Hunting Nora Stone

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Hunting Nora Stone Page 22

by Colin Weldon

  The tension in the car was high. Holt broke the silence first.

  “So Eddie, you knew this was going to happen? Nice job on the heads up,” Holt said sounding sarcastic.

  Eddie just looked in the rear view mirror and frowned.

  “Yeah, I figured what the hell, what’s the worst that could happen?” Eddie quipped back.

  He half expected Nora to shut them up but she stayed quiet, staring at Royo. Eddie knew then that Holt’s question was in fact to try and take her attention away from him, if only for a second. A simple redirect of her eye line to try and disrupt her thought process and make her focus on him. Eddie played along.

  “What was that thing?” Royo directed his question at Nora.

  There was something instantly likeable about this man. Something in his tone. A calm resolute manner that exuded both friendliness and authority.

  Nora stayed silent. Eddie glanced at her.

  “Well with Ms Stone’s permission?” he said.

  “Be my guest,” she replied.

  Eddie looked back a Royo through the rear view mirror.

  “Well, sir, that ‘thing’ that attacked the car was actually a US designed high tech robot. I was sent to hunt down Nora Stone here, who also has super powers. But, sir,” – he glanced at Nora again – “we may in the middle of something much larger than any of us have Intel on,”

  “A clandestine attempt to seize your position and insert a new regime of power,” Eddie said.

  “I have to speak to my National Security advisor,” Royo said sitting forward in his hair.

  Nora flicked her eyes over to Holt.

  “Todd, if you don’t stop inching your way up that seat, the inside of this beautifully upholstered car is going to get really messy,” she said.

  Eddie looked back at Royo.

  “Sir, would you consider granting Nora Stone full immunity? I believe she is our only chance here. And I don’t think she intends to kill you, or anyone.”

  Both Nora and Royo looked meaningfully at him.

  “Let’s just take a moment,” Royo said, “ and cool our heads. Ms Stone if your intent is to cause harm to US citizens than you understand that I will fight you with my last ounce of strength. It would appear however, that the man beside you believes that you are not the enemy. I don’t know what it happening here but I can assure you that I will do everything in my power to help you if you simply put down that weapon and talk to me,” said Royo.

  His calm and reassuring voice brought a sense of order to the situation. With her eyes trained on Eddie, Nora placed the weapon beside her, but kept her hand hovering over it.

  “Thank you. Now tell me about what is happening,” Royo said.

  “We’ll talk when we’re airborne,” she replied.

  “Airborne? You don’t actually think they’ll let us take off, do you?” Holt said matter-of-factly.

  “You know, I’m beginning to dislike you,” she said lifting her gun again and directing it at Holt’s head.

  Holt raised his hands.

  “I am only asking questions Nora, I am not your enemy here. All I want is to find a resolution that gets us all out alive that’s all. The longer this goes on, the likelihood of that happening becomes less and less, and you know that, you’re a soldier, yes? Well, you tell me then, how this ends?”

  “It ends, when I say it ends, hot shot. Another word out of you and I’ll put one in your arm,” she said.

  * * *

  “Report,” said Benjamin Wise into Abigail’s ear. She had ducked down an alley away from Hiran, who was currently waiting in the car.

  “Sir, I don’t really know what to do here, they’ve taken Tarsis and Eddie is now in a hostage situation with the president.”

  “Yes, I know that Abigail. I have eyes. I am clearing you and Hiran a path to the airport. Conrad has requested that you both join him on Air Force One. I’ve arranged for a weapon to be placed inside the cistern of the toilet next President’s office on board. You understand what you have to do,” Wise said.

  “Sir?” Abigail said, her hand starting to shake.

  “The only one armed will be Stone, the first glimpse of distraction, you take her out. One shot to the head,” Wise said.

  “Sir, I am not an assassin,” Abigail said, “I’m not trained for this.”

  “Abigail, you will have the full backing and support of this agency, it’s a legal kill. You are fully authorised to use lethal force. She’s kidnaped the fucking president,” Wise replied.

  “Abigail we need to go!” came Hiran’s voice from down the street.

  Abigail looked back.

  She paused. “What about Conrad?”

  “Don’t worry about him. You know what’s at stake here. Now I am giving you a direct order; you disobey it and you face the consequences,” Wide said sternly. “Do not fail me Abigail.”

  With that, the line went dead. Abigail began walking back to the car.


  Eddie looked up at Air Force One and across at the blue flashing lights of the police and army vehicles reflecting off its highly polished blue and white paint. The reality of what was happening began to hit him. They had been allowed to pass the guarded fences and check points and were currently parked right in front of one of the two twin engines of the left wing of the plane. It certainly qualified as surreal. He saw far too many itchy trigger fingers surrounding the car right now and was starting to think that getting into the air would be a beneficial tactic for everyone involved. He switched the engine off. Nora Stone was looking out through the window, assessing her options.

  “Ok, now what?” Eddie said.

  Nora looked at Royo.

