Zorvak's Rescue: Compatibles

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Zorvak's Rescue: Compatibles Page 10

by Hannah Davenport

  He smiled and shook his head as though the entire display amused him. I could feel that it did.

  Let’s go! I headed out in front of him. We were getting father from the fight club and soon, we could move to the main street.

  Female, it is not in me to follow.

  I stopped, threw my hands in the air before letting them hit my thighs. It’s Cami, and fine. Take me to Munic’s house. My now crossed arms and pursed lips only added to the effect. Hopefully.

  I waited.

  And waited.

  Fine, you lead the way, but I refuse to walk behind you.

  I started walking, and this time, he walked beside me. My behavior was erratic, but if I let myself think about what happened, I’d break down and cry. When I saw them leering at me--- and there were so many--- all I could picture was a brutal gang rape. I used anger--- humor--- anything at my disposal not to picture those images in my head.

  A few more alleys, and as much as I wanted to be brave, I found myself letting Zorvak turn the corners first.

  Now we can head to the main area.

  There were no voices, no sounds of footsteps, and I could picture in my mind exactly where we were. We turned, and when we stepped out of the now very dark alley, I recognized the area. I was right!

  About ten minutes later, I smiled when Munic and Oddle’s little cottage came into view. There it is! We made it!

  I tore off running toward the front door, anxious to see my friends. They must have been watching. The door flew open before I could knock.

  “Cami!” Munic and Oddle both hugged me. I was officially a Jell-O sandwich. I snickered with relief.

  When they stepped back, I grinned. “Hi Munic, hi Oddle.” They would never know just how happy seeing them made me.

  Zorvak filled the entire entrance, causing my friends to take a step back as their wide eyes stared at him. At somewhere around six-feet-six, and two eighty-five, his entrance certainly demanded attention.

  “Munic, Oddle, I’d like for you to meet Zorvak.” Looking at Zorvak, I continued. “This is Munic and Oddle, the ones I told you about.”

  Everyone stared silently until Zorvak inclined his head. “It is a pleasure to meet you both.”

  “Where are my manners. Come in. The two of you must be starving.” Oddle waved us to some chairs before she hurried from the room.

  Now you’ve done it.


  She went after the soup. For you it may be alright, but I have had that soup every day since crashing here. In fact, I haven’t had anything else. That’s reason enough to leave this planet.

  When we get to Ulaya, I will feed you some real food.

  I froze. Did he just say he wanted me with him? To stay on Ulaya?

  Cami? I feel your confusion. What’s wrong?

  You want me to stay with you on Ulaya?


  More silence.

  “Come. Come. I have your soup ready.” Oddle ushered us to the small kitchen where two bowls of steaming yellow soup waited in front of empty chairs. I slid into one and almost laughed when Zorvak tried to squeeze into the other.

  “Here, trade with me. This one doesn’t have arms.”

  He slid into my now empty chair while I sat down in his. He cupped his bowl, and as I bit my lower lip in anticipation, I couldn’t look away. I stared at the bowl as he slowly lifted it to his lips. Just before it reached his mouth… it stopped. I stared. I waited, my eyes never leaving the bowl until I finally lifted them to his smiling face. He was staring at me.

  “Oh, come on!” I laughed at being caught.

  You need to hide your feelings better. Or should I say, your excitement.

  He swallowed the soup, kept his features neutral, and cursed inside my mind. What is this blasted stuff? It tastes worse than muddy water trampled by a Giopa.

  I laughed. How could I not with that vivid description? I just thought it finished with a bitter aftertaste, and, I’d had way too much of it. A what?

  Gi-opa. A large beast we hunt for sport.

  “When you two finish, meet us in the main room.”

  I glanced at Munic, nodded slightly and smiled as I sipped my soup. It wasn’t tasty, but my hunger pains disappeared.

  He is always no-nonsense?

  Always. They are great people, but very to the point.

  He is different than the other Jaurians I have met.

  Good or bad?

  Neither. Just different. Hmm…I can’t believe this small bowl has taken away my hunger pains. I feel full now.

