Shape of My Heart

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Shape of My Heart Page 21

by LuAnn McLane

  “So, this was the Heart family home?” Maggie asked.

  “Yeah.” Jimmy nodded with an edge of sadness. “Grady’s done a lot of renovations, but this is where we grew up.”

  “It’s gorgeous.” She took a sip of the cold wine, glancing around.

  “Yeah, I’m glad Grady kept it in the family,” Jimmy said.

  “Okay, let’s get this rehearsal out of the way while Ella sleeps,” Oliver said. “And the rest of the day will be dedicated to drinking beer, playing cornhole, swimming, and lots of food. Sound good? Just a couple of intense hours?”

  Everyone but Oliver groaned.

  “Do I still have to be that guy?” Oliver grumbled. “Come on, Arabella, crack the whip.”

  “Let’s go, guys,” Arabella said, and pointed to the studio. “If you look sharp and sound awesome, this won’t take long.”

  “Pressure’s on you, Jimmy,” Jesse said. “You’re the weakest dance link.”

  “Shut up, Jesse.” Jimmy groaned and then winked at Maggie. “I’ll do my best not to embarrass you.”

  “I’m confident you’ll do just fine,” Maggie said, and looked around to make sure Trixie followed them into the studio. Her heart thudded in anticipation of watching Jimmy perform with his brothers. For a moment, she had a wow-is-this-really-happening? moment of panic, but the constant banter between the brothers had her laughing and relaxing a bit more. She took a seat next to Belinda, who picked up Trixie.

  “I want a dog,” Belinda called over to Oliver.

  “Babe, we’ve had this discussion. We’re too busy.”

  Belinda pulled a face and then scratched Trixie behind the ears. She flipped a long dark braid over her shoulder and gave Maggie a wide smile. “I’ll talk him into it yet,” she said.

  “I heard that,” Oliver said, and Belinda chuckled.

  “You know I’ll wear you down,” Belinda shouted back, and then turned her attention to Maggie. “I’m so glad to meet you. Jimmy is such a sweetheart. Y’all seem so good together.”

  “We are,” Maggie said without hesitation, realizing how true the statement was. She really needed to call her mother and give her the news that she was falling in love … with Jimmy Heart, no less.

  “Jimmy was always the quiet, shy Heart brother. But he seems to have come out of his shell and he just can’t keep a smile off his face. I’m sure you’ve had something to do with that.”

  “I hope so.”

  “He just seems so … I don’t know … buoyant? Amazing to see this transformation, because Jimmy can be soooo serious,” she said while petting Trixie’s head.

  Maggie smiled. “Jimmy said he was usually the voice of reason during the hold-my-beer moments.”

  “Yep.” Belinda laughed and then nodded toward where Arabella had the guys stretching. “And he’s always had stage fright, but he’s agreed to do these Heartbeat performances when they’re benefit concerts, especially for the Susan Heart Lupus Foundation. The guys are all so different,” Belinda said, and Maggie noticed how her eyes softened while she gazed at Oliver, who was adjusting the sound equipment. “Amazing together, but such wonderful individuals.” Belinda shifted in her chair to look at Maggie. “So, were you a fan of Heartbeat growing up?”

  “Posters on the wall and I can sing every word of all the songs,” she admitted, and she felt the warmth of a blush heat her cheeks. “I’ll be honest. This is still a little bit surreal to me. But then again, you’re a celebrity too.”

  “I don’t mean to overstep my bounds, but don’t let the celebrity thing get in the way.” Belinda waved a hand back and forth.

  Maggie winced. “Easier said than done. I come from a very humble background.”

  “Uh, I was raised on a farm in the foothills of the Smoky Mountains, so I come from humble roots too. It’s a long story, but I never wanted to be a pop star.”

  “I have to admit that I was surprised. And Oliver going country?”

  Belinda laughed. “I know … right? It’s funny how life can take you completely by surprise.”

  “Tell me about it,” Maggie said, while watching the guys go through some classic boy-band dance moves.

  “To the rest of the world it might seem as if the Heart brothers lived a charmed life.” Belinda frowned. “But they’ve been through so much. They all deserve happiness, and it sure appears like Jimmy’s found it with you. I’m a pretty bold person, but I wouldn’t say that if Jimmy hadn’t told us how he felt. And girl, I can tell by that look in your eyes that you are falling ass-over-teacup in love too. If you deny it, I’ll laugh right at ya.” Belinda gave Maggie a slight nudge with her shoulder.

