Time Of The Knights (The Dragon Knight Order Series Book 2)

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Time Of The Knights (The Dragon Knight Order Series Book 2) Page 17

by Gabriel Vicioso

  “I will allow you to use my eyes to their full capacity, consider however that you could strip a regular human of all his magic by just looking at him for a few minutes. Keep focused on him.”

  As if reading the exchange between the Reaper and myself the ancient dragon commented, “Your red eyes might help and sustain you for a small fraction of time but they will be of no consequence to me in our battle.”

  While he talked, I cast a barrage of reinforcement spells in hopes of making myself better paired for his brute magical and physical strength. I slowly managed to rise up while our swords were still locked. I then pushed him with all the raw strength I had and lashed out with my newly cast second blade. When my blade was millimeters from connecting with his armor it hit an invisible force which must have been his Brunas, as only Brunas could stop Vaben. I put all my strength in trying to break the Brunas as well as hold his blade locked with my right hand when he started chuckling.

  “You will never be able to defeat me in a contest of physical strength. You might have a Dragon Heart and the Reaper with you, but they pale in comparison to the strength of a real ancient dragon such as myself!” he proclaimed, “You cannot even use your Dragon Heart at will, Andraxsccl’s strength is wasted on you.”

  “It is as you say Rafurious, I cannot use my Dragon Heart but Andraxsccl sure can,” I said, looking up to Andraxsccl hovering over us with a Dragon Blast at the ready.

  Through the helmet that guarded Rafurious’s face I could see his fear momentarily before it being converted to anger.

  “You will die in the explosion as well!”

  “At least I will have you for company,” I replied as Andraxsccl unleashed a Dragon Blast with the combined strength of the power I had taken through my eyes, Andraxsccl’s heart, and some of my own magic. The second before it hit, I hoped it had given Master and Zetzu enough time to form a barrier around the immediate impact area to avoid it hitting our men.

  I smiled to myself as the time spell Lord Vicis had taught me activated, which displaced me from the regular flow of time for a few seconds. I watched as the mix of pure magic with light and darkness set ablaze a small circle around both of us. It quickly subsided with a deep crater substituting our former area of battle. Rafurious stood in the same place he had when he was hit by the attack. His armor had all but been torn away and his Brunas seemed to have cracked but otherwise held.

  “Is that the best you have human?” asked the still standing Rafurious.

  “I had hoped you would go down peacefully after that,” I admitted.

  He charged at me without saying a word and punched me with his own fist, which had large amounts of magic compressed into it and they were released as he connected with me. The resulting force picked me up from my feet and sent me flying a good one hundred feet toward a small hill. I hit it so hard my Brunas collapsed on itself, as it would have consumed all my remaining magic to absorb the hit. I had a rough landing but luckily I had landed on top of the hill, which didn’t stop me suddenly, but instead, gradually, and I rolled over the top. When I had stopped rolling I groaned to myself but was otherwise thankful I didn’t receive any major injuries or broken bones from the impact.

  “You hit hard for an old man,” I said standing up.

  “I also closed the distance from our little crater here in mere seconds,” he stated.

  “Yeah, strong and fast, just my luck.”

  “Surrender Kerm, you have lost almost all of your magical power in a vain attempt to fight me and Thanos would like you alive if possible.”

  While he was right about me spending a great deal of magic on Vaben, Brunas, the Vorms, and the Dragon Blast, I could feel my strength build as I regained large portions of magic from my use of the red eyes.

  “Look at all the men that are dying to defend you,” he said, pointing down to the battle that raged below us, “Your fellow Dragon Knights fighting and dying. It’s all pointless death, as we came here to capture only you, and don’t think for a moment the worst of your worries are the Death Knights currently engaged with them.”

  The battle from up here seemed to be quite even but I knew his words were truthful. I had to end this quick and the only way to do so was to use the spell Vicis had taught me. We were only going to have one chance at this. We had planned when I was ready to use the time spell I was to raise a giant red flame.

  I cast the spell and shot it high into the sky where it burned for a few seconds.

  “What is it you hope to achieve with that? You won’t achieve anything with th-” he stopped midsentence.

