Campus Crush

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Campus Crush Page 15

by Ashelyn Drake

  Her eyes are focused straight ahead, and she tugs on my arm, unable to speak. I turn to see what’s got her so freaked out and nearly fall out of my seat when I see Darren. He’s talking to Monahan, who is nodding in response. Maybe Bellows didn’t rat us out. Or maybe she just hasn’t yet. But then where has Darren been? Why didn’t he return my texts from last week? My stomach is in knots.

  Noelle stills the pen in my hand, which I’m furiously tapping against my desk. “Try to calm down.”

  Yeah, right. I search Darren’s face for any sign of what happened or what’s to come, but he’s in business mode. He passes out papers and then approaches the podium at the front of the room. I’m completely clueless as to what’s going on. Noelle keeps glancing at me and shrugging. Darren’s eyes find mine, and he says, “I have an announcement to make.”

  Oh God! Is Monahan going to make him confess in front of the whole class? Would he really do that? I grab Noelle’s hand for support because I’m about to jump out of my skin.

  “Today is my last day with you all.”

  He was fired. My heart sinks into my stomach.

  “Professor Monahan believes my services would be more effective in another one of his lectures, which means I can no longer be your T.A. I’d like to wish you all a great semester.” He steps away from the podium and sits in a chair off to the side. I stare at him for the remainder of the class, wondering what this all means.

  I watch the minutes tick by, needing to talk to Darren and not sure how to approach him after class. I might need Noelle to distract Monahan like she did with the hostess at McEntire’s. All I know is that I’m willing to do whatever it takes to make sure Darren doesn’t end up like his father. Pushed into a job he never wanted and disgraced because he fell for the wrong girl. This is my fault. I pursued him, and if I have to admit that to the dean in order to save Darren’s job, then I will. I don’t care if I get expelled.

  Finally, the class ends. I bolt out of my seat with Noelle right behind me. My eyes lock on Darren, and he discretely nods toward the exit. I head that way, relieved that he’s willing to talk to me. Noelle and I wait by the door, and Professor Monahan eyes me as he walks out. Noelle gives me a look, having noticed it, too. Somehow I don’t think I’ll be doing well in art history this semester.

  “In here,” Darren says, motioning to a room right next to the lecture hall. He opens the door and steps inside. Noelle and I follow without a word. “There’s not a class in here until one o’clock so we’re free to talk.”

  Noelle motions toward the door. “Maybe I should go.”

  I nod because I know what’s going to happen next—whatever it is—needs to be done in private. She gives my hand a quick squeeze before walking out. I turn to Darren, not sure where to start. Before I know it, the words are pouring out of me. “I’m sorry. This is all my fault. I didn’t think you’d really get fired. I’ll talk to Monahan, tell him—”

  Darren places a finger against my lips. “You don’t have to do that.”

  “Yes, I do. I won’t let you—”

  This time he stops me with a kiss. I don’t respond at first, but then I realize this might be our goodbye kiss. One last opportunity to feel his lips on mine, to taste him. I kiss him back, wrapping my arms around his neck and not wanting to let go. He pulls back and rests his hands on my arms.

  “I went to Monahan the night Bellows caught us in my car, and I told him everything. How we met at the pub and I didn’t know you were a student.”

  Oh God. My heart races, waiting to hear him say that this is goodbye for us.

  “Luckily, he believed that the way we got together was completely innocent.”

  Innocent? Hardly. We had sex, but I get what he’s saying. We didn’t know we were about to become student and T.A. “He doesn’t blame us for breaking school policy?”

  “No. He’s not happy about it in the least, which is why he removed me from your class. I’ll be working with one of his other classes instead. And, believe me, he reminds me every day how the switch is affecting him.” The word comes out soft, and I can’t read Darren’s expression.

  “So, what exactly does this mean?” Just because Monahan isn’t firing Darren doesn’t mean he’s giving us his blessing. My grip tightens on Darren’s neck.

  “I’m on probation. Not with Dean Decker. Just with Monahan. He said he won’t report us. We can continue to see each other, but we can’t be seen together on campus. Not at all or Monahan will go to the dean about us, and that means you could get expelled.”

