Defending His Mate ( Lycan Romance )

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Defending His Mate ( Lycan Romance ) Page 10

by M. L. Briers

  ‘She has you there son.’ His mother chuckled into his mind and he shot her a look, sure that for one long moment both his mother and Todd grinned back at him.

  “I need to take care of your wound. Come inside.” He wasn’t about to start an argument in front of his pack. He needed to tend his mate and he just wanted to be out there hunting the damn Vampire until he finished this.

  Why did it feel like he was being pulled in all different directions right now?

  “What happened?” Cynthia was coming down the staircase as Elijah started to pull Isabel up it. Cynthia’s eyes caught and locked on his naked half mast and she balked, trying to look anywhere but at him.

  “Does he have to do that?” She groaned out. Lycan men might have been eye candy, but she didn’t need to get an eyeful of her best friends Mate’s attributes every time she saw him.

  “How’s Joshua?” Isabel tried to dig her heels into the stairs, but Elijah wasn’t having any of it. Turning he reached down and slung her over his shoulder and she squealed when she flopped forwards and saw the stairs and his naked backside coming up to meet her. “Elijah!”

  “Healing faster now with the moon… So what happened?” Cynthia pressed again and heard Elijah’s sigh of annoyance.

  “Your idiot best friend decided to go outside to meet the vampire.” There was a rumble of a growl in each word. Isabel felt every syllable roll beneath her fingers as she palmed his back and tried to push herself up with her hands.

  “I did not…” She denied hotly as Cynthia’s gasp filled the air.

  “Are you completely deranged?” She demanded and berated at the same time and Elijah paused as he drew up alongside her.

  “Thank you. See a mate with some common sense.” Elijah spat out before he started too bound up the stairs.

  “Please don’t call me that.” She groaned, turning to watch them go. As Elijah reached the top of the stair, he turned his head to give her a knowing smile and she gave a little resigned sigh.

  “I think we established I can take care of myself, or do you need another example of my magic?” Isabel was being sped down the hallway and into Elijah’s bedroom, still squirming over his shoulder up until the moment the bedroom door slammed behind them and he literally tossed her down onto the bed.

  Isabel yelped as she bounced once before he was on top of her. With his body pinning hers down beneath him, she really had nowhere to go. With one hand he reached out and snapped on the bedside light and with the other he was already brushing her hair from her neck.

  “Elijah, I’m warning you…” His eyes flicked from her wound to her face and she caught her breath, just the sudden look of desire that took him as she felt his arousal rock hard against her mound.

  “I need to take care of your wound, it’s what mates do.” His tone was husky and his eyes darkened as he dipped his head and started to clean over the wound with his tongue.

  It didn’t much feel like wound care to her. It was a slow sensual movement over her skin that had her lids fluttering shut as her whole body came alive beneath his. Gone were the thoughts of what had happened outside. Gone were the thoughts of discussing her abilities. It all came down to the feel of his breath against her skin, the feel of his tongue working over her flesh, and she was lost to him.

  Elijah knew if he touched her like this he wouldn’t be able to hold back his need for her. He had to take care of her wound, but he didn’t have to take her in front of his pack on the front porch.

  There was no-one who wanted to be out tracking the Vampire more than he did, but logic told him the vampire would be up high in the trees and the likelihood of picking his scent up was minimal. Right now Elijah’s concern was solely for his mate and that was the fault of his Lycan blood demanding that he take care of her, protect her, claim her.

  When her hands ran over his bare skin he wanted nothing more than to be buried deep within her. His need for her was driving him to the point of distraction from what he was doing.

  “Elijah…” He heard he plea in her voice and felt her reach down for him. Her fist closed around his thick shaft and he felt the hard twitch of his arousal inside her hand. His hips pushed forwards stroking himself into her touch and he groaned his pleasure against her neck.

