Campus Crush

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Campus Crush Page 3

by Ashelyn Drake

  “I wasn’t sure if you could see me from your window.”

  I nearly choke on my coffee. “What did you say?”

  “I’m willing to bet you have the best view on campus.” She nudges me with her elbow.

  “You know?” I can’t believe she knows I’ve been watching her and she doesn’t care. No, it’s not that she doesn’t care; she seems to like that I’ve watched her.

  “Relax. It’s no big deal.”

  We get to the entrance to the Sherman building and she grabs my elbow. “Skip with me.”


  “Yeah. Why? Have you never ditched class before?”

  Of course I have, but I’m confused by our conversation and how different Fallon is from just about every other girl I’ve met at Timberland. “What did you have in mind?”

  She gives me a devilish grin. “Can I see the view from your room?”

  Hell yes!

  She laughs. “I’ll take your stunned silence as a yes.” She loops her arm through mine and leads me back to my room.

  Most of my dorm isn’t awake yet. No one schedules an eight o’clock class unless they have to. If Mindy hadn’t made me take this class with her, I’d be asleep right now, too. But for once, there’s a positive side to getting up early. I’m with Fallon.

  We take the elevator to my room, and I open the door for Fallon. She immediately walks to the window and looks out over the quad. “Sometimes the best place to hide is in plain sight,” she says.

  What’s that supposed to mean? “Are we hiding?”

  She turns around and leans on the windowsill, placing her coffee next to her. “It’s why I put my blanket in the middle of the quad. Most people don’t even notice me there because there’s too much going on around me.”

  “So, you’re hiding?” I can’t see why someone as gorgeous as Fallon would want to hide from anyone. If I were her, I’d stand in front of a mirror all day—preferably naked.

  She moves toward me and rubs both of my arms. “Let’s just say I don’t like a lot of attention.”

  “Can I try to change your mind about that?” I wag my eyebrows, already picturing all the ways I can shower her with attention.

  “You can try.”

  It’s a challenge. This girl is definitely in a class all her own. Mindy’s words ring through my head. I promised I would try to get to know Fallon, and not just physically.

  “What?” Fallon cocks her head to the side. “Afraid you won’t succeed?”

  “Huh? Oh, no. I just—”

  She tugs on the front of my shirt, pulling me closer until our chests are pressed up against each other. Talking can wait. I toss my empty cup in the garbage, lean down, and crush my lips against hers. Since I’m already bailing on class, I take my time, kissing just about every inch of Fallon’s body. At some point, we wind up in my bed, but I’m not exactly sure how it happens. Our limbs are tangled up and Fallon’s hands are teasing me in all the right places. My mind has officially shut off.

  Before I can process what’s happening, Fallon rolls over me and sits on top of me. She pulls her tank top up over her head. This time she doesn’t have a bikini underneath it. She’s not wearing anything underneath it, and I let out a growl. She leans back down, her nails crawling up my chest. She nibbles my bottom lip.

  I’m supposed to be showering her with attention, yet here she is taking the lead again. I grab her by her waist and flip her over. At first she looks disappointed, but then I tear her shorts off and my clothes follow. I’m on top of her, giving her everything I’ve got. If she’s not going to hold back, neither am I. She moans and her nails dig into my back, which just urges me on.

  A few minutes later, we’re both panting and I roll off her. I’ve got a stupid grin on my face, but I don’t even care. Fallon is amazing. I turn to look at her, and instead of seeming happy or satisfied, she’s glancing at her watch.

  “I’ve got to go.” She sits up and gathers her clothes.

  Not again. I bolt upright. “Why? It’s only eight thirty.” She couldn’t have class for another thirty minutes.

  “I know, but I have to go shower and—”

  “Shower?” It’s not like we got that sweaty, and I did most of the work. Why would she need to go shower again?

  “I’m a creature of habit. It’s one of my quirks. I shower at the same time every day.”

  Well, that’s one more thing I can tell Mindy I learned about Fallon. “Before you go, we should probably exchange numbers. I don’t know how to get in touch with you other than finding you in the quad.”

