Shape of My Heart

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Shape of My Heart Page 11

by LuAnn McLane

  Maggie located the baking utensils she needed and decided she wanted some music to lighten her mood. She scrolled through her playlist, mentally multitasking remembering the recipe measurements while coming up with the short speech she’d give when she presented the pan of chocolate heaven to Jimmy. She cranked up the music. While gathering the ingredients from the pantry and fridge, she loudly and slightly off-key sang along to Adele’s “Someone Like You,” putting her fist to her chest when belting out the intensely sad part. Trixie trotted into the kitchen and sat back on her haunches, begging for a treat.

  “Here you go.” Maggie tossed her a little beef-flavored nugget and then went back to singing so loudly she nearly missed her cell phone ringing.

  “Oh.” Maggie smiled when she spotted her agent’s name light up the screen. Top-notch Amanda Summers had signed Maggie after Maggie had received dozens of rejections from countless agents. Amanda’s belief in Maggie’s message to young women not only turned Maggie’s own life around, but also put her books in the hands of girls who needed encouragement and inspiration. After switching the music off, Maggie picked up her phone. “Hi, Amanda!”

  “Hello, Maggie,” Amanda answered cheerfully. “Just checking in to see how the book is coming along!”

  “Uh …” Maggie’s stomach felt as if she’d just soared over the crest of a roller-coaster ride. “I’m struggling a bit.” She put her thumb and forefinger an inch apart and winced.

  “Really? That’s unusual for you.”

  Maggie took a deep breath of cocoa-scented air and studied her fingernails. “I know, and it’s actually pretty scary.”

  “Everything okay? Do you need to chat? Is it the move to Florida? Your cute little rescue dog thriving?”

  “So many questions!”

  “That’s what I do. You know me by now. Questions get answers. Break it down.”

  “Well, I do miss my mom and Granny Mags. I tried to teach them how to FaceTime, but it usually turns into a fiasco.”

  “I worried about that part.”

  Maggie gripped the phone harder. “I know.”

  “If there’s another hard winter in Cleveland, I think you can do some serious lobbying for them to relocate. You like it in Sea Breeze, right?”

  “It’s gorgeous. I love my condo and Trixie is doing great.”

  Trixie’s head popped up at the sound of her name. Maggie tossed her another treat.

  “Okay, so your muse went out for a smoke?”

  “And hasn’t come back. Actually, I think she’s in a bar, swilling martinis. Maybe I should join her.”

  “Oh, damn.”

  “Yep, ’fraid so.” Maggie smiled at the concern in Amanda’s voice. Her agent was one of the few people whom she confided in other than her mom and grandmother.

  “So, what gives?”

  “Are you sitting down?”

  “I am now.”

  “Well, it all started when I found out that Jimmy Heart was my next-door neighbor. Our balconies butt up to each other.”

  “Jimmy Heart—do I know him?”

  “Yeah.” Maggie waited for her revelation to sink in. Three, two …

  “Oh whoa, wow, do you mean Jimmy Heart of Heartbeat?” Amanda asked, her voice an octave higher than before. Amanda was just a couple of years older than Maggie. “Yeah, yeah, yeah,” she said rapidly. “I remember watching bits of the reunion concert live from Sea Breeze. Ohmigod, so he lives next door?”


  “Wowsa. I was such a huge fan of Heartbeat back in the day. I saw them in concert and screamed so much that I couldn’t talk the next day. Zero voice left. I was hot for Grady and I was a little bummed when he married Arabella York. I mean, hello, he was supposed to marry me! So, do you know him? Talk to him? Stare at him with longing?”

  “Um …” Maggie said, and then paused long enough for Amanda to squeal.

  “Whoa, wait—are you involved with him?”


  “Shut up.”

  Maggie laughed. “Okay.”

  “No, don’t shut up! Give me details, woman.”

  Maggie gave Amanda the watered-down version of her relationship with Jimmy thus far.

  “Aw, Jimmy Heart saved your cute little dog? And then you patched him up? That’s, like, classic romance-novel fodder. No wonder you’ve been distracted! I have to ask. Have you, did you … kiss?”

  Maggie felt heat creep into her cheeks. “Well …”

  “Ohmigod, you kissed Jimmy Heart! I’m no longer sitting. I’m dancing!”

