Pakhan's Rose

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Pakhan's Rose Page 7

by V. F. Mason

  He chuckled and then sat on the nearby bench, patting it for me to follow suit. “They’re home. I needed to speak with you alone.” Sighing heavily, I joined him but still refused to hold his stare, so I just focused my attention on the beautiful rose garden my dad had at his New York mansion.

  The mansion was located thirty minutes from the city on several acres of land, enough for all Dad’s favorite hobbies and his constant guests.

  He had fountains, flowers, and arches along with marble statues in his garden. Everything was surrounded by black and red roses, my mom’s favorite. The grass was as green as emeralds and so soft to the touch. The effect was the same as lying on thousands of silky sheets. A round alcove stood right in the middle, covered in orchids that grew in the greenhouse a few feet away. Our butler, Bob, cared for them and made sure they blossomed.

  The firing range was located at the far end, closer to the house in case something happened. Dad’s pigeons lived in a special cage farther into the garden. They were all white, and he allowed them to fly freely, as they always came back. He could spend hours with them, whispering something, and probably reminiscing about old times.

  Part of me suspected he kept it all the way it was and took care of it religiously, because it was Mom’s dream and her design. He still couldn't move on, no matter how much he tried. As a child, I found it romantic. As an adult, it broke my heart. Living in the past sucked. Didn't he need love?

  “We’re leaving for North Carolina tomorrow.”

  Damian’s words snapped me back to our conversation, and I turned my head to him. “So soon?” While I knew about their desire to go back, I thought we’d have more time to explore the city together with Sapphire. She promised to show me around, and advise me on some good places for food and books.

  “Kristina misses Jason.” I barely contained my laughter, remembering her obsession with her friend. The four-year-old legitimately thought they’d end up together, and needless to say, Damian didn't like it at all. “And what she wants, she gets. We’ll come back in about a month or two, and then you’ll have time to go shopping with her or whatever the fuck you guys planned to do.”

  Nodding, I stayed silent, because, for the first time, the weight of the whole situation crashed over me. For the last five years, Damian had been the only constant in my life, the one person who protected me and always had my back.

  He became my brother, and now he was moving on to be with his family, because his revenge was finally over. On a level, for me, it was the end of an era. “Well, that’s great.” My voice shook a bit, but I tried desperately not to show him. It wasn't that I didn't want him to be happy or that I had a stupid crush on him as Dom had thought, but for so long, he was the only family I had. The only actual person who understood my hopes and dreams, the one who never thought any of it was impossible.

  “Yeah, I can’t wait to start my life with my girls.” He was silent a beat, and then said, “I was in Houston. Visited my parents’ graves. Dominic was there too.” My heart stilled and then pushed against my ribcage.

  Dominic was still in the States? Since I hadn’t heard from him in the last three days, I assumed he went back home.

  Licking my dry lips, I asked, “When is he going back?” Even an outsider could understand from the pitch of my voice how interested I was in the answer, let alone him.

  “Soon,” he replied curtly, and honestly, in that moment, I really wanted to smack Damian.

  Was it so hard to help a girl out?

  We grew silent once again, and I didn't understand what we were doing when he stood up and motioned for me to do the same. Furrowing my brows in confusion, I did what he asked, and immediately his arms closed around me in a squeeze so tight I could barely breathe. “Rosa, no matter where I live, you will always have me as your big brother. One call, girl, and I’ll be here.” My eyes watered at his words, and I hugged him closer, for a second closing my eyes and basking in the knowledge that he’d always be there for me. Until he said those words, it felt like I was losing him.

  “Thank you,” I whispered, and after a second, he leaned back and his thumbs gently removed the tears sliding down my cheeks.

  “Another thing.”

  Wiping my nose with my sleeve, I studied him through blurry eyes. “Yeah?”

  A mysterious smile appeared on his face. “Dominic is my twin, but if he hurts you, I will kick his ass. Remember that.”