  She’s buttons her shorts and pats down the bottom of her tank top. “I think it’s more fun this way.” She leans into me and brushes her lips against mine. “Don’t you?”

  Damn, she’s sexy. “I guess, but I feel like I don’t know anything about you.”

  “You know I’m a student here and that I like you. What else really matters?”

  Well, when she puts it that way… “So, will I see you later?”

  She backs away. “Maybe.” She winks and is out the door before I can protest.

  I fall back on my bed. This girl is going to be the death of me. I already feel like some loser who chases after a girl like a dog in heat, but that’s what she’s reduced me to. And I must be seriously messed up because I’m loving it. I get up and get dressed again, knowing Mindy will be pounding my door down the second class gets out. I don’t doubt she already knows the reason I ditched.

  On cue, Mindy knocks on my door two minutes after nine. “What, did you run here?” I ask, holding the door open for her.

  She looks at my wrinkled clothes. “Please tell me you talked before you two had wild monkey sex.”

  “Yeah…we talked. A little.”

  “Mike Hannigan, you are a lost cause.”

  I shake my head. “Why do you always assume the worst of me?” I step aside so she can come in.

  She puts her bag down and sits in the desk chair. My bed is still a mess, and I know she’s not going anywhere near it. “I’m not assuming the worst. I just know you.”

  “Oh really?” I cross my arms. “So I guess you know I think I could really fall for this girl, don’t you?” The words even surprise me as they leave my mouth.

  Chapter Five

  Mindy’s mouth hangs open. “Are you being serious?”

  I start pacing because my heart is pounding and I don’t know how to work off this built up energy coursing through me. “I think I am.” Holy shit!

  Mindy gets up and grabs my arm. “Stop. Look at me.” She studies my face. “Oh my God, you are serious! You’re really into this girl.”

  “She’s just so different. She takes charge, and she’s mysterious.” I know better than to mention how hot she is again because Mindy will only roll her eyes at me.

  “What did you two talk about? What’s she majoring in? Where did she grow up?”

  “I don’t know. She’s quirky. She showers at the same time every day.”

  Mindy lets go of me and narrows her eyes. “Tell me you talked about more than shower routines.”

  I shake my head. “She had to leave.”

  “Again?” She bites her lower lip, and I can tell she’s trying to piece together the Fallon puzzle in her mind. “Okay, maybe she’s pre-med or something. They have classes at crazy times and a ton of labs.”

  “But why wouldn’t she just tell me that?” I can’t picture Fallon as a doctor. Yes, her hands are capable of incredible things, but she’s…forceful.

  “What does she say when she runs off? She must give you a reason.”

  “Yesterday she just said she had somewhere to be and today she said she had to shower.” Saying it aloud, I hear how lame it sounds.

  “She’s hiding something.”

  Hiding. “She made some weird comment about how the best place to hide is in plain sight.”

  “What does that mean?”

  “She said she doesn’t like to be in the spotlight or something
like that.”

  Mindy nods. “She is really pretty. I wouldn’t doubt she gets hit on a lot, so maybe she tries to keep a low profile on campus. There are a lot of sleazy guys around here.”

  “Maybe.” I guess it makes sense. “I kind of think she just likes being mysterious though. She said it was exciting not exchanging numbers and just running into each other like this, and I can see her point. It is exciting.”

  “So you’re okay with it?” Mindy’s look isn’t judgmental. She just wants to make sure I’m happy.

  “Yeah, I guess I am.”

  She smiles. “Then I’m happy for you.”


  “Want to go off campus for breakfast this morning? I’m sick of the food at the cafeteria and the Student Union. I want real pancakes, not those frozen things they serve here.” Just like that, she drops the conversation, which is why she’s my best friend.

  “Yeah, let’s go. We can hit the diner down the road.”

  “Great. I’ll fill you in on what you missed in class today.”

  I shake my head as we walk down the hall and to the elevator. “Please don’t. I’ll just get your notes later.”

  “Suit yourself.”

