Oak, Sophie - Siren Enslaved [Texas Sirens 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Oak, Sophie - Siren Enslaved [Texas Sirens 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 18

by Sophie Oak

  “I know.” She didn’t need that. She needed him. She needed to be precious.

  His lips curled up as he looked down at her. “What do you think we should use on poor Finn’s backside today, little one?”

  It was deliciously decadent, like choosing a treat for a friend. It was, in a way. Finn would enjoy it. She let her hand rub along the array of tools laid out in precise order. Paddles and floggers and whips, oh, my! The leather tassels of the flogger caught her eye. She picked it up, testing the weight in her palm before handing it to Julian.

  “Is that the one?” Julian asked, taking it from her.

  Dani nodded and stared down at Finn. He looked so perfect hunched over the whipping bench, his spine perfectly curved in submission. His muscled ass stuck out as though waiting, pleading for attention.

  “He’s beautiful, isn’t he?” Julian’s whisper caressed her skin.

  “Yes.” This was what did it for Julian, Dani realized. This was the very reason he was a Dom. The trust Finn was showing him was a lovely thing.

  “How many should we give him? He did misbehave.”

  “Twenty,” Dani decided and was more than rewarded with the low groan that came from Finn.

  “Twenty it is then,” Julian replied. He reached down and placed a hand on Finn’s back. “Danielle, I believe we’ll need a bit more than just the flogger. It’s twenty for disobeying, but I think a little torture is in order as well. We’re going to need some lubricant.”

  Dani giggled as Finn swore. It looked like it would be an interesting afternoon.

  * * * *

  Finn relaxed as the flogger hit his ass. It was odd, but the pain seemed to fill some need in him long neglected. The flogger’s little whips screamed along his skin, lashing fire on his nerves and leaving him strangely sensitized. He gripped the handles of the chair so he didn’t slip down. He counted as the flogger struck. One, two, three. The pain was king at first, but as it continued a lovely heat built, blocking the worst of the agony. Four, five, six, seven, and eight. Endurance was the key. It was a game. How much could he take? Finn was surprised that he put great pride on how much pain he could handle. Nine, ten, eleven, twelve, and thirteen. A sweet, floaty feeling invaded his veins. He forced himself to focus, to get the count out of his mouth. He’d rather just float here in this nice little cloud, but Julian would be disappointed.

  The blows came quickly and without mercy. Finn counted to twenty. When the flogger stopped, it took everything he had not to beg for more.

  “Up, Finn. You’re to place yourself on the ottoman and allow Danielle to bind your hands.”

  On shaky legs, Finn managed to get up and out of the whipping chair. Dani was already standing at the upholstered ottoman. He noticed now that it had handcuffs attached. Where did these guys get their furniture? He had a sudden desire to see Julian’s club. Lucas had asked him to come several times, and Finn had always turned him down. He’d been too afraid to go down a path that seemed so dark. Now he realized it was only dark if he made it that way. What might have happened if he’d gone with Lucas and Lexi? Would he have been introduced to Julian?

  As he knelt down and felt Dani’s soft hands work the cuffs around his wrists, he let the thought go. It happened as it should have happened. If he had gone to the club with Lucas, he would have rejected it. He hadn’t been ready to face himself. It’d taken Dani to get him to open up and accept himself for what he was.

  A queer who couldn’t be happy without one woman in his life.

  A pervert who needed a Dom to spank him to feel complete.

  “You’re smiling, Finn. What is that about?” Julian stood looking down at him, his dark hair a waterfall around his face. He was the epitome of alpha male. Finn’s cock hardened as he thought about the bottle of lube in Julian’s hands. Fuck, he wanted that. Dani finished with his hands and went to stand beside Julian. They were so gorgeous to Finn.

  “I just figured out I’m a freak, Sir.”

  A single dark eyebrow arched, and Finn could tell he’d confused the Master. “I don’t know if I like that, Finn.”

  “I do, Sir. I think I finally get it. We’re all freaks, aren’t we? Maybe what we do is wrong for other people, but it’s right for us.”

  Dani grinned up at Julian, her blue eyes bright with mischief. Finn wondered when he’d last seen her so confident and vibrant. Maybe never. “I told you he could learn.”