  With a growl of desire to be within her, his hand fisted the fabric of her skirt and he yanked it upwards over her thighs. The damn vampire could walk into the bedroom right now and he wouldn’t blink an eye, the need for her was too great.

  His body had no time for the thin fabric that covered her core to his touch and he tore the fabric away. The sound and feel of having her panties torn from her made her moan as her inner muscles contracted and her body readied itself for his entrance.

  When his tongue made one final journey up and over her wound he fisted her hair and dragged her mouth to where he wanted it. His lips came down hard over hers and his tongue demanded entrance inside her mouth. She was only too willing to open for him and he kissed her with a passion that burned into her soul.

  Isabel dragged her feet up the bed, her skin burning a trail of fire over his thighs as she released his shaft from her hand and pushed her hips up towards his to take him inside her. When she felt his hand reach between her thighs she mewed into his mouth and wrapped her fingers around his wrist, pulling him away.

  With her feet nudging his backside, she told him what she needed without words. And when she felt him nudge against the entrance to her wet core she urged him on.

  Elijah tore his lips from hers and growled down at her, “I don’t want to hurt you…”

  “You won’t. Trust me. I’m more than ready for you.” With her fingernails running hard down the length of his spine, she heard his deep growl that came from reining in his need to be buried deep inside her, and eased into the warmth of her channel.

  “Elijah, damn it…”Isabel dug her nails into the flesh of his back and tried to pull him into her with her legs wrapped around him. Another growl of need rolled through him and he couldn’t hold back a moment longer, he thrust to the hilt and grinded the tip of his erection into her womb.

  When she cried out in pleasure beneath him, he claimed her mouth. His tongue tasted and teased hers, swirling and demanding in an insist drive to have all of her.

  Elijah tried to rein in his need to just take her and be damned. She wasn’t just some woman he had picked up in a bar for his carnal pleasure, she was his soul mate, and he needed to please her more than he needed the pleasure for himself.

  Isabel became like a wildcat beneath him, her hands roamed over the hard planes of his body, her nails clawed at his skin as if she were trying to climb inside him, to become one with him. All the time her hips thrusting up towards his as he kept a constant rhythm of deep strokes into her.

  “Isa, you’re driving me wild…” He breathed against her lips, trying desperately to hold onto his self control, even though his mate appeared to have lost hers.

  “I need wild.” The adrenalin was still coursing through her veins from her encounter with the vampire. She wanted to claw at his skin, sink her teeth into his flesh, to fight power with power. Her need for him felt insatiable, as if no matter what he gave her right now, it could never be enough.

  Elijah felt her emotions rolling through her on a constant loop, she was caught up in the calling of her body to his, of her soul to his; when the need to mate became so much more and the desire to bond took over. But he had not wanted it to be like this, fast and furious. He had wanted to take her there slowly, a gentle build towards their bonding. He felt conflicted within his own emotions, his own mind.

  “Isa, you’re feeling the bonding call…” His wolf was trying to push front and centre within him. His beast knew their mate was ready and he was eager to claim her for his own. But they hadn’t talked about this…

  Isabel heard his words, knew the meaning behind them. Knew what would happen if she were to bond with Elijah. There would be no going back, no change of heart, no running away. She w
ould be his forever, mated and joined together as one, body, heart and soul for an eternity. Was she ready for that?

  There was a part of her that was already reaching out to him. Her magic was akin to tentacles wrapping around his aura, pulling him closer, pulling him into her soul. She could feel his strength and his vitality as if it was her own, and she knew that the very essence of who and what she was had already made that decision for her.

  “I’m yours, Elijah.” As the words left her lips, Elijah roared a possessive growl. He pulled out of her and she wanted to dig her nails into his flesh and wrench him back inside her body, but he had already reared up over her. His eyes were the colour of ebony as he caught her within his gaze.

  Elijah’s hands worked feverishly to release her from her clothing until he had her naked on the bed beneath him. The predatory look of a Lycan that was about to claim his prize after a successful hunt. With his hard muscled body tensed for action, his eyes took her beauty in, savouring her, caressing her without a single touch.

