually for moms to take their crying babies, but is now holding my bride-to-be. Right on cue, the moment Josh stops in front of the door, the song ends and The Bridal March begins.

  The door opens and everyone rises to their feet. I’m a pretty tall guy, but with everyone standing up all I can really see is the top of her hair as she and Josh start their walk down the aisle. Suddenly it’s like I’ve forgotten how to breathe. The church that felt so small a few minutes ago now feels like it has the longest aisle in the world.

  The camera flashes are going crazy and everyone is slowly turning more and more toward my direction. When Josh and Lexi finally reach the end of the aisle, the music stops.

  The air is sucked out of the room and I instantly have tunnel vision. All I can see is Lex, and she’s taking my fucking breath away. It takes everything in me not to rush down the aisle and carry her away. I know in this instant, more so than any other, that I want this woman to have my babies. I want to grow old with her. Laugh and cry with her. Everyday.

  “Who gives this woman to be married to this man?” the officiant asks.

  “I do, in honor and memoriam of the bride’s parents,” Josh replies, giving her a quick hug and a light kiss on the cheek. Then he takes his place standing next to Derek as I walk over to greet my bride.

  “You look even more fucking amazing than I ever could have imagined in my wildest dreams,” I quickly whisper very softly in her ear.

  “Don’t drop the f-bomb in church,” she scolds me, but can’t hold back her smile.

  I take her hand in mine and we turn to face each other in front of the officiant and the entire church full of people. The second Josh shook my hand and placed Lexi’s in mine, all my nerves melted away. The walls stopped closing in and my blood pressure returned to normal.

  She must sense that my thoughts are starting to wander because she gives my hands a light squeeze and a slight smile. Her eyes seem to question if I’m okay. I smile back and give her a wink.

  It’s all about you today, baby girl.

  “Friends and family of Coen and Lexi, we gather here today to celebrate the unity of these two beautiful souls.” The officiant begins her opening remarks, talking about love and the intimacy of marriage.

  “Marriage isn’t just two signatures on a legal document. It’s the celebration of two souls becoming one. It’s a promise between two people who love, honor and cherish one another. And it’s a promise that they’ll spend the rest of their lives together.”

  She continues with her script, telling everyone about how we met and fell in love. The two of us take in every single word while getting lost in each other’s eyes. I caress the top of Lexi’s hands with my thumbs and notice she’s biting the inside of her bottom lip.

  “I got you,” I silently mouth and her eyes smile back at me.

  The officiant then asks us to say our vows.

  “Lexi Taylor, I promise to inspire you and encourage you. I promise to be there for you in good times and in bad times. In sickness and in health. I vow to always be there for you when you’re down, and laugh with you in the happy times. I forever promise to respect you, support you, and above all else love you unconditionally with every fiber of my being.”

  She swallows hard and tilts her head slightly to one side, looking at me with adoration.

  “Coen Walker, I, too, promise to inspire you and encourage you. I promise to be there for you in good times and bad. In sickness and in health. I vow to always be there for you when you’re down, and laugh with you in the happy times. I forever promise to respect you, support you, and above all else, love you unconditionally with every fiber of my being.”

  She takes her time saying the words. So much heart and love poured into every part. We squeeze each other’s hands hard and my bottom lip starts to quiver.

  “You have chosen to exchange rings as a symbol and reminder of your vows and the love you have for each other.” The officiant continues, then motions for Brea and Derek to give Lexi and me the rings.

  “I, Lexi, give to you, Coen, this ring, as a symbol of my promise to respect, honor, and love you.” She slides the ring onto my finger. “With this ring, I thee wed.” She looks up at me with those big, brown, tear-filled eyes. It’s killing me that I can’t just pick her up and take her out of here right now.

  I take a deep breath and my hand shakes as I pick up the diamond ring from Derek’s open hand.

  “I, Coen, give to you Lexi, this ring, as a symbol of my promise to respect, honor, and love you.” I slide the ring on her finger and she sniffles quietly.

  Damn it, she doesn’t cry very often, but when she does, it fucking kills me inside.