  I can’t help scanning the quad when we get outside. Fallon’s blanket isn’t there. Maybe Mindy’s right and Fallon’s got a lab or something like that. I don’t doubt she’s got her share of secrets, because really who doesn’t? I’m fine with that. If she doesn’t want people to know she’s a brain, that’s her choice. I’m not about to force it out of her.

  Mindy and I walk to the diner and get a booth in the back near the restrooms. I order a breakfast platter with eggs, sausage, pancakes, and Texas toast. Mindy gets pecan pancakes, her favorite.

  “God, these are heavenly,” Mindy says between mouthfuls.

  “You do have a thing for nuts, don’t you?” I wag my eyebrows over my coffee cup.


  “Just calling it like I see it.”

  “Nuts happen to be good for you.”

  I stifle a laugh and put my coffee down before I spill it. “I couldn’t agree more.”

  She breaks off a piece of pancake and tosses it at my head. “Get your mind out of the gutter.”

  I’m about to retort when Fallon walks by our table. “Fallon?” I jump up.

  She jumps, too, and whirls around. “God, you scared me.” She looks over my shoulder, and I follow her gaze.

  “Is everything okay?” I ask, reaching for her arm.

  She backs away. “Yeah, fine.” Her eyes fall on Mindy, and her face relaxes.

  “Hi,” Mindy says. “I’m Mike’s—”

  “Best friend.” Fallon smiles. “Yeah, he told me. It’s nice to meet you.”

  Mindy looks at me and smiles, obviously happy that Fallon and I have talked enough for her to come up.

  “I thought maybe you had a lab or something,” I say to Fallon.

  “A lab?” She furrows her brow. “Why did you think that?”

  I shrug. “I don’t know. You ran off so quickly I thought maybe you didn’t want me to know you were—”

  “Smart?” She laughs. “I’m okay with people knowing I’m smart. I’m actually proud of the fact that I’m graduating with honors.”

  “So, you’re a senior?” Mindy asks, taking another sip of coffee.

  “Actually, I’m finishing up grad school. In a few more weeks, I’m out of here.”

  An older woman. I smile. “Are you interning or something?” That would explain why she keeps running off.

  “Actually, yeah. I’m going to be a vet.”

  Mindy was sort of right. Fallon is going into a medical field. Hot, smart, and cares about animals—I really hit the jackpot with this girl.

  “Are you interning with the vet across from campus?” Mindy asks.

  “Yeah. Dr. Anderson.”

  Mindy nearly chokes on her coffee and her eyes widen.

  “Are you okay?” I ask, ready to pat her back if she’s really choking.

  “Yeah. I just looked up and saw Dr. Anderson. He’s right there.” She motions to the register before turning to Fallon. “Are you here with him?”

  Fallon lowers her eyes. “Yeah. He wanted to go for breakfast and asked me to come along. You know, a ‘congrats on finishing my internship’ kind of thing.”

  “That’s nice,” I say. “It’s always a plus when you get along with your boss.”

  Fallon motions toward the door. “Well, since he’s ready to get back to work, I better get moving.”

  “Weren’t you heading to the bathroom?” Mindy asks.

  “Yeah, but I don’t want to keep Dr. Anderson waiting.” Her eyes meet mine for a second before she scoots past me.

  I reach for her arm. “Hey.”

  She turns, looking down at my hand.

  “See you later?”

  She nods and gives Mindy a small wave.

  I sit down at the table, not sure what to make of the way Fallon clammed up. She knows Mindy and I are just friends.

  “She seems nice, but she’s graduating,” Mindy says.

  Yeah, that part does suck. “Maybe she’ll end up working for Dr. Anderson though. Then she’d be close to campus and we could still see each other.”

  Mindy shrugs. “Maybe.” Her eyes narrow, and I turn to see what she’s looking at. Dr. Anderson and Fallon are leaving, and Dr. Anderson’s hand is on the small of Fallon’s back. “I’d think in this day and age, employers would be more careful about physical contact with their employees.”

  Something inside me snaps at the thought of Dr. Anderson touching Fallon. All that talk about hiding and the way she acted funny at the mention of Dr. Anderson… “Do you think he’s sexually harassing her?” I’ve never kicked a doctor’s ass, but I’m not opposed to it if this guy is hurting Fallon in any way.