  “I won’t.” Maggie laughed, knowing that she and Belinda could become fast friends.

  Heartbeat took their positions, and then Arabella started the music, stopping at least half a dozen times, mostly when Jimmy messed up the choreography.

  “Seriously, Jimbo?” Grady grumbled. “I am in dire need of a beer.”

  Jimmy shoved his fingers through his hair. “Sorry, but I’m nervous in front of Maggie.”

  Belinda nudged her and whispered, “So doggone cute.”

  “Should I leave?” Maggie whispered back.

  “Hell no.”

  “Good, because this is so much fun.”

  After the better part of an hour, Jimmy had his moves down pat. Maggie was amazed by how strong their voices sounded together; it was better even than when they were teenagers. The songs seemed to have more depth, more meaning, and Maggie guessed it was partly because she knew Jimmy had written most of them. When they started singing the recent hit “I Will Always Be with You,” the song written for their mom, Maggie felt her cheeks grow damp with tears. Jimmy’s eyes met hers, and when he smiled, the rest of the pent-up tension left her body.

  After another thirty minutes or so, Arabella clapped her hands. “Okay, guys, that’s it for today.”

  “Because we’re perfect?” Jesse asked.

  “Uh, no, because Ella just woke up. But feel free to keep practicing.”

  “We need a break,” Jesse said.

  “You’re still the king of break takers,” Oliver said, shaking his head.

  Jesse pulled a face. “I would flip you off, but since you’re only visiting and I’ve missed your sorry ass, I’ll refrain.”

  Oliver laughed. “Let’s go grab a beer.”

  By the end of the evening, Maggie felt completely at ease. Beer and wine flowed, along with lots of laughter. Ella toddling after Trixie was the main source of entertainment until after dinner, when Arabella put her to bed. Stories from Heartbeat’s past came up, which were hilarious—and most likely a little bit embellished.

  “For the last time, I didn’t fall off the damned stage,” Jesse protested. “I was pulled off by one of my adoring fans. What about the time we left Jimmy behind at the rest stop just outside of Cincinnati?”

  “How could you not know I wasn’t on the bus?” Jimmy asked. “I was getting a drink from the vending machine and they left me,” he said to Maggie. “Seriously, they were thirty minutes down the road before I was missed.”

  “You were always quiet, with your nose in a book or writing songs. The rest of us just got back into bed. It was the middle of the night,” Grady said, but Maggie could hear a little bit of guilt remaining. It occurred to her that after the loss of their father, he must have taken on the role as the oldest more seriously.

  The reminiscing continued until Arabella fell asleep with her head on Grady’s shoulder.

  “Sorry, guys, but I’ve got to call it a night,” Grady said. “Sleep is a precious commodity around here. Jimmy, you’re welcome to stay in a guest room.”

  “Maggie? Or we could walk the beach back to the condo? It’s only about a fifteen-minute walk.”

  “Walking is fine. I need to work off that amazing apple pie Arabella made.”

  They stood up and gave everyone a good-night hug, and then Jimmy scooped up a very tired Trixie.

  Maggie carrie
d her shoes and held Jimmy’s hand while they walked in the moonlight back to their condominium complex. “The cool sand feels lovely between my toes.”

  “I like walking the beach at night. We should do it more often,” Jimmy said with a squeeze of her hand.

  “I want to do everything with you more often,” she said, and he paused to give her a toe-curling kiss.

  “Everyone loved you, Maggie. Of course, I already knew they would.”

  Trixie objected to being squeezed between them and squirmed to get down. She stayed close but scampered around in the sand. Maggie smiled, thinking how much healing power love had, even on the deepest wounds.

  “So when do I get to meet your family?”

  “As soon as I can get Granny Mags to get on an airplane,” she said, leaving out the part that she hadn’t yet told her mother and grandmother about Jimmy. For some silly reason, telling them would make their relationship real, meaning it could end. Being on the boat and enjoying the past month with Jimmy had such a fairy-tale quality to it … and Maggie was just a bit scared. Stupid. She knew her worries—her fears—weren’t valid, but they came from a place deep within. She was on the beach with the man of her dreams, and he deserved to be loved without her holding anything back.

