by Lara Maiklem
White, James Sparrow here
White Tower here
Wiccan spell jars here
Wild Man of the Woods here
William III, King here
Winchester Palace here
witch bottles here
Woolwich Marshes here
Wordsworth, William here
World’s End pub here
Wren, Christopher here, here
Yantlet Line here
zebra mussels here
Lara Maiklem moved from her family’s farm to London in the 1990s and has been mudlarking along the River Thames for more than fifteen years. She now lives with her family on the Kent coast within easy reach of the river, which she visits as regularly as the tides permit. This is her first book.
Find Lara and a gallery of her finds on Instagram as @london.mudlark and on Twitter and Facebook as @LondonMudlark.
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First published in Great Britain 2019
Copyright © Lara Maiklem, 2019
Maps © Emily Faccini, 2019
Portrait of Peggy Jones © Charles Walker Collection / Alamy Stock Photo
Lara Maiklem has asserted her right under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act, 1988, to be identified as Author of this work
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A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library
ISBN: HB: 978-1-4088-8921-3; eBook: 978-1-4088-8920-6
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Searching the bed of the tidal Thames (Mudlarking) requires a permit for which you can apply to the Port of London Authority. There are areas where searching is not allowed and other locations that are subject to legal protection. Objects of historic importance and interest should be reported to the Museum of London or a Finds Liaison Officer from the Portable Antiquities Scheme. The foreshore is an unpredictable and a potentially dangerous place. Anyone venturing onto it should familiarise themselves with the tides, rules and regulations and take necessary safety precautions. The author accepts no responsibility for anyone venturing on to the foreshore independently.
For more information, visit the Port of London Authorities’ website: