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Her Willful White: Dark Duke’s Legacy Book 2

Page 7

by Andresen, Tammy

  Dez grimaced. Had he kept himself open? He doubted it. Yes, he’d looked after his siblings. But just like Ben, he’d planned to keep his heart out of relationships that might…hurt. His business was safe and that’s why he poured all of himself into its care. “Proud of me? You’re the one who’s taken on the head of family. And now you’re helping your little brother deal with spies and subterfuge.”

  Ben snorted. “Little.”

  Dez smiled. “I’ve told Fleur to come here tomorrow.”

  “Fuck,” Ben muttered. “You’re jesting.”

  Dez shook his head. “They tried to kill her tonight, Ben. She’ll never survive, and I need her.” For the business? The investigation? Or for himself?

  “What if they come here looking for her?”

  He shook his head. “Justice is on the ship that was supposed to sail into the harbor. I don’t like it, but he’ll have to come and stay, too. If any man can fend off attackers, it’s him. His fists are like anvils.”

  Before he’d become the head of the guard for their gunpowder manufacturing site, Justice had spent some time as a bare-knuckle fighter.

  Ben gave a single nod. “Perhaps he’s got some friends that might help us keep the women safe as well?”

  “We’ll ask him.” Dez said bending down as the moaning from the man on the floor grew louder. “I’m absolutely certain he does. Though, may I just say, I throw a pretty good punch myself.”

  Ben chuckled at that. “You certainly do. Shall we throw some water on him? See if we can speed this process up? I’ve sent one of the grooms to fetch the constable. Seems like we’ll want the questioning completed before the authorities arrive.”

  “Good idea,” Dez answered. “Let’s get to work.”

  * * *

  It had been a long day, Fleur reflected as they made their way first to East Langdon village where her uncle’s coach had unloaded her, Mary, and their trunks. Convincing the driver to drop them at the inn rather than directly at her Aunt Celeste’s door had been a bit of a challenge, but she’d done it. An hour later, the duke’s coach had fetched them, bringing them back down the same rutted roads they’d just travelled to arrive at Cliffside as the sun began to set.

  From the moment she stepped out of the coach, she could see how this home differed from her uncle’s. They shared the same view of the ocean, high cliffs beyond making it appear as though the home perched above the water.

  But that was where the similarities between the two properties ended.

  This home, though large, looked…cozy. Warm ivy climbed the walls, pops of color adorned windows and doors.

  It was not at all what she’d expected from the formidable Destrian White, but as he stepped out of the doors, standing on the porch, looking larger than life, she realized this house was exactly perfect. Yes, he had a hard exterior but underneath that…

  She fully expected him to go about saving babies and puppies. And certainly, damsels in distress. Not that she needed saving. All right, perhaps a little bit. But that didn’t mean she wasn’t without her assets when it came to investigating her father’s death. Still, she appreciated his help.

  And when a man stepped next to him, equally tall and dark, and just a surly looking, the tension of travel, of the past few weeks left her body, her shoulders slumping in relief.

  This was exactly where she belonged.

  With Dez.

  “Fleur,” he said, hastening down the steps toward her.

  She stopped, a large smile pulling at her lips. Reaching out her hands, she grasped both of his. She could no more stop the warmth that flooded through her as she could hold back the tide. “Dez.” Without thinking, she moved closer, his heat seeping into through her dress. “I’m so glad to be here.”

  He squeezed her gloved fingers. “I’m glad, too.”

  “Dez,” a female called from behind him. “You must introduce us to this enchanting creature.”

  Fleur peeked over Dez’s shoulder to see two women had joined the other man. One was dark haired like Dez, but the other had honey blonde hair that shimmered in the sun.

  The duke’s arm threaded about her waist in a mark of possession that could not be mistaken.

  And then as Dez turned back to face them, his arm went about her. She was cradled against his side as introductions began. Touching him like this felt…so right. “Fleur, may I introduce my brother, The Duke of Whitehaven.”

