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Hunte Page 4

by Warren, Rie

  “I’ve never . . .”

  “Tonight’s your lucky night.” I dragged my fingertips up my length as she shivered.

  “Looks so hot.”

  I stepped toward her, but she stopped me with a hand on my chest. “Not yet. Turn around.”

  Fuck me if I didn’t immediately comply, buck-ass naked.

  “This just gets better and better, Hunter.” Her breathy voice strung an arrow of deep need in my groin.

  I looked over my shoulder. She stared at my full backpiece. Inked in black, I was marked with a ghostly apparition rising from a misty graveyard. The words Live Another Day were tattooed in wraith-like script across the bottom.

  Her hands skimmed down my back, and her lips followed. “It’s . . . haunting.”

  “Tried to tell you, sweetheart. My life isn’t about rainbows and puppy dogs.” I hoped she wouldn’t stop touching me.

  I hoped I hadn’t scared her away.

  “I knew that the first time I saw you.” On her tiptoes, her mouth and her tongue and her husky blues singer voice brushed against my neck and then my ear. “I want all of you tonight.”

  Drifting back down my body, she caressed my thighs all the way to my swinging ballsack.

  Kneading the muscles of my ass, she murmured, “You’re tan all over.” Her lips left hot wet trails on my glutes.


  She bit my hip. “Mmm. I like your genes.”

  Remaining on her knees, she turned me to face her. My cock swung against her face, but she ignored my shaft, scratching her nails down my abs instead.

  “You work out.”

  Strict regimen required by my work, you know, in case I have to kill with my bare hands or run from gunfire . . .

  “I take a spinning class.”

  She laughed, hitting me on the stomach.

  I captured her wrist, towing her to her feet. “My goal was to get you naked, not vice versa.”

  “Go for it. I’m easy for you.”

  “Keep it that way,” I growled.

  I helped JB out of her boots and socks first while she steadied herself on my shoulders. Her breasts brushed my face, but I only turned to suck on them once or twice. Rolling down her jeans, I took in the revealed sight of her mile-high legs, firm but soft. All woman.

  It was only when I looked up I faltered. “What the hell is that?”

  In addition to a pair of tiny see-through black bikinis that matched the long-gone bra, she wore a gold waist-chain low on her hips. A long tail dangled over her hip bone and, when I turned her to the side, an identical chain hung from the base of her spine, swinging between the plump cheeks of her ass.

  My mouth went dry at the sight. “We’re not taking this off.” I flicked the gold chain.

  She moved to shimmy the panties down her legs but I stopped her.

  “Leave ’em on for now. I think I want to savor this . . .” Understatement of the motherfucking year.

  JB had her own plans, although she left the panties and chain in place. “Get on the bed for me?”

  Did I do as she asked? Hell, yes. Hot woman in control. Sign me up.

  “Jerk off for me?”

  Hand on cock, just like that, as soon as I heard her sexy-voiced command.

  I spread my thighs wide, tugged my balls low, and set to slow work fisting the thick weight of my cock, flicking my wrist every time I reached the top.

  JB stared. Her cheeks flushed. Her nipples? So hard, so darkly colored.

  I made sure she saw the movement of my foreskin and the way my wide crown dampened with each pass. I choked my cock at the root and shook it in my hand.

  “My turn now.” Settling between my legs, she swung her lush brown curls over her shoulder and shoved my hands away.

  I reclined, my arms crossed behind my neck, my hips lifting. My head cranked back, I maintained my sights on her. Topless hand job by the hottest woman I’d ever met. That was going in the repertoire just in case she cut me off from anymore horny lovin’ later.

  She held me in both hands. “Ohhh. It’s so heavy.”

  Stroking my ego and my cock at the same time. Talented woman.

  Her tits bounced up and down when she really got into it. The two-handed hold tore grunts from my mouth. She fisted in opposite directions. She polished my knob with the flat of her palm, gathering the leaking precome to slicken my shaft on the way down.

  Lifting her hands off me, JB’s laughter swelled throughout the room when my cock waved in the air.

  I curled my fists into the blankets, so close to coming my dick ached and my balls were full.