  “I want you to clear all, and I mean all personnel from the aircraft, bar the pilots. And tell them to disarm themselves. If I find anyone hiding in the galley, anyone in the closet, any tac team they’ve placed anywhere in the airframe in some silly attempt at growing a brain then we all go down. Harold, please don’t think for a second that I don’t know every single tactic that the secret service have,” she said before turning to Holt, “your job is to make sure that aircraft is completely clear. If it’s not you will be held personally responsible for killing the president of the United States. Am I clear?”

  Holt didn’t answer. He just glared at her.

  “We’re clear Nora. I need to speak to the White House to arrange that,” Royo said.

  Nora nodded and Royo picked up the car phone in his cabin and hit the small blue key that connected him directly with the situation room.

  “Be very VERY careful about you are about to say,” Nora said repositioning herself and gripping the gun.

  “This is the president,” he said, “Yes, General I am in good health. Now listen to me carefully. Air Force One must be cleared of all, I repeat all, personnel except the pilots. No tac teams. This is a direct order. Failure to comply will mean my untimely demise.”

  Royo hung up. Eddie was impressed. Although he could not be entirely sure, it did not sound like Royo had given any coded message to the situation room. It was quick, no chit chat, no risk for misunderstanding. Royo looked at Nora. She nodded to him.

  It happened far more quickly than Eddie would have thought. First, the flight attendants left. They were all listed military officers. They walked out of the main hatch and down the steps. They were followed by a team of eight fully armed men in black body armour, the team of anti-terror combat personnel placed on board to try and counter the hostage threat. Eddie frowned. He was surprised at that. Threat or no threat there was no way that the military would have removed the assault team from the aircraft so easily. He did not like that. Not one bit. Eddie had only met General Hammond once in his professional career and he certainly did not come across as someone who would expose a high level target like this without a fight. It meant that they ha
d another plan. A plan that involved letting them take off. A plan that would isolate them in the air. Air Force One was a big target. Eddie began to get nervous. He looked at Nora and figured that she knew that as well.

  The staff continued to walk down the gangway in single file. It was just over twenty people in all. Eddie looked around at the fleet of cars that was surrounding them. Behind every one was a group of soldiers with rifles all pointed at the car. It was at this moment that Eddie regretted taking this assignment. There were definitely easier ways to make money. Out of the corner of his eye he suddenly saw Abigail and Hiran standing next to a black SUV. There was a look of complete confusion on both their faces.

  “We go together, nice and slow just in case you’re thinking of doing anything stupid…” Nora said, removing something from her armoured vest. It was a grenade. Eddie watched as she pulled the pin on it with her teeth and spat it onto the seat.

  “You might want to hold onto that,” she said to Eddie.

  Eddie, realising there was not much choice in the matter, took the pin and palmed it, choosing not to put it in his pocket in case he needed to get it back in the grenade quickly. He knew there was little hope of that if she dropped it but he would die trying.

  “We step out all together, slowly. Mr President you will stand directly in front of me. We’re going to get very close, you and I, for the next few minutes,” Nora said.

  Royo simply nodded.

  “Well well, if it isn’t Dr Carroll,” Nora said pointing

  Eddie looked out the window and saw Abigail and Hiran. He tried the window, which unrolled about two inches from the top and stopped. That was as far as these windows went.

  “Hiran! Abigail! Get into the plane now!” he shouted at them.

  He looked over and began frantically pointing them towards the ladder. Hiran looked at the plane, horrified.

  “What?” he shouted back.

  “Hiran, just do it, move your ass!” Eddie shouted.

  It was Abigail who led the way. Hiran hesitated but reluctantly followed suit, stumbling over his own feet. He was carrying a small satchel, which he flicked onto his back as they made their way over to the plane. The soldiers on the ground seemed to tense up, expecting the four in the car to exit at any moment. Eddie wondered whether or not they would just shoot them all down to protect the president and call it an accident. There was no media here. No helicopters other than the apache gun ships orbiting the airport, watching, waiting for an opportunity to strike.

  “On the count of five, gentlemen, I am watching you very carefully. Mr Holt, do not piss me off,” Nora said shaking the grenade in his face, “Mr President, I want you to open your door and walk with your back to the car over to my door and stand there.”

  Exactly five seconds later they were standing on the tarmac.

  * * *

  White House Situation Room

  “We should take a shot,” said Hammond looking over at Heller. He ignored the General and continued to look at the satellite imagery which now showed Nora Stone tucked very tightly in behind the President while both crept backwards up the steps of Air Force One. A semi circular ring of soldiers taking slow and steady steps towards them.

  “No, it’s too dangerous,” Heller said.

  “I agree,” said Kroch, “let them get on the plane.”

  “They take off and we’re in a world of shit,” Hammond said.

  “Perhaps, perhaps not,” replied Wise, breaking his silence of the last half hour or so.

  The phone in front of Wise suddenly began to ring. Each member of staff at the table had their own direct line and there were calls coming in constantly so that by itself was not unusual. It was Wise’s reaction to the phone that got Heller’s attention. Wise looked at the phone like he was expecting the death of a family member. His pallor turned a sickly shade of grey and Heller thought he saw his hand shake. Wise lowered his arm with reluctance and picked up the receiver. He watched as Wise listened intently to whomever was on the other line. The rest of the table continued to watch the bizarre unfolding of what was happening in France. Wise said nothing, he just listened, then, without saying a word he hung up the phone and looked at Heller.