  I know, it’s amazing. If only it would taste better.

  The last swallow of soup slid down my throat just as Zorvak set his empty bowl on the table. He stood, then reached his hand out to me. I hesitated. He seemed hot and cold and I wasn’t sure I liked that very much. I finally placed my hand in his, letting him lead me to the main sitting area where Munic and Oddle waited.



  Building Walls


  I could tell a difference in Cami. I could feel the difference in her. At some point, she had decided to protect herself. A small barrier had formed, and I knew it was my fault. She was beautiful, strange, different…fascinating. She was also a different species. Not knowing how she would be treated on Ulaya, I needed to tread carefully. How would the others feel knowing I bonded with someone not from our planet? Especially if I ruled. Roark and the others would respect my decision, that I had no doubt of.

  When she placed her hand in mine, I savored the feeling, the connection that happened every time I touched her. A strange, wonderful feeling that set my body on fire. If only there weren’t so many obstacles in the way. Getting her safely to the space station, getting home and finding the traitor or traitors. How could I do my duty if my attention was split? I wrapped my fingers around her small, delicate hand and pushed everything else to the side. In time, everything would work itself out.

  Taking a seat in the small area, Cami sat down beside me. She never offered to let go of my hand so I clutched hers a little tighter.

  “Do you have a plan?” A very serious Munic asked. The Jaurians were anxious, maybe excited.

  “Not exactly.” With my declaration, Munic and Oddle now looked… worried.

  “I can’t believe I haven’t asked this before now, but do you have family back home?”

  The interaction between Cami and Oddle fascinated me. Oddle looked at Cami with softened eyes and smiled. “We do. We have a daughter. She is all grown up and has a bond mate.”

  “A bond mate. Is that what everyone calls a husband or a wife?”

  “It is what you call the person you bond with. Munic is my bond mate.”

  “So, it is the same thing.”

  She looks at you like you are family.

  They feel like my family.

  Focusing my attention on Munic, I said, “Tonight, we will find a shuttlecraft and head to the space station. Once there we will procure a better ship and take you home, before heading to Ulaya.”

  Munic turned to Cami. “Where will you go?”

  She bit her lower lip. “I’m not…”

  “She will stay with me.” Cami’s head whipped around with my announcement. With all my doubts, I could not imagine letting her go with the Jaurians.

  I thought you didn’t want me to go with you.

  It will be difficult for you.

  What do you mean?

  I do not know how well my people will accept you.

  Like here? She gave me a scathing look and I could see her point. Will they try and kill me? Use me as a sex slave?

  Of course not!

  She searched my face, looking for something. What, I didn’t know until she said, I am slowly coming to terms with the fact I can’t go home. I’ve never felt so connected to anyone like I do you. But if you are unsure, I will go with Munic and Oddle. Decide.

  “Of course, she will stay with you. You are Compatibles. Destined bond mate
s, and there is nothing you can do to change that,” Munic said in a no-nonsense voice. Almost as if it was a stupid question to begin with. “You two just had a private conversation and no other male or female will tolerate that type of intimacy if you try to choose another.”

  He was right. I made my decision when I bonded with her--- sight unseen--- at the fight club.

  He is right. You are beautiful, strange, fascinating. I am lucky to have found someone such as you. You come with me.

  If you’re sure…

  I am.

  “If we are leaving at dark, there is a lot of work to be done,” Oddle said. “Cami, we need to get you another cloak.”

  Turning toward me, Munic said, “I will get you the schematics of the space station.” Looking at Cami, he said, “I need to speak with you in private.”


  Cami lay with her head on my shoulder, her soft breath teasing my neck. I couldn’t sleep. It wouldn’t be long until nightfall, and then everything would happen fast. This time tomorrow, I’d be on my way to Ulaya with… I glanced down at Cami. Bond mate. I knew Munic was right. The fates had decided she was compatible with me, and they were right. I let her silky hair slide through my fingers. She was an enigma. I still did not understand how she fired the incinerator, which would come in handy tonight. Tightening my arm around her, my eyes finally closed.