  “And then kicked him out the door.”

  “Yes! Whoa, wait. What?! No, no … noooo! Okay, I’m sitting again.”

  Maggie leaned her hip against the kitchen counter. “Amanda, Jimmy Heart was my Heartbeat crush. I mean, I blew kisses at his picture every night. I wrote ‘Maggie May Heart’ in my diary.”

  “So? You and millions of other teenyboppers.”

  “It’s a fantasy. He’s a fantasy.”

  “Uh, the flesh-and-blood man lives next door. And have you forgotten that you are a New York Times bestselling author? You bring a lot to the table, and Maggie May Heart has a nice ring to it.”

  “Amanda.” Maggie rolled her eyes up at the ceiling. “No, I’m not about to fall for him and get my heart handed to me on a platter.”

  “But he seems super nice. Is he super nice? Please say yes.”


  “I’m twirling my hair in confusion.”

  “That makes two of us.”

  “You’ve become a hair-twirler? Because you sure as hell shouldn’t be confused.”

  Maggie crossed her ankles, wanting Amanda’s words to sink in and give her the freedom to give a relationship with Jimmy a chance. “Yeah, but—”

  “Yeah, with no but,” Amanda interrupted. “Look, it’s pretty clear what you’re thinking. If I were in your lucky-ass shoes, I’d probably be having the same thoughts. He’s Jimmy freaking Heart.”

  “Nailed it.”

  “That’s not what I meant. Come on, Maggie, when you get right down to it, he’s just a guy standing in front of a girl asking her to love him.”

  “How dare you quote Notting Hill, my favorite movie of all time?” Maggie had to smile.

  “Another kismet moment just smacked you in the face. Wake up, woman!”

  Maggie groaned. “I can’t handle it.”

  “Oh, pffft. You are a smart, beautiful woman inside and out. Look, forget he was a heartthrob.”

  “And I was a nerd? Am a nerd?”

  “Yeah, but nerds are the new cool.”

  “Amanda, seriously, can you imagine? Jimmy Heart?”

  “Yeah, okay, maybe no, but hey, just be people.”

  “Now just how in the world can I do that?”

  “Okay, scratch that and just … deal, Maggie. The man obviously has a thing for you.”

  “I don’t want a thing. I want something real.”

  “You know what I mean! He’s attracted to you. Obviously likes you. So, just how are you going to convey to him that you’re super sorry for kicking his sexy ass out the door because he kissed you senseless?”

  “My special brownies.”

  “Ah. That kind of brownie? That could loosen things up. Is there a Taco Bell close by?”

  “Those … What? Oh, no! My to-die-for Granny Mags’s recipe.”

  “Oh, the ones you made for our writers’ retreat last year?”


  “Jimmy Heart just might propose on the spot.”


  “Where’s your usual sense of humor? That redheaded sass of yours hiding somewhere?”

  “I don’t know? Beneath the covers like a coward? Having a martini with my muse?”

  “Well, toss the cover off and deliver warm, gooey brownies to your sexy neighbor.”

  “I think I’ll just leave them by his door, knock, and run.”

  “You will not! Maggie, you’ve given amazing talks in front of
hundreds of people. You can do this. I mean, you like him, right?”

  “Yeah, a lot.”

  “And there’s obviously some serious chemistry between you guys.”

  “But Amanda, I led him to believe I didn’t know who he was—is.”

  “Oh. Interesting plot twist.”

  Maggie closed her eyes. “Why did I do that? Should I confess that I knew all along?”

  “I can’t answer that one, but I’m guessing that it really won’t matter in the long term.”

  “What about in the short term?”

  “Maggie, you’re way overthinking. Take the man the brownies and then let me know what happens. Oooh, this is so cool.”

  “He’s just my neighbor. Don’t get your hopes up.”

  “Too late. Please don’t dash my hopes. Oh, and where I come from, you don’t randomly kiss neighbors.”

  Maggie groaned.

  “Do it.”



  Maggie sucked in a deep breath and squared her shoulders. Fifteen minutes later, she slid the gooey brownies into the hot oven. She nibbled on the inside of her lip, wondering if she had the courage to march over to Jimmy’s condo with her pan of apology.