  “Ben,” the duke rumbled. “And this is my fiancée, Chloe.”

  Fleur gave a small curtsy.

  “And that,” Dez pointed to the dark-haired woman. “Is Millie. Or Millicent as she’s known outside of the family.”

  “Lady Millicent.” Fleur curtsied again, which was difficult with Dez’s arm about her. Not that she minded a bit. “A pleasure.”

  The other woman gave a silent nod of her head.

  They started for the entry when a third man stepped out and she stopped again, pressing into Dez’s side. Her hand came to his chest. Normally, she’d enjoy the feel of his muscles underneath his clothing but the man at the top of the stairs…

  He looked like Dez only…he was even larger. Was he taller or just more muscular? And his face…he might have had the same formidable good looks as Dez and Ben but he looked as though he’d been hit a great many times.

  Dez chuckled. “That is my younger brother, Justice. He’s here to help ensure that you remain safe.”

  She glanced over at Dez, her eyes surely wide and her lips parted. “He’s here for my safety?” He appeared, for all the world, like the villain of the story and not the hero.

  Dez nodded, then leaned down to whisper. “He’s a fighter by trade and smarter than he looks.”

  “Do not offend him,” she whispered back. “He looks…”

  His arm tightened around her. “He’s a kitten, I can assure you.”

  She frowned then. Dez would surely know.

  Dez helped her up the stairs and into the foyer as a parade of servants brought in their things. She wanted to ask Dez what had happened today as she’d been traipsing back and forth to East Langdon.

  But how much did his family know? Surely some if they’d agreed to allow her to stay and had even assigned her a personal guard.

  They made their way into a sitting room where refreshments were served as Mary was taken down to the kitchen to greet the staff.

  Once the doors had closed, Dez settled her on a settee next to him, clasping her hand in his. “Are you all right?”

  “I’m fine,” she answered with what she hoped was an easy smile. “Thanks to you.” Her lips twitched as she considered how much to ask. “Where is LeBeouf?”

  “Prison,” Ben answered. “Or on his way. The constable took great in pride in escorting him to the Tower himself.”

  “He confirmed what I suspected. He works, or worked, with Le Serpent.” Dez added as he squeezed her hand.

  Her eyes closed. All that time, he’d been pretending to be their friend. It stole her breath to think of how she’d confided in him. “And my father’s wine?”

  “Hidden in the tunnels along the cliffs. We’ll retrieve it tonight.”

  “We?” she asked, shifting toward him. She wanted to help. This was her fight, too. Despite how much she appreciated Dez and his strength, needed it even, she also wished to help bring justice to her father’s killers.

  “Me and Justice,” he said raising his brows. “Ben is going to stay here to make sure you’re safe.”

  Her mouth snapped closed. She appreciated the lengths he was going to keep her safe, but it was her fight too and she wanted to be there to see it through. “I see.”

  “Fleur,” he replied, his chin tilting down. “We’ve gone to great lengths to hide you here. We’ll keep you out of sight.”

  She let out a long breath as the truth of his words settled in. “Fine. I concede. I shall stay here for tonight.”

  “Thank you,” he answered.

  She looked over to find the rest of Dez’s
family staring at them. Ben’s brows were raised while Millie and Chloe wore matching smiles of amusement. Justice just looked bored…or irritated. She couldn’t quite tell.

  “When will you leave to search for the wine?”

  “After dark,” he answered.

  “Do you ever sleep?”

  He chuckled at that. “Occasionally.”

  She smiled at that. “Me, too.” And she knew she wouldn’t sleep tonight either. Not with him out there and her waiting.

  But as her hand slipped into his elbow, she wished she were going with him. She wanted to fight, but also…she wished to know he was safe. Destrian White was becoming more important to her than she could have ever imagined possible.

  Chapter Nine

  Dez raised the lamp higher, as they made their way through the tunnels. There were miles of them under the Dover Castle and yet Justice traversed them easily. “How do you know so much about contraband?” Dez asked Justice as his brother led the way.