  “That would be majorly screwed up, but I’m not going to deny she was acting strange when he came up in the conversation.”

  I grip my fork, envisioning myself driving it through Dr. Anderson’s hand. “I’m going to find out. I’ll go to his office if I have to.”

  “You can’t just barge in there and accuse him of something. We don’t know if he did anything wrong yet.” Mindy takes the fork out of my hand and places it on her plate.

  “Then I’ll ask Fallon.”

  “You’re going to just come out and ask her if her boss is sexually harassing her?” She shakes her head. “She’s already secretive. If you push this, you could lose her for good.”

  I definitely don’t want to do that, but what kind of guy would I be if I didn’t try to help her? “I can’t sit here and do nothing. I’ll just go to the office and check things out. See how they act around each other.”

  “Want me to go with you?”

  “No. I should do this alone.”

  Mindy nods. “Go. I’ve got the check. Seems like, as your wingman, I can take care of the bill so you can go get the girl.”

  I smile. “You’re the best.” I rush out of the diner and turn down the street toward the vet’s office. I try to stay calm because like Mindy said, I don’t know anything yet. I have to keep my cool so I don’t freak Fallon out.

  The parking lot is empty when I walk up. I open the door and step into the waiting room. No one is around. No Fallon and no Dr. Anderson. I’m about to call out when I hear a sound—a moan. I follow it around the corner to one of the examination rooms. My chest clenches as I see Dr. Anderson bending Fallon over the exam table. She twists her head back and kisses him. Full on kisses him.

  I resist the urge to rush in there and pull him off her or punch my fist through the wall. I turn and walk back to the waiting room. I work out in my head what I want to say to Fallon. She lied. Or misled me at least. Anderson isn’t harassing her. She’s screwing him.

  A few minutes later, Fallon comes out of the room and steps behind the receptionist desk. Anderson must have gone to his office because I hear a door close down the hall. I stand
completely silent, waiting for Fallon to realize I’m here. She finally looks up and jumps.

  “Oh my God! Mike, when did you get here?”

  “Oh, I’ve been here for a good twenty minutes. Caught a show and everything.” I cross my arms.

  “You…” Her eyes go to the examination room.

  “Who is he? I mean I know he’s your boss, but what else is he to you? Another fuck buddy like me?” Because now it’s clear that’s all I am to her.

  “He’s my boyfriend.” She’s regained her composure and her voice is devoid of emotion, as if hooking up with me is nothing out of the ordinary for her, boyfriend or not.

  “What the hell?” Damn, I sound like such a chick, but come on. I finally find a girl I think I could really be with and she played me.

  Fallon sighs and lowers her voice. “Look, it was fun. Why does it have to mean anything more than that?”

  “Fun. Right.” Holy shit. I’ve become the girl and she’s the douchbag guy who used me for sex. It all makes sense now. “I guess you do this kind of thing all the time. Hook up with guys on campus where he can’t see you. Hiding in plain sight,” I say, using her words.

  “Marcus is fine and all, but he’s old.”

  Old? The guy can’t be over thirty.

  “He’s got money and takes care of me financially, but in bed…” She moves around the receptionist desk toward me. “Well, I need a younger guy to satisfy my needs.”

  I back away. “Yeah, well my schedule is pretty booked for the rest of the year, so nice knowing you.”

  She shrugs. Actually shrugs. “No hard feelings, right?”

  “Nah.” I shrug back at her and stuff my hands in my pockets. “It’s cool.”

  “Good.” She smiles. “And if we could keep this just between us, that would be great.”

  She means don’t tell her clueless boyfriend. Poor bastard. Part of me wants to tell him to dump her and find someone worth his time, but looking at her now, seeing her absolutely perfect body, I know that wouldn’t happen. I wouldn’t doubt he’s well aware of her side activities but he puts up with it because she’s young and hot and he gets to sleep with her.

  “You aren’t going to say anything, are you?” she asks after I don’t respond.

  “Nothing to tell.”


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