  “Got any lube?” she asked.

  Unable to do more than grunt by then, I pointed to the bedside table. She hurried, quickly finding the tub as well as a strip of condoms she tossed onto the bed for later use. Smart thinking.

  She scooped some lube out with her fingers, spreading it between her hands. I liked my slick stuff creamy if I was taking the time to jag off. I liked to edge and swell and feel the veins pulsing in my grip, the thick white lube raunchier than any clear sleek liquid.

  Her palms oiled and ready, she set them on me again.

  “Oh, fucking hell!” My hips moved into her tight clasp.

  The squelching noise filled the room. Her thumbs pressed together along the bulging under-vein of my cock, she ran her hands up and down, up and down. I raised my head to watch. The thick rod disappeared inside her slick hands and a creamy white foam formed between her fingers. Her tits bounced. Her cheeks turned pink. She bit her lip.

  Grabbing her hair, I hauled her to my mouth. I kissed her, groaning. Throbbing heat crackled at the surface of my skin. I was ready to shoot off.

  Her fingers folded together, she fucked me through her knuckles. Tightening and sweeping over the head, she ramped up the fire speeding to my balls.

  “You’re gonna make me come, JB.”

  “Am I?”

  Through gritted teeth, I snarled, “Oh, God, yesss!”

  At the last moment, she closed her soft full lips around the head of my cock. I blew my load in her mouth, the first feel of her wetness on my dick pushing me over the edge. Rope after rope of seed blasted from me, and she noisily swallowed, humming on me.

  After the last jet erupted from my cock, she opened her lips and let some of my come drip down onto my shaft. She slapped me against her face then bathed me in her tongue. She licked long trails through my pubes and up my cock, cleaning everything away with a kitten-and-cream smile.

  I relaxed onto the bed, my bones all but melted.

  “Next time I’ll give you the full treatment,” she smugly said.

  Awestruck. That was what I was. And fast rising to full cock-hardness again at the thought of a long blowjob from her lips. “Not sure I’d survive it.”

  “Sometimes I just like giving a hand job. Cock feels so good. Especially yours. I might have to prep to get all of you in my mouth.” JB continued in a conversational tone while she continued to blow my mind. “But I always swallow. I love the taste of come.”

  Jesus Christ.

  Tackling her beneath me, I propped up on my fists. “Oh yeah? Know what I like doing? Eating hot wet pussy.”

  “Then I think I’ve got what you’re looking for.”

  “No doubt.” Slipping off her, I sat against the headboard. “Give me your tits first.”

  Sitting astride me in nothing but the thin panties and mind-destroying gold waist chain, she fed me her breasts. I couldn’t get enough of her. The tight nipples, the little freckles, the way her hair fell over her face when she looked down to watch.

  She grinded on top of my cock as I feasted on her breasts. I felt her getting wetter by the second.

  Squeezing the lush mounds together, I bit at the peaks, pulling them between my teeth. She squealed when I sucked as far as her tits would allow, drawing her deep into my mouth.

  A burst of liquid drenched her panties, and I knew she’d come. She trembled in my arms, collapsed on my chest.
br />   I wasn’t done though.

  Slipping her from my body and onto the bed, I delved down her tummy, circled her tiny belly button then I hit right between her legs. The visual of sheer fabric with a wet patch between her cunt lips was way too good to pass up. I enveloped her in my mouth, sucking the slippery wet panties. Her clit—proud and pronounced—butted against the material. I pulled it with my teeth, and her back arched off the bed.

  Arms thrown wide, head tilted back, thighs spread and breasts heaving, JB filled every single one of my senses and made me feel more alive than I had in years.

  Sucking on her slippery wet panties, I developing a new fetish every second I spent between her firm white thighs. Skin so soft and smooth. Pussy so sleek and open. I eased her panties down her legs and off.

  She was bare. Glistening. A pink shell I licked until her inner lips opened to my tongue. Her moans came faster. Her heels drilled into my shoulders. I held her wide, clamping my hands around her ankles. I lapped my tongue in and out of her cunt, twirling inside. I made out with her pussy, groaning against the sleek flesh. Tonguing her slit, I swirled my fingers around her clit. When I slipped two fingers inside—jolting against her g-spot—she rode out the waves of her orgasm on my tongue.

