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Pakhan's Rose

Page 11

by V. F. Mason

  “What ended?”

  She wiggled a finger between her and me. “Our so-called relationship.”

  Running my hand over my face, I prayed for patience I just didn't possess. “Rosa, don’t wake up the monster in me. We will never end. I’m just kidnapping you. Vlad,” I barked. “Airport.” The car slowed down for a moment then turned abruptly, indicating he heard my command.

  I picked my phone up to set the needed preparations in motion, when she gasped. “No freaking way! You can’t do it. It’s breaking the law.”

  “Newsflash, darling, I’m the definition of lawbreaker.”

  She cried out in exasperation, and before I knew what was happening, she straddled my lap, her heels digging into the soft black leather as she palmed my face. “Dominic, my life is here. University. Father. Please don’t take me away from the life I love, like all those people did before.” My breath stilled inside me as rage overpowered all emotions. “I lied to Damian.” The abrupt change of subject baffled me. “When he asked what happened to me, I told him I lived on the streets for a few days before I was found. A lie. They found me lying on the road and took me.”

  “Okay,” I said, not really understanding what it had to do with the current problem. She wrapped her arms around my neck in frustration.

  “I’m sharing with you right now!” She closed her eyes, and muttered, “See? We need time to date to decide. You aren't a sociopath.”

  My body froze. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “Damian… he is different. He functions differently, but you were around people. You had sex.”

  Not liking the direction this conversation was taking, I snapped, “So did he.”

  She shook her head. “Not like that. He only did if he needed information. No one mattered before Sapphire. But you… I don’t know the demons that haunt you. We all have them, but you are not as dark as he is. So please do not act like him. I’m not her. I don’t want to be kidnapped. I wouldn't be able to forgive you after Erik took away five years of my life.” Just at the thought of those fuckers, my hands itched to torture them to fucking death and then feed their bodies to the bulldogs. “Dominic, please.” Utter devastation marred her face, as she let me decide our future.

  I could have let her know sex wasn't an enjoyment, just a way to relieve the stress and anger always running through me. That it was as clinical as it could get. That deep down, I was as damaged if not more than Damian. But all this information, she didn't need to know, because she was hurting. And since she was hurting, I would put her desires first.

  I slid my hand up into her hair, tilting her head forward so our mouths almost touched, as my tongue licked the seam of her lips. “Okay, krasavica. You have your one month of dating.”

  Her eyes hooded with yearning as her breath slipped. “And then?”

  “Then we will see.” With that, I bit her bottom lip, giving it a tug before soothing it gently with my tongue and then holding her mouth prisoner for a long, wet, deep kiss. She tasted like honey, while the smell of roses and lavender washed over me as I breathed her in.

  “Okay,” she whispered.

  I ordered Vlad to take us to Don’s place, all while we kissed in the backseat of the car.

  But even with all the emotions she brought up in me, I feared the day she’d discover I wasn't really a polite and easygoing guy who had his shit together. Hopefully, by that time, she’d be too tied up with me to ever question our relationship.

  Man with the dragon tattoo

  The stupid bitch didn't even harm anyone. Just when I thought I’d enjoy a show with blood, hopefully harming Rosa in the process, she magically calmed down.

  I purposely supplied Liz the information about her husband, so she’d lose her ever-loving mind and barge into the place. Rosa getting shot during her date, for sure, would have sped up the war between the houses. Sliding my computer chair back, I picked up the phone and dialed the number. They answered on the first ring. “Is it done?” I asked, not liking the pause it took for the reply.

  “Not today.”

  The crystal glass of whiskey shattered in my hand from the anger boiling inside me. “Why?”

  “Radmir is too strong. He got a beating, but they couldn't kill him. He was put in an isolation cell for a month. Our hands are tied.” Fuck! Breathing heavily, I hung up the phone and walked to the wide, brown corkboard spread across almost the entire length of the wall.

  Two mafia houses, all the people involved, machinations, and business associates. Taking Radmir’s photo from the trash, I pinned it back near Dominic as my palm smeared blood all over his face.