  I exhale the breath I’ve been holding. We don’t have to end this. “But off campus? Are we allowed to see each other away from Timberland?” Please tell me I can at least hold his hand in public, go to dinner with him. I can’t have a relationship behind closed doors.

  “Off campus we’re free to let people know we’re together.”

  “Together?” We never even discussed what this is between us.

  He laces his fingers through mine. “I didn’t go through all this just to take you on a few dates, Julia. I did it so I could tell people you’re my girlfriend—at least when we’re not on campus.”

  I lean forward and press my lips to his. I want to scream. I want to tangle my body up in his, but we’re on campus. That means we’re already breaking Monahan’s rules. I pull away, afraid of getting caught and losing him for good.

  Darren smiles. “Yeah, we can’t do stuff like that here, but tonight I’m taking you out for that dinner I owe you.”

  I smile and continue smiling for the rest of the day, all through my classes. I even raise my hand in Bellows’s class. She didn’t report Darren and me to the dean, and I owe her for that. So, I’ve decided to become her best student. I even volunteer to read aloud in class, something I’ve never done.

  By the time six o’clock rolls around, I’m dying to see Darren. To hold his hand in public. To kiss him again. Noelle and Andy agree to take me to the pub where Darren has a table reserved for us. I’m wearing my favorite sundress, and I left my freckles untouched, having noticed how often Darren kissed them the last time we were together. To my surprise, Noelle and Andy get out of the car and follow me into the restaurant.

  “Are you guys eating here, too?” I ask.

  “I invited them,” Darren says, meeting us at the door.

  “You did?”

  “I realized that when we first met, you were the third wheel. You don’t have to be anymore.” He smiles. “Instead, you’re on a double date.”

  I turn to Noelle, who obviously had a hand in this. “I love you.”

  “I know,” she says with a smile.

  We sit down at a table in the back, and Darren immediately takes my hand in his. No more hiding, at least not here. “It’s nice being out with you in public and not worrying who might see,” he says.

  I scoot closer to him. “I agree.”

  “But after dinner, I get you all to myself,” he whispers in my ear.

  I turn and press my lips to his. “I agree to that, too.”

  Rushing Into Love (Campus Crush #3)


  Trademarks: Kings of Leon, “Sex on Fire”, “Freshman”, The Verve Pipe, Vodka, Taylor Swift, Chevy Silverado, Coke, Dr. Pepper, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Super Bowl, Top Gun, “Fools Rush In”

  Author Dedication

  To those who know that falling in love has nothing to do with time.

  Rushing Into Love (Campus Crush #3)

  Chapter One

  Underclassmen fall in love quicker than rabbits during mating season. As I come out of the elevator, I almost walk into two freshmen groping each other in the lobby. I’m all for romance, but this is just hormones and lust at work as she tugs on his shirt and he reaches behind her to grab her ass. They’ll hook up, hold hands for about two weeks, and then they’ll both move on to someone new as if the whole thing never happened.

  I turn away, heading for the event room, and try to avoid the sight of them slobbering all over ea
ch other’s faces. I wonder how long it will take them to realize the elevator is available.

  “Hey, Mindy,” Mike says, looking up from a table covered in streamers. “Think this will be enough to decorate the room?”

  I laugh. “I think you could decorate the entire dorm with all of that.”

  “Too much?”

  “Maybe a little, but go nuts.”

  “I was thinking you and I could do a duet during karaoke. What do you say?” He nudges me with his elbow and then pretends he’s holding a microphone and belts out a few lines of “Sex on Fire” by Kings of Leon.

  “You sure about that? Remember what happened last year when you left the non-alcoholic drink station to sing a song.” I raise an eyebrow at him.

  He drops his arm and shoves his hands in his shorts pockets. “They manage to spike the drinks no matter what I do.”

  I clap him on the shoulder. “Don’t sweat it. Besides, you’re supposed to keep me sane tonight when everyone gets drunk and starts trying to spout out the Greek alphabet in preparation for pledging.”

