Take Me [Dungeon Masters 1] (Siren Publishing Menage Everlasting)

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Take Me [Dungeon Masters 1] (Siren Publishing Menage Everlasting) Page 9

by Cara Adams

  And it appeared she’d found one. Her ass was still a little sore from the spanking she’d received this morning, but it’d made her hotter than hell. And not just in her ass. Leif’s hands on her skin had aroused her far more than she would ever have believed possible. And to suck Simon while Leif fucked her was an incredible challenge. Women were supposed to be good at multitasking, but keeping two men happy simultaneously in bed was like multitasking to the tenth power or even harder.

  Leif arrived and sat down and then Simon came and returned her car keys to her. They discussed the food and then she asked, “What’s the address of the club? Where is it exactly?”

  “It’s in the heart of the entertainment district. The location is absolutely ideal.”

  “We have our own parking lot as well, so that’s an added bonus. The club is on four floors with our apartment on the roof. Plus three levels of parking in the basement.”

  That was sounding like a big, expensive club to Tammy. Out of her league.

  “And yet the boss didn’t mind you taking the weekend off. You must have a lot of vacation time saved or else he really likes you. Is the club closed Mondays?”

  Leif leaned forward and gazed right into her face. “We own the club. We have the freedom to run it much as we please. The man who loaned us the finance to do that is a very hands-off sort of person. As long as we show a profit and follow the safe, sane, and consensual rule, he doesn’t interfere with the day to day management of the club.”

  “You are so lucky. I wish my company had that kind of owners.”

  Tamara ate her pizza hungrily and then sipped a second cup of coffee. She’d been burning up a lot of calories in bed the past few nights, but that wasn’t a reason to let herself go too much. Fortunately the men hadn’t appeared to be worried that she was overweight, but likely she ought to be a bit more strategic about trimming her ass and thighs down some.

  Besides, the more she heard about the club, the more eager she was to actually see it. She wouldn’t have a lot of time, unfortunately. She’d need to do laundry and shop for food before work tomorrow and she couldn’t afford to be overtired. He work was sitting at a computer, but she did need to keep her brain sharp and be accurate about it.

  Leif took her hand. “I think we should go to your apartment first so you can pack up some clothing and whatever else you’ll need for the rest of the week. Then you can come and stay with us. We know you’ll be out at work all day, but at least the nights will be ours. You can eat with us in the restaurant, watch the floor show, and then spend the night in our bed.”

  Tammy was aware her mouth had dropped open and she shut it quickly, running her tongue over her lip to make sure she wasn’t drooling. Stay with them for the week. Sleep in their bed every night. It sounded like an invitation into heaven.

  “Are you sure that will be all right? I mean. I’d like that very much, but—”

  “Good. It’s decided. We’ll follow you to your apartment and help you pack,” said Leif.

  Simon dropped some money on the table as Leif tugged her to her feet.

  She allowed herself to be led to the elevator, and down to the parking lot, and her car.

  Wow! She hadn’t seen that coming. More nights in their bed? Hell yes!

  * * * *

  Leif couldn’t wait to see her apartment. A home said so much about a person. He hoped she liked their apartment, but if she didn’t she could change things and have them how she preferred them. But he wanted to see how she liked to arrange her life. What were her hobbies? Was she naturally a neat person? Were there a lot of mementos of her childhood decorating her rooms?

  He was also interested to see how she drove. Her car wasn’t new, but it wasn’t a rattletrap either. He wasn’t surprised to see that she drove fast, but always just inside the speed limit. That seemed to symbolize her nature to him. She liked excitement, but she wasn’t silly about it. Leif was looking forward to parlaying that into some energetic scenes in his dungeon.