  Justice chuckled. “Satan and I have dabbled.”

  Satan…it was Sayden’s nickname. And if Justice was using the word such a benign word as dabbled, that mean their involvement was both extensive and highly illegal. “Never mind, I don’t want to know, unless you used my ships. And then I’m going to kill you.”

  “Like you did your partner?” Justice fired back with a laugh.

  Dez grimaced. He’d attempted to find Will this afternoon, but the man had been nowhere to be found.

  It was one of the many loose ends that had yet to be tied. Still, the capture of LeBeouf had helped him feel as though he were making progress. LeBeouf was really part of Fleur’s mystery, but he’d helped Le Serpent resell the wine in England.

  And what was more, LeBeouf had confirmed that Will was part of the operation. “I’ll find him.”

  Justice looked back at him with a wink. “I’m sure you will, brother. You’ve got a woman to protect now and all that.”

  Dez narrowed his gaze. “Fleur is not my woman.”

  “Really?” Justice said as he picked his way along the uneven floor. “She was tucked awfully close to your side all evening.”

  Dez frowned. Justice wasn’t wrong. But after what he’d seen last night, he couldn’t let her go. And once she’d arrived at Cliffhouse, he’d done all he could do to leave her in Ben’s care. “I watched a man try to snuff her out with a pillow. I…”

  Justice stopped, turning back toward him. “Understood. If a woman that beautiful looked at me like I raised the sun each morning, I’d tuck her against my side, too.”

  “It’s not like that,” he bit back.

  “How is it, then? Is she available? Because if she is—”

  He didn’t let Justice finish before giving him a hard shove. The air whooshed from Justice’s chest as he fell back against the wall, the lantern rattling. Justice chuckled. “Did I offend you, brother?”

  He growled in response. In a fair fight, he’d likely lose to Justice, but he’d not fight fair when it came to Fleur. “If you touch her, I swear on our father’s grave—”

  “Don’t do that. He’ll likely haunt you. Like we’re not haunted enough.” Justice’s smile slipped as a hard expression came over his face. “I didn’t mean anything by it. My comments about Fleur. I was only proving the point that you do care for her. And, honestly, I’m happy for you and for Ben. Glad, now that the dozy old sod is gone, you can move on with your lives. I’m not sure I can.”

  Dez’s mouth hung open as he stared into the darkness. Was Justice discussing his feelings? Should he? “I’m not sure I can either.”

  Justice scowled. “Don’t let our father ruin your entire life, would you? Fleur looks like the sort who could keep a man happy. Pretty, sweet, but interesting. Who wants to spend their life bored stiff?”

  Who indeed?

  Most definitely not Fleur. She’d been rather put out that he’d left her behind the last two nights, but he couldn’t have her getting hurt. She was clearly a woman who liked to be in on the action, and he appreciated that about her.

  But this game was getting downright dangerous.

  Before he could answer any of that, a rustling noise ahead made them both freeze.

  And then the distinct sound of voices echoed through the tunnels.

  “How many more crates?”


  Dez let out a low rumble. Will. He’d recognize that traitor’s voice anywhere.

  “Right,” the unknown man answered. “I’ll get them to London and our buyer.”

  “Good,” Will answered. “That leaves me free to address our next problem.”

  “Which is?”

  “Fleur Dupont.” Will’s voice echoed around him as his chest tightened.

  “Already taken care of,” the other man answered.

  “What?” Will’s voice had dropped deadly low in a way Dez had never heard before.

  “LeBeouf. He knew she was a problem. She’d seen me, you, him.” That had to be Le Serpent. Dez began creeping forward, Justice just behind him.

  “You fucking idiot. What have you done?”

  “What? I saw a problem and I…” The sound of flesh hitting flesh bounced off the walls.

  “Use your head for once, would you? How are we going to continue to get wine without her? You poisoned her father leaving us with a lack of supply for our demand. She inherits the vineyard, and her husband will take control of it.”

  Silence met Will’s words.

