Her Secret Past (Black Hills Brides Book 1)

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Her Secret Past (Black Hills Brides Book 1) Page 10

by Christine Sterling

  Silence encompassed them, as Seth stared at his plate before him. They had long finished dinner, so only a few stray carrots were staring back at him. He didn’t want to let her go but knew if he didn’t do this, he would always wonder. Now she was free to make her own choices.

  Samantha reached over and took his hand. “You are so silly.”

  Seth turned to her. “What do you mean?”

  She laughed. “I’m not settling with you. I’m making a choice. And I choose you.”

  Seth’s eyebrows raised. He started at her in disbelieve. “But what about James?”

  Sadness briefly filtered through her features. “James will always hold a special place in my heart. But what I feel for you? It’s nothing in comparison. I cared for James, but not as much as I currently care for you.”

  “And it’s not because James is dead. You aren’t my second choice. Circumstances lad us together and I thank the stars every day that it all happened. I wouldn’t change a thing. Because it all lead me to you.”

  She took his head in her hands and placed her forehead with his. She closed her eyes as he breathed in her lavender scent. “I love you.”

  With those three words, he felt a weight lift off his shoulders. A fluttery sensation grew in his chest and soon he couldn’t contain himself anymore. He stood up suddenly and lifted her up from her seat. He took her into his arms, hugging her tightly. Samantha wiggled in his arms. “Seth, I can’t breath.”

  Seth laughed and let her go. He looked at her bewildered face and leaned in to kiss her lips softly. “I love you so much, my heart is ready to burst,” he said as their lips disconnected.

  “You do?” she asked in a confused tone.

  “How could you think I don’t? I think I’ve been in love with you since you yelled at me over your luggage at the train station the first time we met.”

  Seth grabbed Samantha and twirled her around the room. When he set her down, he leaned in and kissed her lips. He kissed her deeply, entranced with her smell and her taste. He forgot they were standing in the middle of the dining room of the hotel as he hugged her tighter. It was like they were the only two people in the world until he heard a nervous laugh behind them.

  Samantha was the first to break away. They both stared at where the noise was coming from. Colin had returned to the table, his face full of laughter.

  “I’m guessing you two worked it out?”

  Samantha grinned and looked back at her husband. “Yes, I think we did.”

  Colin laughed. “I don’t understand your choice, but I can respect it. We can discuss details later.” Colin let you a long yawn. “I’m actually very tired from the journey, so I think I should rest a bit.”

  Samantha clapped her hands together. “Of course! How silly of us. Yes, of course, we should let you rest.”

  “I do have one question for you though; I inquired with the bank. The funds I left are still there. Why haven’t you taken them out?”

  Both Samantha and Seth had confused facial expressions until Seth realized Colin was talking straight to him. “Oh, yes. I completely forgot about that…” he exclaimed coyly.

  Samantha turned to him. “What funds?”

  Seth looked to Colin, but Colin seemed to have become fascinated with straightening his jacket. Seth took a deep breath. “Well, they were placed in good faith. From your father for the marriage.”

  Samantha’s face turned three shades of red, from light pink to blood red. Seth had never seen something like this happen and started to prepare for the brunt of a fight that was swirling in his wife’s body.

  “Are you telling me you required payment to marry me?”

  “Sweetheart, I don’t think you fully understand the predicament I was in…”

  “Are you saying there were other girls?”

  “No, that’s not what I am saying…” Seth looked over to Colin, who was now sidestepping out of the dining room to check into the hotel. He smiled, whispering as he exited the room “I think I should leave you two to work this out.”

  Before Seth could say otherwise, Colin was gone and in his wake was Samantha who was going on and on about this payment that he wanted to remind her he didn’t take (even though he had completely forgot about it). As she carried on, he knew that he would be dearly paying for this that night.