  Waving my hand in denial, I replied quickly, “It’s a nonissue. He gave up, and Dad is against it anyway. Plus, I’ll be too busy with med school for all this drama.” Damian tilted his head back and laughed loudly, which unsettled me, then pressed a kiss against my forehead as he shook his head.

  “You clearly underestimate him.” Too stunned to answer, I just shrugged as he hugged me one last time. “I have to go. One call, Rosa.” And with those last words, he walked back to the terrace and disappeared behind the glass double doors.


  Thump. Thump. Thump.

  My fist hitting the black leather punching bag as I poured all my frustration into the thing was the only sound in the empty gym.

  Sweat glistered on my skin. My soaked T-shirt and sweatpants were plastered to my body, and my hair was pulled back in a tight bun. My hands had no boxing gloves as bandages covered my palms, but I enjoyed every ounce of pain running through me from my blistered and bloody knuckles. No matter how much I tried, my mind wouldn't rest. The same scenes would play.

  Rosa leaving me for her dad.

  Thump. Thump. Thump.

  Don taking away my woman.

  Thump. Thump. Thump.

  Rosa was pleading with her fucking eyes, without even realizing it, for me to take her away and have my way with her.

  Thump. Thump. Thump.

  I couldn't eat, sleep, or function without her by my side, and part of me, the deepest part, resented her for showing up and then choosing her life here over me.

  I didn't want to be the bad guy who shattered her world, but she left me no choice. My nights were filled with images of her on my silky black sheets with nothing but candles illuminating her body as I slowly learned every soft, sensitive spot she had. Images of tasting her, something I’d never done to a woman in my life but couldn't wait to do to her. My cock was constantly erect, and no amount of jerking off to fantasies helped me, so I gave that up too. It only frustrated me more.

  She ruined me from the first glance. I didn't know what love was, but the thing I had for her was a big obsession. And the beast inside me yearned to finally claim her and finish this nonsense.

  Despite the AC running, the boxing, frustration, and heat exhausted me. I wrapped my arms around the bag and pressed my forehead against it, breathing heavily.

  “Is there a point to this?” An unfamiliar voice had me snap my eyes open, as all my senses went on high alert. I’d already counted how long it would take me to reach for the knife in my shoe and the gun in my bag nearby.

  The pakhan of the Bratva couldn't rest. My enemies would use any chance to stab me in the back. A sad truth of my life.

  I studied the tall, older man with a beard and wide shoulders. His kind, curious eyes ran over me. He had military written all over him.

  “Who are you?” My voice was cold and uninterested as I grabbed the towel hanging on one of the ropes, wiped the excess sweat from my face, and left it hanging around my neck.

  “Luke.” Well, fuck. What the hell was he doing here?

  Luke Harty was ex-military and a mercenary who was on Tony’s team and used to know our dad. They were the ones who tried to save us years ago and succeeded in getting Damian and the twins out.

  I was the only one left behind, because the knife wound appeared fatal. While I choked on my blood, I begged my brother to leave me so he could run away and have some chance at normal life. Damian became Sociopath and killed our enemies to avenge me, or so everyone said.

  “To what do I owe the pleasure?”

  He chuckled a
nd then stepped inside the ring, coming into the light. He sure filled up a lot of space. The man apparently never took bullshit from anyone. “I doubt it’ll be a pleasure. I need to speak with you.”

  Running my fingers through my wet hair, I asked curiously, “About what?” Was he in some kind of trouble and wanted help? Personally, the man was a stranger to me, but since he helped my brother, I would do a favor for him.

  Unless it was something shady, then he could go fuck himself.

  “Rosa.” I paused my neck-stretching routine, and my fists clenched. “Judging by your reaction, it’s not something you want to discuss.”

  Taking a huge drink of water, I replied indifferently, “No offense, old man, but that’s none of your business.” Vasya taught me to respect the old, but fuck it if someone had another lecture for me in mind.

  I’d heard enough of those from Michael and Vitya. For some reason, everyone felt fucking entitled to dictate how I should proceed with the problem that arose with Don.