  While lathering up her hair in the steamy shower, she still couldn’t make up her mind, thinking she might just binge-watch something on Netflix while devouring a few brownies herself.

  But then Maggie remembered the hurt look on Jimmy’s face when she’d blamed the bathroom interlude on him. Stepping out of the shower, she quickly dried off, slipped into her robe, and checked on the brownies. “Ah, done.” She could tell by the way the top crinkled, but she still poked the middle with a toothpick just to make sure. The scent of chocolate filled the air, and she finally smiled. If nothing else, she wanted to be on good terms again with Jimmy, and to keep the peace, she decided to avoid talking about nearly having sex up against the wall …


  Her body reacted to the hot memory and she groaned.

  Maggie blew her hair dry and added some product to tame her curls into submission. She’d learned that Florida humidity wasn’t her friend, but her amazing hair stylist had turned her on to some miracle stuff that she now couldn’t live without. She carefully applied her makeup, using eye shadow to bring out her green eyes. After much deliberation on what to wear, she opted for her favorite Lucky Brand jeans that fit just right, and a simple buttercup-yellow V-neck cotton shirt.

  By now, the brownies were cool, so she headed to the kitchen to whip up her burnt buttercream frosting. She cranked up Meghan Trainor on Pandora, poured her precious last glass of wine, and went to work.

  Maggie took her time adding little creamy swirls, but all too soon she was finished and had to face the music.



  Jimmy stepped out of the shower and shoved his wet hair out of his eyes, thinking he needed a trim sometime soon. He reached for a fluffy towel but then heard bing-bong! The doorbell? “Who could that be?” he muttered as he tucked the towel around his waist and hurried to the door. Jesse had probably taken pity on him and decided to ditch his plans to come over and jam on the balcony, helping Jimmy break through his recent lack of total creativity. When the doorbell chimed again, he shouted, “Hold on, I’m coming!” He pulled the door open, and when he saw Maggie and Trixie, his jaw dropped open—and hers did too. “Maggie …”

  “I brought brownies to apologize for my, uh, unbecoming behavior the, other, um, day.”

  Jimmy’s mouth remained open. He smelled chocolate.

  “The, um, you know, thing that happened wasn’t, well, entirely your fault and so … I’m sorry. Here. Still warm.” When she thrust the pan in his direction, Jimmy reached for it and, oh shit, the damned towel slid to the floor. He now held a pan of brownies while standing there in the nude.

  Maggie’s eyes widened and her face turned beet red. “I’m looking at your face … right at your face,” she said, and her cheeks appeared ready to burst into flames. She blinked rapidly. “Well, I’ll”—she jabbed her thumb over her shoulder—“go now.”

  “No, wait!” Transferring the brownies to one hand, Jimmy bent over and retrieved the towel, holding it to cover his package.

  Maggie visibly swallowed, and Trixie sat on her haunches with her head cocked in doggie question.

  “Maggie, come on in,” Jimmy pleaded.

  “No, I think I’m, uh, overdressed.”

  When Maggie shook her head and hurried away, Jimmy quickly said in a stage whisper, “Trixie, wanna treat?”

  “Yap!” obviously translated to yes, because Trixie did an impressive airborne about-face leap and scurried into Jimmy’s condo. Jimmy did an internal fist pump, but to his surprise, Maggie continued her beeline for her place without breaking stride. A moment later, Trixie looked up at him expectantly.

  “Come on, little girlie,” Jimmy said, locating the small bag of doggie treats. He tossed her one, and then another for good measure. Apparently in Maggie’s haste to escape, she’d failed to realize Trixie had jumped ship. With a grin, Jimmy hurried to his bedroom and tugged on a pair of boxers and running shorts that he’d laid out on his bed. Having finished her treat, Trixie trotted into the room and looked around as if searching for Maggie.

  “Yap.” She tilted her head. “Yap, yap.”

  “Sorry, Trixie. I would take you to your mistress, but I want her to come back here to get you.”

  Trixie gave him a wary look, but at least she didn’t growl.

  “Come with me and relax. I don’t anticipate she’ll be long.” Jimmy gave Trixie a little whistle and headed back into the kitchen. He grabbed another treat and then coaxed Trixie into allowing him to pick her up. And then he waited for the doorbell to chime.