  He looked around her neighborhood critically. It wasn’t one of the nicer neighborhoods, but it wasn’t a slum either. The apartments were mostly full of older people or young working couples. Likely they were all one-bedroom places rather than family apartments. He hoped Tamara would make friends with the staff at the club to replace any loneliness she might feel once they moved her out of her apartment and into theirs permanently. Because Leif knew that’s what would happen. Oh, she could have a week or two to make up her mind, but she would be moving in with them. He wanted her in his bed every night, not just when their schedules worked out right. And then maybe she could work for the club instead of having to commute to her current job. It might take longer to organize that, but he would arrange it. He’d fill her with orgasms until all she wanted was to be with them forever.

  Hmm. There was the little wrinkle about Simon being a werewolf and the financial backer for the club being the Supreme Alpha of North America, but they could work on explaining that to her. First he needed to have her living with them. And that little plan was progressing very smoothly.

  Leif could hardly believe he’d never met her until last Friday. She’d worked her way under his skin and into his heart so thoroughly. He couldn’t imagine not waking up each morning without her in his bed tucked between him and Simon.

  Not that he and Simon usually shared a bed. Theirs was a two-bedroom apartment and they had a room each. But from now on all three of them would be in bed together every night. If she didn’t want to have sex every night, if she was too tired or too sore, he could cope with that. They could still hold her and show her they loved her.

  He followed her and Simon from the elevator to her apartment. Simon was pulling her suitcase and she walked ahead unlocking her door, stepping inside, and holding it open for them. Her living room was bland, ordinary. Neat, tidy, beige walls and carpet. There was a very ordinary picture of a flower on one wall. Leif blinked. That wasn’t at all what he’d expected of Tamara. Then he turned around slowly, taking in the room more carefully. A bookcase was crowded with books. A computer desk sat in the corner of the room, and the top of the tower was covered with bright, colorful mugs, some full of pens and pencils, and half a dozen tiny bottles of nail polish. Ah, now he understood. She must not be allowed to repaint the room or hang up pictures. So she’d decorated in her own way where she could.

  They moved into the bedroom and he knew his guess was accurate. Her bed covering was a patchwork quilt in riotous shades of blue, purple, and pink. She lifted her luggage onto the bed and unpacked the two dresses she’d worn, taking them and her used underwear and disappeared, presumably to wherever her dirty clothing hamper was stored. Then she came back, put her black shoes in the closet, and packed two skirts and five shirts, a sweater, and a fistful of sexy lingerie. Her final action was to collect a pair of simple black pumps from the closet, put them in the bag that had held her shoes, and close the lid of the suitcase.

  “That’s it?” he asked.

  “Will I need anything else?”

  He wanted to say that as far as he was concerned she wouldn’t need any clothing at all. Naked was good. But instead he said, “I don’t think so.”

  She took a black purse from the closet and tipped everything from the tiny clutch purse she’d had all weekend into it, then put the clutch purse away, and slung the black purse over her shoulder. “I’ll just get my cell phone charger and then I’ll be done.”

  Once again he followed her into the living room and she unplugged the charger from the electric outlet beside the computer and dropped it in her purse.

  With Simon wheeling the luggage again, they left, Leif checking the door was locked behind them. He’d done it. She was his for the week.

  * * * *

  At the club, Leif drove all the way down to the lowest basement parking level and stopped at the staff parking spaces. Tamara understood and pulled into one of them, jumping out of her car and popping the trunk.

  Simon raced to help her. “
Don’t you lift the suitcase. I’ve got it.”

  She gave him a lovely smile and he couldn’t resist her. He took her in his arms for a kiss, grinding his cock against her soft belly as he did so. “You’re so beautiful and I want you so much.”

  “I want you, too, but maybe not in a public parking lot.” Her voice had a hint of laughter in it.

  He pulled away. “Well damn. You could be right. It’s lucky we have a bedroom, isn’t it?”

  Simon’s dick was as hard as a rock and he had to rearrange his equipment before he could walk across to the elevator.

  They stepped into the elevator and went up to the lobby. He held the door for her as they changed elevators into the only one that would take them to their apartment on the roof. Leif pressed the button and then held his ID card over the reader. The doors shut and they were carried to the roof.