  Somehow, no one took into consideration the fact that I played poker with him a few weeks ago and won, and he was the one who showed disrespect to me by not following up on his word. He agreed to give me permission to claim her if I bested him, which I did easily.

  “I’m not here to give you advice.” Luke’s voice brought me back to the present, as my insides still lashed with fury from Don’s refusal to honor the game, which I won fair and square.

  “Then why?”

  He extended his hand with a white, rectangular envelope and waited for me to take it before continuing. “It has all the information you need.”


  He pointed at the envelope. “Open it up.” I tore the flap and a few sheets of paper appeared with some kind of code and numbers. Confused, I raised my eyes to look at him as he shrugged. “Heard Don is against you being with Rosa. Figured you needed help. The paper has all his security codes to every mansion here or in other places.” A beat, and then, “If you want to kidnap the girl, that is.” After Rosa decided to stay with her dad, I called in all the hackers I was acquainted with and promised them a lot of fucking money for this information. But seven fucking days passed with no results, so I was contemplating on giving up on this shit and just barging in with my men when he least expected it and starting a gunfight.

  The only thought stopping me was the idea of Rosa or Don being hurt in the process, not that I had any sentiments toward the man. But my woman wouldn't take kindly to it if I did.

  Yeah, cold fucker. I fucking knew it and didn't give a shit.

  “Why?” I asked, not really understanding why the man who essentially was a stranger to me would give me such valuable information.

  “I didn't get to save you all those years ago. I didn't get to watch you grow like I did with Damian. But still, he is my kid in my eyes, and well, you are an extension of him. So in this, I support you.” My jaw ticked. I didn't know how to react to it. The man didn't owe me anything, but he accepted me as part of the family.

  Still, I didn't need any favors.

  “Listen, if I have to pay—”

  Shaking his head in disappointment, Luke sighed. “Just accept it, kid. I like that girl. You can handle Rosa with all her baggage. She is vulnerable, even if she hides it under the cheery persona she has going on,” he warned, and as crazy as it was, it displeased me this man had more knowledge about my Rosa than I did. “So take good care of her. However, if you need any help with Don—and trust me, kid, you will need help—my numbers are on the back. Do not hesitate to call me. I’ll be on your side.” Before I could answer him, he hopped out of the ring and left without a backward glance.


  What the hell was that?

  Besides the late Vasya, no one had shown me an act of kindness without demanding something in return. All this absolute acceptance from Damian, Luke, Juanita, Connor, Frankie, Sapphire… unsettled me, because no matter what, I couldn't return the sentiment. My intention wasn't to hurt them, but I just didn't know how to behave for them to accept me without trying to break into all those parts I locked a long time ago. Despite loving my brother, I had absolute no desire to visit him or catch up on all the years we’d spent apart.

  “Fuck!” I cried out, giving a kick to the punching bag, spinning my entire body in the process, and landing straight. The thing fell on the floor and a chuckle escaped me as satisfaction at destroying something ran through me.

  Grabbing my gym bag, I hopped down onto the floor, enjoying how my muscles ached in all the right places from my recent workout. Any pain was welcomed as long as it took the thoughts of Rosa away temporarily. If that didn't speak of desperation, I didn't know what did.

  Exiting the space that belonged to the Bratva, I closed and locked it with my keys. I raced to the car waiting, with Vlad already holding the door open for me.

  Before I could slide in, Vitya cleared his throat behind me, and I glanced over my shoulder. Noticing how he grated his teeth and the frown on his face, I spun around to face him. “What’s going on?” Making a show of looking behind him, I gasped sarcastically. “No Michael in sight?” Vitya and Michael, despite both belonging to the Russian Mafia house, were a couple and pretty much stayed joined at the hip during our stay in the States. They didn't have such luxury back home, nor did I allow it.

  Some laws had to be followed in the Bratva; otherwise, all the discipline would go to hell, and I didn't want to deal with the fallout. Everyone knew they had a thing going on, but until it was confirmed, no one could say shit or go against them.