  “Wake up.” A deep, soft voice whispered before brushing a kiss on my forehead.

  My eyes fluttered open. “What time is it?”

  I pushed up, freeing Zorvak from underneath me. After walking all night, then staying up half the day, I crashed as soon as my head hit the pillow. Well, Zorvak’s shoulder.

  I felt better. I now had a little sleep, Zorvak wants me to go with him, and Munic uploaded a ton of information about Ulaya onto my NI to better prepare me for life there. Now that I understood the common language, everything was simple.

  “It is almost time to go.” I glanced at the window and noted the soft red glare. A scene I’d seen over and over. It wouldn’t be long until dark.

  “I’m sure Oddle has prepared us a bowl of soup to feed us before we leave.”

  “I would rather starve…I think.”

  I slapped his chest playfully and smiled. “You need to eat. Besides, you don’t want to hurt her feelings.”

  I stood, then grabbed the new cloak Oddle had made for me. She had also made Zorvak some black short pants that came just below his knees. My eyes roamed his muscled body, but every time I saw the pants, my lips twitched. I tried not to laugh.

  “You are staring again.”

  I can’t help it. Those pants look ridiculous.

  I do not think Oddle liked me walking around in a loincloth.

  Maybe Munic was the one who didn’t like it.

  He inclined his head in agreement while I slid the cloak on. Flipping my hair out of the collar, I grabbed a piece of cloth and tied it back at the nape.

  “Ready,” I proclaimed. He held his hand out; I smiled and then placed mine in his.

  We found Munic and Oddle in the kitchen, and yep, the soup was waiting. With any luck, this would be the last time I had to eat it. One day, it would be a distant memory to laugh about.

  With my stomach full, I looked around before turning my gaze to the two of them. “Are you not taking anything with you?”

  They glanced around, their eyes touching on various objects. Munic shook his head. “No. This is how we got by, not how we once lived.”

  “Alright. Let’s go.” With the whip in his hand, Zorvak led the way. I followed with my hand gripping the gun in my pocket.

  Hiding in the hooded shadows of my cloak, we stayed on the main path. It was just as before when I made the trek, but now I felt safer behind Zorvak.

  Adrenaline flooded my body when we neared the fight club. Memories of the Humchin grabbing me--- touching me--- an involuntary shiver ran down my arms.

  Are you ready?

  Are you kidding? I’ve been ready since crashing here!

  Up ahead, there is a shuttlecraft with two guards. I’ll disable them while you get the Jaurians into the shuttle.

  How can you see them? I strained my eyes, hoping to catch a glimpse of the guards. After a few minutes, they finally came into view. From this distance, they looked purplish, with grates for mouths. I gaped; I couldn’t help it. Never had I imagined anyone like them before. How did they eat? What did they eat? With a quick shake of my head, I quickly pushed all thoughts aside and concentrated on the task at hand. This was it.

  Not wanting to come at them straight on, Zorvak veered to the right. I could only see flashes of movements, hear grunts from the fight. I stepped closer, more images coming into view. The two of them circled Zorvak. He stood motionless, as if waiting on something. When one lunged, he stepped to the side and caught the guard in the side of his head with his elbow. One down, one to go. The last one lunged. Zorvak’s huge hand caught him around the throat and squeezed until the guard lost consciousness.

  Let’s go!

  I waved Munic and Oddle forward as we neared the shuttle. The guards lay unmoving on the ground. Did you kill them?

  No. They will be fine.

  Quickly climbing the steps, I headed for the pilot’s chair. It was different than what I was used to, but an air of relief washed over me as I slid into the chair. Gently gliding my hand over the controls, I smiled at the familiar feeling. One I hadn’t felt for far too long.

  With the loud clank of the hatch door, Zorvak yelled, “Let’s go.” He slid into the chair beside me.

  The power lit the controls with just a thought as I now had a new understanding of my NI.

  “How did you do that?” Zorvak asked as we lifted off. “You are not even touching the controls.”