  Isabel felt her need like a fire within her blood. This must be what it felt like to be insane, out of control, overwhelmed with the desire for action in a time of calm. Her nerves were completely on edge, as if she were caught in the eye of the storm, waiting, just waiting for the madness to begin again.

  When the frustration for him overwhelmed her, she couldn’t wait a moment longer, pushing up off the bed she brought herself to her knees in front of him, her eyes locked with his until she dropped her gaze to his arousal. The pink tip of her tongue circled over her lips with the desire to taste him, take him within her mouth and the slow deep growl that rolled through his chest had her eyes back on his in an instant.

  Elijah hadn’t moved a muscle, he wanted her to come to him and it took every ounce of willpower that he had within him to not climb back on top of her and thrust inside her again.

  Now she was on her knees before him and she looked more Lycan than he could have ever imagined her to be. Her beautiful body was poised as if in preparation to attack him, and his wolf was demanding her submission, but Elijah waited to see what she would do.

  “I want to taste you…” Her own juices clung to his silken shaft and she had a need within her to know how they would taste, joined with his. She couldn’t wait a moment longer, closing the small distance between them, she bent her head and swirled her tongue over the slick head, her soft moan as he fisted his hands into her hair, nearly sent him over the edge.

  “Open your mouth for me…” His voice was deeper than she had ever heard it. The gravel in his tone had her inner muscles contracting with the need to be filled by him. He pushed his hips forward, the tip of his hardness disappeared within her mouth as he started a slow slide in and out, as she clamped her lips around his shaft, taking as much of him as he could get within her.

  When the tip of him hit that back of her throat she swallowed him down, the muscles contracted around the head and he groaned at the pleasure that gave him. His eyes locked with hers as he started a slow rhythm inside her mouth, claiming it for his own needs.

  Each slow thrust ended in the back of her throat and she swallowed hard before he pulled back his hips. Her cheeks massage him all the way back to the tip, her tongue doing insanely erotic things over the prominent ridge and the slit until he thrust in again to claim her throat.

  God, she was driving him crazy, to the point where he didn’t want to control his need to take her and he couldn’t help but thrust harder, faster, holding her mouth in place with his hands in her hair as he took her mouth. Her eyes urging him on as she kept her gaze locked with his, until he tore his hips back and released her mouth from around him.

  His hands released her hair and he grabbed her shoulders dragging her off the bed and up his body to claim her mouth with his. There was no gentleness to his kiss. It was hard and driven with the need to devour her. She was driving him to the brink of insanity and he couldn’t get there fast enough.

  Elijah ran his hands down over her body. One followed her spine down her back, while the other followed her hip down before sweeping over her inner thigh. His fingers were hard and determined as he traced over the small puckered hole of her backside, pausing only briefly to push against the muscles and open the hole to his touch and she moaned into his mouth, excitement flooding through her at such a taboo touch.

  Her hands flew to his shoulders and her fingers curled into his muscles as he continued his quest, finding the wet warmth of her channel as his other hand palmed her mound and his fingers sought her nub. He buried two fingers deep within her as his thumb and finger closed over the small mound of flesh and he rolled it between his fingers.

  Isabel ripped her lips from his and gasped in a breath against the jolts of pleasure that shot into her womb and spread outwards. He wasn’t going slowly as he worked his hands against her. He was driving her towards a release and she dropped her head back, her breath hitching with every deep thrust into her, every hard tweak of her nub. When his mouth came down on her breast and he sucked the pebbled nipple into the warmth of his mouth, he devoured it with his teeth and tongue and she moaned out, her body coiling in anticipation of her climax.

  When it came it hit her hard. Her nails dug into his skin and he growled against her breast, his teeth biting down harder on her flesh and she cried out with the explosion of sensation that tore through her body, suspending the world about her. Her body bucked against his hands, but he didn’t release her, working to keep her body in a state of pure pleasure for as long as possible. Her inner muscles went into spasm around his fingers.