  Vitya rolled his eyes. “He is doing some photoshoot outside. Apparently, ‘Houston has amazing lighting that he just has to capture.’” His voice took on a higher pitch to mimic Michael’s, but then he sobered up, delivering me bad news. “We have a problem with Radmir.” My mood darkened at his words, and sighing heavily, I asked, “What the hell did he do now?” The last thing I wanted to do was deal with Radmir’s shit, which the last few years had become unbearable.

  Clenching the papers tight in my hands, I ordered, “Schedule a meeting with him tomorrow afternoon. After that, we are going home.”

  Vitya raised his brow at my words, surprised, and then he cleared his throat again. “What about, Rosa?” Vitya was one of my closest friends, beside Radmir, and I valued his opinion and feedback. However, no one was allowed to question me about my woman.

  She was mine.


  No one else’s.

  “She is not your concern, Vitya.”

  He jerked his chin in acceptance, recognizing the steel in my voice. “As long as you understand the consequences of your actions, Dom.” We faced off for a moment, and understanding passed between us as he clasped his hands and nodded. “Fine, I’ll get everything ready. Make sure you don’t regret it though.”

  Regret was a funny concept.

  I learned at a young age that it had no place in my life; otherwise, the power and pain of it would suffocate me to death.

  Man with the dragon tattoo

  Leaning back in the hot tub, I enjoyed how the warm water eased my sore muscles, and the classical music allowed my mind to drift to my favorite places.

  Like cells where women cried in pain as I fucked them.

  Or blood spilled from different fucks who crossed me.

  Or, and my favorite, when all those victims begged to be spared, and I’d promise it to them, only to squash all their hope in the next few minutes.

  Currently, Lola was massaging my head, making me moan, and the only thing that ruined my paradise was her fucking shaking hands.

  “Relax,” I barked, as she stilled for a moment, but then resumed working with ease. Closing my eyes, I wondered if maybe the time had finally come to fuck this little bitch. She was only sixteen, but then, I had younger pussies before. With all those fantasies about Rosa, I couldn't get release anywhere I tried. I needed something to enhance the process for me, and what better way to do it than an underage girl wi
th no hope of surviving?

  My cock stood up at the thought, and I grabbed her hand painfully and pushed her forward. Her whimpers added to my need. “Get naked and join me.” Fear widened her eyes, and she shook her head, so I slapped her hard. “Fucking get naked.” She slowly took off her tight, black dress and heels—she was naked under it per my instructions—and joined me.

  Dominic and Don were acting civil, and right now, it seemed the pakhan had given up all together on his woman.

  The time had come to speed up their reunion, or it would take ages to finally deliver my blow.

  Something cold pressed onto my forehead, as my mind slowly registered itchy pain all over my body and especially my face, but I shifted my head on the soft pillow, as though I wanted to get away from a mosquito bite.

  When I raised my hand to remove whatever it was bothering me, someone’s gentle voice shushed me.

  “Shhh, you are too weak. Let me help you.” The voice belonged to someone new. I wasn't familiar with it. And indeed, everywhere the wet cloth touched me brought instant relief. Although I still felt every bruise and stab of pain running through me in other parts of my body, and I groaned loudly.

  “Poor little thing. What happened to her, Dad?” Another voice, even gentler than the first.

  I tried to open my eyes to understand what was going on around me, but my eyelids were too heavy, and it seemed like I had no control over myself. Then long fingers smashed some kind of sticky, cold ointment onto my wounds from the knife, and they instantly started to burn. I cried out in agony, thrashing on the bed, but two strong hands restrained me.

  I opened my mouth to protest, but it was dry as hell, and I couldn't utter one single word.

  “Dorothy, give her a sedative. She won’t let us treat her otherwise.” Even furrowing my brows seemed like an impossible chore, but I did it right before something sweet-smelling rose up to my nose, and in a second, I was out.

  And for a second time in my life, I welcomed it as it freed me from pain.


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