  “And I doubted you, little one,” Julian practically purred back at her. “Perhaps we should see if Finn really believes what he’s saying.”

  Those silvery eyes turned back to Finn. From his position, he had to crane his neck up, but Finn could plainly see that the Master had other things on his mind. The pants he was wearing had tented, and Finn’s ass clenched at the thought of taking that monster deep.

  “Have you ever seen two men have sex, Danielle?” Julian asked as his hands found the fly of his pants.

  Dani’s face flushed. “Only on the Internet.”

  “Dani?” Finn was slightly shocked. “You searched for porn on the Internet?”

  She shrugged, obviously not willing to expend shame on it. “It’s the only way to get porn in Willow Fork. Even the video store here only carries PG-13 movies, and Harvey Mills frowns at you and shakes his head when you rent those.”

  Julian chuckled. He shoved his pants off his hips and handed them to Danielle. He leaned over and planted a kiss on her cheek. “I am going to have so much fun introducing you to the filthy civilized world. What do you say, Finn? Will Danielle like Dallas?”

  Now it was his heart that clenched. Dani would come home with him. He just knew she would. The only question was, where would she stay? Would she stay at Julian’s? Would he be the one left out? It didn’t matter for now. He pushed the thought aside. What mattered was making Dani happy and pleasing Julian.

  “I think we’ll have a lot of fun showing her the X-rated world, Sir.”

  A low growl came out of Julian’s throat, and Finn couldn’t keep his eyes off the enormous cock that sprung from Julian’s core. The man was a work of art. He was hard planes and perfect angles. Standing next to him was the softest, most heavenly bit of femininity Finn had ever seen. They were perfect together, and Finn had the sudden joyous suspicion he was going to be in the middle.

  “Get me hard, little one. We need to punish Finn for a bit.”

  Dani fell to her knees in that graceful way of hers. Her blonde hair hung past her shoulders, and he only got the briefest glimpse of her lips and tongue caressing the Master’s cock before Julian’s hands tangled in her hair. His eyes closed as he guided Dani. Finn watched as Dani took that massive cock into her mouth.

  “Yes, little one, that’s what I want. I want your mouth all over me before I ream Finn’s ass.”

  Finn bit his lip to keep from groaning out loud. His cock was hard as a rock. He was going to die if Julian didn’t fuck him and soon.

  Julian pulled out of Dani’s mouth. He raised her up and kissed her, treating her like fine china. Finn had noticed that about Julian. He treated Dani with perfect tenderness and care, as though he was trying to make up for years of neglect. Dani beamed under his affection. Then he turned his eyes to Finn. Finn shuddered at the savage lust he saw there. No tenderness for him, and he was past okay with it. He wanted Julian’s primal lust. He craved it.

  Julian broke off the kiss and strode out of sight. It was a mere second before Finn felt a hand on his back, smoothing down the line of his spine as Julian knelt behind him. It was a move Julian seemed to like. It made Finn feel like something fine and precious and worthy of praise. He shivered as he felt lube pouring down, sliding onto his anus.

  Julian’s fingers probed, massaging the lube into his ass. “Danielle, please kneel down beside Finn. Coat your hand in the lubricant, and then you’ll give him the hand job of a lifetime.”

  “I thought you were punishing me.” Finn couldn’t think of anything better. The two people he was crazy about would have their
hands all over him. And he was crazy about Julian. Julian scared him, but he couldn’t walk away. He had to know where this was going.

  “I am punishing you, Finn. You’re not allowed to come.”

  Now Finn didn’t even try to hold back his groan. Dani got on the floor beside him, her small hand cupping his balls. Fuck. He was never going to last. “You’re kidding. Please tell me you’re kidding.”

  Finn felt something far bigger than Julian’s fingers begin to breach his ass.

  “I am not. Come and there will be hell to pay, Finn.” Julian gripped his hips and started to penetrate Finn’s hole.

  Finn flattened his back and pushed out with the muscles of his sphincter. He gasped as Julian’s cock slid in. So fucking full. He had never been so full. His asshole felt like it would burst, but Julian just pressed in. He kept coming.