  Jimmy fell silent, and she wondered if he could feel her shift in mood.

  “I’ll check flights tomorrow.”

  “I’m not trying to pressure you, Maggie.”

  “I know.”

  “Good.” Jimmy kissed her lightly on the lips, and they started strolling again. “I can’t wait to meet them.”

  Maggie smiled and made a vow to make the call first thing in the morning.



  “Jimmy,” Oliver shouted. “Get your head in the game. You’ve turned the wrong way three times in a row. You were doing better at the beginning of the week.”

  “Do we need to get Arabella involved?” Grady asked. “Because I’ll go get her.”

  “Sorry,” Jimmy mumbled, mopping sweat from his brow with the edge of his shirt. “No, I’ll get focused.” An earlier text message that Maggie’s grandmother wasn’t feeling well had him worried.

  “Can we take a break?” Jesse asked, drawing a groan from Oliver.

  “Seriously?” Oliver said.

  “I have to make a phone call. It’s business,” Jesse said.

  “Business? What kind of business?” Oliver asked.

  “Maybe ‘business’ as in ‘none of your business,’ ” Jesse shot back.

  Grady raised his eyebrows and they all crossed their arms boy-band style, looking at him. “Are you seriously not going to tell us?” Grady asked.

  Jesse blew out a sigh. “Okay, so the Sea Breeze Performing Arts Center needs some stuff done. The parking lot needs to be repaved … and I don’t know, some other repairs need to be done too. There’s a leak in the roof, maybe?”

  “Another Heartbeat concert to perform?” Oliver asked. “Man, I don’t know if I can break away again so soon.”

  Jesse appeared a little bit uncomfortable. “Not exactly.”

  “Okay, you gotta come clean,” Grady said. “Out with it.”

  “Don’t laugh,” Jesse warned.

  “We won’t,” Jimmy said.

  “Can’t promise.” Oliver shrugged.

  Jesse rolled his eyes. “Okay, so I was asked to be Ava Mayor’s dance partner in a ballroom dance competition to raise funds for the repairs.”

  Oliver and Grady laughed so hard they had to swipe at tears. Jimmy tried to hold it together but failed.

  “You guys are a bunch of asshats,” Jesse grumbled.

  “Isn’t Ava Mayor a dance instructor there?” Jimmy asked. “She’s legit.”

  Jesse nodded.

  “And she picked you?” Oliver asked, pointing.

  “Devin called me with this gem. Grady is busy with the foundation. Oliver lives in Tennessee, and Jimmy, sorry dude, but you would have been a fail. So that left … me,” Jesse said, shoving his fingers through his shaggy blond hair.

  “So how does Ava Mayor feel about this?” Grady asked in a skeptical tone.

  “Well, Dev warned me she isn’t too happy. She wanted a real dancer.” He made air quotes. “Like I’m not a real fucking dancer!” Jesse sputtered. “I’d like her to do some bone-popping hip-hop instead of doing that nose-in-the-air shit.”

  “Whoa.” Grady put his hands up in surrender. “Rein it in, Jesse. Do you want to do it?”

  “Hell, no!” He shrugged. “But her attitude pissed me off. So … I’m going to prove her wrong.”

  “You met with her?” Grady asked.

  “Only a phone conversation. It didn’t go well,” Jesse admitted. “So Devin is bugging the hell out of me for a commitment.”

  “It’s for a good cause,” Jimmy said. “Maybe it will end up being fun.”

  “Right.” Jesse shot him a dark look. “Okay, whatever, I guess I’ll do it. Rehearsals won’t start for a few weeks, so maybe I can watch instructional videos or something.”

  “Arabella could steer you in the right direction.”

  “Did I hear my name?” Arabella said, walking into the room with Ella. “Someone was calling for her daddy.”

  Jimmy’s heart melted when he looked at Grady holding his daughter, talking to Ella in a goofy high-pitched voice.

  “So, you missed Daddy?” Grady asked, and was rewarded with a sloppy kiss. “My sweet baby girl.”

  A moment later, Belinda strolled into the studio. “Babe, I thought we were going to spend the afternoon at the beach house? Will y’all be done soon?”

  Oliver raised his hands skyward.