  Mike smiles. “Come on. It’s a little funny watching just about every freshman scramble around to rush the fraternity or sorority of their choice.”

  “Yeah, until all the Greeks on campus parade around chanting their little songs that basically just spell out their Greek letters.” I shake my head. “Not for me. Never has been and never will be. It’s like being told who to be friends with. I already have great friends.”

  “The best.” His smile widens. “So help me with these streamers.”

  I shrug. “Sure.”

  Mike narrows his eyes at me and reaches for my arm. “You really don’t want to host this event, do you? What’s going on? This isn’t like you at all. You’re always Little Miss Sunshine with the bright personality to match your blonde hair and big green eyes.”

  My mind drifts back to the couple groping each other in the lobby. It’s been so long since I’ve had anything even remotely like that. “Don’t get me wrong. I love doing this kind of stuff, but it seems like lately everyone is pairing up. Either with each other or with some Greek organization.” I look down at my checklist for tonight’s event. Other than decorating, everything has been taken care of. I should be happy, but I’m not.

  Mike puts the decorations aside and drapes an arm around my shoulder. “Chin up. We’ve got two years left in this place. You’ll find your perfect someone.” He gives my shoulder a squeeze.

  If Mike wasn’t the best friend a girl could ask for, I’d want to date him. He’s the epitome of tall, dark, and handsome—with adorable dimples that give him a boyish charm. But we are too good together to risk our friendship. “I know. I guess I’m just being overly sensitive today.” I take a deep breath and smile at him. “Now, let’s make this place look like a party store threw up in here.”

  He laughs. “That’s my girl.”

  We decorate for about an hour, which is all the time we have before the karaoke guy shows up with his equipment. “You can set up over there on the stage,” I tell him. “People should be arriving any minute now.”

  “All the frozen drink machines are ready to go,” Mike says. “I’ll try to keep an eye on them so no one tampers with them, but if this party gets lame too quickly, I might spike the drinks myself.” He winks at me, but I know he’s serious. Even though he’s an amazing guy, I often wonder how he got selected as an R.A. With how often he skips class and sneaks alcohol into his dorm room, he’s not exactly a model student.

  “Hey, party people,” Andy says, walking in with his arm around Noelle.

  “Hi, Mindy. How’s my favorite R.A.?” Noelle asks.

  Andy pouts and squeezes Noelle’s shoulder. “I thought I was your favorite R.A.”

  “No, you’re my boyfriend. Mindy’s my R.A.” Noelle taps Andy on the tip of his nose, which is so sweet and cute that it’s almost sick.

  “Hey.” I smile and wave to them both. “Where’s Julia?” I ask, though I’m already certain Noelle’s roommate is out with Darren. He’s a teaching assistant here at Timberland, which means he can’t be seen on campus with Julia. So ever since they started dating, I don’t see Julia on campus much at all.

  “Out again,” Noelle says, knowing I’ll get what she means.

  “Good for her.” I see the hurt on Mike’s face. He’s been into Julia since they made out at the social during freshman orientation. Maybe Mike and I can find a nice brother and sister pair to date. “So, shall we get into position?” I ask, trying to change the subject.

  Mike forces a smile and heads to the drink station. “I’m on it.”

  “Noelle and I will handle the door,” Andy says, motioning to the table by the entrance.

  “Then I guess I’m on the floor tonight.” That means I have to oversee everything and make sure everyone is having a good time. It’s usually my favorite job, but tonight I’m just not feeling it.

  “You’re the girl for the job,” Andy says. “My dad’s always telling me I should be more like you.”

  Dean Decker has high expectations of his son. I know it can’t be easy for Andy, especially with Dean Decker frowning on Andy’s relationship with Noelle. I don’t understand why he doesn’t want them together. It’s not against campus policy for an R.A. to date an underclassman, and Noelle is a sweetheart.

  About ten minutes later, a group of freshmen enter the event room. I smile up at them and nod to the karaoke guy so he gets some music playing while we wait for more people to show up. Within the hour, everyone is laughing and having a good time. I don’t even care that people are talking about Rush Week.