  “Tell her. Tell her what it feels like because I’m going to fuck her ass very soon.” Julian shoved in ruthlessly.

  “He’s so big. God, Dani, he’s going to tear me apart. And I’ll let him because it’s going to feel so fucking good.”

  “I can’t wait,” Dani whispered in his ear. Her hand slid up and gripped his cock like a familiar friend. She grasped the base and sloped upward. “I can’t wait to be between the two of you.”

  “I’m going to fuck that little ass of yours, Danielle. Finn is going to ram his cock into your pussy. You’re going to be full of your men. Now, do as your Master requests. Rub him. Make him come.”

  It was unfair. He couldn’t last. This really was torture. Finn tried to think of anything but the cock invading his ass and the hand running up and down his dick. Danielle was relentless. She stroked from the base of his cock to the tip where she brushed her thumb across his slit and then began the journey again. Every now and again she would cup his balls, running her finger along the perineum, making him shudder. She ran that dirty finger all the way to his anus, where she pressed in.

  “Bad girl, Danielle.” Julian sounded throaty. “Fuck, love, do it again.”

  Finn felt tears in his eyes as she pressed her finger alongside Julian’s cock. Damn. He wasn’t going to make it. Then Julian finally seated himself fully. Every inch of Finn’s ass was invaded and taken. Dani gripped his dick again and pulled just as Julian dragged his cock back out.

  Finn came, jets of cum flowing out of his cock across Dani’s hand.

  She pressed a kiss on his jaw. “You lose, baby.”

  Julian sighed and pulled out. “Get the paddle this time, little one. We’ll start again. I can do this all night, Finn.”

  Finn slumped down, unable to stop the smile that widened his lips. He could do this all night, too, and maybe, if he was lucky, he could do it for the rest of his life.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Julian came awake with a startled shout. It took him a moment to remember where he was. Sunlight. It was morning, and he wasn’t at home. He was in the guesthouse at Jackson’s ranch. He breathed deeply and sat up on the couch. His mouth was dry and his head pounding. It was always that way after he had the dream.

  God, when was it ever going to stop? He let his head fall to his hands as he breathed deeply and attempted to let go of the images that played in his brain. It was his own personal horror movie.

  Julian stood and stretched. It should be no big surprise that the dream was back. It came back with a vengeance any time he had to go to a hospital or felt like his life was veering out of control. When one of those things happened, images from the several years after his parents died played through his dreams. He saw the accident, though he didn’t remember it in his conscious brain. In his dreams, there was a flash of light and the scream of metal attacking metal. In the dream, he saw his parents’ blood flow, their bodies slumped over, never to rise again.

  He’d wandered the hospital like a small zombie, feet shuffling, seeking only one thing. He’d sought his mother. He didn’t call for her, simply walked the halls staring ahead, waiting for the sight of her, shivering in a hospital gown.

  Then he was dressed in a suit. It chafed his young body. His uncle looked down on him like he was a piece of dirt on an otherwise pristine floor. His uncle explained he would pay for his schooling and appoint someone to run the business that would pass to Julian, but he wouldn’t bring Julian into his home. He didn’t have time for a nephew.

  Julian hadn’t seen the man again until he’d handed over the reins of the business when Julian turned eighteen.

  It had been a series of nannies, some who tried, and some who beat the crap out of him when they realized no one cared.

  He’d been twelve when he finally fought back, shoving his abuser down the stairs, breaking her arm. Only the fact that she could get in trouble for what she’d done to him had kept her mouth shut. The next day Candice had shown up, but Julian had understood. He wasn’t lovable. People put up with him because he had money.

  Damn. Leo would have a field day with the thoughts that ran through his head. Julian looked down, and his hands were shaking.

  This was about the hospital, he decided. It had nothing to do with Danielle and Finn. They were simply good subs who would make perfect slaves. They needed him for now, and he would enjoy them, but even they were transitory.

  Still, his feet moved up the stairs almost of their own volition. He was slightly overwhelmed by the need to see them. He would look in on them, and maybe join them. It was for sex, of course. The sex was good for burning off memories better left forgotten. Besides, he’d promised Danielle she could be in the middle. He’d only shared slaves a couple of times before, and never his own. He would never have invited Jeremy to share Sally.