  One month. He got to live one more month, which meant my anger would have to be inflicted on someone else. My eyes landed on the beautiful brown-haired woman holding a laughing toddler in her arms. “Vivian.” Running my fingers across her features, I wondered how much the sovietnik would be hurt if I raped and destroyed any sense of dignity his woman had.

  Smiling in anticipation, I put on my coat and walked outside to the gala dinner hosted by Vivian’s father.

  Game was still fucking on.

  “Are you sure you don’t want us to call the police?” Dorothy bugged me yet again, as we both gathered herbs from Quinn’s backyard ‘garden,’ if it could be called that. The cabin was very small, and since the location of it was near the Hudson River, the forest and cliffs were the only things surrounding us. Quinn had his own land, where he harvested different herbs for health and food, along with some tomatoes and carrots.

  I found it weird too, but the guy just seemed odd altogether. “Yes.” She pursed her lips in displeasure, as her blue-as-the-sky eyes focused on the area in front of us. “This is ridiculous. They could help you.”

  Shrugging, I tugged harder on the carrot’s petiole, and it finally came out. Orange, long, and probably delicious. Placing it in the basket, I proceeded to do the same with the rest. The woman had no idea that the police would be of no help to me, not in the mafia world. Everything was decided there by the upper hand. I wouldn't even make it to the station before some rat spilled my location, and I’d be back to square one.

  “Who did this to you, Lori?”

  The first few days, I couldn’t get used to them calling me another name, but quickly, I learned to respond as Quinn started getting suspicious. Sharing my real name with them wasn't wise, for their own safety. The least I could do after these people saved my life.

  Instead, I fed them the story that I was homeless for the last few days and woke up like this, with no memory of what happened to me. Honestly, even I found it surprising they bought this shit, because it sounded insane. “I told you, I don’t know.”

  She shook her head and grabbed my arm. “Dad and I are horrified that someone could have hurt you so much.” She ran her finger over my bandaged scars, because walking outside could bring unnecessary infection, and no one needed that after my last fever. “But we aren't stupid. You hide something behind those eyes of yours.” She patted my cheek. “I hope someday you’ll share it with us so we can properly help you.” A single tear slid down the bridge of my nose, but I quickly wiped it away.

  Getting emotional made no sense. As much as I was grateful to these amazing people, I would never make a call to my dad, police, or anyone else.

  The fear ran inside me that Erik was right, and my dad would make me marry this guy, thinking I lost my virginity. I just couldn't trust anyone.

  Not after what was done to me. I was seventeen years old. Life had just started for me, but as I studied the cabin behind me, I wondered if it was all I would ever have in my future.


  “We are so fucking screwed,” Aaron whispered right above my ear, as he occupied the chair next to mine.

  “Would you stop saying that?” I complained. “Everything is going to be fine.” Even though my voice held no conviction, I sure as hell tried to stay positive. We both gathered our books and bags from the library, where people already glared at us for di
sturbing the quiet. “He’ll understand.”

  Aaron chuckled. “Right. I told you to tell him the truth, but you didn't listen.” We reached the door in record time and exited it to be greeted by a lovely evening in the middle of August. The weather was warm enough to wear short dresses and enjoy long walks, but cool enough not to drown in your own sweat. The clock showed after nine, and it was dark outside, with only lampposts on the street of the campus to light the way toward the main entrance.

  “I didn't want to bother him with it.”

  Aaron gave an exasperated sigh. “Seriously, Rosa? You could have told him we have finals coming up in a week, so we need to study together. Now he’s going to kill me.” He adjusted the eyeglasses he wore, because he was out of contacts today. “And rightfully so.” We quickened our steps with each of his words, hoping to arrive in time for him to leave before Dominic showed up here.

  Aaron pretty much stuck like glue to me from our first class together, and insisted on providing orientation for me. He had a group of friends, and he sort of adopted me into his family. He loved Star Wars, attended every comic con in close vicinity, and believed in world peace. Aaron was from Kentucky, where his girlfriend, Sylvie, waited for him to get his degree so they could live their happily ever after together.