  Jimmy wiped the grin off his face before swinging the door open. Maggie’s eyebrows shot up when she spotted Trixie, seemingly content to be cradled in his arms. “Come on in.”

  “I just came back for Trixie.” Her cheeks were still a little bit pink.

  “I think she wants to hang out here for a while.” Jimmy tilted his face to the little dog and was rewarded with an unexpected lick. “Why don’t you join us?”

  “I don’t think so.”

  “I’m clothed now.” He gave her a small bow.

  “Not totally.” Maggie stepped just inside the door. “What do you have against shirts?”

  “I get as comfortable as possible when I compose. No shoes, no shirt …” He waited for her to finish with “No problems,” but she appeared uncomfortable. “Hey, uh, sorry about my little wardrobe malfunction earlier.”

  “Did you do that on purpose to unnerve me?”

  “Surely you’re not serious.” Jimmy chuckled. “Uh, greeting you naked wasn’t in my playbook. Although you are back, so …”

  “To get my dog!” she sputtered. “Wait, so you have a playbook for greeting women?” She narrowed her eyes.

  “No, jeez, Maggie, it was just an expression. I was kidding. Although it did work for Oliver and Belinda,” he said, forgetting she didn’t know he was one of the Heartbeat brothers. “My brother and his fiancée.” He waited for that tidbit to sink in. When her face remained rather carefully blank, he continued, “Oliver was skinny-dipping in his pool when Belinda arrived at his house unexpectedly. And now they’re married.”

  “I know.”

  Jimmy did a double take. “That Oliver greeted Belinda in his birthday suit?”

  “No, of course not.” Maggie shook her head slowly. “But I’ve known all along that you’re Jimmy Heart.” She licked her bottom lip as if she was nervous. “Of Heartbeat. You know, the boy band.”

  “I’m vaguely familiar,” he joked, but she failed to crack a smile. He scratched Trixie behind the ear and she made a low sound of pleasure. “Come on in.” He didn’t know why she’d failed to let him know she knew who he was, but as long as it didn’t come between them, he didn’t c
are. He’d come to realize that people either fawned over him or ignored him. All Jimmy wanted was to be treated like a normal human being.

  Jimmy walked into the living room and when he didn’t hear footsteps behind him, he tilted his head for Maggie to follow. She appeared a bit uncertain, but when he gestured toward a leather chair, she sat down a bit gingerly. “Can I get you something to drink? I have a bottle of red open.”

  “Um …” She frowned as if none of this was going the way she wanted it to, but nodded. “Sure. I guess. Maybe. I don’t know.”

  “Okay, I’m going with ‘sure.’ I’ll be right back,” Jimmy said, but he carried Trixie with him so Maggie couldn’t make a quick exit. He gave Trixie a treat and whispered, “You’re pretty good at this whole matchmaking thing. Keep it up.” He gave her a bonus treat to stay on her good side. Still holding the little dog, he reached into the cabinet for two glasses and managed to get the stopper off the bottle of merlot one-handed. He poured the wine and when Trixie gave his chin a tentative lick, he chuckled. “I’ve won you over; now help me work on your mama.”

  Jimmy carried one of the glasses into the main room and handed it to Maggie.

  “Thanks,” she said, but pulled a face at Trixie, who was snuggled into the crook of Jimmy’s arms. “Little traitor.”

  Jimmy laughed and handed Trixie over to Maggie. “Come on into the kitchen and I’ll slice some cheddar cheese and summer sausage to go with the wine if you’re hungry?”

  “Um …” Maggie hesitated and his heart thudded. He’d wanted to see her for the past few days, but now that she was here with him, finally at his place, he realized how much he really did miss seeing her, even if just in passing. When she finally nodded her agreement, he blew out a sigh of relief. She stood up and silently followed him.

  “Have a seat.” Jimmy pointed to the high barstools at the kitchen island.

  Maggie sat down and took a sip of her wine.

  “Like it?”

  “Mmm …” She nodded. “Yes, very smooth.”

  “It’s from a local winery. I’d like to take you there sometime. The food is delicious too. Homemade breads and pasta. Decadent desserts. Sound good?” he added, prompting a positive response.


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