  Dirk had been standing outside the hotel for hours, waiting for Samantha and Colin to walk out. He didn’t dare leave the shadows of the building he was hiding in, for fear Samantha would see him. It was a close call at the train station. He had snuck through the middle doors on the train and thought he would be able to escape undetected. But then that rueful woman’s eyes strayed from the crowd and for a moment, he thought he had been found out. But luckily, Colin had intervened and he was able to make his escape.

  He stood in the shadows of the alley waiting for her to leave. He had noticed she was with a young man, but he paid no mind to him. He wasn’t a part of the plan. He was to wait for the most opportune moment and steal her away. He would take her back to Philadelphia and force her to marry him. He was not above threatening her. He was prepared to flaunt his kills if that meant she would be amenable.

  Colin emerged from the hotel, followed by Samantha and the young man Dirk had seen at the train station. Colin hugged Samantha and shook the man’s hands. He noticed the closeness the gentleman and Samantha showed, even in their quiet movements. It was suspicious, but not enough to alarm him of anything. He was set on his mission. He was going to bide his time and wait. It was only a matter of time until she entered his web.

  Chapter 11

  Samantha was walking around the town a few days later, feeling lighter than air. After she gave Seth an earful for the deposited money, Seth made a promise she could do whatever she wanted to do with the money, he wasn’t going to touch it. She simmered down herself and told him she wanted to use it to help with the farm: add to Seth’s growing herd and maybe even add a few rooms to the house for their future children. To this, Seth was overjoyed and that night they went to get a head start on their family.

  She smiled at the thought. It was a few days before they were to leave to take care of her father’s estate and there was so much to get done. She was excited to visit her childhood home (she missed Misty so much it hurt), especially at the thought of bringing Seth there. They had gone into to town to meet with Uncle Colin to go over some last-minute items and Seth wanted to make sure Tom was set with supplies to keep up the farm in his absence. Seth had ventured to the saloon, where Tom was no doubt in on this Saturday afternoon. She told Seth she would meet him at the hotel with Uncle Colin. When she entered the lobby, she saw Colin sitting, reading a newspaper.

  She sat next to him; when he didn’t budge, she cleared her throat. Uncle Colin looked up from the paper. “Oh, Samantha! I didn’t seem you there.” He collapsed the papers onto his lap. “I was just catching up on some old news I wasn’t able to read on the train.”

  “It’s alright, I didn’t want to bother you.”

  Colin sighed, a sadness overtaking his face. “I was just remarking on how your father and I would read the paper every Monday morning while he was the hospital.” He moved his hand to his mouth as if he had said something distasteful. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have brought up old memories.”

  Samantha put her hand on his free hand and squeezed it. “No, don’t. I don’t want him to become a non-topic for us. I want us to be able to remember him freely. Yes, it breaks my heart sometimes to think about him, but I don’t ever want to not think about him.”

  He smiled a sad smile, his eyes swimming in a slight puddle of water. “Yes, you are right. We can’t forget. Oh! That reminds me. I found this letter when I was separating your father’s files. It’s a letter addressed to you. I’m sorry I didn’t see it before.”

  He handed the letter to her. She stared at the envelope, recognizing the short handing writing as her father’s. She wondered what secrets it held. When was it written?

p; Her Uncle Colin was rummaging through his bag. “Drat, I left something in my room. Please excuse me for a few moments; I’ll be right back.”

  Colin scurried out of the room, leaving Samantha with her letter. She didn’t know if she should read it or not. It was staring up at her, begging to be read. She tore open to envelope and looked at the contents. Inside, the words were scribbled on the page and she read to herself.

  My Dearest Samantha,

  If you have this letter, then something terrible has happened. I have asked Colin to give this to you in the event I am not able to tell you myself. It has taken me a long time to realize my keeping this a secret has not kept you safe but has only put you in more danger.

  The night James died I saw him. In the office at the factory. But when I saw him, he was very much alive. James had asked the week previously to go over some accounting documents for him. Some of the numbers weren’t adding up. I had gone over a few documents, but I realized I was missing some key files. It wasn’t too late yet, so I walked over on my way home from the office.