  Why did Jeremy come to his mind? He was better off forgotten. He’d proven to be troublesome and a criminal, and yet Julian had thought of him a lot since he’d come to the ranch. Finn was far more problematic than Jeremy. Jeremy had never talked back or questioned him, and yet Julian had tossed him out without a thought after he’d caught him breaking club rules on tape. Julian had watched as Jeremy slipped Lucas Cameron a roofie, and he’d calmly plotted to have him thrown out. He doubted he would have done the same with Finn.

  No, if he’d caught Finn, Finn would have paid. He would have been on his fucking knees. His backside would bleed, and he would have to spit out his safe word before Julian would stop. Then, and only then, would Julian allow him to beg for forgiveness. It would be a long time coming, but Julian knew he wouldn’t allow Finn to leave. And as for Danielle, well, Danielle would never do that. He trusted her. If he saw her on tape doing what Jeremy had done, he would have known there was a damn good reason for it.

  He stopped just before he made it to the bedroom door. He trusted Danielle. He trusted her deep in his bones, in a way he hadn’t trusted anyone except Candice and Jackson and Samuel.

  Was he in love with Danielle?

  Julian turned away from the door. He couldn’t look in on them. He strode down the stairs, found his clothes, and righted himself. When he looked smooth and calm, he walked to the main house. Coffee. He needed a bit of caffeine, and then he would be on the proper footing. Later, he would call Lucas and have him draw up a contract between himself, Danielle, and Finn.

  Yes, that was what he needed. A contract would place all the proper boundaries in place, and he would be back on an even keel.

  Julian slipped into the house and immediately heard laughter. It was the throaty laughter of a man, and it was coming from the dining room.

  “You seriously just jumped into Julian Lodge’s car and told him to drive?”

  Another laugh, this one light and frothy and feminine. Danielle. “Well, he didn’t exactly jump to do my bidding, Leo.”

  Julian’s fists clenched at his side. She sounded very flirty, his little sub. Yes. He needed a contract, one that allowed him to tear into her sweet ass when she flirted with other Doms.

  “I don’t doubt it for a moment, sweetheart. Julian prefers to give the orders, not take them. I should know. Now, if you had j
umped into my Jeep, things would have gone differently.”

  Julian strode through the door. Leo was sitting altogether too close to Julian’s property. His Dom in residence poured coffee into her mug, while he beamed at her in that all-American hero way of his. Jackson was right. Leo was an asshole.

  “It would have gone exactly the same way, Leo,” Julian said as he noted Finn was sitting at the end of the table staring a hole through Leo’s head. Finn sighed and seemed utterly relieved when Julian stepped into the room. Julian would have to train Finn to ward off potential poachers. He couldn’t be allowed to mope while some Dom attempted to charm Danielle away.

  Leo sat back in his chair. If he was intimidated, it didn’t show. He simply smiled up and looked too young for Julian’s comfort. “Good to see you, boss. I was just getting to know Dani, here. Lovely girl.”

  “Yes, she is. Danielle,” he commanded as he sat down.

  She stared at him for a moment, seemingly confused. “Yes?”

  “He wants you to sit in his lap,” Leo explained. “It’s his caveman-like way of telling me to keep my hands off you.”

  Danielle shook her head. “It isn’t like that, Julian. He was just being nice.”

  Such an innocent. He turned to Leo. “Were you just being nice, Leo?”

  “Hell, no. I was trying to figure out how fast I could get her tied up and sink my cock in her ass. I bet she’s a virgin there, Julian. She’s one gorgeous sub.”

  Danielle’s face went up in flames, and Finn stood.

  “You keep your hands off her!”

  Julian sighed. “Sit down, Finn. The time to beat the shit out of Leo has passed. We need to work on that. Don’t worry yourself too much, Finn. Once she’s properly collared, we need only worry about all the vanilla assholes who will hit on our woman. The Doms will back off.”

  Leo shrugged. “I thought I should give it a try before you collared her. She’s lovely, Julian.”

  He was only slightly placated by Leo’s appreciation for his sub. His lap was still empty. “Danielle?”


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