  I walk over to Mike, who is sniffing a frozen drink. I do my best to hide my smile as I look at my watch. “Well, you managed to hold them off for an hour before they spiked the drinks.”

  “Seriously, I don’t know how they do it. I haven’t left this spot.”

  I look around the room and see a pretty blonde holding a cup and smiling at Mike. “Let me guess. She came up for a drink and you got caught up talking to her.”

  “How did you know?” Mike stares into the cup as he swirls its contents.

  I motion to the guy walking over to the girl, carrying a cup in his hand, too.

  “I didn’t even serve him. Where did he get—?”

  “He obviously spiked the drinks while you were flirting with Blondie. Got to love a guy who’s willing to pimp out his girlfriend just to get a decent drink.” This is why I don’t date younger guys. One of the reasons at least.

  “Man! So I got played.”

  “Yup.” I laugh some more before saying, “Have a drink. You’ll feel better.”

  He raises a brow. “You’re not going to tell me to dump it?”

  “Have you ever listened to me in the past when I’ve asked you to dump it?” Mike’s usual solution for spiked drinks is to consume as much as he can, with the pretense of keeping it out of the hands of the underage coeds.

  He shrugs. “Good point.” He tips the cup back, draining it, and pours himself another.

  “Pour me one, too.”

  His eyes widen. “Little Miss Perfect is going to drink while running a social event?” He places his hand over his heart and fakes a heart attack.

  “Just give me a drink.” I take the cup from him and turn away, shaking my head. I’m not sure why everyone assumes I do everything by the book. I was the one who tried to help Julia and Darren get together. Well, I gave her advice at least. “I do know how to relax like everyone else.”

  “But I’ve yet to see you drunk, even though I’ve known you for going on three years now.”

  The karaoke guy taps the microphone to get everyone’s attention, and I’m thankful for the interruption. “Our next victim—I mean singer—is a freshman by the name of Ben Whitmore.”

  A few people in the back cheer and clap the back of a guy with brown hair. Must be Ben.

  “Ben’s song was chosen by some of his friends,” the D.J. continues. “So come on up here, Ben
. You’ll be singing ‘The Freshman’ by The Verve Pipe.”

  “Appropriate choice,” I say to Mike, but I’m kind of surprised any of them know the song. It’s pretty old.

  “Not all that original though.”

  “Well that’s because they’re all drunk from your frozen drinks.” I smile and pat him on the shoulder. He lowers his head, still not sure how a bunch of freshmen spiked the drinks, and it makes me laugh.

  “You just wait,” Mike says. “I bet they’re coming for you next.”

  “Nah, my dorm residents love me.” I take a sip of my drink and cringe at how strong the Vodka is.

  “Everyone loves you, Mindy. You’re probably the sweetest person on campus.”

  “Spoken like a true best friend.” I raise my plastic cup and clink it against his. “Cheers.”

  The music starts, and immediately I’m drawn to Ben’s voice. It’s low and…well, sexy. Goose bumps pop up on my arms, and I rub them, pretending to be cold instead of awestruck by Ben’s performance. I turn toward Ben as he sings the song without looking at the video prompter.

  “He’s not bad,” Mike says.

  “Not at all.” Suddenly, I’m not sure if I’m talking about his singing or the rest of him. He’s pretty tall, not quite six foot, but I’d guess five eleven. His short brown hair is the perfect length to run your fingers through, and his eyes are a deep brown. If he wasn’t younger than I am, I’d say he was exactly my type.

  Mike leans closer to my ear. “Looks like you have an admirer.”

  Ben’s eyes are locked on me. I raise my cup and take a sip, trying to look casual and also to cool myself down. I feel like the temperature just rose about ten degrees, yet I still have goose bumps.

  “Oh, I see.” Mike smiles and nods.

  “What?” I turn away from Ben, but I keep glancing back at him. He’s moving toward the edge of the stage closest to me. His eyes are still on me, and I can’t turn away.

  “That.” Mike nods in Ben’s direction. “I believe that’s what they call love at first sight.”


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