  Oh, and one more thing about Aaron? Dominic had no clue I had a male friend, or that for the last two weeks, we had studied together for biology and psychology.

  “You are just a coward.”

  He gave a look, which said, “You think,” and mused, “Um, have you seen that man of yours? I don’t freaking know who wouldn't be afraid of a mafia don!”

  “Pakhan,” I instantly corrected, but he only shrugged.

  “Same shit.”

  The nerd in me wouldn't shut up. “Well, actually—”

  “Good evening, krasavica.” We both stopped, probably having a deer-caught-in-headlights expression, as Dominic leaned back on his car, while Vitya and Vlad stood by, along with Lorenzo as he sipped his coffee.

  “So fucking dead,” Aaron muttered, then cleared his throat and extended his hand to Dom for a shake. “Hey, nice to meet you, man.” Dom looked at the gesture, then at me, and then finally returned the handshake, and by the way Aaron winced, Dom made sure he felt it. “Aaron,” he added, snatching his hand back and shaking it a bit to get blood circulation back into the whitened skin.

  “Dominic.” His voice actually stayed calm, and his blank expression gave nothing away. But it didn't escape my notice how his amber pools darkened, indicating the actual depth of emotion.

  Aaron shifted from foot to foot, lifted the backpack on his shoulder higher, and addressed me. “So, Rosa, same time tomorrow?”

  Oh, he would get it from me tomorrow. He purposely worded it like that, so I’d have to explain to Dominic this arrangement. As a guy, he believed my boyfriend, even though I told him he wasn't my boyfriend, should know if his girlfriend hung out with other guys, even if it was completely innocent.

  Licking my dry lips, I replied shakily, not liking the attention of all men focused on me, “Sure.”

  Aaron clenched his hand in a fist and raised it to me, and I did the same as our knuckles hit each other. “Bye, doll.” With that, he went in the direction of the metro, as I stood with a very pissed-off male, while Vitya, Vlad, and Lorenzo didn't hide the fact they watched us closely, expecting drama to unfold.

  Was that money they exchanged secretly while murmuring something? Just what were they betting on?

  “Dominic—” I started, but he didn't let me finish.

  “Rosa, it’s okay.” He smiled, but it didn't reach his eyes. I had a major feeling I screwed up big time, when things between us had just started to move in the right direction.

  For the last month, he did nothing but woo me with an elegance and class I hadn't expected from a man like him. Dinners, Broadway shows, trips to the zoo, concerts of classic and rock music, museums, picnics. Each day, he always had something interesting planned for us to do. We explored the city together, allowing me to enjoy the freedom I didn't have before. He never crossed the line, giving me a kiss here and there, but otherwise, he wooed me like a princess, and I couldn't have asked for a better… well, knight in shining armor.

  Dad was actually surprised by all those romantic displays of affection and relaxed a bit. Dominic was present three days a week, with the other four in Russia, where he had business to handle. But on those days, he always called.

  Overall, everything was going great, and he would have been fine with my explanation of Aaron. Dominic proved to me he was not a ‘wild or possessive to the core primitive man’ who would go all caveman on me.

  Yet you went and purposely antagonized him.

  Although I wouldn't admit it to anyone else, deep down, somehow I ended up disappointed with that perfect guy who was so understanding about everything.

  “Are you feeling all right?” he asked, opening the car door for me, as we had a dinner planned. That was one of the reasons I changed into a pink summer dress and high heels in the university bathroom and left my hair to hang loose. “Are you too tired and want to go home?” he scooted inside, instructed Vlad to go to the jazz place we’d visited before, where they had to-die-for steaks, and then focused his attention on me. His eyes flashed something, but it passed so fast I couldn't name it.

  “No, I wanna eat.” Even though just the idea of food brought up nausea inside me, I still eagerly nodded for his sake. He looked to the side, studying the nightlife of New York while I could practically feel the electrifying tension in the car sweeping over us, sucking up the air we needed to breathe.