  James had given me a key to his factory, not long ago. It was more of a safe keeping thing. I’ve never once used it, as he has always been with me when I’ve ever been to the factory. But that night I thought it useful, so I wouldn’t have to disturb the two of you.

  I remember how that night was uncharacteristically quiet. When opened the door to the factory, the shouting was loud and clear. I saw James, who was yelling at someone, maybe one of his workers. I felt foolish, walking in at that moment, so I went to backtrack from the room and return another day. But as I stepped back, I heard another voice through the doorway, an angrier one.

  He was yelling “You never gave me a chance!” James seemed to not be deterred by the young man’s voice. I could recognize but couldn’t quite place it. He yelled again “You should have believed in me.”

  James returned the yelling, telling him about all the chances he gave to the voice, and how he had squandered it all away. On gambling, on women, on alcohol. He told the voice he had no more chances to give him. He went to grab the doorway to leave, but before he yelled back about how he had a family now, and couldn’t continue their relationship. He turned to leave the room.

  It was so sudden and felt like an eternity. James turned his back and walked out the door and Dirk stepped towards James and pushed something into his back.

  James limply fell forward, lifeless on the floor. All I could see was a knife in Dirk’s hand, blood dripping from it. All I knew was I had to get away from there. I wasn’t paying attention and stepped on shrubbery near the ground.

  I glimpsed Dirk looking up from his brother’s limp body on the floor and looking over to the door. I was running away as he screamed towards the door, asking who was there.

  I ran through the streets, only stopping when my lungs could take no more.

  I’m sorry, my dearest daughter. Maybe if I had intervened, James would still be alive. And that is the shame I lived with. The authorities were slow to investigate as Dirk covered his tracks very well. When you told me about Dirk’s aggression, I knew the only way to keep you safe was to make sure you were gone. It is my duty, as your father, to keep you safe. I know Dirk is coming for me, one way or the other. But I hope that with my end, it gives you a better beginning.

  Samantha stared at the page. She was at a loss for words. Now she understood it all. Why her father was pushing for her to leave. Why Dirk was pushing for the marriage. She gasped. What if her father’s death wasn’t an accident? What if there were other reasons?

  She thought about what she saw on the platform. She had thought she was just being silly, but now she wasn’t so sure. He must have had something to do with her father’s death. And if he was here, then she needed to warn her husband.

  Soon, she was rushing out of the hotel, not paying attention to where she was going. She didn’t notice when a shadow appeared behind her. As she turned the corner, she felt someone grab her waist. Before she could scream, a large hand appeared and grasped her mouth, silencing her. She felt herself being dragged to the alleyway behind the hotel. She struggled against the person, but her body wailed around like a rag doll.

  The body was stiff behind her. She tried once more to kick herself free, but whoever was holding her sidestepped so her feet sliced through the thin air. Frustrated, she bit into the flesh covering her mouth. There was a loud yelp as she sprang free. She tried to run again but was only caught once more. The man, she realized as she felt his hard chest behind her, leaned over into her ear and whispered, “Did you miss me, Samantha?”

  That voice was unmistakable. She turned slightly to see Dirk holding her. She gasped and tried to fight to wiggle free. “Dirk, what are doing here?”

  He grinned devilishly, his eyes wild with disregard. “I’m here because we have many things we need to discuss.”

  Samantha tried to wiggle free once more before Dirk hit her across the face. She stopped, holding her cheek as tears fell down her face. “Now, settle down. You don’t want to see me when I’m angry.”

  Samantha sucked in a breath. She knew exactly what he meant when he said that she wouldn’t want to see him angry. Seth entered her mind and she knew she had to do her best to survive this crazed man.

  “You worry too much. It’s going to make you an old man before you know it,” Tom said, as he patted his best friend on the back. “I can take care of the farm. It’s only a few weeks. What’s the worst that can happen?”

  Everything, Seth thought to himself. But he didn’t say it. All he did was gulp his whiskey so it burned down his throat. “I’m just counting on you.”