  “On Earth, we had advanced technology. To better help me pilot the ship, Earth’s government placed a NI right here.” I pointed to my right temple.


  “Neuro-ocular Implant. It is constantly learning, and so am I. When they captured me at the fight club, something happened. Instead of a piece of equipment, my NI became a part of me, an extension of myself.” I glanced outside and felt instant relief. We were free of that planet. “Give me the coordinates and I’ll program the shuttle.”

  “I got it,” he said as he manually programed our destination. “The incinerator?”

  I grinned. “My NI now actively searches for connections, so instantly I knew how to work the gun. I just tell it to fire.”

  “Amazing. We have advanced technology on Ulaya, and we have experimented some but have not been successful.”

  It didn’t take long until a large oblong hunk of metal came into view. It was obviously a space station with ships docked all the way around it. I tilted my head to the side as I studied it with fascination. It wasn’t new; it looked more like a rusted hunk of metal that was frequently used.

  “There it is.”

  “And we will steal a larger ship?”

  “Yes. This will be much more dangerous.”

  “Why is that?” I couldn’t imagine anything more dangerous than the planet we just escaped from.

  “By now the shuttlecraft has been reported stolen. We are not getting permission to dock so the guards will converge on us quickly. Go tell your friends that we have to hurry as soon as we land.”

  “Okay.” I headed toward Munic and Oddle, who sat near the back, and relayed the message. Oddle looked worried, but Munic appeared as stoic as ever.

  They are aware that we must hurry.

  We are landing.

  I hurried back to my seat to get a better view. Zorvak controlled the shuttle since I had no idea where to land. He set it down quick and hard and hurried out of his seat. “Let’s go!” He threw open the hatch door, descended the steps and waited for the rest of us to follow. Munic and Oddle moved quicker than I thought possible.

  We had landed on an abandoned part of the station. The smell of stale air couple
d with various holes in the metal, steam coming from broken pipes - it looked unsafe.

  Why did you land us here? I asked as we put as much distance as possible between us and the stolen craft.

  It will take the guards longer to reach us.

  And give us more time to get away?


  We raced down the narrow corridor, metal walls lined on both sides, turning one corner after another trying to get to the crowded part of the station. Munic and Oddle kept up better than I thought they could.

  The guards are close.

  What do we do? My heart pounded when I heard boots pounding metal.

  Zorvak abruptly stopped, halting everyone’s steps, then looked one way, then the other. In here.

  He ushered us into a small storage closet, the size of a bathroom. The smell of chemicals mingled with mold tickled my nose. We stood silently as the four of us crowded together. The sounds grew, the fear of getting caught made my legs tremble slightly until the sounds grew faint.

  Are they gone?

  Almost. When everything was silent, Zorvak whispered, “Let’s go.”

  I cringed when the door groaned as it opened. Zorvak stepped out first, his broad shoulders filling the entrance and blocking the view. Before I could follow, a high-pitched noise filled the air.

  A grunt of pain.

  Zorvak fell to the floor, face first.

  A half scream caught in my throat. Panic flooded the air when I saw the Humchin standing in the doorway, a gun now pointed at me.

  Memories of before flashed through my mind. Them touching me. The sex slave market. Talk of selling me to make a lot of money.


  Without thinking, I automatically pulled the gun and pointed it at him.

  He grinned, sharp spindle teeth flashed, sending shivers down my spine. “That will not work for you.”

  Want to bet? I ordered the gun to fire! I watched his eyes widen in fear when the gun hummed to life. Within seconds, a pile of ash lay where he once stood.

  Glancing down the walkway, no others waited, nor did I hear anyone coming. We still had to hurry. With teary eyes, I prayed he’d be okay. It didn’t look good. My chin quivered as I dropped to my knees, placed a hand on Zorvak’s back and gave him a little shake. “Zorvak?” Nothing. Zorvak, please wake up. Please don’t be dead! With adrenaline-strength, I laid the gun to his side and rolled him over in one swift movement. His eyes were closed, his mouth slack. Oh, God!


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