  Noticing his hand on the leather seat close to me, I placed mine over it, and instant calmness washed over me from the touch of his skin, but it turned into dread when he did nothing.

  Absolutely nothing!

  No words, no touching me back, nothing.


  I had to fix this, but the car stopped abruptly, as he muttered, “We are here. Come on.”

  Did I just ruin my relationship with him?

  So much for wanting to keep him from being the perfect guy for you. Way to go, Rosa!


  Wanting a woman proved to be a fucking hard task, especially when you had to hide your true nature from her. My insides burned from the desire to throw her over my shoulder, bring her back to my penthouse, chain her to my mattress, and finally, claim her as mine. The cross on my neck unsettled me. It should be placed back on her graceful neck, but she refused to have it. Maybe then, she’d know to tell me in advance if she decided to spend additional time with some university guy.


  She was mine, from the top of her head to her pink-colored toes, but she seemed to forget the fact, and I wasn't sure how long I would be able to pretend.

  The jazz bar we’d come to was one of my favorite places in New York, or the States for that matter. The café had two floors, with a round stage right in the middle, where talented musicians and singers performed every night, recreating famous band hits with their spin on them. Currently, they played all the hits by the legendary Beatles.

  Gold, black, and red dominated the colors as the furniture consisted of round, wooden tables with two chairs closer to the stage and several closed booths in various corners. They were hidden by golden chiffon curtains and created an aura of privacy and intimacy.

  The staff wore rather extravagant clothes, as they recreated the twenties look, with waitresses pinning their hair up with clips, while wearing flapper dresses and lacy gloves. Men, on the other hand, wore pants, leather shoes, hats, and T-shirts with vests. The AC ran constantly in here, proving to be a comfortable workplace for the people. The lights were subdued, darkening the majority of the café with only lamps provided on tables, so the whole focus was on stage with bright lights for the stars to shine.

  Hostess Sonya greeted us with a wide smile, wearing a long dress with an open back and her hair loose. She was
a tall brunette with a slender figure who reminded me of the model Claudia Schiffer I once saw in a magazine.

  “Mr. Konstantinov, glad to have you back,” she exclaimed happily, then shifted her focus to Rosa and her blue eyes dimmed a bit. “You too, Ms. Rosa.” She nodded and then walked us to our booth, left the menu on the table as we sat, and added, “Your server will be here in few short minutes.” With that, she shoved the curtain back, leaving us alone as “Let It Be” started, and Rose closed her eyes. It was one of her favorite songs.

  “I’m sorry about Aaron,” she suddenly said, surprising us both, but then her cheeks heated up. “It just seemed so insignificant.”

  Studying the menu, I asked without raising my eyes at her, “So you don’t see anything significant in letting me know you are staying longer at the college with one of your classmates?” The rustling sound of her sliding on the booth, then shifting closer to me as her breath washed over me like a wave, created instant longing.

  “We have a final exam coming up in a week. So we decided to study together.” Since I still refused to look at her for fear of flipping this table over—apparently, in this month, we’d made no fucking progress in her trusting me further—she placed her hand on my cheek and turned my head to face her as our eyes clashed. Hers annoyed and mine unreadable. “Could you just react to this? Shout, scream, or…” She didn't finish. Her skin flushed, and then she leaned back, but it was too late for me. She had already let the cat out of the bag.

  “What kind of reaction do you want, krasavica?”

  Her breath hitched as her lips parted, my body leaning in to hers, when we were interrupted by Sonya, who grinned brightly at me. With the rate she was going, I would need sunglasses by the end of the night.

  “Dominic, would you like to personally choose a wine from our vineyard collection? We rarely give access to guests, but since you are our VIP client, we can make an exception for you.” Rosa gritted her teeth. She repeatedly pointed out the woman kept on making a move on me, but I just brushed it off. Who the fuck cared if a woman wanted me, if I only ever wanted Rosa?


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