  I lay against her, rubbing my cock against her slit.

  Kissing me, she ran her fingers through my hair. “Thought you said you were coming at me hard and fast.”

  “Getting to that. Right now.” I flipped her onto her stomach and straddled her.

  She laughed but not for long. My rigid shaft between her ass cheeks quieted her amusement. I teased her long enough her back arched—kitten who wants the cream.

  I lifted her to her knees, and told her to lay her head on the mattress.

  That time she complied, no questions asked.

  I slid on a condom before sawing my cock up and down her swollen sex.

  “Now’s the time for hard and fast. You ready?”

  “Yes!” came her muffled shout.

  I entered her from behind, plunging to the base. My balls slapped against her. My pubes rasped her ass. My cock split her open.

  JB threw her head up with a moan.

  The gold chain dripped off her ass, the other end slipping between her legs. I pulled back and grasped the fragile links in one hand, riding back into her, more forceful than the last time.

  Getting dirty, getting into it, I pulled out slowly and hammered into her fast and hard. Groaning her name, I reached around to tug and twist her nipples. She screamed into the pillow, coming with fierce internal contractions.

  I buried my face in her neck, the pressure inside her intense and hot and wetter than ever. Riding her more slowly, I turned her head, tasted her lips.

  “Kiss me. Kiss me and come again. Come with me.”

  “Hunter!” Her hungry lips sought mine.

  My body seized and jerked. I tried to keep my lips on hers. With a broken yell and a hoarse shout, I doubled over her back. I lost myself inside her. Time stopped for that searing instant until I found myself again and remembered to breathe.

  “Holy fuck.” I rolled off her and fell to my back.

  She stretched out on her tummy beside me, her head turned in my direction. Her eyes were shut, long sooty eyelashes dusting the freckles on her cheeks. The cascade of curls spread down her back, a contrast with her ivory skin. The curve of her bottom was high and full, a little red from my rough handling. My handprints marked the skin of her hips.

  Propped up on an elbow, I asked, “You okay?”

  “Unless you fucked me to death.” Her lips spread in a smile.

  I ran my hand down the center of her spine—following the bold designs of her butterfly tats—then I swatted her lightly on the ass.

  She yelped, her eyes flashing open.

  “Still alive, I see.” I kissed the little frown off her mouth.

  JB tackled me to my back, her hair a gorgeous curtain surrounding us. Her kiss was longer, deeper, lingering.

  She drew back. “Remember you asked if I was hungry earlier?”

  “You are now?”

  She nodded.

  “For what?” I asked, hopeful because I could definitely rise to the occasion a few more times tonight, especially if she said she was hungry for my cock and wanted to give me head.

  “Food, you crazy fool.” She tapped my nose.

  I stretched my body beneath hers, slowly shifting my hips against her—yep, definitely on the rise again. “Sure about that?”

  “Food . . . first.”

  Well, that lit a fire under my ass. I nearly tossed her off me as I hustled out of bed. I pulled on my jeans, buttoning just enough to keep them on my hips.

  She watched my every move. “Eager.”


  Her husky laugh did something wicked to me, sending hot shockwaves through my body.

  “So, what you want? Warmed-up pizza? I could order something in? Sandwiches and beer?” I ticked the items off on my fingers.

  “Sandwich and a beer sounds perfect.” She started to get out of bed. “I’ll help.”

  “Oh no you won’t. You’re not leaving my bed.”

  “Okay.” JB reclined, showing off her curvy, flushed, just-fucked body. Her nipples were dark and hard again. “Off you go now.”

  “Right.” I rubbed a hand across my mouth, backing to the door. “Right.”

  In the kitchen, I crashed around the cupboards and fridge, in a hurry to get back before she even had a chance to think about getting dressed. Sandwiches were one thing I could do blindfolded. Beer? I had that shit practically on tap.

  Returning upstairs, I found JB as I’d left her: spread out on my bed and mine for taking, once I fed her.