  Tom lazily smiled at Seth. “And when have I ever let you down?”

  Seth raised one of his eyebrows. “Ok, when have I ever let you down on the important things?”

  Tom and Seth both shared a laugh as Tom lifted his own drink to his lips. In mid gulp, his eyes flickered with concern and he set the cup on the table. “Sheriff, what brings you here?”

  Seth turned around to see, Sheriff John Henderson standing behind him. He was a large man, with scraggly blonde hair and broad shoulders. He was wall to wall muscle, an intimidating presence in any room. Seth eyed Tom suspiciously. There had been plenty of times Tom had done something to anger the Sheriff. Nothing ever against the law, but enough for Seth to have to broker peace so he wouldn’t have to bail Tom out from jail.

  Tom put his hands up in mock surrender. “I swear, I haven’t done anything.”

  “He’s right,” John said in a stern tone. “I’m actually here to talk to you, Seth.”

  “Me?” Seth questioned.

  “Him?” Tom answered at the same time.

  “Yes. It’s concerning some complaints I’ve had recently. There is this man that’s walking around town. Seems out of sorts, according to a few reports. He's scaring some of the women as they walk around.”

  Seth scratched his head. “I can’t see what this has anything to do with me?”

  “It has to do with your wife. He keeps asking around about her.”

  Seth prickled at the words. His eyes widened. Tom leaned over the table, towards the Sheriff. He spoked when Seth didn’t. “What is he asking about?”

  “Where she lived, mostly. Luckily, people thought it was strange and didn’t really tell him much.”

  Seth finally regained his speech. “Do you know anything about this guy?”

  John nodded his head. “Yes, we have a bit of a description. He has long hair and a scruffy face. Has a look like he hasn’t showered in weeks. Calls himself Dirk. Does that sound familiar to you?”

  Tom shook his head, but Seth was hesitant. The name seemed so familiar, but he didn’t know from where. He searched his brain, going through every possible scenario as to why he would recognize that name. And then it came to him; a throwaway line from Colin on that fateful day.

  And there is Dirk to think about.

  Seth stood up abruptly. Tom looked at him, bewildered. “Set
h, what happened?” When Seth started to walk out of the saloon. “Where are you going?” he called after him.

  Seth didn’t answer him, knowing only one thing. He needed to find his wife.

  Chapter 12

  Seth walked determinedly towards the hotel. When he came to the lobby, he was met with Colin. He looked worried. “Seth! Have you seen Samantha?”

  Seth could feel the color drain from his face. “No, I thought she came here to see you?”

  Colin put his hands up to his lips. “She was here, but I had to go to my room to fetch something. I left her here with this letter,” he said, showing Seth the parchment paper. “She’s gone now. I don’t know where she could have gone to?”

  Seth panicked. He had this awful feeling in his stomach he couldn’t shake. He exited the building, with Colin at his heels. He was walking toward the saloon when he heard a woman’s unmistakable cry. Samantha! He ran to the alleyway and caught a glimpse of a baby blue dress, a dress that drew a striking likeness to the one his wife was wearing. He heard another scream and headed into the alley.

  Adrenaline hit him. All he saw was red. It took a moment to reach Samantha and grab her from Dirk’s grip. But Dirk didn’t give up lightly and snatched her from his outstretched hands. “Let her go,” he said in a scarily calm voice.

  Dirk laughed at him. “You can’t tell me what to do. The lady and I have some business to attend to.”

  Seth was unfazed, as he took a step towards them. In response, Dirk took a step back. “Whatever the lady’s business is, it includes me.”

  Seth gave him a once over and laughed. “You have nothing to do with this, and if I were you, I’d go back to where you are from!”

  “It has everything to do with me!” Seth yelled at him. He was hoping he was making a commotion, to force someone down the alley. But so far, his yells were going unnoticed. He looked at Samantha’s crying face. She shook her head and mouthed the words “leave.” But Seth would not be deterred. He wasn’t going to leave unless she was safely in his arms once again.


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