  The time spell had fully activated. Every single Irkanian should have frozen in place. I could only sustain the spell for a few seconds but that was all the time we needed to kill the vast majority of the Irkanians present. I recast Vaben and stabbed it across Rafurious’s chest where his heart should be, although I doubted him having one, and then used the very last bit of my magic and cast Vaben on my left hand with which I stabbed him in his abdomen.

  The time spell then lifted itself.

  “-at pitiful……” he stopped and looked down at his wounds and the sword in his chest.

  “How?” he asked as he fell to his knees and saw hundreds of Irkanians suddenly dropping dead all around the battlefield.

  “When I dodged the Dragon blast I stepped outside the regular time flow which gave me the time I needed to cast the spell to freeze time for all my enemies for a few seconds. It didn’t take effect right away because it needed magic to charge itself but when it was finally ready I unleashed it.”

  “That Vicis, always ahead of everyone,” he said as he coughed out blood from his mouth.

  “You have lived long enough,” I said to him as I dispelled the swords I had used to impale him.

  Rafurious’s body fell over and began to roll down the hill. I knew he was dead, as every spot of grass his body touched withered away instantly. He might have been evil but the world wept for his death. I wondered if it would do the same when my time came.

  I turned around to see what remained of the Irkanians running away. I then turned back as I heard my name being called from below.

  “Alex! We did it we won! You did it!” said Adria, running towards me with a smiling Ilean behind her.

  They both had cuts and bruises but seemed to be okay, which was a huge relief to me.

  “We won it together,” I shouted back at her with a smile.

  I absorbed the fact she was alive.

  She smiled back at me. It was a smile filled with love but then her face turned to shock followed quickly by horror.

  I felt as if I was going to cough, I tried lifting my hands to cover my mouth when my hands felt very heavy. When I coughed something spilled all over my armor. I tasted the familiar metallic taste of blood. I looked down at my chest and saw to my shock a double bladed sword sticking straight out from my lower chest area. It was drenched in blood, my blood. I then felt something brush up against my right and then felt as a chin resting in my shoulder.

  “Time magic, I didn’t expect them to be that desperate. Rafurious’s death was a set back and so is yours but I cannot forgive you for his death,” said the voice of Thanos, as a chill ran down my back.

  “You…. will not….” I coughed so more blood.

  “Oh but I have. Vaurion is weak, the Irkanians are as strong as ever. All my opponent have rallied together, making them an easy target and you my boy have reached the end of your life span.”

  I heard a dragon roar, it seemed close but so far away.

  “This is farewell Alexander Laiks. As a favor to you, I will make your little friends down there my personal slaves after you are gone.”

  “I will… Kill you.”

  “In fact my boy. I just killed you,” he said, stepping away and pulling the blade out.

  I heard Adria scream my name. It was a scream full of horror and fright. I wished I could say something to her but I knew this time I wouldn’t wake up somewhere else partially healed. I
stood there looking down at Adria as she ran toward me franticly. Ilean was running behind her just as fast, she had her sword drawn. I wanted to tell them to run away but I couldn’t find my voice.

  My knees buckled and I fell onto them. I could see a dragon in the distance, to me it looked like it had four wings but my vision was blurring. My head was spinning and the last thing I managed to do was smile at Adria before my body gave out on me and I collapsed onto the ground. I felt the last little bit of air leave my lungs. I felt hands on me a few moments later and a desperate attempt to mend my wounds but I knew I had lost too much blood and my wounds were most likely done with raw magic, something which took too much magic to heal.

  I was rolled over to see Adria and Ilean’s crying face. I felt the tears fall on my face. They were both yelling but I couldn’t hear anything. I was tired, I felt like closing my eyes. It scared me to close them but I was just so tired. As the darkness began to set in and my eye lids closed I mouthed because no voice could accompany the movement of my lips, “Don’t cry, I love you.” I heard “I do too so…. So don’t leave me.” It wasn’t much but it helped me relax a bit.

  And then there was nothing.

  Table of Contents






  The Hermit

  Taste of War

  Terror in war


  Princess Keren



  Town Life


  The Capital

  Princes Keren

  The Note

  Return to the Academy

  The Plan

  How It Works



  Last time




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