  “Can only members or staff access certain floors?”

  “That’s right. Only Leif, the head of security, and I can access our apartment. It’s on the roof of the building. Maintenance uses a stairway from their room at the end of the fourth floor hallway. That leads up into a machinery room with an external door out to the roof itself. This is the only elevator we can use.” It opened into a small lobby, and their apartment was the only door. Leif punched in a code and held the door for Tamara. Simon was right behind her wanting to see her reaction to his home.

  The living room had a huge wall of windows out over the city. Since they were in the center of the entertainment district at night the city lights were spectacular. In the current daylight, the view was still pretty. No buildings looked into their home, but there were other, taller buildings not very far away. Someone with a good set of binoculars could peek at them, he supposed, so the drapes needed to be closed for privacy. Not that he and Leif bothered to close them very often. It wasn’t as though they walked around the living room naked. But now that Tamara was here, maybe they would.

  “Oh, wow, what an amazing view.” Tamara walked across to the window and looked out. Simon grinned. At times he forgot to appreciate the vista, but it was truly worth seeing. The world was spread out before them and on a clear day they could see over the entire city.

  He looked at Leif. Were they going to install Tamara in Leif’s room or his? The bathroom was in the middle of the two bedrooms, accessible from either, so that wasn’t an issue. The bedrooms were almost identical, each of them being on the opposite side of the apartment to the living room, and having very high windows up under the ceiling which let in plenty of light, but provided no view of the club’s roof itself.

  At times Simon had thought it might be nice to have a deck outside with some plants and a grill for summer evenings, but in reality they lived at a BDSM club and could order any grill they wanted any day of the week, without having to care for plants and watch them die come winter.

  “Why don’t you leave your luggage here and we’ll show you around the club,” said Leif.

  Fuck yes. He couldn’t wait to see her face when they took her into the dungeon. Once again Simon’s dick grew long and hard with excitement. He shepherded her out of the living room and across to the elevator. “Shall we start with the lobby and walk through the various areas?” he asked Leif.

  “That sounds like a plan.”

  * * * *

  Tammy wanted to dance along the hallway. At long last she was about to see inside a BDSM club. She’d caught a quick look at the name as she’d followed Leif’s car down into the basement parking lot. “The Dom’s Dungeon.” It even sounded BDSM-y and sexy to her ears. And now she was about to look around just as if she was coming here to get tied up and spanked. Well, she hoped she would be tied up and spanked. The way Leif had bound her the first night had been incredibly erotic and getting her ass spanked had been hotter than hell. She was more than ready to try out more dungeon delights. She was also more than ready to be fucked by these men.

  She could hardly believe how erotic her thoughts were. She’d never been the kind of woman to drool over strangers and imagine herself in bed with them. Yet Leif and Simon had appealed to all her senses from the get-go and she’d jumped at the opportunity to spend more time with them. Five more nights in their bed.

  She only hoped she wouldn’t fall asleep at work and totally disgrace herself. She couldn’t let that happen. Losing her job would be a major catastrophe. It was damn difficult for an art major to find a decent paying job. That old joke about the person with a BA asking, “Would you like fries with that?” was all too true. It’d taken her a hell of a lot of effort to find a job that paid more than minimum wage and there was no way she planned to lose it. Not even for the best sex in her entire life and two delicious men she was quickly falling in love with.

  Looking down at her feet, Tammy noticed that Simon was bouncing up and down on the soles of his feet again. That was the first thing she’d noticed about him. He never really stood still. He was always moving even if only the slightest of ways. Like now. For every pace forward they took, likely he bounced a couple of times on each foot first. It’d be a good way to lose weight. All that extra exercise. Although playing in bed is more fun.