  She pulled the covers up over her amazing tits while she ate her sandwich and took sips of her beer. I ate both of my sandwiches in the time it took her to finish one. I slammed the beer almost as fast, too.

  The plates stacked on the bedside table, I gave her enough time to finish her drink before getting up to kick off my jeans. There was almost an entire pack of condoms waiting, and I didn’t want to waste another minute.

  Her gaze drifted to my rigid cock then back to my face. “You were hungrier than me.”

  “Big appetite. For everything.” Lifting the blankets at the end of the bed, I crawled beneath and settled between her legs to demonstrate just how greedy I was.

  Later, when I’d had my fill of her sleek cunt in my mouth, I spooned against her. I scooped her tits in my hands, and slowly fucked each hot, heavy inch of my cock into her.

  “Fuck, JB. You’ve got one hell of a body.”

  She gasped, rolling her hips against me. I took her deep and slow, my lips pressed to her neck or ear or shoulder. Her face entranced me when she came, lips parted, eyes closed, soft moans slipping out.

  “Oh fuck yes, Hunter. Unhhh. Keep going, keep . . .”

  Her intense orgasm conjured mine. I sucked in a last breath then let loose with a full-body ripple ending in a rush of heat blasting from my cockhead. The pulsing sensation drew me deeper into her, my hips jerking, my arms squeezing her against me.

  “Holy fuck,” she whispered.

  Turning her to me, I kissed her cheeks and her lowered eyelids. I placed my lips against the hard-beating pulse in her throat. “You’re still alive.”

  “Mmm. You’re good.” She stretched from head to toe.

  “So are you.” And she felt damn good in my arms. I combed my fingers through her tumbling locks, easing out the snarls caused by our sex-fest.

  She rubbed her palm against my chest, teasing my nipples, playing with the hair. “You’re hot.”

  “So are you.”

  She slipped her leg over my thigh and caressed the sole of her foot up and down my calf. The action brought the heat of her pussy against my newly interested cock.

  “Stay tonight?” I struck while the iron was hot.

  “Can’t. Early start tomorrow. In fact, I should probably get
going.” She uncoiled from me and slid from bed.

  As she searched for her clothes, I had the pleasure of watching her. Her delicate-looking body had mega-curves that overflowed my hands. The soft brown waves of her hair draped across her shoulders and tits. Every once in a while, a nipple peaked out.

  “Oh yeah? The Monday grind?” I moved into her warm spot and got another dose of her perfume.

  “Mm hmm.” She gave no further comment, firmly shutting off that line of conversation.

  Maybe she didn’t want to get any more personally involved than I did. Maybe that was a good idea to hold onto.

  I walked her out with her hand held in mine. At her Ducati—fire engine red unlike her lipstick, which was long gone by now—she tugged on a pair of riding gloves. Our breath formed little puffs of white clouds in the chilly November night.

  Pinning her to me with an arm around her waist, I melted our lips together. I forgot all about the cold air with her warm mouth cushioning mine, her tongue darting inside. The goodnight kiss went on and on, heating me from the inside out.

  She broke the kiss. “I need to go.”

  “Yeah.” I swooped in, sucking her bottom lip between mine.

  She whimpered before twisting her fingers in my hair, gripping me harder.

  I pulled back with a groan. “You really have to leave?”

  “Uh huh.” She nibbled on my neck, rasping her tongue on the dark stubble.

  “Because I can wake you up for work.” My palms settled on her ass.

  “Uh unh.” She plucked at my lips.

  “So who’s gonna stop first?” I dove back inside her mouth, my tongue lunging inside.

  “You are, because you’re a gentleMAN!” JB squealed the last part as my fingers maneuvered down the front of her jeans.

  Pushing against her pussy, I gritted out, “Says who?”


  I circled my fingers against the top seam, aiming for her clit. “One more for the road, JB?”

  She broke free with a low laugh, wobbling on her legs. “You play dirty.”

  “You should know that by now.”

  “I’m going.”

  “Wanna make sure your legs can hold you up first?”

  She flipped me two stiff middle fingers then straddled her bike. Throttling it to life, she buckled the helmet beneath her chin.


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