  When she collapsed forwards against him, he released his hands and lowered her down to the bed. Pushing her thighs wide open so he could nestled down between them, his shoulders kept her where he wanted her, as he stroked his tongue from the puckered hole of her backside up to her throbbing nub, tasting her juices and making her squirm beneath him.

  The moan of pleasure that left her lips was laced with an edge of frustration, as he tasted and teased her back to him. He was giving her more pleasure with his tongue than she had ever known, but her body was too sensitive at that moment and she was caught up in the desire to pull him closer and the urge to push him away.

  Elijah was caught up in his own frenzy of desire, her scent, the taste of her, the way her body moved beneath him, and the sound of her sweet moans and gasps spurred him on. He was relentless, bordering ruthless with her. Her pleasure was his and he intended to take her to the edge of sanity and hurl her over.

  Any and all thoughts of whatever was happening outside of this room, away from this bed did not exist for him. The urge to bond was the fire within him that couldn’t be extinguished. He would have her now. Take her to the limit before he sank his fangs deep into her flesh, tasted her sweet blood and gave her his seed, while he drove within her body, and the only way he would stop would be for death to claim one of them.

  He felt her tense beneath his touch, her hips rose up from the mattress before he held her in place with one large hand over the flat of her stomach, the fingers of his other hand driving into her core, knuckle deep, as his mouth clamped over the small flap of nerves in the nub, teeth stroking against it, tongue swirling over it as he sucked hard until she exploded with a cry of relief mixed with pure satisfaction.

  Isabel’s whole body came undone in that very second and she rode the powerful orgasm that tore through her. Her knuckles were white as she fisted the covers beside her body. The beads of sweat coated her skin and the moans escaped her lips in pants of breaths that were dragged from the air around her.

  But he didn’t release her. Her mind screamed with the need for a reprieve from what he was doing to her body, but he held her firmly in place as she dug her heels into the mattress and tried to push away from him in a frantic attempt to regain her equilibrium.

  Her mind was freefalling somewhere between the constant onslaught of his touch and her need to recover. But there was no escape as he held her in place, working feveri
shly against her, forcing another, more powerful explosion to take her to dizzying heights of pleasure.

  By the time she had enough sanity to grasp the fact that he had finally released her body, she was on her trembling knees, her arms unable to hold her up as she pushed against the bed, but found her body was to liquid to even come close.

  When he stroked his penis down over her wet folds and nudged her sensitive nub, her body cried out for the need to be filled by him, even though she rocked forward on her knees away from the touch against the jolt from her oversensitive nerves.

  His low growl rumbled through the air around her at the same time his hands tightened against her hips, locking her into place in front of him and with one long, deep powerful thrust he was inside her, buried to the hilt, the tip of his penis nudged her womb and she moaned with the pleasure and the pain of taking him so deep.

  Elijah’s wolf surged into the forefront of his mind. The primeval nature of the beast claiming what was his as it urged him on. To claim her without mercy or care, and Elijah fought the beast with everything he had, but it still wasn’t enough. He was sharing his body and soul with the beast now. They were truly one as he thrust hard and deep into his woman, over and over, filling her body, stretching her to the limit around him in a ferociously powerful claim that had her calling out his name when she found release.

  He didn’t stop as her inner muscles clenched and released around him, massaging his rock hard penis as he continued to thrust into her. His body folded in around hers. His chest skimmed over her back as he pumped into her. One arm wrapped around her waist to hold her in place. His hand reached for her hair and fisted it as he tugged her head to the side. His tongue ran flat and hard over her spine between her shoulder blades and over her neck until his fangs ached within his gums to be unsheathed.

  Elijah pounded into her as his body climbed towards a release. Isabel was lost to anything but the almost constant state of either building towards an orgasm or having another rip through her body.


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