  “With this ring, I thee wed.”

  It’s almost over.

  I squeeze her hands again and waggle my eyebrows at her. She smiles and fights back a giggle.

  There’s my girl.

  “With the power vested in me by the constitution and the laws of this state, it is my honor to now pronounce you husband and wife. Coen, you may kiss your bride.”

  Thank fuck.

  I grab her by the waist and pull her close. I place my hand on the back of her neck and kiss her deeper than what’s probably considered appropriate in a church.

  “Get a room,” Crash whispers loudly from behind Derek, and the people in the first few rows that heard him start to laugh.

  The officiant clears her throat and Lexi smiles against my lips. We reluctantly break our kiss and intertwine our fingers as we turn to face the rest of the church.

  “Ladies and gentleman, I’m happy to be the first to introduce to you: Mr. and Mrs. Coen and Lexi Walker.”

  Everyone stands up and begins to applaud as we leave the church.

  It actually happened. We really fucking did it.

  We, along with our wedding party, stand along the edge of the sidewalk to meet and thank all of our guests for coming.

  “You’re my wife now, Mrs. Walker,” I whisper in Lexi’s ear.



  Brea was right. Today has gone by so insanely fast. At the time, it seemed like all the planning and preparation was never going to end. Now here we are, about to leave our reception as husband and wife.

  I am extremely impressed by how well Coen dealt with my crazy idea for us to refrain from having sex for the past three days. I thought for sure he would try to find some way to get past the rules. God knows he had multiple opportunities. But in the end, he kept his promise.

  He hired a driver tonight to take us from the party to one of the sky rise hotels in the city. I told him he was crazy for getting a hotel room when we were only a few miles from home, but he insisted.

  “We are going to consummate the hell out of this marriage on every surface of that hotel room,” he promises as the car pulls up in front of one of the many tall buildings on the edge of the city. I don’t know what it is, but the city is always so much more beautiful at night. All of the tall buildings and sparkling lights.

  The driver opens the door for us and takes our bags in to the front desk. Once we check in, we make our way up to the fourteenth floor and find our room. I slide the key card into the slot on the door and turn the handle the second the light turns green.

  “Wait,” Coen commands. He walks past me, motioning for me to stay in the hallway as he places our bags against the door to keep it open.

  I watch him intently, admiring the way his suit cli
ngs to his body, hugging his biceps and showing the slight roundness of his ass.

  He turns around and gives me a smirk as he braces himself in the doorway. It’s that same smirk that drove me wild the first day we met. That same smirk that he gives me every time he wants to rip my clothes off. And god, how I want that too right now. I know this whole three-day abstinence thing was my idea, but I’d be lying if I said I haven’t been dying to give in as quickly as the thought was out of my mouth.

  “Are you going to make me stand out here in the hallway all night?” I tease.

  “Oh, no.” His voice is low and seductive as he stalks toward me slowly, backing me up against the wall. He places his hands on the wall above my head. I feel his warm breath on my neck as he leans down close to my ear and swoops me into his arms. I let out a small squeal. “I have plans for you tonight, Sweet Cheeks.”

  “What are you doing, Coen?” I ask, as he carries me into our room. He nudges the bags out of the way with his foot and it latches shut behind us.

  “I carried you over the threshold, Mrs. Walker. That’s what I’m doing.” He looks quite proud of himself as he lays me on the bed. I don’t have the heart to tell him the tradition is to carry me over the threshold of our first home. Not the first room we have sex in.

  “And now,” he starts taking off his clothes and tossing them across the room. “I’m going to make up for not being able to touch you for the past three days.” He rips his shirt out of his pants and tosses it across the room. My breath hitches at the sight of him. No matter how many times I’ve seen his bare body, he still gives me butterflies.

  He walks over to the large windows that line the outside wall of our room in nothing but his boxers and throws the curtains wide open revealing the view of the city skyline. It’s absolutely gorgeous how the buildings are illuminated. I can’t help but wonder what the other people are doing inside those lit up rooms against the night sky.


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