  “What did LeBeouf do?”

  “He went to the house to…” Le Serpent cleared his throat. “But that was last night and…” Another clear. “I haven’t heard from him.”

  They were getting closer, the voices growing louder and clearer.

  Will let out a string of curses as Dez shook his head. Not only was Will part of the ring of smugglers, but it also sounded as though he might be their leader.

  “I hate that fucking guy,” Justice growled out. “Always have.”

  “Why didn’t anyone mention this sooner?” Dez grumbled. But then he stopped. “What’s our plan?”

  “Kill those two arseholes and take the wine they’ve so kindly removed from the caves already.”

  “Good plan,” he said with a nod. Then he took a breath. “You go for Le Serpent. I want Will.”

  Justice shrugged. “Works for me.”

  He started forward again, the glow of several lanterns, shining down the tunnel. Justice set the one he carried down as they picked up speed down the tunnel.

  Dez pulled his knife from his belt and began loading his pistol. They had surprise on their side, but he had no idea how many men they actually faced.

  The room opened and up into a cavern. Will paused at the point where the tunnel spilled into the larger space. He stood with a tall, thin man that bore a scar down his face. Dez recognized him from the year prior and knew this was Le Serpent.

  Will saving his life had been the ploy he’d recently suspected. Damn the man.

  “That the bloke?” Justice growled.

  “That’s him.” He held up his arm, allowing the two other men to disappear, each carrying a crate. Drawing in a deep breath, he dropped his hand. “Now.”

  He and Justice burst into the room, Dez heading straight for his prey.

  Will saw him coming and for a moment, his eyes widened, before he dropped into a crouch and met Dez’s hurtling body.

  The two men crashed to the ground, wrestling in the sand before a loud burst of noise filled the room. Someone had fired.

  Just as he pinned Will, something wrapped about his neck, tightening and choking his air supply. Will hit him full in the face, pain bursting through his cheekbone as Will jumped up, scrambling toward the exit.

  It took a moment for Dez to recover but when he did, he twisted, sending the attacker behind him sailing over his shoulder. With a decisive punch, he knocked the man out and then started chasing after his real target, Will. Justice was gone and so was Le Serpent but neither of them ma
ttered now.

  The cave opened up to a steep, rocky path down the cliff, and he half slid down, half ran. Below, he could see a rowboat loaded with crates of wine. He was gaining ground on Will and raising his pistol, he stopped and laid aim.

  His ball went wide, and Will kept going. Running into the water, he climbed into an empty boat, leaving the one loaded with cargo beached on the shore.

  Dez swore under his breath. While the result meant Dez had secured the wine, it also meant that Will, in the lighter, faster boat, would easily escape.

  * * *

  Fleur heard the horses. She’d retired to her room, where she’d set up a vigil next to the window. No balcony here. Clearly, Dez had placed her in this room to ensure she had no more unwanted nighttime visitors.

  But with the window open, she heard them return. She rushed from the room and started down the hall to the grand stair.

  She made it from the third floor to the second, the flicker of candles lighting her way, when the front door opened. She stopped at the top of the curved staircase watching as Justice came in first, limping. He headed straight for the sitting room to the right of the entry.

  Dez came in next and even in the dim light, Fleur could see bruises blooming on his face and blood down his shirt.

  Her hands flew to her mouth as she gasped, lifting her skirts and rushing down the steps.

  He looked up, their eyes meeting as he opened his arms. Without a word, she hurtled herself into his waiting embrace.

  Their bodies came together with more force than she’d intended even as he lifted her off her feet, pressing her to his chest. Her chin tilted up to ask him how badly he was injured just as he looked down at her. “Dez,” was all she could say, her voice breaking on his name.

  In answer, he leaned closed, his lips capturing hers. “I’m all right,” he said as he pulled back and then swept back down to take her mouth again.

  Everything inside of her hummed as his lips came down on hers. His touch was sweet, sultry, breathtaking, and magnificent. It made her ache with want as she pressed even closer into him.


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