  “Mr Vice President, may I speak to you in private?” Wise asked with what sounds like a lump in his throat.

  “Eh, hell of a time to take the VP away from this situation, Wise, are you kidding me?” said a genuinely surprised Wilbert Kroch.

  Wise ignored him.

  “One minute Mr Vice President, that’s all,” Wise said holding up his hands.

  Heller looked back at the screen. Nora Stone and the president had disappeared inside the plane. He looked back at Wise and nodded.

  The pair made their way out of the situation room and walked down a corridor stopping at the foot of a curving staircase that went all the way back up the main working areas of the West Wing. Wise looked around to make sure they were alone, then spoke.

  “Shoot them down.”.

  “What – are you crazy?” Heller replied horrified.

  “Listen to me, you don’t shoot that that plane down, you’ll not only be responsible for the world watching as that lunatic flies the most powerful airborne symbol in the air the world has ever known into a building, but you’ll also be responsible for showing every rogue state how weak and defenceless this country is. It would be a prelude to a first strike. You’ll be deemed incompetent and your political career, not to mention your personal life, will be over,” Wise said boring a hole into Heller with his eyes.

  “That’s the second time you’ve threatened me, Mr Wise,” Heller said recalling their unpleasant conversation before the election.

  “Grow up,” Wise replied raising his voice to just above a whisper, “you wanted the big boy seat, well now you’re about to get it, handed to you on a fucking silver plate. The office is more than just a man. You know that. We are talking about the sovereignty of our nation. We’ve grown weak.”

  “Who did you just take a phone call from?” Heller responded.

  “Forces more powerful than you or I,” Wise replied. “Royo has shut down the Augment program, know what that means? An investigation. Media attention, delays, leaks. We are at war sir. Now, I can’t order you do to do this. I am only informing you that if you do not, the consequences to this country and to you and me personally will be swift and final. You have daughters. You think this stops with you?”

  Heller froze. Wise had just threatened to kill his family. He fought an urge to grab the man and strangle him then and there. His little girls’ smiling faces flooded into his mind. He shook with rage but pushed it down into this gut. He was about to respond when Wise turned away and began walking back to the situation room. Heller took a moment to look around the empty hallway. His head felt light. He fought the tremendous sadness that was crushing his soul. He took a deep breath, straightened his tie and made the long walk back to hell.

  Air Force One

  “Close the hatch please, Mr Holt, will you?” Nora said as they stood inside the plane.

  Eddie was standing next to Holt at the door. He looked behind her and saw Abigail and Hiran sitting on two large chairs against the interior wall. Holt turned and grabbed the exterior door, swinging it shut and locking it. Nora held Royo close to her body.

  “Now, get yourselves comfortable over there please,” she said pointing to the row of seats inside a sectioned-off conference room. Eddie looked at Holt but obeyed, making sure his movements were as smooth and unthreatening as possible.

  “You too, team. Hello Dr, by the way. It’s been a long time, we’ll catch up in a while, but for right now, do as I ask please,” said Nora to Abigail.

  The group quietly made their way into the conference room. They each took a seat around the table. Eddie pulled out one of black leather chairs, never taking his eyes off Nora, who followed them inside the
room. She pushed Royo away from her and pointed to the end of the table. He walked around and sat down. Eddie noted that he looked a lot paler than he had done a few minutes earlier and tried to imagine what it would be like to be the leader of the free world in this situation. Eddie turned his attention to Nora’s hand, the one with the grenade in it.

  “You can give me the pin now, Eddie,” she said catching his eye.

  He had forgotten that his hand was still clenched, holding the small piece of metal. He opened his hand and threw it towards her. She caught it with the same hand that was holding the gun and pressed it back into the grenade, placing the device inside her combat jacket pocket.

  “Now, Harold, if you wouldn’t mind calling the flight deck and instructing them to take off. Also please advise them I will be monitoring all communications on and off this plane. I know all the codes, so tell them to shut up and just fly the plane. Do that now,” she said pointing the gun back at Royo.

  Royo responded by putting his hands up.

  “Before I do, I want your assurances that you are not going to attempt to use this plane against any land-based targets. You give me that assurance than we’ll take off. If not, than you can go right ahead and pull that trigger,” Royo said looking steadily at her.

  Eddie had to admit that the conviction of his statement was impressive. Nora smiled.

  “I am not a terrorist Mr President. I am just a seriously pissed off mother. You have my word that I am not trying to cause another 9/11,” she said cocking a half smile.

  Eddie looked at Royo, who hesitated for a moment before picking up one of the four phones that was on the desk.

  “Colonel, this is the president. I want you to take off, right now. Is that understood?” he said.

  There was a pause.

  “Yes Colonel, thank you. I will talk to you again shortly,” he put down the phone.

  Eddie felt a slight rumble under his feet as he heard the engines beginning to warm up.


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