  Belinda came over and put her arms around Oliver’s waist. “I made a picnic lunch, babe. And we can get the boat out and go for a cruise if you want to.”

  Jimmy had to grin when Oliver immediately caved. “Well, let’s call it an early day.”

  “Yes!” Jesse did a fist pump but then sobered. “I guess I’ll call Devin and tell him I’ll do it.”

  “Do what?” Arabella asked.

  “A ballroom dance competition with Ava Mayor as his partner,” Grady replied, bouncing Ella on his knee.

  “Really?” Arabella asked. “Interesting.”

  “You know her?” Jesse asked.

  “Not too well,” Arabella said slowly. “I gave some dance lessons over at the performing arts studio a while back, and our paths have crossed.”

  “Oh, come on, spill,” Jesse said.

  Arabella shrugged. “She might be a tad … bossy.”

  Jesse let out a moan. “What am I getting myself into?”

  “You don’t have to do it,” Jimmy said, but then he narrowed his eyes, suddenly understanding. “Wait … is she hot?”

  “A little,” Jesse said. “Okay, a lot. Hey, I’m doing this for charity, okay?”

  “Right,” Oliver said, but Belinda grinned.

  “Is she single?” Belinda asked.

  “I don’t know. Maybe,” Jesse said. “Okay, yes, apparently Dev said there was a broken engagement a few months ago.”

  “Oh, right, her dancing partner,” Arabella said. “I heard some rumors.” She winced.

  “What?” Jesse asked. “Dev didn’t provide details.”

  “I don’t like to spread gossip, but I think he cheated … um, with another dancer,” Arabella replied.

  “Oh great, I’m sure Ava will be in a great mood when it comes to men,” Jesse said, still grumbling as he walked out the door.

  “Well, that should be a bit of a challenge for Jesse,” Arabella said.

  “Yeah.” Jimmy nodded. “Well, see you tomorrow,” he said, eager to see Maggie. With a wave over his head, he left the studio.

  Jimmy hurried home and went straight to Maggie’s condo, but when he found her out on the patio, she was sobbing.

  “Maggie? Oh, sweetheart, what is it?”

  Maggie sniffed hard. “It’s … it’s Granny Mags.�

  Jimmy’s heart pounded and he knelt in front of Maggie.

  “It’s her heart.” Maggie swallowed hard.

  “A heart attack, Mags?” He felt his pulse quicken.

  Maggie shrugged. “Mom said she was having pain in her chest and she rushed her to the hospital. They’re running tests, but I’m going to get on the first flight out to Cleveland.”

  “I understand. Of course you have to go.”

  “Thank you.”

  “You want me to go with you?”

  “Jimmy, you can’t. You have the rehearsals and the show this weekend.”

  “I’ll bail. My brothers will understand.”

  Maggie put her palms on his cheeks. “I can’t ask you to do that.”

  “Yes, you can.”

  “Okay, I won’t.”

  Jimmy nodded, but damn, he wanted to be with her. “Do you want me to watch Trixie?”

  “It’s okay. I have a carrier and she travels fairly easily. I’ve taken her with me on the road before.”

  “The offer still stands if you change your mind. When are you leaving?”

  “Pretty much now. I threw God-knows-what into a suitcase. But can you take me to the airport?”

  “Yes, of course, Mags, anything.”

  Maggie gave him a trembling smile. “Thank you.”

  Jimmy stood up and offered his hands to her, helping her up.

  Jimmy’s heart hammered all the way to the airport. He tried to fill the emotional silence between them, but he didn’t know what to say other than words of reassurance. He fully understood the fear that gripped Maggie because he’d felt it himself. He could also see the guilt etched upon her features, and he wondered if this would mean that Maggie would consider moving back to Cleveland. But he pushed the thought from his mind, thinking he was selfish for even thinking about anything other than her grandmother’s health.

  Jimmy went into the airport with Maggie, helping her all the way up to the security checkin. “Call me as soon as you land.”

  “Of course.”

  “And keep me informed.”

  “I will, Jimmy.”

  Jimmy gripped her shoulders and kissed her. “Maggie, you need to know that I’m here for you, no matter what.”

  “Oh Jimmy …” Maggie swallowed hard and her eyes filled with tears. “I love you. I want you to know that.”


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