  The public rooms could have been in any club anywhere. There was a bar in each room with a barman and a couple of wait staff. Bar snacks were available as well as drinks. Several of the rooms had a small stage, although she guessed it was for BDSM displays rather than for a band. Her guess was proven correct when they reached the main lounge, which had not only a stage, but also an area for the band and a dance floor as well. Here, real meals were served as well as snacks, and there was a huge amount of seating on two levels overlooking and surrounding the stage.

  They walked up a single flight of stairs and Simon opened the door to a few rooms, which were pretty much like the smaller public rooms. “People hire these rooms for private parties,” he told her. The next floor up was bedrooms. Sure there was a bed in them, a very large bed, and an en suite bathroom, but there were also mirrored ceilings, dress-up clothing, and an array of whips and paddles. One of the rooms had a sex swing hung over the bed. Another had a St. Andrew’s Cross against the wall.

  Tammy couldn’t help but smile at the equipment. Hell, yes, she was ready and willing to try some of those toys. As long as she was fit and strong enough to go to work in the morning.

  Back they went to the main floor, and Simon led her to the rearmost table in one of the rooms while Leif went to the bar and ordered for them. He came back with an iced tea for her and light beer for both of them. “They’ll bring us some grilled ribs in a little while.”

  “Ribs? That’s amazing. I thought you said it’d be bar snacks. I was expecting a bowl of peanuts.”

  Simon said seriously, “A club has to offer quality food. People can watch shows at home on Netflix. They don’t need to come here for that. What they’re paying for is atmosphere. And part of the atmosphere is real food. We don’t have a huge variety, but there are enough choices so that each guest should be able to find something they like.”

  “I hadn’t thought about that, but I can see that you’re right. Anyone can watch the football on television, but seeing the crowd cheer isn’t nearly as exciting as being part of the crowd when it cheers.”

  “Exactly.” Leif gave her a smile and her nipples tightened.

  Hell she couldn’t last more than two consecutive minutes with these men without thinking about sex.

  Deliberately she focused on the club, instead of the men. “So how long have you been managers here, and what made you think of working here?”

  Leif leaned his elbows on the table. “I always knew I wanted a career in business, but I like to make the decisions. Ever since childhood I’ve enjoyed planning everything for the best results for everyone. Becoming manager was the natural step up. I worked in another club first as assistant manager, and then manager before I bought into this club.”

  She turned to look at Simon.

  “Hey, I was just like you. I took a degree
that was a lot of fun to do, but didn’t lead to a real job. Fortunately I’d studied quite a few business subjects and ended up working in a club like this for the man who helped finance our purchase of this club. I started working with Leif and we got on really well. We tend to think alike a lot of the time and almost never disagree on business matters so it became a logical thing to buy in here together.”

  “That was so amazing that you two found each other.”

  * * * *

  It was even more amazing that we found you.

  Leif wanted Tamara with every breath he took. She’d shown no fear or hesitancy about the club. She’d been perfectly at ease. He knew she’d fit right in here at The Dom’s Dungeon, just as she fit in his arms and his dick fit inside her.

  He had her here for a week. Was it too soon to suggest she leave her job and work for them? Hell, he could put out a few feelers, couldn’t he?

  “Are you happy in your job? You’ve talked about it a bit but you haven’t mentioned any close friends or the joy you get when you finish each project.”

  “That’s because I never finish anything. It’s not like separate projects, where I can check a box saying I’ve indexed all the files in box A, or completed entering keywords L-P or something. It’s like the man who instigated the project is trying to download his head into a computer file. He hands me piles of papers, or books, or brochures of seminars he’s attended or given, all sorts of things he’s kept from the past. My in-tray is always full and there’s more than enough work for me to do every day, but I don’t have a sense of achievement.”

  “What about the people you work with? Your friends?” asked Simon.

  “Trinidad and I often eat lunch together. In a way she’s like me. We’re both determined to keep our jobs simply because the salary is acceptable, the working conditions are fine, and we’re indoors out of the snow all winter. It’s a hell of a lot better than waiting tables. With no disrespect meant to your staff here. I’m sure you treat them very well.”


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